03/06/07 09:52 - 9ºF - ID#38381
new computer woes
So I got my new computer on friday. That's right, like 4 days ago. It's so new I can't have even crapped it up yet. (more importantly, it's so new I haven't even backed it up yet). Haven't installed any 3rd party software. But, instead of doing a nice slow clean install, like I knew I should, I used the 'migration assistant'. Plugged old compy into new compy via firewire, said
"go", and went to bed. In the morning- voila. New compy just the way I like it. I know I know, those transfer things are never a good idea... but it was so easy! otherwise it would take me a week to get things the way i like them...
So, everything was working fine. Then today Mail started acting weird. totally freezes if i click on a message with an attachment (i.e. if I click yet another fucking online pharmacy spam message with embedded .jpg to delete it).
So, I did my good little mac troubleshooting stuff and repaired permissions. nothing big there. Then booted from the OS install CD and ran disk utility. Chose "repair startup disk".
Well alas and alack, my startup disk DOES have a problem ("invalid node structure"), but Disk Utility can NOT repair it.
No problem, i think, I have Disk Warrior! So I dig out disk warrior. Well I have 3.0, but need 4.0.
4.0 is available new, for download, for $100. Or for upgrade for $50. But upgrade is NOT available via download, and they ask for "three to six WEEKS" for delivery. So I can wait WEEKS, or I can shell out the extra $50 for a downloadable copy.
I thought it would take more than a week to totally corrupt a brand new HD. And like I said, I haven't even gotten backups going yet. I'm really not looking forward to having to reformat/reinstall ev-er-y-thing.
Guess it's back to old compy for now (which seems painfully slow compared to the new one...)
Damn migration assistant...
any of you computer whiz peeps have any thoughts?
P.s. for your viewing pleasure, here's one good thing that has come out of new compy. [I can't believe how entertaining photobooth is.]

Permalink: new_computer_woes.html
Words: 383
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/04/07 03:51 - 26ºF - ID#38353
Alice: 12/10/95 - 3/4/07
But my dog Alice died tonight. He let her out before bed, and when she didn't come back in he went looking for her, and found her dead by the side of the porch. No idea what happened. He said she was right under the edge- maybe she fell off and broke her neck? It's only like a foot high. But he said she was only out for 20 min or so- how do you just DIE? Too bad there are no doggie autopsies. So then he went and got her favorite bed and buried her in it, at 1am, all by himself, in the frozen ground.
It kind of hasn't hit me that she's really dead. I loved her. She was 11. She was (sort of) named after me. She was a surprise present for my Dad's 50th birthday. My mom threw a big surprise party, and I came home from school for the weekend, and so the surprise was 1: that I came walking into the party- 2: carrying the cutest little baby bulldog you've ever seen.
She's been getting old and sick over the last year or so... sort of limpy, and I think she was blind, and just slow all around. And I was always so mad at my parents b/c whenever I came home my mom was just complaining about her being in the way, etc. I took her to the vet and got her eyedrops and stuff and she seemed better.... but after I left they got lazy and stopped giving them, and I was so mad. And my mom kept making jokes about her dying, about this being her last christmas, about how when I say goodbye this time to go back to buffalo I should know it might be the last time i see her, and I know she was just kidding, but it would always piss me off.
And my brother said that as he drove my parents to the airport this morning, they were going over all these things "if there's a leak, call the plumber. If you get locked out call the neighbors" etc. And they said "and if Alice dies..." and all laughed.
haha, very funny.
I hope mom feels like a jerk now.
Poor baby.
I'll miss her.
And what is poor Gus going to do without his big sister?

Permalink: Alice_12_10_95_3_4_07.html
Words: 481
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/28/07 06:32 - 33ºF - ID#38310
So I still talk to my ex (the one that was making me miserable when I first joined the site). We chat, and have coffee once in a while, etc- but totally platonic and harmless and fine. And after a while we were ok enough that he could tell me about his new girlfriend- and that he moved in with her. (damn... I could barely get him to spend the night... this chick must be something special. But I digress.) Anyway, point is it sounds like he's in a pretty serious relationship.
A few weeks ago I got a random message from him, and I was confused and responded, and he said he meant to send it to someone else.
So then this morning I got a random "how are you" msg... wondered if it was for the wrong person. He said he dreamt about me, I said funny, I thought of you the other day too. (I did- I drove down his new street and wondered which house was his.) Then somehow it got flirty, and all of the sudden he saying things like "I always wanted to do xyz with you, we should have done that" and "remember abc- that was hot" etc. It almost started to seem like he wanted to hook up... so I asked about the GF and they're still going strong.
Though I must say, as wrong as it is to talk dirty with my ex... It did manage to make my afternoon a little less boring. ;)
Now if only there was a real live person in the picture to pick up where things left off. Sigh...

Permalink: odd_.html
Words: 275
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/24/07 12:50 - 19ºF - ID#38265
My fish are... MIA?
So I went to clean my fish tank. By "clean" i mean change about 1/4 of the water. I try to do this every week, but I skipped last week. So I get my stuff together and I go to the tank... I can only see one of my pink fish. Granted, I don't do a fish tank roll call every morning, so I have no idea when the last time I saw him was. So I look all over... he's not floating on the top. He's not a skeleton on the bottom. And he's not hiding in the plants as far as I can tell. So I start looking for all the others. After a little hunting, I found the frog. He's a good hider, but I found him. And I have this big algae eater guy. Not the sucker kind, but one that reminds me of a little shark. he's pretty big, maybe 3.5" long. Biggest fish in the tank, for sure. Also a very good hider. I can NEVER find him, and then all of the sudden he'll swim out of nowhere. All the others were there. (your orange guys are doing well, Lib, btw.)
So I siphoned out some of the water. Took out the filter. Took out all the plants and decorations to rinse them off. And then looked again- the two fish are still missing!
Where did they go?? I think if they'd died I'd find their little bodies SOMEwhere. If not floating, then half-eaten on the bottom. But they're just totally gone. What happened? Did the other ones eat them? Very weird.
Oh- I lied. I did do one good thing last night. I answered my home phone, which I never do unless I recognize the caller ID. This one said anonymous, but I picked up anyway, prepared to say "take me off your call list." Well, good thing I answered, b/c it was actually an invitation to interview in detroit next week. Yay.
Now just to get ready for an interview... I guess I need to go buy a stupid suit.
But a question for the frequent-flyer peeps: any recs on how to get to Detroit? Southwest goes to Buffalo, and to Detroit, but somehow does not go from Buffalo TO Detroit. Orbitz brought up a few 3-connection >$500 flights. I can't believe it's really that difficult. Might have to bite the bullet and drive. Hate to spend 10hr of a 24hr trip in the car, but if I have to, I will.
Enjoy your weekend, peeps!

Permalink: My_fish_are_MIA_.html
Words: 583
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/22/07 08:54 - 27ºF - ID#38250
Conservative propaganda?
Seriously. Astronauts in diapers, Anna Nicole Smith ad nauseam, and email addiction- no wonder the rest of the world thinks we are fat idiots.
But the reason I'm writing- I just got this email. I don't know squat about economics. But I kind of like this. Am curious what you guys think.
"Beer and Taxes"
CLEAR EXPLANATION OF TAX CUTS.........................
Sometimes politicians, journalists and others exclaim; "It's just a tax cut for the rich!" and it is just accepted to be fact, without questioning it But what does that really mean?
Just in case you are not completely clear on this issue, the following might help. Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand.
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20."Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. What about the other six men, those paying the tab? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man," but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!" "That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!" "Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
David R. Kamerschen, PhD
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia

Permalink: Conservative_propaganda_.html
Words: 753
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/20/07 07:27 - 35ºF - ID#38225
Help me pick a computer...
But I was a little bit retarded all day today, and snippets of the stupid crap that was coming out of my mouth keep coming back to me. Oops. Note to self. Monday night is not the same as saturday night and can not be treated as such.
Ok. But now a serious dilemma.
Right now I have a two year old 20" G5 iMac. I like it. It still works just fine, though once in a while it feels a little sluggish. I also still have my old computer- a 5? year old G4 iBook that is really so slow now that it's practically unusable. And as much as I don't like windows, there are a couple programs I use that are windows-only, and for that reason it would be nice to have an intel mac.
The desktop is my 'main' computer, and I use it all the time. Love the nice big monitor. I rarely use the laptop, unless I take it on vacation or something.
So... I really don't 'need' a new computer. But, because of a stupid mistake on my part, I now have a (big) credit with Apple.
So here's my dilemma: do I upgrade the computer that is the oldest and slowest and most deserves to be replaced (but that I rarely use), or the computer that doesn't really need upgrading, but is the one I use all the time?
I've changed my mind about 50 times. I'll think I should upgrade the desktop, since it makes sense for my 'main' computer to be the most current. Then I'll change my mind and think that I should do the laptop, since the laptop is just SO old...
Basically I'm looking at the 20" intel imac (don't need 24") or the black macbook. Upgrading RAM, HD etc brings them both to about the same price. Though I could probably sell the iMac and get at least some money for it. I doubt the iBook is worth much...
I just can't decide.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Oh- and roswell peeps: I should be around for lunch tomorrow, so let's eat!
And happy Mardi Gras everyone!! This is the time of year that I miss New Orleans. But after last night, I really should stay in and be responsible/productive tonight. Not to mention I'm on call and thus can't drink. At least the crappy weather makes me feel a little less lame for staying in while I know people are out partying. Can't wait til this weekend. I hate that it's only tuesday. Boo!

Permalink: Help_me_pick_a_computer_.html
Words: 524
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :(
02/19/07 03:34 - 24ºF - ID#38211
I'm a huge crybaby
I know it's supposed to be a celebration of life and all, and people told really nice, funny stories- but it's still just so sad. And I am SUCH a crybaby. The second the organ started and they started wheeling* the coffin down the aisle I was weeping. And I barely even KNEW the guy. Then amazing grace got me choked up. Then I was ok for a while, til the family gave eulogies... And I figured I'd be ok as long as no one speaking started crying. Fortunately his wife/kids didn't talk. It made me think that there is NO WAY I will be able to speak at either of my parents' funerals. In fact if I could have my way I wouldn't even go. I am not going to deal well with my dad dying.
- aren't you supposed to carry the coffin?
But anyway, so I was pretty good (relatively speaking), only cried a little, and was pretty much dried up til the end. Until the brought the casket back out, now covered with a flag, and the pall bearers were crying, and I saw his widow, with her sons holding her hands and supporting her... then I was crying all over again. Fortunately another girl from work was sitting behind me and crying too, so I wasn't the only big baby there.
Man I hate funerals.
But I must say, and I mean no disrespect, but- it was the most rockin' funeral I've ever been to. I kept expecting a gospel chorus to pop out out of the wings. It was crazy! I'm not very good at church, and I'm not catholic. So all the kneeling and crossing yourself is foreign to me. But I'm used to services with a big organ, and that's the only instrument. Well I think this church maybe didn't have an organ (or something) b/c it seemed like there were piping in synthesizer music. Seriously. Like when getting ready for a hymn, all of the sudden a BEAT came blasting through... I finally asked "I know I'm not catholic, but is this typical?" And I was assured it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, it was still nice and touching and sad... but at times I almost found myself laughing b/c I felt like I was in a broadway musical. A little surreal.
Then afterwards M wanted to make it an "Irish Funeral" (even though we were all on call) so we went to her apt and she cooked us French toast, which was delish.
Now I'm home, and a little spent, and I think I could use a drink.
P.s. Happy almost mardi gras peeps!

Permalink: I_m_a_huge_crybaby.html
Words: 462
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: poser
02/16/07 11:17 - 17ºF - ID#38177
Deinspiration #6
ALEX: Even though you think you have a good command of the English language, you must know that using 20 obtuse redundant words to say what can easily be said in 10 simple ones does not make you sound smart.
Long is one thing, but overly wordy for no reason but to try to impress, impresses no one but fools.
Remember ALEX, brevity is the soul of wit.

Permalink: Deinspiration_6.html
Words: 82
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/15/07 01:55 - 9ºF - ID#38164
V-Day / my brother is a spoiled brat
So even though I'm totally single and everything, I still thought maybe I'd get some sort of valentine's messages from people. Like I thought at least my mom would call or something... But no. Oh well. But then I came home and my mom had sent me a bunch of candy, which was really cute. People from work were talking about going out, but I was on call, so I wasn't very aggressive about making plans. But then a boy (that i may have made out with in the past...) called to invite me out with a group of people. So I figured that was better than staying home alone, even if I couldn't drink. And, I knew there was at least potential for a little hanky panky.
So we went to this new place- Sample. It's on Allen and College, right across from Hardware (used to be allen st. music)- and I love it! I don't know if it will do well since it's kind of gimmicky, but for now I love it. It's a tiny little place but kind of swanky. And they serve tiny portions of food. Like seriously bite size. Things like beef on weck, fish and chip (not chipS), surf and turf- all in teeny tiny miniature one-bite-sizes. (the name is Sample, after all). They're like $2 each. And addictive. Easy to spend a lot of money fast. But in any case, it's a neat place and it was tasty and fun. Then we went to Toro for dessert. And then it was midnight, and everyone had to work in the morning, and were starting to talk about going home. So we were just about getting to that "do you want to come back to my place" moment of the night- when my &^%&^ pager went off. Usually when I'm paged I can handle it over the phone. But this time I actually had to go in. Ugh, had to go home and change, but still went the hospital and makeup and jewelry and was cranky, and was there til 3am. I would have much rather been making out, but oh well.
I'm really sick of this stupid snow, and the terrible job they do plowing the streets. My car handles decently in the snow, but it's just so low to the ground that whenever there are deep drifts I get stuck. And I am stubborn and refuse to shovel the end of my driveway in the morning, and plan to just slam right through it. Usually works, but when it doesn't- ugh. I just noticed that I think there is actually visible wear on my front tires from spinning my wheels and rocking back and forth to get unstuck these last few days.
And today I came home- and much to my amazement, they had plowed my street! For the first time ever in the 3 years I've lived here. But of course that meant a big mountain in the end of the driveway. As usual I was lazy and stubborn and tried to just jam through it, and got stuck. And the best part- the giant fucking plow truck (that had CAUSED this mess) was coming down the road, but then couldn't pass, since I was stuck and blocking the road. And what did he do- NOTHING. Just sat there, in his warm truck, and watched as I was trying to shovel snow out from under the wheels, push the car myself, etc. Eventually some kind neighbors came and helped, and the plow finally got sick of waiting and just flew by us- leaving more mountains of snow in his wake. Jackass.
But yay for nice neighbors. After I was unstuck I went to try to help the guy that had helped me shovel his driveway, and he wouldn't let me.
Here are some lousy pix from my phone.

My backyard when I got home at 3am

Drifts in the backyard/driveway

Across the street. I'm just amazed by the mounds at the edge of the street.

My driveway obstacle. (and I wonder why I get stuck...)
And just a moment of self-indulgent spoiled-brat whining- I just talked to my mom, who casually mentioned that my dad and brother were off picking up my brother's new car. Um excuse me? New car? He was driving my dad's old car- a 1990 VW. And it died. So he needed a new car. Now, I love my brother. But he is 23, dropped out of college, and is just living at home, rent free, while mom cooks for him, does his laundry, cleans his room- etc. He has no job, and doesn't seem to have any interest in getting one. (Who can blame him...) His income apparently consists of 20 dollar bills he swipes from my mom's purse, and my dad's credit card. How/why my parents tolerate this is beyond me. So anyway, my mom figured ok, maybe he needs a new car, but it shouldn't be anything fancy. Well apparently they got him pretty much my exact same car. Now, my dad bought me my car. So I really am in no place to bitch about him buying my brother a car. But my mom asked him "Gee, Dad bought her a car when she graduated from medical school. Have you done anything on that level to deserve a new car?" and he said 'um... I cleaned my room...' Whatever... I guess it's no skin off my back. If they can afford it and want to buy him a car, I guess I shouldn't have a problem with it. But honestly I think it's about time they make him earn it. Take away his credit card. Make him get a job. Or take some classes. Make him pay rent. At least make him do his own damn laundry... Sigh. I'm spoiled too, and I don't deny that I'm Daddy's Little Girl in a major way. But I like to think I at least sort of deserve what I've gotten over the years, and have done at least something to earn it. Guess it's not my problem, but for some reason it pisses me off.
Oh- and in case a car isn't enough of a birthday present, my mom has been standing in line at EB Games every day to get him a Wii, too.
Ok, sorry for that rant.
Stay warm peeps- it can't last forever!
P.s. Congrats on 5,000,000 views Paul!

Permalink: V_Day_my_brother_is_a_spoiled_brat.html
Words: 1111
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: :(
02/13/07 04:31 - 10ºF - ID#38134
Dr. S was the Chief of Trauma/Surgery. Definitely an old school, no-nonsense, gruff kind of guy. And though I was scared to death of him at times, there was also something about him that was super-cool.
This is the one year of residency that I don't go to his hospital, so I haven't been there in a while. I knew he was getting old, and didn't have the greatest heart. I'd heard rumors that he's retiring this year. Then recently I heard he was sick and in the ICU, but I just assumed he'd get better.
I guess not. :(
And I can't help but think how weird it must be to be on the other side of things- at 'your' hospital, no less. And not just being a patient. But being a dying patient, when all the doctors surrounding you know and love you and are just watching as every last-ditch effort they make- fails.
Poor Dr. S.
We'll miss you.

Permalink: RIP.html
Words: 273
Location: Buffalo, NY
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You may also want to bring the old computer you're transferring stuff from, just in case they want to check that for problems.
Actually, come to think of it, do a full wipe and reinstall of the new machine to get it back to the condition you bought it in, repair the living hell out of your old machine (backing it up first, of course), and try the migration over again.