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Category: bikes

05/10/06 08:51 - ID#23849

My ass hurts!

I can be infinitely patient when I need to, but when I get it in my head that I want something, I want it NOW.

So the fact that bike shopping is taking a week is killing me. BUT I just went on a few 'test rides' and finally picked out a bike. Unfortunately they have to order my size and put it together blah blah blah, so no rides this weekend. Damn!

I haven't ridden a bike since my old one was stolen in new orleans, 4 years ago. But those little test rides reminded me how fun it is. Something FUN, that I LIKE, that counts as exercise?! Wow!! So I cruised around the neighborhood by the shop... got myself a little lost... (ended up biking on Main, ick) allayed my fears that hitting a crack in the sidewalk/bad pavement on skinny tires will NOT send me over the handlebars. And it was a natural hairdryer, haha. (though I don't dare look in the mirror.) And driving home I was inspired to mix up my route a little bit... went through some GORGEOUS residential neighborhoods. I guess now I know where the money lives... Can't wait to go riding around.

Unfortunately my ass hurts already from that little 30min ride. The guy insists that 'it kills your sit bones for a week or so, but then it's really comfortable!" Hope he's not lying. (but he was kinda cute, and he liked my car, so I'll believe anything he says. ;) )

And one other random bit- while waiting for him to assemble test bike number two, I went to a corner store and bought some "O2GO" water. (it was not very good). But the gimmick is that it is "oxygenated" water. I thought that might mean fizzy... No. It's flat, and kind of gross. But they say it contains "five times more oxygen" than regular water. Now, it's been a while since I took chemistry, but somehow I don't think it's possible to make H2O have more O in it.

Ok, off to pore over the bike accessory catalog like the huge geek that I am. This is when my OCD tendencies come out. ;)

Enjoy the new song... a summer fave. (pharcyde's remix of Sublime's "Doin' Time".)

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yes thank you!
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