Category: holiday
11/23/06 11:25 - ID#36787
The Second Deadly Sin...
What a week. Good thing Thanksgiving wasn't at my house, since as of yesterday my kitchen looks like this:

Demolition day

The sink (cue foreboding music)

Debris piled up in what will some day be my bedroom. cozy, eh?
Arguably, it's already an [inlink]twisted,424[/inlink]improvement. Still, this alleged kitchen remodel is so daunting, and no one else seems to be stepping up to the plate to make decisions about it (I guess that's the problem with not having anybody else), that I honestly started to think maybe it would never happen. So I did what I always do in that situation and tricked myself into dealing with it by signing a contract with a general contractor to do the work. He decided to start yesterday.
Which is great, except now he's going to start asking me questions about appliances, lighting, cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, flooring, faucets, etc., that I really don't know the answers to. Oh yeah, and the part where water started pouring out of my downstairs ceiling light in the middle of the night because the partially demolished kitchen sink upstairs started leaking wasn't so great either. But he fixed that this morning, and I only had to empty my 13 gallon trash can filled with water three times last night.
Anyway, maybe it's the tryptophan, but I don't feel like going into all that. So you get off easy this time.
p.s. - Have I mentioned lately? You guys rock! Thanks (e:peeps)! Happy Thanksgiving!

Permalink: The_Second_Deadly_Sin_.html
Words: 261
Category: holiday
02/15/06 02:07 - ID#36645
I don't remember V-Day being such a hot button in peepville last year, but then I guess I was in Boston

I know this was a particularly bad V-Day year for some, and that sucks. It's hard not to revisit the ghosts of Valentines past, but you might be surprised how your perspective may change over time. Or not. In any case, just remember -- the past does not have to dictate the future.
So I had a fun time at the Lovemakers show last night. As good a way as any to spend V-Day. I even got a pretty decent contact high from all the making out going on (haha). And the usual contact high goes without saying in SF.
They do put on a great show. Before the encore people were shouting "show us your dick!" He didn't oblige this time. Too bad! I'll have to take my own advice and work on incorporating that particular element into my life before next V-Day. ;-)
We were, however, rewarded with a great cover of the Cure's "A Forest." I still remember the heart-quickening moment of recognition the last time I heard them do it. What a great fucking song! I don't care how great some of the current bands are, my heart is still solidly set in the 80s.
Can I just tell you what a great venue GAMH

And there are tons of restaurants in the vicinity to fit any taste or budget. Larry insisted on treating me to dinner and the show last night. He said it was because I drove him to an emergency ophthalmologist appointment Monday after he nearly poked his eye out. But I think it's just fun to treat someone on Valentine's day. It certainly was fun to be treated. Come to think of it, I'm really making out like a bandit this month since he's also treating me to Sister's of Mercy (nudge nudge, Ajay) because I drove him to pick up his new PC, monitor, printer and speakers.
Which reminds me, it was cool to drive by SF City Hall last night and see it lit up with pink/red lights under a huge full moon. Wish I'd had my camera.
Sure, it could be improved upon, but all in all a good V-Day. I try not to do the comparison thing with myself or anyone else. Although with perspective that can also be revealing. Yes, I think more mutual revealing just might be the thing to work on for next year. ;-)

Permalink: musicforthemorningafter.html
Words: 531
Category: holiday
02/07/06 08:12 - ID#36641

Oh, and to top it all off, my ex at the time, Scott, also showed up for the mararthon and decided to sit with us! I had prepared Mark that Scott might be there and he was totally ok with that. Not so ok with him sitting on the other side next to me for 24-fucking hours. I'll never live that one down.
I was thinking about all that recently because it doesn't look like I'll make it for the marathon

I'm really not into Valentine's Day at all. Too obligatory. I have a thing against that. At the same time, I do have some very precious memories of V-Day's past, which sadly were documented and almost immediately lost about a year ago. Oh well again. Better to have loved and lost, etc. etc.

Permalink: V_Day.html
Words: 235
Category: holiday
12/04/04 11:40 - ID#36462
Lighted Yacht Parade

Sometimes it's fun living on an island.

Permalink: Lighted_Yacht_Parade.html
Words: 9
Category: holiday
11/29/04 10:24 - ID#36459
Family Christmas Portrait

Ok - I can finally make this public. Kathy sent it to me to sharpen up, but I coudn't post it at the time because I would have "scooped" their Christmas card. Is that a great pic or what?
p.s. - I made Maggie''s scarf. They're snowflakes.

Permalink: Family_Christmas_Portrait.html
Words: 51
Category: holiday
11/26/04 03:19 - ID#36456
Turkey good / Meat murder

Prep / Presentation

Brenda's magnificent table setting. (Nice curtains!)

Maggie visits "grandma" / Biscotti at nose-level

Sam helps herself to an appetizer / Nosing around the table

I was there too. These self-portraits are not working. Could I look any happier?

Footwear change and it's off to Popscene[inlink]twisted,63[/inlink]. There's that thrilled expression again.
Sorry, that was a lot of pictures.
When I walked into Popscene and they were playing "Bizarre Love Triangle" (New Order) I knew I was where I'm supposed to be. My calves are killing me today.
The Avengers at Cafe du Nord

p.s. - we have a turkey trot here too. Who knew?

How'd the (e:trotters) do yesterday?

Permalink: Turkey_good_Meat_murder.html
Words: 152
Category: holiday
11/23/04 06:28 - ID#36449
Please pass the stuffing
We usually stay overnight at Kathy's parent's house when Thanksgiving is in that neck of the woods. This year B&K and Maggie (their golden retriever) will crash with me Thanksgiving night so Mom & Dad & Grandma can have the run of their house. Since B&K are in charge, all their singleton friends are invited (they collect us). 12 total at the table this year. Brenda bought a piece of masonite at Home Depot to extend the table. And as you know, table setting prep[inlink]twisted,62[/inlink] started over a week ago. They're pretty serious about this.
I'm in charge of sweet potatoes. Every year Kathy tells me to bring whatever it is that "means Thanksgiving" to me. She's an only child and only grandchild. Maybe because of that, and since she and Brenda are unlikely to have kids, she's super-conscientious about nurturing a sense of family with her extended family. I'm definitely part of that.
So I'm making sweet potatoes like my Mom used to make, with the marshmallows on top. Don't see marshmallows in recipes much these days. Why is that?
I'll never forget the first year I had Thanksgiving with my ex's family. They brought out all the fixings and a lovely rib roast. I thought to myself, 'wow! two main entrees.' How naive. When it became apparent a turkey was not materializing I finally asked what I thought was an obvious question. "No turkey?" The ensuing response still rings in my ear. "Nobody likes turkey anyway." Say WHAT?!!!
Ok. Fine. Serve whatever you want at Thanksgiving, but if you invite someone for Thanksgiving dinner you've got to at least consider the possibility she may have SET HER STOMACH FOR TURKEY!!! For God's Sake!
I don't think I'll ever get over that.
p.s. - crap, I just realized B&K are staying at my house and I'll be going to popscene for Meat Is Murder[inlink]twisted,63[/inlink] night. Is that bad hostessing? Now I'll wake the dog up when I get home. And I have to clean the house.

Permalink: Please_pass_the_stuffing.html
Words: 377
Category: holiday
11/01/04 04:24 - ID#36424
Halloween Alameda style

Most alarming costume: ~11-year-old girl dressed like a pregnant teenager with two infants already strapped to her. At least I think it was a costume. The infants were definitely fake.
That reminded me of a weird sight last spring. I was biking over the pedestrian bridge the same time the school kids were crossing the bridge going home. About three pre-teen boys were carrying fake infants strapped in those sling things. Was it for sex education? Home Ec? Anybody seen/know about this? We didn't have fake babies when I was in school.
Well, enough about Halloween. Time to let it go. I'm supposed to be researching my assigned propositions for our election cheat sheet now. Tomorrow's the real fright fest.

Permalink: Halloween_Alameda_style.html
Words: 147
Category: holiday
11/01/04 02:22 - ID#36422
Halloween Castro style

Waiting for Market Street lines re-routed underground.

Looking down Castro Street toward Market

Main stage on Market @Castro

BART service extended 'til 1AM. Big whoop. ;)
[hide]Short video clip (2 minutes) - dark, choppy, Blair Witch style camera work. Dramamine strongly suggested.

Chronicle story and pix.

Note to (e:j3sse) - I was going to cut the video to "Sex Dwarf" [inlink]j3sse,12[/inlink] but that would have been more appropriate for the 'X rated' content which I sadly did not capture on film. Save that for Folsom.
Never did run into Haikuster. Maybe next time!

Permalink: Halloween_Castro_style.html
Words: 124