02/11/08 01:00 - 10ºF - ID#43279
Where da B-lo Hotties at?

Aren't you intrigued at this young looking Don Imus, and by young I mean early 40's and with a skin condition.
Keep an eye out kids. Love is just around the sidebar.

Permalink: Where_da_B_lo_Hotties_at_.html
Words: 97
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
02/08/08 09:01 - 31ºF - ID#43252
Cold Call
I just made 55 calls to random people in Nebraska on behalf of Obama. It is really odd reading from a script at strangers. I mean, I like Obama. I really like him. But it feels so plastic to just read a script written by someone who is not a public speaker. I mean, that sentence about hope and change that also jabbed at Clinton was wonderful but it could have used seven less clauses. The written word is marvelous for a smattering of punctuation marks. The spoken word is not. By call 18 though I was into the routine and was able to joke with people and have a good chat.
Some people asked me questions I was not ready for. Where does Barack stand on gun control? "Er, the NRA hasn't made a big stink about him so I guess he isn't too restrictive" was my off the cuff answer. It turns out I happened to be right, but really, is gun control your biggest issue? What is this? The 90's?
Then someone asked me where he stands on OCEA. Um.. thankfully that was my last call. They were totally going to go vote for him they told me, but had that one question. My phone's battery died while I was trying to google it really fast.
The website where you get these numbers from is fun. They make it competitive. There is a top ten list of the people who made the most calls. I was briefly number nine and had the mofo at seven in my sites. But, with a dead phone all my dreams are too dead.
You kids should go to to make a few calls.
- update*
I am number seven!

sadly, they are out of numbers now.

Permalink: Cold_Call.html
Words: 296
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: books
02/08/08 02:28 - 31ºF - ID#43245
New Books
I am very excited about some new books I am getting.
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen of Omnivore's Dilemma fame goes where his previous left off. OD talked about "What is it that we eat" and IDF talks about "What should we eat?". His nutritional advice is summed up on the cover "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants". Pollen is upset with nutrition scientists: the chuckleheads who take something as complex as food and breaks it down to simple carbs, fats, and proteins. Pollen is a believer. You have to subscribe to his particular world view and lifestyle, but it is interesting stuff.
Next is Imbibe! a chronicle of the life of Professor Jerry Thomas: the man who created cocktail culture in America. That sounds a little silly. But imagine how novel it is that you can walk into a bar in New York, Macao, or Togo, order a Singapore Sling and get the same drink in each place. It expands into a general history of mixology. It is a book best read with a tall glass filled with a little of every liquid in your house.
Super fun!

Permalink: New_Books.html
Words: 193
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
02/06/08 07:33 - 30ºF - ID#43217
Who is it?
A telemarketer?
An old friend?
An ex-lover?
text messages are even more bewildering. A name gives you context for the quippy message. A number gives you nothing. So you can imagine my confusion when I got the following message:
"Vote for the spear chucker! Vote for a real American!"
OH! Did I just receive a really nasty smear machine text message? I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE! It would love to report it to some liberal blogging community and let them have a field day.
I get the message again five minutes later. Then a third time ten minutes after that. This is totally the work of the Clinton machine!!!
So I decide to call the number and see who it was. No one answers so I leave a message "speark chucker? You know what the problem is with you racists? You use the same old slurs. Come up with something new like 'ghetto martian' or 'monkey hope'."
Ya, so much for raising the level of discourse.
As it turns out it was an old friend of mine and we chatted about the cute Obama boys campaigning in the lower east side.

Permalink: Friends.html
Words: 251
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
02/04/08 02:12 - 40ºF - ID#43175
Wait a Second

That hairdo looks strangely familiar

It all makes sense now! A Hillary Clinton presidency will fulfill our manifest destiny.

Permalink: Wait_a_Second.html
Words: 43
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
02/02/08 09:36 - 30ºF - ID#43152
I am on Crack
My name is James and I am an addict.
This addiction has been manageable in the past. More of a perennial nuisance than a full time hunger. But now I can't even recognize myself.
I just found out tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday. My first thought was 'I wonder how this will affect Super Duper Tuesday primary blitz!' followed by 'I wonder if candidate has purchased ad time' and then 'oh man, I should totally go grocery shopping, no one will be there!'
This isn't the first time this has happened. When Benazir Bhutto was assassinated I worried that it might affect news coverage of Barack Obama's last stump speech before Iowa. How uncompassionate can you get?
I am going to have to get off this drug, but November is just... oh shit, it is over half a year away. God damn it.

Permalink: I_am_on_Crack.html
Words: 145
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humor?
02/01/08 01:48 - 32ºF - ID#43134
Who is the Real Joe Biden
Yes, he is one of the longest serving members of the senate. Yes, he has been a presidential candidate a few times. And yes, I want him and Obama to make sweet, sweet white house love together - ties loose, collar button undone.
But who is the real Joe Biden?
In 1987 Joe moved into a neighborhood Willmington known for a stray dog problem. Six months later no dogs could be found, Joe moved again.
In 1992 Joe introduced a piece of legislation that would ban the sale and ownership of silver daggers.
Joe has never attended a late night meeting while there was a full moon.
This points to a profoundly disturbing suspicion.

Have we let wolfmen infultrate the highest levels of our government?

Permalink: Who_is_the_Real_Joe_Biden.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/31/08 10:23 - 24ºF - ID#43122
So, I have been talking to a career councilor at Buff State. I have been seeing him for a month now, as I was pretty sure I wanted nothing to do with public school education for a while now. Well, I completed a few aptitude and temperament tests two weeks ago and got the rest results back. According to those tests I have an overwhelming aptitude for being an elected official.
So I want to use this moment to announce my candidacy for anything. Anything at all. My platform is as follows.
We will reform X to be superior to the way it was before!
We must end the policy of Y because it increases disparities between working class Americans and demonized institution du jour!
I promise you, in the first 100 days I am in office, I will not shake the hand of any foreigner who does not speak in an outrageous accent. Further more, I will not shake the hand of any member of 80's rock behemoth Foreigner.

Permalink: Hi.html
Words: 209
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
01/28/08 10:50 - 30ºF - ID#43059
Response to Tony

Permalink: Response_to_Tony.html
Words: 12
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/26/08 06:34 - 25ºF - ID#43045
State of the Union
Check out this State of the Union address he spliced together. I peed myself three times watching it.

Permalink: State_of_the_Union.html
Words: 33
Location: Buffalo, NY
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