Category: mac love
01/18/06 01:48 - 34ºF - ID#36627
this is the day...
Oh yes indeed. I ordered it. I'm not really sure if this is the day, but my life will surely change. I am so freakin' excited. Can this $1799 item ($1959.92 total including memory upgrade and tax) really make me so very happy? I almost want to suspend this moment of infinite promise. Somehow I think it will. Steve Jobs, I love you.
Which reminds me - Happy Anniversary (e:Jim) and (e:James)!
Not to get philosophical about [inlink]jim,55[/inlink] being philosophical, but my recent happy buying experience on really highlighted how unusual it's become to have everything handled right - even when things go wrong. Case in point - when my iMac was ready to be configured and shipped on Monday, something went terribly, terribly wrong. My credit card took that inopportune time to max out. D'oh! HOW did I let that happen, you ask? Well, since I was technically homeless for a few weeks before I finally got this place, I had to get a PO Box in Alameda - inconveniently located on the wrong side of the Bay from me now - and I guess some bills are still going there. Basically I fucked up, ok?
Anyway, I get a nice email from explaining the problem with helpful suggestions for a solution. After surviving the shock of reading the words "transaction declined" and immediately concluding then dismissing the notion this must be some kind of divine intervention to keep me from making a purchase I maybe shouldn't be making, I pulled myself together and literally sprang into action like my life depended on it. PLEASE wait for me Steve, I swear I'm good for the money.
So the first thing that comes to mind is WHY didn't the nice guy who called from my credit card company on SUNDAY to ask about some "suspicious activity" mention the pre-authorization for the iMac that clearly went through on that day? I know this because he listed the printer I also bought from at the same time to qualify for a rebate. I told him, yes, I had made all those purchases, and there should be a larger transaction for about $1799 for the iMac. All he said was "ok." So now I'm kicking myself that I could have had some forewarning about this, and realizing my $100 rebate for the printer is now in jeopardy if I can't buy the iMac at the same time before the deadline.
I check my credit card balance online, and sure enough, I'm about $250 shy of what I need for the iMac purchase. THEN it dawns on me, the other "recent transaction" cited was the $240 fee when I joined the local health club on Sunday. WHAT WAS I THINKING! I already splurged and bought myself health care insurance after 5 years without. My health and future aren't worth THAT much. If I had to pick between health insurance; better overall health and fitness; or the new iMac - I would have to go with the iMac. But it's too late now! Somehow I have to pay for them all.
So ANYWAY, I begrudgingly remember I do in fact have another credit card - one that I reluctantly signed up for back in the day when I thought Alamedalink could be a self-sustaining and/or profit-making and/or web design business-generating site. (Ha! I was so naive back then.) So I pull out that card, dust it off, plug in the numbers, and voilà! Transaction seems to go through. I remember to change the billing address first and make a mental note NOT to immediately chuck any mail from that credit card company into the recycle pile next month.
THEN the really scary thing happens. That transaction is denied too. Now I'm panicking, and the divine intervention conspiracy theory is starting to carry some weight. This is already a really long story and I'm nowhere close to finishing so here's the Cliff Notes version of the rest.
I call - explain the change in credit card, and that the new card definitely has more than enough credit to make the purchase. He says he sees the new card, but it's saying transaction declined for that one too. Gives a number of reasons why that could happen and suggests I call the credit card company.
I call the credit card company and get the message "due to the MLK holiday our offices are closed today." D'oh! I call the emergency 800 number and actually get someone. She says the transaction was declined because they tried to submit it too many times. Well, yeah - because after it was declined in the first place he tried it a couple more times while on the phone with me. Anyway, as interested as I am in debugging why this happened - and why to me at this exact point in time - I'm more antsy to get my transaction back on track. So I tell them I NEED this transaction to go through, so they force the authorization and give me an authorization code to give to Apple directly. I call back up, give them the code, and voilà, I'm back in the good graces of Steve Jobs.
This story doesn't really make sense without the contrasting bad experiences I've had recently. But you all know how that goes. It just seems like more often than not, so much is spent on the hype and marketing, but the product rarely lives up to its promise. So then we buy into the hype and promise of something else to make up for it. That's a really bad cycle.
Ok, enough ranting for now. Time to check FedEx tracking to see if I can spare an hour to bike down to the gym for my 11:30am yoga class.
p.s. - come to think of it, the last time I almost maxed out my credit card was for another computer purchase. I had to FAX my life story to a complete stranger that day before getting on an airplane at 8am. THAT was fun. You would think the credit card company would have up'd my credit limit by now. What kind of communist country is this? (Ha! Just kidding.)
p.p.s. - I might have to move this post to - if I had an account there. Not sure if it's interesting enough [inlink]hodown,215[/inlink] for (e:strip). How am I supposed to know that? Doesn't everybody think their own day is more interesting than it actually is? Oh well, there's no law that says you have to read it. I suppose we could add a polling feature and "unworthy" posts could be voted off the 'strip. But I think (e:Paul) has enough going on right now [inlink]paul,4134[/inlink] without coding that. (Much more to debate on this topic, but just playing devil's advocate for now.)

Permalink: this_is_the_day_.html
Words: 1159
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: mac love
01/13/06 09:05 - 56ºF - ID#36626
I haven't bought a darn thing yet. I almost bought some accessories for my intended iPod, but I can't bring myself to buy gifts for something I don't own yet. Call me superstitious.
I think I have to buy a new Mac instead. But which one?
p.s. - This PC is killing me. If someone were ready to commit suicide and a mere $1,699 (or $1,999?) item would make their life worth living again - that would be a good investment, right?

Permalink: Afterglow.html
Words: 150
Location: San Francisco, CA
01/11/06 08:18 - ID#36625
greetings from macworld!

Permalink: greetings_from_macworld_.html
Words: 6
Location: San Francisco, CA
01/11/06 12:13 - ID#36624
i am so fucked part 2

The windows are there, and the messages keep bleeping, but I can't see the text. I might have to skip the iPod and just get a new computer. What can I get for $60? ;-)

Permalink: i_am_so_fucked_part_2.html
Words: 44
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: computers
01/10/06 11:59 - 35ºF - ID#36623

My youngest brother (exactly one year younger than (e:Paul)) was the only kid still living at home when my parents finally splurged on an IBM PC Junior circa 1985. Definitely should have bought a Mac. It was so painful watching my Dad trying to format church bulletins and newsletters and member directories on that thing I eventually "donated" my LC III to his church - pre-loaded with QuarkXpress and Filemaker Pro. That probably didn't look so good when he eventually left that church after 14 years. Oops. Stupid software registration splash pages!
I could go on and on about computer hand-me-downs, but I have to get to Macworld! I'm finally going to buy myself an iPod [inlink]twisted,126[/inlink] this year. I asked for and got two $30 (the family limit) gift certificates to the Apple store for Christmas. Hee haw - it's about time.

Permalink: MineMineMine.html
Words: 279
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/26/05 11:17 - 33ºF - ID#36622
Being grown up is so overrated
"Um, it doesn't seem like it."
"Good. Then you can be the technical wizard on our team to spy on the grown-ups to see what they really do."
Sounds like more fun than anything else I had lined up this week.
One other classic family moment: After Dad's traditional reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, he announced he and Jean had gotten all the grandkids a special group gift this year: A goat. They didn't seem as surprised as I would have been at that age.

Permalink: Being_grown_up_is_so_overrated.html
Words: 95
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/16/05 09:07 - 29ºF - ID#36621
fun fam

p.s. - if my laptop crashes one more time I'm going to kill myself.

Permalink: fun_fam.html
Words: 41
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/13/05 12:21 - ID#36620
i am so fucked

Permalink: i_am_so_fucked.html
Words: 1
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/01/05 08:32 - 33ºF - ID#36618
Can't afford to live in SF?

Reply to:
Date: 2005-12-01, 4:51PM PST
If you answer yes please read on.........
If you answer no 2 times you may stop reading.
1. Do you have a place to shower???
ex: friends house, gym membership, ymca..
2. Need a vehicle as well as housing?
3. Can not afford Housing and Vehicle costs together??
4. Like outdoorsy independant lifestle???
5. Want a return on your investment???
6. Cost of san francisco rent got you down??
7. Cant afford the move in costs of san francisco?
8. Deposit and first and last months rent to much?
Well you could buy my VAN for less than most move in costs for an Apartment.
It is a 1991 Dodge "Pacific Coach" edition. Automatic with 126K. van runs excellent. Registered and smogged. Insulated to keep you warm. I have slept in this van in tahoe during winter. I do not recomend this as you could die in really cold weather. I had all the right gear to keep me warm. A good sleeping bag is all you would need for san francisco. Curtains and blinds to keep you private. Custom curtain that snaps up in seconds for front window. It has a sink, but no fridge or stove. I think you get the idea.
TV, VCR, and mood lights just stopped working. Not sure why. I think it is a just a fuse. Price lowered due to this. $3500 or $291 a month for one year. i will not accept monthly payments. Price is $3500 OBO thanks for reading.
but be prepared for...

Permalink: Can_t_afford_to_live_in_SF_.html
Words: 286
Location: San Francisco, CA
11/28/05 02:37 - ID#36617
city life

Permalink: city_life.html
Words: 59
Location: San Francisco, CA
Plus, the 20" screen is amazing. With Windows I'd only use one program at a time, but now I usually have two or three open side by side. Wide screen is awesome.
Did you get any extra memory for it? An extra gigabyte is only about $100 (as long as you don't order from Apple).