08/25/07 04:00 - 78ºF - ID#40729
Tepid Chicks
But the trip back was determined to take a turn for the religious. And what happier sign of it than (e:Drew) standing out in front of his church handing out lemonade.
But by the time I got to Bidwell park the happy god who loves lemonade turned into another, darker deity.
A man and a woman with disquieting smiles on their face were handing out literature about their little church. I passed the gentleman's but my eyes widened when I saw the woman's. YES! She had a Jack Chick track!
I smiled and asked excitedly "Is that a Chick's tract?!" as I happily grabbed one. "I love him, he is absolutely disgusting!" Jack draws and writes these little comic strips in which Buddhists burn in a pit of fire crying "I thought all paths lead to god!". Or depicts homosexuals as fat hairy dandies who love to fuck toddlers. A favorite of mine concerns a wealthy muslim who is very charitable and leads a very spiritual and moral life. He pays for a hundred people to go on a Haj to Mecca but the plane does down and they all die. Despite being an upstanding guy who goes to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ and worshiping a pagan snake god in disguise as Allah.
Sadly though this was the most boring tract I have ever read. It was filled with 20 pages with my least favorite argument for god. It goes like this. Because you are not currently being raped and murdered there must be a loving god protecting you. It irrationally defines a wide spectrum of human behavior as sin but then shows that god must love you because he will forgive you if you repent for doing this normal bit of behavior.
Ya know, if more godly people would hand out lemonade instead of absurdities the world would be a much finer place. But then, I suppose that is why there were tons of people in front of (e:Drew)'s church and people were avoiding the two on Bidwell like plagued rats.

Permalink: Tepid_Chicks.html
Words: 395
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/24/07 01:16 - 83ºF - ID#40709
Electoral College Mayhem
Reading the Federalist Papers years ago, in which the original American argument for the College was put, after a dozen readings I still had no clue why we needed the damn thing. The phrase 'Tyranny of the Majority' comes to mind. However, a sort of Tyranny of the Minority has been the reality.
To illustrate this let's compare the most populace state and the least.
California is home to 33,871,648 people and has 55 electoral votes.
Wyoming is home to 1,689,591 people and has the minimum number of votes at 3.
Now, with some magical math we find that a fair system would give one vote per 563,197 people. But the reality is different. A unit of 563,197 voters should have a single vote. But these varry from state to state.
A single unit in California is equal to .91 votes. Where as in Wyoming a single unit is worth 3.42 votes. Making CA the most under-represented state and WY the most over-represented.
This sucks, but things get a whole lot suckier.
The GOP in CA is fighting for a referendum to drop the winner takes all electoral votes system, which most states use. Instead they want to award an electoral vote to who wins each district. This would give the GOP 20 electoral votes and 35 to the Dems.
This system would be pretty awesome if every state adopted it. Effectively circumventing the swing state morass national politics is in. But by splitting the vote only in CA that would mean it is virtually impossible to elect a Democrat president.
And there is popular support for this in CA! It is a fine idea. A few other states do it, though none are decisive states. But if a key state does it and others don't the result doesn't address any of the problems of the system. Voters are still under represented. Democrats make a majority of voters and they will be under-represented further.
Where do we turn for help! Why, to the moderate GOP Governor Arnold Schwartzeneger! He announced today that he would veto any move to split the electoral vote.
Sometimes help comes from the strangest of places.

Permalink: Electoral_College_Mayhem.html
Words: 355
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/22/07 10:36 - 64ºF - ID#40671
Fanboy: A Cautionary Tail
But then the fundamental flaw of Quake 3 was that it was not based in a dystopian Ayn Rand universe.
Really, the question about what makes a good game or not no longer has to do with a spiritual moment and a well aimed laser headshot. Rather the gaming industry has come to the point where it needs to break the dystopian Ayn Rand universe barrier. It was something I knew never to hope for in my lifetime, but perhaps my children's lifetime. Thankfully, I was wrong.
Bioshock was released today. And there was blood on the conjugal sheets: the dystopian Ayn Rand universe has been broken and the lovin' was sweet! Yes, the game is based in said universe and in an underwater city. It is a first person shooter. Cinimaticly it is film noir. Like the Maltise Falcon with a 50's sci-fi flair.
Of course, the next litmus for a genre changing game is a society which murders children.
Bioshock delivers in spadefulls! Yes, the populace of this world must kill children to survive! I am not sure how much kid-killing you do yourself, but it is like the fire department: you don't want to need it yourself but you are happy it is there.
Of course, murdering babes is a little too easy. Espetially when they help fuel your fantastical powers like shooting fire or electricity from your arm. Or turning that arm into a hornets nest. So, out there protecting these children are gents known as 'Big Daddy'

Ya, the deep sea diver motif nicely fits in with the under water city backdrop. And that drill looking thing? In the demo it went through some poor would be child-killer's hand and later gut.
And have I mentioned you can SHOOT HORNETS from your arm? The game play is much slower than Quake or Halo. But if you are aiming a nest of blood hungry hornets, you need to take your time to savor the spectacle. You do not wharf down a gourmet meal, and you do not shoot lightning quick rockets in a gourmet game.
Now, let me recap.
1) Dystopian Ayn Rand universe
2) Child-Murder
3) Hornet Shooting nest-arm.
I am king dork of shit mountain.

Permalink: Fanboy_A_Cautionary_Tail.html
Words: 439
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: gym
08/21/07 05:53 - 67ºF - ID#40661
The Gym Saga Continues
Oh, and while I am here. The steam room at the JCC is the weirdest I have ever seen. It isn't the super cool Nordic one with the wood planks and the box of volcanic rock you pour water on. No, it is all tile and wet and dank. I went into it once. It was uncomfortable because a towel does nothing to protect you from the bacteria left on the bench behind from the previous guys ass. No, the whole thing is sopping wet. The odds of getting an infection in that place are equal to a bareback orgy. The odd thing about it though is that to keep the steam up a sprinkler system goes off shooting hot water everywhere. It scared the hell out of me when it did and I ran away, dreaming of Sweden and their sanitary saunas.
Well, apparently (e:Jim) and (e:Enknot) have been plotting to get me to go to the Buff. State facility and be Tony's workout buddy. I don't know how I feel about being a workout buddy. So much responsibility. Damn it! If I want to skip two reps from my last set I am going to! Scrawniness be damned! So, I biked over there and gave the place a look over. Who should I see but (e:Libertad). This must be the cool kids gym.
I was talking to this guy while I was volunteering at the Pride Center about Alentown Athletix. They have a nice facility but it is the 'gay gym' and I want no part of that. I have no problem with working out around gay guys and the occasional check out of another's butt. I just don't want someone reaching out unsolicited to give a hand job while on the stair master.
Well, he told me that Buff State was a tough gym to go to because it was littered with young hot buff guys. He couldn't go there any more, it was too much of a distraction. That is why everyone should watch freaky porn. It is really tough to get aroused from an every day situation if you are into furries and carrot sticks.
I am sure I can handle a distraction or two. This isn't some 80's movie where I (the nerdy guy) sees her (the unattainable beauty). She shakes the sweat from her hair as a sparkly filter is put on the camera and some synth laden rock song with the word 'magic' in it's title plays. Enraptured I forget I have a kagillion pounds of wait and the smith machine falls like a guillotine and John Cusack hilarity ensues. No, I am not that guy.

Permalink: The_Gym_Saga_Continues.html
Words: 523
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/20/07 12:22 - 64ºF - ID#40636
Missing it or...
I have had my nose buried in polls and campaign news concerning national elections in '08 since... well, since the national elections in '06. It is a lot like fantasy football. I have no idea how to play fantasy football, but this is an accurate comparison for sure. Mostly because I am itching to get married and stop paying health insurance. I figure that the marriage tax break and no longer paying my HMO will balance out socialized medicine tax increase. Yay!
But all the while, I can't tell you a thing about the local elections coming up this november. That county executive might be up, Lynn Marinelli is up for re-election, and my county rep. might have something going on as well. I could be wrong. We could just be having pie and jam-off at the county fair.
So I go to the Buffalo/Niagara League of Women Voters website to check things out. Not a drop of information. All I know, the guy who is an officially endorsed Democrat is probably real corrupt and will most likely get elected. Leon Czolgosz is going to be my write in candidate.
Do any of you folks have information on our blundering candidates?

Permalink: Missing_it_or_.html
Words: 215
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/16/07 11:04 - 72ºF - ID#40585
Dance Dance Revolution
You see, I had not seen the wonderful friends I had made the freshman year of college in about a year. Being absolutely horrible at making friends by my onesome I gravitated towards that special group of freaks who accept those too nerdy to be accepted by the treckies, the dorks too geeky to play Vampire LARPS. I was friends with the Anime crowd. You will have to take my word on this, but they were the coolest anime kids the world has ever known.
There was Jamie: the born-again-off-again Christian who could be found reading The Story of O, playing piano without ever taking a lesson, capture stray kitties and put them to her bosom, and dance like a maniac. All without the fortifying spirits of alcohol.
Dave, the 30 year old freshman who chain smokes. He began smoking to kick his cocaine habit, and it worked!
And a constellation of very minor characters which I will leave out for interestingness sake. Jamie and Dave weren't very active. Jamie's lack of Dance space and soccer, and Dave's lack of coke had led to a little slowness, a little softness. A noticeable, but modest paunch.
But When i saw them after one year, the change was amazing. The crazy characters would play Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) at home, in the arcade for hours. And they wanted me to try. Oh, the horrid songs! The indignity of dancing like stationary hop-scotch! The utter un-coolness of it told me not to dance. But their newly shapely thighs and tight buttocks commanded me to dance.
And oh! was it unimaginably fun! Cooly I told them it was alright. But when I got back home a few days later I made a rare trip to the mall. Thankfully, my apartment at the time was in a basement under a staircase. And with my tiny window blinds shut and the music down I shed my bourgeois music and stillness for a dance epidemic.
I mention all this because a new version is coming out for the Wii. It will have the usual dance pad and also involve motion with the two remotes. It promises to be the craziest game I am ashamed to play.
that is all

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Words: 377
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: music
08/15/07 09:56 - 72ºF - ID#40553
Dan Deacon
Youtube still amazes me. One day it will occur to me to type in the name of a musician, show dog, novelty cigarette manufacturer, just to see what comes up. Well, today was Dan Deacon's day.
I have memories of Dan. He went to school with my friends. So, when i would see Dan I would be high or drunk, both, or carrying a length of PVC pipe covered in pipe insulation and duct tape. I saw Dan perform a handful of times, but man, it was freakin' awesome. An kinetic ham electronica genius.
Care to see a youtube result?
you will look for more, I know you will.

Permalink: Dan_Deacon.html
Words: 117
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/13/07 07:05 - 81ºF - ID#40522
A 6-7 hour car ride makes those at the destination the most horrible people on the planet, by simple virtue of their distance. But, it was a lovely trip and I ate a great number of clams.
I hung out with all my hometown friends. This is a bit of a misnomer, as only two of them are from the same town as me, but hometown is a much larger geographic term encompassing anything east of Syracuse and generous parts of Connecticut. We played a game called 'Who Wants to Eat a Millionaire" if provoked we can play it next estrip party.
Speaking of estrip. Separately but with the same concerned tone both my folks asked me what Estrip.org was, due to the new bumper-sticker. Boy were they relieved.
And now, I must get blood flowing back into my legs after such a long car ride.
squishy kisses

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Words: 157
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/08/07 04:24 - 83ºF - ID#40444
In Praise of Pandora
No, I am talking about [link=www.pandora.com]Pandora.com[/link] it is a streaming music site where you plug in the name of a beloved song or musician and BAM it provides you with hours of things you might also like.
I have been listening to a radio station with songs similar to Nico's Marble Index album. Monday it was Tom Waits-like radio.
To give you a sense of how much I am enjoying it I usually keep a text document open that I fill with new artists I hear. The more obscure stuff has some repeats (Like Robert Wyatt, which has about 30 songs) but there have been few repeats with the above mentioned.
One thing I quite enjoy is to pop in a band with a dozen side projects. Or a musician who put out a few works before dieing of going Syd Barrett crazy. Specifically, the band Morphine has has both. Mark Sandman, the singer and principle song writer had a heart attack early in the bands career (though he was in his 50's). It is about 60% Morphine, his solo stuff, and rarities. So freakin' awesome.
It is part of what they call The Music Genome Project. Music is analyzed and cut up into specific characteristics. These are based on the sound and not the lyrics. So your happy happy upbeat music station could suddenly have a bright song with cut yourself lyrics. It is part of the joy.
So, if you are stuck at a soul crushing job what makes you want to bore out your eyes with hardened dung and can listen to music please check it out; you will be happy you did.

Permalink: In_Praise_of_Pandora.html
Words: 296
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/06/07 02:10 - 80ºF - ID#40407
The most hilarious birthday present EVAH
Well, Rep. Allen has given us an explanation, finally. Oh, and it was so worth the wait.
You see, Rep. Allen, who is white, was arrested by an officer who is black. Allen felt intimidated and feared becoming a "statistic". In defense, Whitey offered the big scary black man a blow job. It seems so natural when you think of it like that, a survival strategy.
Skunks spray, puffer fish puff, Allen blows.
Well, here is an excerpts from Officer Scary Blackman's police report. How long can you go without guffawing?
In a written statement released Thursday, Titusville Officer Danny Kavanaugh recalled entering the restroom twice and said he was drying his hands in a stall when Allen peered over the stall door.
After peering over the stall a second time, Allen pushed open the door and joined Kavanaugh inside, the officer wrote. Allen muttered " 'hi,' " and then said, " 'this is kind of a public place, isn't it,' " the report said.
The officer said he asked Allen about going somewhere else and that the legislator suggested going "across the bridge, it's quieter over there."
"Well look, man, I'm trying to make some money; you think you can hook me up with 20 bucks?" Kavanaugh asked Allen.
The officer said Allen responded, "Sure, I can do that, but this place is too public."
Then Kavanaugh said he told Allen, "I wanna know what I gotta do for 20 bucks before we leave.' " He said Allen replied: "I don't know what you're into."
According to Kavanaugh's statement, the officer said, "do you want just [oral sex]?" and Allen replied, "I was thinking you would want one."
The officer said he then asked Allen, "but you'll still give me the 20 bucks for that . . . and that the legislator said, "yeah, I wouldn't argue with that."
As Allen turned and motioned for the officer to follow him to his car, Kavanaugh identified himself as a police officer by raising his shirt and exposing his badge.

Permalink: The_most_hilarious_birthday_present_EVAH.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
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And sadly, fear and bad logic works better than lemonade and kindness. Glad we could show you "happy God" though. (I'd be happy if I was God. It only makes sense, right?)
but then drew won't have lemonade for me tomorrow will he...