10/17/06 10:50 - 57ºF - ID#23969
I just got this from my dad, with the caption "wow... I feel like a chump. Not a dry eye in the house".
Check it out:

(it's a story about a (75yo) dad who was run 85+ marathons, pushing his (45yo) disabled son in a wheelchair... then they finally rigged something up so the son could communicate, and he said all he wishes is that one day he could push his dad... Anyway, there's a video at the end, and it's a tearjerker.)
Ok, and on a TOTALLY unrelated note...
Can someone please tell me what 'hyphy' is? Context: now playing: "blah blah blah song: hyphy remix"
Apparently it's some new fad in music... but I'm lost. Even listening to it, I can't tell exactly what it is.

Permalink: tearjerker.html
Words: 132
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/15/06 01:55 - 48ºF - ID#23968
But anyway, so yesterday she invited me out with her... I felt like the nerd who had been invited to hang out with the popular kids... I was kind of psyched. I even bought some sexy shoes, b/c my usual jeans and a sweater wouldn't cut it in her scene. (and I got compliments on the shoes (zebra striped stilettos) ALL night, even from girls. Score!)
So my other friend and I went to Blu Mirage. She picked the place and said she'd meet us there, so we went there. Well she didn't show. She called from Soho instead, and said to come there, but we didn't feel like walking that far. So the nerd got stood up by the cool kids, again. Ugh. But we had fun anyway.
It was an interesting night... Ended up at Mother's til 5am. Some girl tried to strangle my friend for talking to her boyfriend. Like seriously left scratch marks on her throat.
And I got introduced to these two guys, Andrew and Ryan. I didn't think much of it, they didn't seem interested in me, and I wasn't so interested in them. But girls were all over them all night....
I learned later their last names are Peters and Miller, and they are Sabres. I don't think they liked that I didn't know who they were, and didn't fawn all over them all night. Whatever.
Then some guy bought me a drink, and we talked most of the night. He was cute. And it turns out that he's good friends with my Work Crush #2- who later showed up. Small world. People kept telling me all night how into me he was. And he had no power/heat, and was kind of hinting about needing a place to stay. Everyone was giving me winks and nudges. So I said he could crash at my place. So he did. And we didn't even smooch. He ended up leaving a little while ago, and didn't even ask for my number. Hmm. I was kind of surprised, b/c I had definitely been getting the feeling that he was interested.
I wish I wasn't so socially retarded... I just don't know how to play the game. At all. I can't flirt to save my life. I mean I don't know that I'm super into this guy or anything, but he was cute and nice and I would have let him call me, but I think I gave him totally cold vibes, without meaning to. Blah...
Ok, back to my regularly scheduled hangover.
Sorry I'm so chatty (yet boring) lately...

Permalink: Egos.html
Words: 581
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/14/06 06:45 - 46ºF - ID#23967
I am the Lorax...
Oh, the poor trees.
On my way home from work this AM, now that a lot of the snow has melted and the roads are mostly dry, I was able to get an idea of what a mess it is out there. So I took my camera with me as I went to do errands, and then I cruised around the 'hood surveying the damage. Bird between claremont and ashland is amazing. So here are some pix, and the rest are here

You've seen this one. 5pm thurs. Just getting going.

2am friday.

Saturday afternoon- on ramp to the 90

Forest and Elmwood (psych center in the background)

Ouch (on Richmond)

Richmond and Potomac (the house I almost rented)

Claremont and Bird

I hope everyone is safe and warm!! (and if you need help, ask your friendly neighborhood peeps! Please!)

Permalink: I_am_the_Lorax_.html
Words: 171
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/13/06 11:16 - 41ºF - ID#23966
more weirdness
I keep calling my house to see if my answering maching will pick up, and it does, so I guess I still have power. Which makes me happy, as several of my colleagues do not, and I am starting to see them trickle back into the hospital, looking for maybe a warm bed, or at least a warm shower. Scary to have to imagine even for a second what it's like to be without, and what we take for granted, and what some people don't have... but anyway, so there are more people than usual populating the little 'wing' of call rooms... and there's a desk with two computers. One has a sign on it that says "do not use this computer". And I finally thought "why the hell not? I'll shut it down when I'm done." So I booted up and went to log in... and this computer has a non-QWERTY keyboard!! It's so weird! I've never seen anything like it. All the letters are in the wrong place. There are letters on the top where the numbers go, numbers on the right, W on the bottom... I figured maybe that's why we're not supposed to use it. I think the lady whose desk it is had a stroke and can only use one hand, so maybe that's it. So I was trying to type on this crazy thing and kept screwing up- til I finally realized it actually IS a QWERTY keyboard, just mislabelled. Yikes.
This storm is depressing me. I keep wandering back to the tvs with the weather channel on. One was talking about the "snow ratio"- said this snow is 5:1 snow to water, and that 1 cubic foot weighs 20 lb. That "normal" snow is 20:1 and is 4lb per cubic foot. That plus the leaves is major tree damage. Up to 90% of the trees in buffalo they said. And that the big storm a few years ago was 87 inches of snow, but caused less than 1/4 of the damage this one has. Said this is actually one of the most devastating storms in buffalo history. Wowie wow wow wow.
I thought this was just an annoyance... snow too early... but this is like a big deal, peeps!
And have you heard the name? "october surprise".
Ok, back to wandering the halls aimlessly, I suppose...
Sorry for the boring post.
Stay warm... and if anyone needs a warm place, you're welcome to swing by. Well, after I get home tomorrow. (I'm guessing my haircut appointment is a no-go, what do you think?)

Permalink: more_weirdness.html
Words: 434
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/13/06 06:22 - 46ºF - ID#23965
It took me an hour to get in to work this morning, and I was still the first one here. Reluctantly, I admitted defeat and left my poor little car in the snow, and accepted a ride in my landlord's big mean SUV. I guess being stuck in a place with heat, power, showers and internet is not so bad. But get this- since the hospital is in disaster mode, all "non-essential" employees don't have to come in. Apparently the cafeteria is non-essential. So not only is there nothing for employees to eat- they're not even making food for the patients!! i guess they're just feeding everyone cereal and boxed lunches.
the trees make me sad though. When I was coming in this morning, around 6:30, it was still a mess. It was like an obstacle course... we kept having to re-route to get around roads blocked with trees, and downed power lines. And there were abandoned cars all over. Even in a 4WD truck we were slipping and sliding. But we ended up going down, what is it, Lincoln parkway? Into the circle bye gates, then down delaware. But a lot of the gorgeous old trees in the middle island are all broken and splintered. :(
Well peeps, I hope you are all warm and safe.
P.S. (e:ajay) did you make it to town? did you make it to goodbar last night? i did not. sorry if I missed you!

Permalink: storminess.html
Words: 324
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/09/06 06:40 - 65ºF - ID#23964
oh crap...
How will you be defined in the dictionary

And here's my answer.
<center><table background="#FFFFFF" border="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"width="450"><td align="center">
<b><font size="+1">Alexis --</font></b><br />
<font size="+1">[noun]:</font><br /><br />A master blogger
<br /><br />
<a style="color: #FF0000;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=83">'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'</a> at <a href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com" style="color: #FF0000;">QuizGalaxy.com</a></td></table></center>
I think it's a sign.
Hmm. Ok, well I guess cutting and pasting the code doesn't work.
But it says:
Alexis: n: A master blogger.

Permalink: oh_crap_.html
Words: 182
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/12/06 07:40 - 33ºF - ID#23963

And aside from that, what a lame day. A shithole thursday, perhaps.
(though this article (about Londoners "flashmobbing" in the subway to their ipods) is amusing

Speaking of ipods- the day started with our "office" at work getting burglarized. My bag was stolen, and then later recovered by the elevators- sans ipod. :( However two co-workers fared worse- one girl had her purse including wallet and keys stolen- the empty purse was later found across the street in the psych ward, and one guy had his whole bag, including suit and shoes for an interview tomorrow, not to mention kes/wallet/ipod taken. Some clothes recovered later.
I mean what the fuck. Shit like that makes me so ANGRY. I mean, who just thinks it's ok to steal people's stuff?? Either it was an "inside job" by someone who has access to the room, or someone didn't close the door all the way. But even if the door was open, the room is quite off the beaten path, and no one has any reason to be there- especially from 6-8 am, which is when it happened.
But when the guy called his credit card to cancel it- they said it had already been used 4 times in a 20 minute period at the delta sonic up the street- which has cameras all over... If the BPD can get off their asses and do their job, they should be able to find him on the tapes. They could also try to get prints off the glossy leather portfolio that was moved to get at the other girls wallet. BPD said they were sending a detective, but somehow I'm not holding my breath.
So while I'm bummed to be out an ipod (and fancy headphones, too), it's nothing irreplaceable. At least I got my research files, jump drive, etc back.
So that was the start to my day. Made me miss my only case, too.
Then I had a meeting with the boss... had no idea if I was in trouble or what. Fortunately I am not, and it went fine, but that was stressful.
Then the guy at work that tries to flirt with me, tried to flirt with me some more, and denied his relationship with his GF. Shady.
Then an email that the ex is looking to buy a house with my successor. That hurt a little. Shouldn't but it did. They've been together for a shorter time than we were- and I could barely get him to spend the night. Ah well.
DID have a bit of a civil chat with 'the boy' though. not sure if that's a good thing or not. I should have let it go, but I couldn't help myself. But he was civil, and I'm much more at peace with it all now. Not sure if that makes it easier or harder to move on.
Then I walk out to my car and get shoes full of slush. My parents said it's supposed to hit 70 in RI today- freak heat wave. Guess I will have to ask the landlords to clear their golf clubs out of my side of the garage a little earlier than I expected.
Supposed to meet ajay tonight since I can't make it tomorrow, but I dunno what my motivation will be like. Hot mulled cider and cozy pjs on the couch with grey's is sounding pretty good right about now...
Oh great. My fucking power just went out and I'm running on backup.
Guess i'd better hit publish!
oh yeah, the backup doesn't run the wireless. But power is back already. Just off long enough to make the clocks blink 12:00.
Think I should go nonetheless.
Enjoy the snow, peeps! :/

Permalink: Seriously_.html
Words: 667
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/06/06 07:41 - 55ºF - ID#23962
I talk to my family all-the-time. But generally I call them. And I never use my home phone. So when my home phone rings, it's usually not good news. Usually a telemarketer. But when my home phone rings and it's my family- I always get a lump in my throat and my heart speeds up and I fear the worst. My latest fear is that one of the dogs has died. Of course, usually there's no bad news. Usually mom saw something funny on tv, or heard a good joke or something. But last summer when mom called it was because my aunt had just been killed in a car accident.
And today, my dad and brother are at motorcycle racing school.
So when the phone rang, and I saw Mom on caller ID, I thought "oh crap". Then I thought "settle down... see what she has to say..." And she starts out "al?" and I can already tell her voice is wobbly, and panic rises again... She's slow spitting it out, and all I'm thinking is "dad and wood are dead... dad and wood are dead..." and I'm hoping "well maybe just injured. Please just be injured. Anything but dead."
Well, after all that build-up - the good news is, no one is dead. Or even (physically) injured.
And the truth is probably too private to post.
All I can say is... my sister fucked up. Big time. And I just hope she can fix it.
I called her when I got off the phone, but she's crying so hard she can't form words. Will try again later.
I'm not a praying person, but this deserves a prayer. :(
God help you sis.
But I love you anyway.
[and to my unwelcome guest- maybe you don't care about this 'fat fuck', but I think some of my friends do. Either man up and talk to my face (and sign your name), or don't talk at all, you little chicken shit. And know this is the last response you will get from me.]

Permalink: OH_MY_GOD.html
Words: 358
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/05/06 07:30 - 51ºF - ID#23961
I just watched last night's premiere, and I am so pissed that i have to wait a whole week for it to be on again.
And secondly- random question for you guys:
Have you ever heard of deodorant BLEACHING clothes?? I mean, I've heard of the pits of white shirts getting yellowed out over time... but today I'm wearing this cute blue tshirt that I just got... it was fine when I put it on... and i just noticed the mirror- the armpits are WHITE. Like bleach stains.
WTF! All I can think of is deodorant... but it's never happened before. But I think my shirt is ruined. I'm so mad!

Permalink: super_random.html
Words: 120
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/02/06 07:42 - 65ºF - ID#23959
Hospital secrets
Ok, but to the point of my post.
Have you ever had those dreams where you find a secret place? I love those dreams. Like I find a secret door in the back of my closet that leads to like another whole house that no one knows about... Or a secret attic... Stuff like that.
Well I kind of feel like that happened to me yesterday- AT WORK.
The OR and our little office is on the third floor. The door to the parking lot, the cafeteria, and medical records is on the first floor. I have very little reason to ever go on 2. I wanted to go from 3 to 1, so I started down the stairs. Then absentmindedly stopped on two. I was halfway down the hall when I realized I was on the wrong floor. But then all of the sudden I came across this door (apologies for camera-phone pix):

A little sign said "solarium". So I tried it... and it was unlocked! And it led to this room:

It's a neat room. I think it's built off an old exterior wall- because one wall is brick, with obviously filled-in windows.
And It had neat old furniture in it, including this desk/secretary.

Now I have always loved old desks with all their secret compartments... So I tried this one- it opened. And was full of old records.

And instructions.

Please tell me I am not alone in thinking this was an awesome discovery. I immediately went and got my books, then turned on the lights, kicked off my shoes, and curled on one of the couches to study. I *may* have even rocked out to my ipod for a little while. And talked on the phone. I am TOTALLY making that place my new secret headquarters. Assuming it's still there when I go back. ;) And the door is still unlocked.
Maybe I *am* Callie from Grey's- the 'fat' chick dancing around (though I was in more than underwear) in my secret room in the hospital. :)
Hope you all had a Happy Monday. I finally cooked for the first time in about a month, and got lots of little crap done around the house. Finally decided it's not longer A/C season. :(
Ok, back to work.
P.s. to my new reader- welcome, and thanks for stopping by. :)

Permalink: Hospital_secrets.html
Words: 493
Location: Buffalo, NY
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