12/16/06 10:08 - 36ºF - ID#36800
Mini update

The thing with scaffolding is, it goes really high and doesn't seem to afford much protection. So when I look at it (which is hard not to do), I keep envisioning someone plummeting to their death from it. As if I didn't already have enough to worry about! Oh well, now that the calendar is done, maybe I have room for more, haha.
Speaking of the calendar (see how I weaseled that in?), here's a pic of my niece that didn't make it in, but that I love. It reminded me of a picture of me around that age. Although now when I look at them side-by-side I can see it's a stretch to say that. But what's the point of having a mega-cute niece if you can't convince yourself you once looked that cute? ;-)

p.s. - new usersound. I think my brother-in-law will like the wallflowers.

Permalink: Mini_update.html
Words: 201
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: photos
12/16/06 02:20 - 39ºF - ID#36799
Photo Retrospective

It was really hard to go through all my Maggie photos knowing she's gone, but it was also comforting/cathartic in a way. I was already in photo collage mode with the family calendar production deadline being today. I had a few setbacks this year. Had to get Dad to resend his 33 emails each with 4-7 photos attached. Oh, they all came through loud and clear. Twice, in fact. (When my web host switched servers I got all my email since November 22nd a second time as a special bonus. Just what I wanted!) About half-way through the first round, I noticed he was sending them at low-res, and told him I'd probably need a higher resolution for print. He switched midstream, and I just figured I'd deal with it later. I have a bunch of his photos on my PC from when I rescued them off his 1G memory card that for some reason no one else could read, so I figured worse case scenario, I would dig through those and match them up with the low res ones he sent.
Well, he's taken about 5G more pix since then, so that didn't work. Anyway, then it turned out Kinkos online calendar maker is down until Monday, which would make it really hard to make my deadline today. Customer service said I could bring my photos into any Kinkos and they would honor the 20% off coupon. I know you might think who cares about 20% off? But when you're getting 5 calendars at $20/each that's like getting one free! Plus I need a deadline to finish anything.

I hope there aren't any duplicates in here, because God knows there are tons of duplicates on my hard drive. And the spacing is really all over the map. But who cares, it's done.

Permalink: Photo_Retrospective.html
Words: 367
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: birthdays
12/11/06 04:10 - 42ºF - ID#36798
Oh wait -- now I remember! Thanks to (e:Jenks,130) that is. Guess it's never too late to start documenting your life. As long as memory serves, that is.
Better get back to it, then.
I've had a hankering for lobster (my typical birthday dinner request) for a while, so I headed down to the wharf and decided to play tourist in my own town for a bit.
Most locals would say it's nuts to venture anywhere near a tourist area on a weekend, especially in the height of Christmas shopping season. But it was fun, and beautiful, and tasty. I'm not jaded enough not to appreciate that.

Only (e:j3sse) could probably decipher this pic, so I'll interpret for anyone else who may be interested. You can see Coit Tower lit up on the hill, with the pointy pyramid-shaped Transamerica tower to the right. The box-outlined buildings to the left get lit up every year like Christmas packages. And that's the start of the Western span of the Bay bridge on the far left. Boats decorated for the holidays along the pier in the foreground.
So for my birthday I found out I have a tree stump under my front sidewalk. You might think, so what? But turns out this tree stump was heaving the b'jesus out of the sidewalk, and lo and behold it's my responsibility to fix it before someone breaks their neck and sues me. Who knew? Anyway, I've been researching some options, thinking maybe I could take this opportunity to put in "permeable landscaping" (that's the term the SF Department of Public Works "Friends of the Urban Forest" uses, and yes, you do need a permit to do that, which doesn't seem that friendly to me).
Anyway, long story short, when the second round of upstairs demolition came along, I decided I'd better grab the opportunity to have four brawny guys haul away that damn concrete. I've been breaking it up and putting it in my garbage week by week. (You're not really supposed to do that, so don't tell anyone.) They made short work of it, and therein uncovered the root of the problem.

The tree stump. I hope it's not still growing, but recent events might indicate otherwise.

Here's a pic before the guys hauled away the concrete. Oh yeah, and a random car parked in front of my house with it's passenger window smashed in. Welcome to the 'hood!
p.s. to MMK -- Thanks for the birthday wishes! And for being a loyal reader all this time. ;-)
p.p.s. to (e:Paul) -- THANKS!

Permalink: bdays.html
Words: 472
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: music
12/09/06 12:21 - 26ºF - ID#36797

Have fun at the (e:Party) tonight!

Permalink: NSSN.html
Words: 74
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: shoes
12/12/06 12:36 - 41ºF - ID#36796

Only $60! I can make a pair to match every theme at that price!
p.s. - 15% of the net sales goes to (PRODUCT)RED

p.p.s. - if we could just get a portion to go to estrip, we'd be all set!

Permalink: Cons.html
Words: 56
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: housing
12/08/06 05:41 - 26ºF - ID#36795
Earthquake Insurance
So anyway. Have you ever known something you didn't want to admit, and made up a convincing enough story that other people believed it too? And then somewhere along the line realized you're still going to have to pay for this mess, so you might as well come clean? Well, that just happened to me. Luckily, my general contractor is willing to work out a payment plan for the additional work I was hoping wouldn't have to be done, but obviously has to be done.
This may not make sense to anybody else -- and it's small comfort to me now -- but I consider this more of a rescue mission than an investment proposition. Guess I can't stand to see a great place that deserves more wasting away. Let's look at the pix one more time to see what I mean.

Yeah. I really can't see myself making dinner in that kitchen.
Oh! My title. So my general contractor tried to convince me I have to gut the entire top floor apartment. I really wasn't thinking that was necessary. We debated back and forth. He had many interesting arguments. I think my favorite was, "we're due for another earthquake -- better to have drywall than plaster." Great! That's just what every homeowner wants to hear before sinking a bunch of cash into a renovation. I have a better idea! What if I take out earthquake insurance, wait for the "big one" to strike, then rebuild on the insurance claim? That seems like the right answer to that scenario.
Anyway, tonight it's off to see The Killers, Modest Mouse, The Raconteurs, and The Shins at Bill Graham Auditorium (within walking distance of my soon-to-be-condemned hovel). After that I'm on a strict austerity program.
p.s. - this would be a great time for that contractor boyfriend to materialize. Anyone?
p.p.s. - Happy Birthday Tony! And to all you other Saggitarians. Mine's on Sunday!

Permalink: Earthquake_Insurance.html
Words: 389
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/08/06 03:42 - 42ºF - ID#36794
Putting the "cuss" in customer service
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that..."

Permalink: Putting_the_quot_cuss_quot_in_customer_service.html
Words: 48
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/06/06 08:11 - 42ºF - ID#36793
Back to the future

I'd like to ask them if they really mean, December 31, 3006. But I don't want to draw attention to the fact they haven't been charging me for the past year or so.
I couldn't help myself. So now I have an open trouble ticket with them. Great! Just like old times.

Just an update that all the files and accounts are moved over. Propagation has already begun for some domains here and others will happen over 24 hours.
Please let us know well before December 31, 2006 (not 3006) if you are missing files. After that date the old server will be gone.

Permalink: Back_to_the_future.html
Words: 112
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/01/06 10:59 - ID#36792
The best things in life are free...

The latest development from the brave new world of social networking: FakeYourSpace.com, a new site that promises to hook up the socially inept with model-beautiful friends to spruce up their pages on MySpace and Facebook.
You can add these fake hot friends to your friends list and they will leave you messages and comments on your comment wall.
"FakeYourSpace makes it easy for any regular person to make it seem like they have a model for a friend. It doesn't stop there however," the site says.
The models will even pose as your lover, leaving any kind of message you would like. Want to make your ex jealous? No problem. Want to become more popular? The models will flirt with you on your comment wall.

Permalink: The_best_things_in_life_are_free_.html
Words: 148
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: morality
12/01/06 03:59 - ID#36791
Greetings from San Quentin

I am so curious to see the photos inside! That would be wrong, right?

Permalink: Greetings_from_San_Quentin.html
Words: 43
Location: San Francisco, CA