06/18/06 06:32 - 76ºF - ID#23881
Maybe that explains it...
But so one of my more pleasant dreams got me thinking... I can't remember the last time I had sex. (and by sex I mean a real, mutually satisfying, fuck- mutually UNsatisfying fumbling on the couch does not count.) I THINK it might have been labor day wknd last year, but I really can't even remember. Holy shit. That's almost a year ago. No wonder I'm losing my mind... (so last sex was labor day, and we "broke up" mid-october, then finally stopped talking in jan... but the no sex from sept-oct I think says a lot. :( I even begged for 'one last time' breakup sex, but was refused. bastard.)
But, hehe- Friday night I went to graduation. I wore a strapless dess and these sexy (but killer) shoes. I also had a little scarf/shawl thing to put over my shoulders in case I felt too naked and/or cold. I also brought a pair of more comfortable backup shoes. But so after graduation we went to Mother's. I changed shoes in the car, and I left the scarf there. And after mother's, my ride still wanted to go out, but it was 2am and I had to work at 6, so I got a ride home with some other friends. Which meant I left stuff in the first car.
And yesterday I got a panicked-by-trying-to-sound-cool message from my friend that had given me a ride.... "hey... ummm.... there is all sorts of feminine apparel in my car.... and I'm assuming it's yours. Shoes, a scarf-thing... a bra... And my seat is folded back... did we....? I'm thinking maybe we fooled around in my car? But I can't remember."
hehe. I thought he seemed pretty drunk when I left him. The shoes/scarf I can account for. But the bra and the seat being folded down- not me. he has no idea who it was. That's a little scary. (and pretty funny.)
Ok, I guess I need to go see some patients so I can go home. And get my haircut! Thanks lilho!

Permalink: Maybe_that_explains_it_.html
Words: 464
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: mix
06/15/06 03:48 - 77ºF - ID#23880
Here is my much-touted new mix. Hope you enjoy it. *I* think it kicks ass. :)

track list:
Black Cab/Jens Lekman
Lion's Teeth/The Mountain Goats
Trains to Brazil/Guillemots
That's Because You Drive Me/Acid House Kings
Love Will Tear Us Apart/Jose Gonzalez
Baby We'll Be Fine/The National
Snakes and Martyrs/TV on the Radio
The Skin of my Yellow Country Teeth/Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying/Belle and Sebastian
Hate/Cat Power
Your Little Hoodrat Friend/The Hold Steady
Let's Just See/Engineers
Chicago/Sufjan Stevens
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead/Stars
Chemistry/Kimya Dawson
California Soul/Marlena Shaw
Go-Go Gadget Gospel/Gnarls Barkley

Permalink: Ta_Dah_.html
Words: 136
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/06 11:06 - 73ºF - ID#23879
I certainly understand the pejorative use of 'gay'. I, unfortunately, say it all the time. "oh my god that's so gay". I generally use it regarding a place/thing/situation- but never a person I don't think. I'm not proud that I say it, but I do. I also call things "retarded" much more often that I should, which has gotten me in trouble with my friend whose sister has cerebral palsy. Sure, friends call each other 'fag' in jest, and it does not imply homosexual. Yes, I know all this. And while it is politically incorrect, and maybe it SHOULD offend me, it doesn't.
This craigslist thing seemed different though. This idiot was really calling this guy homosexual because he was disagreeing with him. That's what bugged me. Does that make sense? Let me find a quote.
ok here's part one:
Wow, who the frig wrote this? I have heard of 'out there' but this is way gone, and I'm a liberal too!
Liberals were in charge of WW2? Every president is measured against FDR? Bush's were in bed with Nazi's and are in business with Bin Laden now? Conservatives are fascists? Wow, not even gona bother with all that, LMFAO!
I think this guy is gay?
You're a fugin jackazz gay boy! Dems had Reps values back when FDR was Pres.
Dems in 2006 would want hugz and kisses and exchange flowers, candy and puppies with the enemy. So the fact remains Dems of Today are a bunch of wishy washy pansy ass cry babies. Go hug a fugin tree queer bait!
finally (this is a response to the quoted part below)-
The liberal is gay
Reply to: pers-170850450@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-06-12, 6:28PM EDT
I no longer think the deranged liberal is gay, I know he is gay, LMFAO! No str8 guy gets this drama queenish!
You think he's gay? (but you don't THINK! he's gay, you THINK?? he's gay. Not quite sure, I guess.) What the FUCK does that have to do with ANYTHING?
You're a stupid fuck. (and for the record, he's not all that "out there"; he has some void points.)
Ok, so that totally didn't deserve a post.

Permalink: quickie.html
Words: 385
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/06 05:53 - 76ºF - ID#23878
double standards
So the very first time I try to go home- my pager goes off for the first time all week. This guy "seems odd". So I do the right thing and go back to the hospital to check on him. He is, of course, fine.
But that's not really what pisses me off. I mean it's annoying, but it IS my job. What kills me is the fact that in the hour I was gone the UPS guy came and I missed him, and he's coming back tomorrow while I'm at work, and I prob can't get my package til next week- and I am massively impatient. grr.
But anyway re: the title...
So today I had lunch with "the boys". Or some of them. And they are pigs around me, but that's fine. I'd rather they be themselves then censor themselves or exclude me since i'm a girl. But they're talking about this hot chick at that hot chick, this one that was "ripe for the tapping", etc. And the boy that's been hitting on me left and right was rubbing my shoulders, asking if he can "touch my mammaries, even just a little" etc etc etc. Standard behavior really. I was totally blushing, which apparently is incriminating, so I think all the other guys think we're screwing now.
And one guy... i've never seen him in a group before and it totally changed my opinion. I always thought he was an ok guy. But he's no stud. he's 32, but looks more like 42. Kind of paunchy, salt and pepper, etc. going on about tapping this and knocking that. I was laughing inside. But yesterday he was badmouthing living downtown. Saying he lives in williamsville to avoid crime. So he lives all alone in his big house in his nice neighborhood with good schools. boooorrring. I said I'd rather be "where the action is". He then went on to say how living in brooklyn is NOT the same as living in manhattan. My point exactly....
but anyway, hearing these guys lusting over and objectifying these bimbo girls got me thinking. If women state what they'd like in an ideal guy (a brain, a personality, a job, maybe even some looks)- she is unrealistic and too picky and demanding etc. But who says that judging a woman only by her bra size is more admirable? Having NO standards is better how?
oh yeah and one more thing- I was reading the craiglist rants 'n raves on the buffalo page today... I don't know why I read them, they're so stupid. But anyway, currently there's a stupid left vs right/ lib vs con/ rep vs dem battle going on. Neither side is making very good points. But one guy keeps resorting to "wow.... that is so stupid... you must be gay. Only a fag would say such dumb stuff."
Stupid homophobia like that makes me so upset.
What the FUCK does someone's sexual orientation have to do with anything????? Oooh it gets me steamed. Seriously "i don't like your opinion, you must be gay"????? I have never heard anything so asinine.
but on a happier note, my mix is pretty much done, just need to figure out how to share it. :) Stay tuned.
Oh and I just remembered the funny thing I saw on my way in this AM... Driving down high st towards BGH I saw this guy... first thought he must just be crazy. Then got a little closer and realized he's wearing scrubs. Then realized it's a resident, I know him. Kind of a hippie weirdo, but whatever. But he was riding a razor scooter, and had a german flag tied around his neck like a cape. On his way to work. He looked like a nut, but it made me laugh.

Permalink: double_standards.html
Words: 723
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: music
06/13/06 11:33 - 67ºF - ID#23877
haven't made a mix in a long time. but i have so much new awesome music lately i can't not do it.
yay. hopefully i won't be at work all freaking night again.
(but had a yum-yum-yum dinner/martini at cecelia's last night, and met (e:cocoloco) . It was awesome. Thanks (e:mike) / (e:libertad) )

Permalink: RAD_.html
Words: 124
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: boys
06/12/06 02:17 - 64ºF - ID#23876
what is he doing to me?
So then today I got this email:
A little note to say hello and hope you are having a good day. Don't let silly boys get you down, we are animals and don't deserve any tears.
Be well.
But on a good note, I scheduled my exam, at home, for july 6/7. (2 eight hour days of testing, YUCK. But when it's done (assuming I pass), I will have filled the last requirement for my medical license. Then the only thing left is board certification, but that's at least 2 years away.) But so now that means I HAVE to go home. Just need to figure out the details of the work schedule so I can buy plane tickets. (which are CRAZY expensive for some reason. They're usually like 150-200, and yesterday they were 350- and today they're 450!! fuck! Work had better stop dicking around and tell me what my schedule is!)
Anyway. Hope you all enjoyed the art festival. Now i just want summer weather back. :)

Permalink: what_is_he_doing_to_me_.html
Words: 345
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: purge
06/12/06 12:18 - 58ºF - ID#23875
Ahh, much better
So I just purged my music library. Deleted 967 crappy songs. (but at the last second, lest I was over-zealous, decided to backup my trash to DVD.)
Last year a guy at work "lent" me his music collection- something like 10gb worth. And rather than being selective, I just blindly copied it all. Then over the course of the year, kept having to fast-forward through stuff I don't like, so I finally just deleted it all.
Don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of crap, but at least it's *my* crap.
So anyway, my ipod can breathe easier now.

Permalink: Ahh_much_better.html
Words: 154
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grrr
06/11/06 01:25 - 59ºF - ID#23874
what a shitty night...
So yesterday I went to allentown with timika/tonya/jen/ryan/anthony. That was fun. My friend kept trying to get me to come meet him at the beer garden by MIA. So we finally get there... he's gone. "oh, yeah, we left... sorry... didn't know you were coming." Whatever. Then we ate humongous delicious burgers at Jimmy Macs. I don't think I should eat for a week after that. Then I came home and I was in such a food coma I kind of didn't want to go out. But then the friend (who bailed at the beer garden) kept begging me to go to cozumel. I felt more like Hardware, but whatever. So I went out at like midnight. He was there with some people I know. He talked to me for like a second, then was all over these nurses. Then someone wanted to go to Colter Bay. He says he'll "meet up with us later". WTF. You beg me to come out, then totally ignore me. LAME. So we go to Colter Bay. And since the guy stayed behind, the girl he gave a ride didn't have a ride anymore, so I took her. Now I love this girl... she is a super-sweetheart. But she is also an absolute knockout. Like a size 2 with long blonde hair and big boobs. So while I love her, it is impossible to not totally be in her shadow whenever she is around. So at colter bay I see a guy at work who has totally fucked me over. There's graduation next weekend, and I was all psyched to go. It's black tie, and I was really psyched to wear this dress. I checked with everybody, it was ok. I sent in my RSVP card. I have a "date" (friend) to go with. I'm not on call... So I see this guy- "oh by the way, I changed the schedule. I'm the chief, so I want to be on call thurs, so you're on call friday." Which means I can't go... 'but... but... we talked about this... I have plans..." "oh... man... sorry... I feel bad... sorry!" And the thing is, he's not even going to graduation. he changes the schedule to get the night off, and isn't even going. So I was cranky about that, I was in a bad mood, totally being ignored by everyone... I just wanted to go home. But i had to give that girl a ride still, and I didn't want to be a party pooper. So I went along to fucking Bucky Buffalo or whatever that is called. Talk about the LAST place on earth I want to go. A fucking honky-tonk country bar with slutty girls in "cowgirl" outfits line dancing on the bar? Vomit.... I happen to pass my ex on the way... so we're texting back and forth... For some reason tears are burning my eyes the whole time but I'm trying to keep smiling and laughing and pretending I LOVE Bucky Buffalo... FINALLY 4 comes along and it's time to go. So I'm going to give the girl a ride to her car, but the guy that has been trying to get in her pants all night won't leave her alone. He's SUPER drunk and pathetic and needs a ride. FINE, get in. "Where am I going?" "god! stop being retarded! just be cool! go straight!" "are you sure?" "yes! Go straight". finally we're WAY downtown... 'J, where are we going?" "keep going straight! we're on elmwood, right?" ummm NO, dumbass. So we get back near cozumel, I think to his house. No, it's to his car. Well no fucking WAY is he driving home, so we have to take him home. The whole time he is talking about how he wants to "rape" "molest" "nail" and "bang" my friend. hahaha! isn't that funny?! Gee he's great! (I work with this guy. Always kind of thought he was a cocky ass, and now that I've seen this side- whew. My friend said "you know, girls will always think 'i'm cute, I'm pretty' but there is always another girl there that it prettier, thinner, sexier, younger, etc. [which is amazing coming from her since she's gorgeous]. Do guys feel this way?" And this stupid guy goes on "well maybe in a real city like new york or LA... But here, I know that I am the best thing in this town. there is NO ONE better than me, so I am confident and I can get any girl." (gotta love the asshole doctor ego.))
Oh and I just remembered the other part of the story... So he was talking about being in colombia where "all the women are so hot that it made me feel bad for the guys in chicago when i came back, since they only have american women". So I said 'wait did you go to med school in chicago?' and he finishes my sentence 'yeah... and I worked with you one day. You were all up in the attending's face, and trying to tell me what to do, and I was all 'fuck this, who's this bitch, telling me what to do?'" Umm, what? First of all, I can guarantee I was not "up in the attending's face" since that's not my style. But as far as telling him what to do... when I am two years his senior and I was the resident and he was the student. That's how it works!! Oy...
But anyway, so we take his drunk ass home, after many wrong turns by his bad directions. He was threatening to piss on my back seat if we didn't come in "and be cool! stop being retarded! just come in and be two hot chicks! come on!" Finally we get there, and tell him to go piss "while we park". He knew that was a trick and refused to get out of the car. Finally we physically pushed him out and drove off... Then I dropped my friend off, and the sun was coming up, and I made it home at 5. And woke up at 1230, and missed brunch at Elmwood Lounge. Sad. I was looking forward to it. I can't believe I'm hungry after that burger though, but I'm starving...
So anyway, I guess now it's time to head back downtown. I wish it weren't so damn cold out!!
later peeps.
sorry for ranting.

Permalink: what_a_shitty_night_.html
Words: 1085
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: ro-diland
06/10/06 09:53 - 53ºF - ID#23873
Home (for real)
On to pictures...

Two of the main reasons I go home...

This is Alice. She's 10 (but this pic is a few years old.) We made fun of those dog show names, so her "real" name is [hidden from google] Though I heard my dad say once she's named after me, which I never knew.

This is Gus. We got him a year later. He's 9. His name is [hidden from google], after my great-great-(great?)-uncle [hidden from google] (whose wife was our [HFG]).

My bro several years ago (i just like the pic).

My REAL house. Built in '78 I think, first architecture project of one of dad's college classmates. Don't be deceived- it's smaller than my apt in Buffalo. The whole left side is a garage, and the little box on the top is my room. Those big windows have all broken a few times in hurricanes, and the chimney fell off once too (so it is now extra-huge and extra-reinforced.)


See, it snows outside of Buffalo too.
So a few years ago my dad succumbed to his obsession with all things fast, and got a helicopter license. So here are some aerial shots. My friend Dan (more pix in my links on the right) took the first two. I took the crappy hazy ones. (but it was SO COOL to get to fly around! I always wanted to go on Mercy Flight- but I bet this was much cooler than having a trying-to-die person crammed in there with us! We waved at mom, and (gasp) even used our cell phones in flight!)

"My" beach. Second, or Sachuest, Beach in Middletown. That's the ocean on the left and "the res" (reservoir) on the right. I'm sure I am going to die of skin cancer since I spent every day of every summer as a kid there. (sometimes against our will. Aww mom... do we HAVE to go to the beach again??) And the parking lot is where I learned to drive.

I love this pic. The beach again.

My house again. Those trees going off the screen on the right are gingkos... I remember planting them when I was little... They were tiny... Now they're big enough that there's a hammock hanging between them. Makes me feel old... Oh yeah, and the pine trees on the left are actually some of our old christmas trees. And that's a fire hydrant in the back yard, sitting on the cover of the well. Dad "found" it (sure) and brought it home for the dogs. Keeps saying he's going to paint it bright red one day. I think it's funny.

This is the Clambake Club, where my sister got married. Gorgeous.

I don't know if that's an aircraft carrier (or two) or what, but I just know it's some big-ass navy ship(s).

Ida Lewis Yacht Club. Great place to watch 4th of July fireworks. But that dock was a loooong walk as a kid.

ILYC. That rock/island it's on I believe is called Lime Rock, and Ida Lewis used to live out there and keep boats from crashing into it, save people from drowning, etc. There was no dock at the time and she used a little rowboat.

Fort Adams. Newport still has a pretty big Navy presence, and that's a cool old Fort. And a lot of the Navy Housing is out there too. The Naval War College is in town too. The Navy always meant classes full of "Navy Brats"- but to me it just meant half the time my new best friend would up and move after a year or two. :(

I forget which boat that is, but I think it's a famous one. Endeavor maybe? I think it's one of the America's Cup boats. No scale in that pic, but it's HUGE.

Finally back on the ground... my sister and dad looking all pilot-y.
Ok, off to work then Allentown!

Permalink: Home_for_real_.html
Words: 748
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: ri
06/09/06 10:02 - 62ºF - ID#23872

So I was saying how (e:maureen)'s post made me homesick... It's so beautiful there. And the beach will be open... So I'm thinking I'll just take my week of vacation and go home. Spend time with the fam, and the puppies!!, and at the beach (and take my #$%#$ licensing exam). I love going home, and it makes my parents happy. I'll miss the 4th in Buffalo, but I guess that's not the end of the world.
But so last night (e:mike) asked me if I lived in one of the mansions. Being from newport, I get that question a lot. And (to me) it's a totally crazy question. Of COURSE not! But to people not from the area, how should they know? But so sometimes I say yes for the hell of it. (my dad's office IS a few blocks down the same street, does that count? ;) )
Well apparently people believed me. hahahahaha so sorry. I was going to try to keep up the charade for a while, but i'm too terrible a liar...
But anyway, so the pix above- Not My House. The first is the Breakers (the biggest mansion)

Actually the mansions are pretty amazing. "summer cottages" of the rich and famous... Most are owned by the Preservation Society, and are open for tours. But a few are still privately owned and I think people live in them. But the stories about them are so cool. I just can't even fathom that time, the wealth, society, etc. Those links give some of the history (construction cost, family stories, etc). (There's also a section of the "Lost Houses". Cool.)
But it's so pretty there... I mean it's a small town and there's not a ton to do, but sometimes it takes being away to realize what I've always taken for granted. I'm going to try to dig up more pix when I get home. Maybe I'll show you all my real house. Or (gasp) my prom picture. (ok probably not on that one.) And I'll be sure to take some good touristy pix when/if I go home, to give you all a virtual tour and share some good old hometown pride. :)
Oh and while looking for mansion pix, I found this- never knew Olmsted did a park in newport too!

Princess Jenks (ha, ha)

Permalink: home.html
Words: 443
Location: Buffalo, NY
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