Category: finance
09/15/08 02:42 - 62ºF - ID#45689
I'm not panicking yet, but...

Lehman is being allowed to fail instead of bailed out, score one for moral hazard, and that won't affect individual Americans as much as if it were FRE/FNM, which actually are too big to fail.
Yet, the concerning part, I can't find any press or research on the actual market value of CDO's.

Also, there are still big lending institutions that have yet to go under but appear to be teetering: Wachovia and WaMu.

"They can make a bridge loan to themselves" - Gov Patterson, about AIG. Sign of times during the Bank-apocalypse?
If it turns out the Bank of America was allowed to fund their purchase of Merrill with treasury funds secured against CDO's, I really will have lost all faith in the market personally.
The over all derivatives market is something like $100 trillion dollars in the US

So, what it means, as I see it: no more living on credit for Americans as individuals or as a nation. It's going to hurt. I have a feeling that I won't be able to buy a home until I save 20% of the purchase price, like back in the good old days.
Why? Not letting 2001 become a real get-rid-of-the-deadwood recession, but instead injecting insane cash into the system, and letting real estate values build up to soak up the liquidity and prop up the economy, because it had nowhere else to go but overseas. Financial markets were deregulated, allowing investment banks to merge with regular banks, removing firewalls and independence and creating bizarre shadow world markets that are magnitudes larger in notional dollar value then the stock market. For the last 30 years, our economic measuring tools have been made worthless by presidents of both parties, making the situation seem less dire then it actually is, inflating or hiding information to make themselves look good. Also, a half trillion dollar war in Iraq didn't help.
I do not see a soft landing in store for us, and am glad I have another 35 years to be able to save up money to retire at some point.

Permalink: I_m_not_panicking_yet_but_.html
Words: 648
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: electronics
09/06/08 08:33 - 63ºF - ID#45595
Microcontrollers Part 4
I was able to program / animate the LED matrix. Basically, there are 8 pins on each axis, and you scan down one column at a time shifting bits out to off/on states for each LED in the row.
Each LED is only light 1/8th of the time so I need to boost the brightness a bit, see if I can lower the resistors maybe.
Now that I have it working I can get it all permanently soldered into place, and then work on the sensor components.
And of course, come out with some nicer animated faces :)

Permalink: Microcontrollers_Part_4.html
Words: 100
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
09/05/08 03:37 - 81ºF - ID#45588
UB Faculty/Staff LOL!

The company I work for is just somewhat related to UB, I am not actually teaching or anything crazy.
I am eligible for staff parking on campus though :)

Permalink: UB_Faculty_Staff_LOL_.html
Words: 75
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: electronics
09/04/08 10:05 - 75ºF - ID#45577

Permalink: Progress.html
Words: 27
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
09/04/08 10:52 - 68ºF - ID#45561
I usually try very hard to stay out of commenting on politics on (e:strip), and confine my anti-religion rants to 2 or 3 per year, but I'm falling under the weight of an urgent need to talk about every little detail of the political season.
Aaargh. 2 more months to go.

Permalink: Election.html
Words: 57
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
09/01/08 09:30 - 70ºF - ID#45534
Republicans Flailing
Yes, that's right: John McCain choose a secessionist for his running mate, and his slogan is "Country First". Clearly they didn't check Palin out at all. He just sort of panicked, I suppose.
Can you imagine if Obama had belonged to a 3rd party that in any (even minor) way challenged the US's legitimacy?
Alaskan Independence Party. Source:

Permalink: Republicans_Flailing.html
Words: 94
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: electronics
09/01/08 03:18 - 80ºF - ID#45531
Microcontrollers Part 3

I've got the LEDs for the eyes in and programmable, and have the face matrix assembled but that's not yet programmed. It will eventually be hooked up to sensors to react to the environment as well.
So far this weekend I've spent a lot of time relearning C and especially pointers. Matrix and timings for the rest of the animations will be challenging, too. Trying to fit everything in a few Kb of space brings me back.
Watching myself on video makes me realize I really need to work on my um's. :(
Here's a video of what it should end up looking like, although mine won't look so polished:

Permalink: Microcontrollers_Part_3.html
Words: 136
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/08 03:03 - 67ºF - ID#45453
How To Break A Window
Don't break a window with a brick and your bare fist. I'm an idiot.
Next time I'll wrap a shirt around my hand! I think taking a photo of my hand afterwards is due to Paul's blogging influence. He's my blogspiration.

Permalink: How_To_Break_A_Window.html
Words: 51
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: life
08/24/08 04:15 - 80ºF - ID#45439
Sad Day
I volunteered to go to his house to check on him, but there was no answer and he is not well enough to drive so eventually I broke in through the window. He'd committed suicide last night and I found him on the floor.
I guess it was better that I found him instead of a family member, but still... not the way you want to last see someone. Too late for me to do anything about, I wish there was more I could do.
He was the best boss I've ever had, and a friend.
Goodbye, Luke.

Permalink: Sad_Day.html
Words: 149
Location: Buffalo, NY
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That is absolutely incredible - 25%?!?! They must really, really want to make sure the debt is backed up by something tangible if they are going to be THAT stingy with money.
(e:vincent) - excellent analogy. You are right to mention irresponsible buyers as part of the problem. Really though, the guys on the street should never have backed CDOs with risky debt. They chose to out of greed and nothing more. They thought sub-prime mortgages would never default as they have, which was a gamble that they lost badly. It is incredible who are culpable for the situation we are in - it is such an ugly picture that really you could name any number of parties who had a hand in the collapse.
That is an interesting perspective, to suggest that perhaps the rundown on oil might have been greater if the margin requirement was at its previous rate. That very well may be true, although we'll never know. Personally I'm comfortable with only the well capitalized players in the game. I think mitigation of speculatory increases on futures contracts is the more important issue in the end. If these guys want to make a bet on a commodity integral to the world economy, it damn well should be expensive.
It's kind of what happened to Real Estate. The boom had a lot to do with the margin requirement for a house being places @ Zero. The principle of a down payment or documents to prove you were capable of receiving a margin account [mortgage] went away in the early 00's. So you can say that the average American could have "screwed" us by taking out loans that they could never pay back to the companies that sold their paper and are behind this bloodbath on Wall St today. IMHO if we would have kept the margin requirements on a house say @ a 25% down payment like they had in the 60's we would have never seen the run up in prices and never would have been in this mess today.
The Fed may be cutting interest rates to prop the system up some more, but I'm against that. We should feel pain and get it over with now, not keep pumping up from a dry well subsidized by the future.
The derivatives market is a headache. It isn't all bad, but losses can be as exaggerated as the gains and by far the riskiest asset class is derivatives. I don't think the average person really needs to understand the complexities of the derivatives market. What is obvious is that these derivative markets need more regulation. If it isn't CDOs, then it is oil futures, which is traded at a cheaper premium than other commodities. Why? Speculators took advantage of the rules, had a field day and screwed us.
About borrowing - Lehman tanked while having a AAA bond rating, which is astonishing. I'm sure no execs on Wall St. could have imagined a day where that would happen. What it means for the everyday person who wants to borrow is simple - for the time being it is going to be more difficult to qualify for home loans, even for people with great credit. I've heard whispers of going back to the days of 20% down on home loans - it is certainly possible although I hope it isn't quite that severe. I think the Fed itself isn't entirely sure how this will shake out, particularly with inflationary pressure on the economy added on for extra measure.
They keep using terms like "flushing the system," etc. I suppose that is true, although we aren't just flushing the system of bad debt. We're also flushing the structure of Wall St. and the structure of global investment banking.
I don't think our politicians are suitable enough to come up with a good solution to the problem. The banking system is so integral - if you ask me they should put together a bi-partisan commission stacked with former St. execs and SEC officials to come up with proper regulatory solutions that will solve the problems without killing the capitalist system entirely. I worry that our politicians aren't sophisticated enough to understand what is good or bad for Wall St., and the problem is such a tangled web that we need the best and the brightest, who know what they are doing and understand capital markets. I can think of two guys that would be very good in this case - Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Mass. (formerly head of Bain Capital) and current Gov. Jim Corzine of New Jersey (formerly head of Goldman Sachs).