Category: music
03/08/06 03:09 - 41ºF - ID#36663
Don't say I never asked you on a date

I'm compiling a list of my most memorable music moments of 2006. Right at the top of that list is the Lovemakers' Valentine's Day show at the Great American Music Hall, when, for their encore, the East Bay foursome pulled from its retro repertoire a dead-on cover of the spooky Cure classic "A Forest" that would have had black streaks of joy running down Robert Smith's powdered cheeks.
That's exactly [inlink]twisted,307[/inlink] what I said!
Oh, and (e:Jessbob)'s pal's the Spinto Band are playing a free show at Amoeba

p.s. - wow, three posts in one day. Just like old times!
p.p.s. - I also suggested to dear John that we catch the []Be Nice Party[/link] next month, since I noticed it too late for tonight. Never hurts to have a wingman/woman.

Permalink: Don_t_say_I_never_asked_you_on_a_date.html
Words: 210
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: boys and girls
03/08/06 01:08 - 37ºF - ID#36662
Dear John, the uncut version
"Break up" [inlink]twisted,326[/inlink] was a exaggeration. Here's the whole timeline:
Sunday 9PM: I respond to a m4w post on craigslist
Sunday 10PM: after a few rounds of email we decide to meet for a drink
Monday 6-8:30PM: aforementioned drinks, as described here [inlink]twisted,325[/inlink]
Here's exactly what happened after that. He sent me the following email from his "real" email account (previously he had used a generic account - common practice on craigslist before you meet face to face):
"It was fun to meet you. If you're really interested please send me your # so I can call you."
I responded, also switching to my real email account:
Hi John. It was great meeting you last night. It's uncanny how much we have in common - especially considering we met through craigslist.
From your ad I know you're looking for love and a LTR. I really enjoyed hanging out together and would be into doing that again. But I don't feel the kind of connection to be dating each other. I don't mean to make what may seem like a premature determination, but I've been putting off sending my reply for that reason, so I wanted to be upfront about it. Anyway, I do like you and would be interested in doing stuff together. Some guys who are looking for a LTR only want to focus on that. You don't seem like that type, but with your limited social time I could totally understand if you wanted to reserve it for finding that special someone and spending time with your current friends. But if you ever want to do something together, give me a call or send me an email!
(with my phone number)
His reply:
Thanks for the nice note, I appreciate your candor. Yes, I am interested in meeting someone with an intimate relationship as the end goal.
That being said, I did enjoy meeting you and you seem very cool and together and I could see getting together from time to time for some laughs. Who knows we might introduce each other to the perfect mate! And as far as I know yo can't have enough friends.
So promise to call me if there is something going on or youre in the neighborhood and I'll do the same.
My point about screwing and chemistry is this. I would much prefer chemistry and good conversation any day of the week. That's ultimately what I'm looking for. But the difference I've seen between women and men is, even if there's no chemistry some guys will screw you until they get bored. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but don't be surprised when the chick is pissed six weeks later when you then tell her you're breaking up because there's no chemistry. Can you guys get that, or no? I thought it was pretty simple. It would be better to say upfront "I really don't see us together long term, but I could sure use a good fuck if you're up for it." See what I'm saying?
On the flip side, if there's chemistry but no conversation, hopefully at some point you both come to the same realization. But I agree if I ended up screwing someone I couldn't see having a certain rapport with, I should probably say something upfront about that too. Unfortunately that hasn't come up for me yet. I'll keep you posted.
p.s. -
Just so you know I'm not out to lambaste the male of the species (if that were the case I would have properly categorized my post with one of the many colorful categories created by hodown - which I have been dying to use - but my damn inherent sense of diplomacy won't let me until I have just cause) here's an afterthought.
I have to correct myself about women 'typically' not screwing a guy if there's no chemistry. I have seen some women who will screw a guy just to prove to herself she's worth screwing. I have no other words of wisdom about that, just an observation.

Permalink: Dear_John_the_uncut_version.html
Words: 709
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: boys and girls
03/08/06 01:33 - 23ºF - ID#36661
Dear John...
So, my Dear John email was well-received. Then again, maybe he's on myspace right now ranting about the b!tch who dumped him before a proper chem test could even be conducted. But somehow I don't think so.
See, that's one difference between guys and girls. I just don't feel it, so I'm not going to go there. Not because he's not "the one" - I'd be happy to screw a guy I might never want to carry a conversation on with. But just because I can carry a conversation on with a guy doesn't mean I'd screw him.
In other words, it won't take me six weeks of screwing his brains out to come to the sudden realization, oh wait! there's no chemistry here! sorry!
Yeah, that could really piss a chick off. Hell hath no fury for sure.

Permalink: Dear_John_.html
Words: 171
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: dating
03/07/06 02:08 - 29ºF - ID#36660
So I can tell right away he's practical and realistic - which might sound boring but scores very high with me. I get to the bar first, which lives up to it's

I reluctantly disengage myself and grab a booth at the back of the bar to wait. Mr. Practical shows up right on schedule within the 15 minute window he gave me. He gets a beer and the life storytelling begins.
I won't even go into all the unexpected commonalities we turned up over two beers, like moving here from Boston 4-5 years ago, working for rival tech publishers - which gave us the context to appreciate and the ideal positioning to launch into the Internet age. Seriously, if you weren't in the thick of it at that time there's no way to describe it.
Oh yeah, and this is for (e:Paul). When one of the IDG companies he worked for went belly up in the dot com bust, he bought their assets - including two $100k Sun Servers - for a mere $1,000 total to start his own business. Sorry - he already resold them so I can't get you any deals.
Plus he has a Border Collie he adopted from the SPCA. 10 points for that.
So it's like, Bingo!, right? But there was no chemistry - from my side anyway. Is that too much to ask for? He seemed to be into me - walked me to BART, kiss on the cheek, maybe we can catch some live music later this week - all that. Or maybe he's just more realistic than I am. I just don't know any more. If only there were some DIP switches to make that part work it would be so much easier.
So now I have to write the Dear John email (yeah, his name really is John) in response to his email asking me for my phone number. I'll tell him I enjoy hanging out with him, but I don't feel a romantic attraction which I know is what he is looking for. But if he's interested in doing things together as friends, I'd be up for that.
Sounds harsh - it's not like he's butt-ugly or anything, so can I really know I'm not attracted to him this quickly? I once talked to another craigslist guy who was trying to get over his ex. He told me she wasn't at all his "type" physically, so he was surprised he fell for her so hard. I told him attraction is a subjective thing - when you grow to like someone/something, your impression can change too. Maybe the first time you looked at sushi you thought "that can't possibly taste good!" But after trying and liking it, all of a sudden when you see sushi you think "my god! that looks so delicous!" He got that.
Still, since we're talking about a men for women posting I'd rather go on the record with how I'm feeling right now. If we do continue going out and he turns out to be sushi - or I become more realistic - there's always the option to update later.
Back to the bingo board.

Permalink: B_I_N_G_d_Oh_.html
Words: 729
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: tv
03/06/06 02:56 - 33ºF - ID#36659
Real Life Simpsons Intro

Happy Monday everyone!

Permalink: Real_Life_Simpsons_Intro.html
Words: 34
Location: San Francisco, CA
03/03/06 01:14 - 24ºF - ID#36658

Oh yeah, I must've passed that editing test 'cause they hired me. Woo hoo!

Permalink: woof_.html
Words: 66
Location: San Francisco, CA
02/28/06 11:17 - 21ºF - ID#36657
40 days
Good Friday. At least for breakfast and dinner. You were on your own for school lunch.
Anyway, I thought it was kind of funny when my siblings adopted the practice when they got older. I'm like, did I miss something? Maybe we did that all along and I just forgot? But I don't think so. I remember when my brother visited me in SF for the first time and we went to the Arnold Arboretum in Golden Gate Park and saw these gigantic asparagus-looking plants. It was Lent, and he had given up asparagus. What are the odds? And who the hell gives up asparagus?
I also remember going to my other brother's church the first Sunday in Lent. It must have been for my nephew's First Communion. Anyway, the minister gave an interesting sermon. She suggested, instead of giving up something for Lent - denying yourself something you enjoy - why not "take up" something you've been meaning to do. Get in touch with old friends, volunteer, meditate, read, write. That struck a chord with me, the eternal "be what you are, not what your aren't" person.
This probably doesn't help [inlink]decoyisryan,13[/inlink] at all. But if it were me, I would only give up something I thought would be beneficial to cut back on long term. Otherwise, maybe consider taking up something.

My brother and the giant asparagus

Permalink: 40_days.html
Words: 272
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: opinion
02/28/06 12:07 - 17ºF - ID#36656
I consider myself a liberal, but I don't expect everyone to share my ideologies, and I respect your right to voice your own. We may debate, but it doesn't have to turn into a fight.
I object to liberals who spend more time criticizing conservatives than communicating their own views. It's easy to "prove" what's wrong. Defining yourself by what you're "not" doesn't tell me anything. It's like the playground bully establishing his authority by beating up the other kids.
That's all for now.

Permalink: Incite.html
Words: 132
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: technology
02/27/06 02:04 - 21ºF - ID#36655
Someone/place for everyone
The cover story is way too long to even attempt to excerpt here. If you're interested, let me know and I'll email it to you. They get into the "logic" online dating services like and use to match people up. Crazy, but interesting.
They also included a sidebar of "niche" matchmaking services, which I am posting here as a public service to all you individualists.
Conservative Match (

Liberal Hearts (

Good Genes (

MillionaireMatch (

The Atlasphere (

May-December (

Golfmates (

Riders2Love (

EquestrianCupid (

CowboyCowgirl ( "Join thousands of singles that share your love for the country way of life"
GothicMatch (

Single FireFighters (

Positive Love (

Singles with Scruples (

Private Affairs (

Asexual Pals (

The interesting part about the Google Earth article - besides covering the technology in an historical context - is the descriptions of the implementations springing up using the Google Earth toolkit to attach annotations (clickable pictures, descriptions, links) to specific geographical points. They cite and for news, screenshots and links to some practical examples. Some less practical examples: an overlay from shows who is writing a blog in your city with links to the blog, and a Flickr overlay on the Geobloggers site where you can see any available photos of the geographic location you're looking at.

Permalink: Someone_place_for_everyone.html
Words: 510
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: food
02/25/06 06:47 - 25ºF - ID#36654
I was thwarted in my pursuit of fish n' chips last night. Edinburgh Castle was packed to the gills (pardon the poisson pun) for "Rock Out w/o yr Cock Out," which might sound, um, exotic but apparently is a monthly event here. Who knew? Needless to say, I was disappointed, having already rationalized getting chips AND rings as it's been such a long time since I indulged. Probably just as well, since I'm sure I would have hated myself in the morning (if not sooner) - same as last time. Tastes so good going down but doesn't feel so great once it's landed.
Believe it or not, I recently started paying attention my diet too. No really! Admitting you might have a problem is the first step, right? ;-)

Permalink: Poissonuer.html
Words: 140
Location: San Francisco, CA