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03/15/11 08:27 - ID#53830
A reason I love Buffalo
The biggest reason I love Buffalo is the most major things in my life have happened here.
-I was born here
-I met my wife here
-I was married here
-I earned my bachelors degree here
-My child was conceived and born here
It's kinda crazy that all of these things happened to me and I have lived here less than 5 years. Not consecutively obviously. Buffalo will always hold a special place in my heart.
Honorable mention:
-Sponge Candy
-Bistro Europa
-Blue Monk
-Walking distance to Canada
-Really cool buildings and mansions
-Bidwell Market
-Good wings everywhere
-Crazy Parades
-Free Concerts
-Paula's Donuts
-CEPA Art Gallery
-Traffic Circles
tinypliny writes
at 11:07:06 03/15/11 - Comment #61228
I had one of Paula's doughnuts for the first time last week. One of my officemates brought it in. They were pretty good, but I am not a good judge of sweet things. I don't like sweet things much to begin with and I have to admit the doughnut was a sugar overload.
drew writes
at 08:31:20 03/15/11 - Comment #61222
Great post. I agree with all the honorable mentions.
metalpeter writes
at 05:23:26 03/15/11 - Comment #61210
I have seen some Press on Paula's Donuts and they look great ......
Still somehow never been to CEPA not sure where downtown it really is
Canada can be walked to not that I have ever done it.....
paul writes
at 01:10:54 03/15/11 - Comment #61206
I have not tried Paula's donuts yet. I guess I have got to get down there as all the other things are on my list.
So I'm becoming really private online. I have been keeping any sort of real details about my life off of the net. But a few of you here know that my wife (Btw I got married) was pregnant. She had the baby last week and we are doing very well. I don't want to post her name or pictures because I think if the baby wants to have some sort of online presence that will be her decision in the future. But she is wicked cute and I hope you all get to meet her soon.
I really do intend to keep writing here. I'm currently just trying to get inspired again. I guess for while I didn't really care what I posted about. Now I don't want any potential or current bosses or colleagues to stumble upon this journal by accident. I have been cooking up a storm lately, which really means its time to start posting about that again.
libertad writes
at 09:59:10 03/04/11 - Comment #61012
I keep forgetting to say congrats on the new baby and on the marriage. I wish I was more anonymous because than I could actually have some really interesting things to share.
jbeatty writes
at 07:26:27 03/02/11 - Comment #60995
Thank you all. I guess I'm just sort of paranoid these days. I think of this in the same way that I view tattoos. They are fine for other people, but for me I know that eventually I would regret it and couldn't change it. So I'm reserving posting tons of photos publicly for now. I did set up a private gallery which I will share with people if they would like.
metalpeter writes
at 06:59:54 03/02/11 - Comment #60993
Congrats! In Terms of the web presence of the kid that is a pretty personal thing.... I think a lot of people do it as a way for people who are like out of town or what ever to see pictures? But some people don't put up pictures for the same reason they think family stuff should be for family only.....
tinypliny writes
at 06:10:27 03/02/11 - Comment #60992
matthew writes
at 01:09:15 03/02/11 - Comment #60987
congratulations to you and your wife!
paul writes
at 06:12:27 03/01/11 - Comment #60984
mrmike writes
at 04:47:51 03/01/11 - Comment #60982
Congrats on the bambino, glad everybody is doing well. Been there done that, believe me the kid will inspire ya
Permalink:This_is_tough.html Words: 161 Location: Buffalo, NY Last Modified: 03/01/11 03:46
NY state is now recommending Hepatitis B vaccines for all newborn babies based on six case studies of medical errors I'm not one of those crazies (see Jenny McCarthy) that thinks vaccinations lead to autism. I do think that its overkill to give a newborn a Hep B vaccine based on six case studies. I didn't even get this vaccine until I went to work in a hospital with routine exposure to patient blood. I can't see how a newborn would ever likely come into contact with this. Anyway I did find find this great website the Jenny McCarthy Body Count I find idiots like her and and people like Oprah that give her a pedestal from which to spew forth dangerous crap highly despicable. It is amazing to me how quickly bullshit spreads in the information age. It's no wonder I'm becoming a Luddite. It's scary to think that my baby could get polio because some moron thought that a vaccine was more dangerous than the disease it prevents.
tinypliny writes
at 04:33:57 02/23/11 - Comment #60877
As with any human trait, the function of the immune system also has a normal distribution. And under this distribution 99.9% of kids will have regular immune systems that are incapable of defending themselves against invasion and subsequent infection by pathogenic species specifically targeted by the handful of mandatory childhood vaccines.
Jenny probably has no idea about what a normal distribution is. So yes, I wouldn't want to listen to her.
metalpeter writes
at 07:21:36 02/22/11 - Comment #60869
If your baby has a suppressed immune system for some reason then you put that baby in grave danger with shots..... Once that child is fully developed the best thing for them is to get germs and then there body fights them off and when they go to day care or school at 5 they don't get sneezed on and die...... Babies aren't human pincushions ..... Jenny Isn't crazy she has her idea (not that I agree with them) oh but wait they haven't found a cure or a way to stop Autism so until they do she has a valid view..... I don't know if old wives tails travel faster or slower over the net I think slower cause people can find legit sites but not sure on that......
tinypliny writes
at 05:28:04 02/21/11 - Comment #60834
I agree with this post 105%. And I rarely do that. :-)
Permalink:Vaccination.html Words: 192 Location: Buffalo, NY Last Modified: 02/21/11 04:47
02/21/11 01:20 - ID#53670
I am really annoyed with how much I use Facebook these days. I can't figure out why I even log in anymore. I can't stand close to 10% of my "Friends". Most of these people were someone I was acquainted with many years ago. For the most part I was never their friend and it is obvious why. Another 10% are people that I went to high school with and was never friends with. In fact everything I know about these people is based entirely on their facebook status. Most of the people I'm close with don't actually communicate anything at all with me there. In fact I also don't communicate any sort of real personal information. But the craziest thing of all is that most of my communication is with people from (e:strip).
Btw (e:paul)'s head keeps showing up on the people I may know screen. What's up with that?
metalpeter writes
at 06:38:54 02/22/11 - Comment #60867
You are on there to look at all my Bandits and Bandettes Pictures....
I have a real life Facebook example.......
I go to the New Years Eve Party and Take Pictures .... Now some people I meet briefly and some people I don't know so I post the pictures here and on face book. One of the people not sure if she has a page here or if she does her user name Is Lara.... So I post pictures and then she winds up tagging them and there is a friends request.... She posted about a party at a bar.... I thought about going and should have but I didn't want to take the chance of only knowing her.... But it is connections like that that I think drive facebook really....
Another story is last year after Pride and the Dyke March went to see The Stripteasers and took pictures and have one person who was watching them as friends and the ladies who perform... This doesn't mean I know the Stripteasers or anything really there is just that connection.......
tinypliny writes
at 05:38:29 02/21/11 - Comment #60836
I just like writing too much. :-)
paul writes
at 03:35:53 02/21/11 - Comment #60831
My face is on there because I signed up to get a developer account. Then as (e:enknot) also discovered, it was during a time period of flux in their developer API and the info was up and down, outdated and full of broken links. My very minimal interest faded completely.
I doubt I would ever really use it. All of the people I neglected to keep in contact with are fine just where they are in my life.
I find it totally strange that so many estrip people are friends on there and then never publish here anymore. I guess facebook provides you with a false sense of security that the real internet just doesn't. I am really not sure. Maybe its that coupled with a sprinklling of friends and family.
In general, I guess blogging just lost out to simple status messages that fade off into nothingness. I guess I am old fashioned but I am pretty sure I will keep blogging. I have been a journaler since 3rd grade (e:paul,39689) afterall ;)
flacidness writes
at 02:56:02 02/21/11 - Comment #60830
This site is alot more intimate, you kinda feel theneed to reveal more on here than you would on facebook. Facebook is to much like high school.atleast on here you know that there are alot more people on the same page as you.
Permalink:Facefuck.html Words: 151 Location: Buffalo, NY Last Modified: 02/21/11 01:20
Once again Arkansas and the deep south for that matter has proven to me that they ought to be a separate country from the one that I live in. Clint McCance ( Midland School District Vice President in Midland Arkansas states the following on his Facebook page in response to a GLAAD sponsored "Spirit Day" event in which supporters wear purple:
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I can't believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE."]
Ok, In all fairness to the rest of Arkansas I'm sure you find this guy to be as much of an asshole as I do. Not only does he have severe mental issues, but the guy make up his own words! How does someone like this get elected to the school board? Not only do I feel bad for the students at that district, I worry about his children who undoubtedly have much working against them considering who their father is. I really hope the rest of the 253 people in Midland Arkansas do all in their power to remove him from the board.
uncutsaniflush writes
at 09:14:29 10/28/10 - Comment #59066
I think that there are frightening (to me, at least) parallels between what is happening in the U.S. right now that the Wiemar Republic a few years before Hitler came to power. Many people are frightened that their traditional values are being discarded and they will grasp at anything that gives lip service to their traditions and values. If you think about it, isn't the tea party movement all about "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" ("Children, Kitchen, Church" in German)
As society changes there is often a reactionary backlash. With modern media and technology, both information and hate can spread quickly around the country and around the globe.
As homosexuality, itself, comes out of the closet, I think were are in the midst of an anti-gay backlash. 40 years ago a farmer in the rural U.S. South probably didn't hear much, if anything, about gays and lesbians. So the farmer wouldn't have thought of them as threats to his way of life. But nowadays, news and entertainment about gays and lesbians is commonplace. Homophobes are frightened by the fact that they live on the same planet as homosexuals. For some reason, they are threatened by the mere existence of homosexuals. And fear breeds violence and hate. I hope someday that there will be no homophobia but I think at the moment it is on the rise in certain segments of our country.
metalpeter writes
at 05:04:18 10/28/10 - Comment #59064
They aren't going to be in a museum any time soon!, Sorry. Most people aren't this bad as this guy. That being said there is a very large % of people who do think this way. If one truly believes that homosexuality is a sin then it follows that anything that comes from it is the sinners fault. If that is you mind set of thinking that killing your self is a sin then why should that be celebrated? It shouldn't... I don't agree with this guy but I get the thinking pattern. This pattern is so often linked from "The Church".
I'll give a real life example of some of my thinking to show the same kind of thinking. You have a drug addiction or are just a thug and break into a house to steal stuff. Someone is home they have a right to shoot you (legally unless you are in no danger or they are leaving this is ok) or stab you to protect them selves and there home and their family (even if it just the dog they love). Once you decide it is ok to hurt someone else like that any thing that happens to you is fair game. You run down the steps and trip over broken sidewalk and smash your head open to bad you got what you deserve....
I'm not saying I agree with the guy, cause I don't at all. What I am saying is at first it looks crazy, but it isn't at all..In terms of how one thinks.....
jason writes
at 10:08:56 10/28/10 - Comment #59060
I don't get mad at these people, even though it's easy to be mad. I am satisfied that people like that are going to be museum relics in our lifetime. We are going to bring our kids to a museum, point to this asshole and say "Can you believe people like this used to exist?"
So as every NPR junky has heard Juan Williams was fired this week. I have mixed feelings about this whole mess. First I must confess I love NPR. It's the only radio station I will listen to, with the exception of christian radio (that is a completely different kind of obsession). I love NPR because its where I get not only my news but entertainment. I don't think NPR is a liberal media outlet although I'm sure someone would argue that. Even though I completely disagree with Mr. Williams sentiments I was shocked to hear he was fired. I disagree with him being fired for expressing his feelings. I believe he probably was fired more for where he said his comments than for what he actually said. With that said I will still listen to NPR and give them my money.
It's incredibly unfortunate that Sarah Palin is still in the spotlight. She is now calling for all federal funding for NPR to be cut . It's unbelievable to me the idiocy that spews forth from this woman. Why should a news organization that is truly "fair and balanced" be in her sights? Is it because she feels threatened by anyone smarter than her? I mean she folded when Katie Couric, of all people, interviewed her. Such hard hitting questions as "what newspapers do you read?" really threw a wrench in her spokes. I sincerely hope our country is still with it enough to never elect this woman.
tinypliny writes
at 11:24:02 10/29/10 - Comment #59091
Also, Muslims have the best sartorial skills on the planet. I would NEVER trust an Indian Hindu or any of the other zillion religious/idealistic/non-religious/way-of-life Indian sects for making any garbs whatsoever.
tinypliny writes
at 11:21:16 10/29/10 - Comment #59090
How is a muslim garb different from an arab garb?
PS: heh, all the top bollywood stars and starlets are muslims btw.
heidi writes
at 09:59:42 10/29/10 - Comment #59087
jason writes
at 10:06:24 10/28/10 - Comment #59059
Juan Williams got fired for two reasons: First, and I think foremost, it was because he consistently went on Fox News Channel. This was a source of annoyance for his bosses. Secondly, it was because he was in a sanitized, politically correct, left-leaning company culture epitomized by that condescending bitch Schiller, that cannot come to terms with the fact that millions of people just like Juan Williams have suffered trauma because of the successful (and unsuccessful) attacks by Muslims on airplanes. The backlash was predictable and justified.
I won't say NPR violated his free speech rights. Only the government can do that. Some are arguing because of the government dollars being spent it does constitute a free speech violation, but I doubt that would be a successful argument in court. Juan Williams doesn't have a right to a job. If he wanted to be employed with NPR he had to be a good boy and stay on board with the company culture (as Libertad has already said). In the end he's making more money with a better company, and his reputation is only diminished in the eyes of hard core left wingers. All's well that ends well, and he'll be fine.
People are pissing and moaning over 2-3 million dollars (allegedly). I think they can do without it and let their moneyed, left-leaning demographic pick up the slack. For that matter, I think state sponsored news and political coverage is an awful, ill conceived idea. It's actually worse in the UK because you are forced to pay a license fee for the privilege of consuming nakedly biased, condescending coverage. If NPR were to keep the tax money, I wish they would focus on children's programming, educational and cultural programming. That's what I love most about NPR and PBS. I'm willing to pay for that.
libertad writes
at 11:29:05 10/23/10 - Comment #59016
I don't see anything wrong with the firing of Juan Williams. This is definitely not a violation of free speech. I think that NPR and any other news agency is within its right to hire and fire the type of journalist that fits their programming. Their rationale for firing him is completely reasonable.
"His remarks on The O'Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR," the statement read. :::link:::
jbeatty writes
at 08:22:33 10/22/10 - Comment #59014
They used to play the BBC World News Hour on NPR. I really enjoyed it. But it was always on at odd hours, I think around 11pm or midnight even.
tinypliny writes
at 07:15:48 10/22/10 - Comment #59010
Meanwhile, across the pond, they are trying to cut funding and support to the BBC World Service - my favourite news source (apart from Google News).
metalpeter writes
at 05:48:59 10/22/10 - Comment #59009
I can't believe I'm going to say what I'm going to say about Palin.
1st. You can't fire someone for something they say there is this thing called freedom of speech. Well except for Bill Maher and "Nappy Headed Hoes" . But you really shouldn't be able to... Lets say you can.
2nd. People are hired for how they speak and how they convey things. That is why you hired them you shouldn't get rid of them when they say something you don't agree with. Again you are in the MEDIA the truth is 1st.
What happened is that NPR doesn't like fox so he went on fox not npr so they fired him.
Every media person has a slight bias or in some cases a strong bias. Most shows or channels have a biased as well. O'reily fits in with fox and the way in leans.
Now I agree with Sarah Palin NPR should lose its funding, well or some or maybe the show he was on. They are trying to control what people say. If it isn't what they believe to be the truth they can fire you. Who says that they haven't made other people do what they say. The Media should be held to a certain standard.
The Problem with the news is that how news is covered has changed. News used to be just one part of the media and yes sometimes it did go along with government lines. Yes sometimes it was part of the propaganda machine. But it was about the truth. It wasn't about making a profit and having ratings. See when ratings come into it, you can't get into great discussions and different views of what is going on, you have to have catch phrases and quick little bits with no details and talking points and crap like that and people yelling and not really talking......
Permalink:Juan.html Words: 279 Location: Buffalo, NY Last Modified: 10/22/10 04:53
09/01/10 06:17 - 86.ºF - ID#52630
Petty, but worth it!
The past two days I have biked to buy my groceries. Yesterday I went to the Asian Grocery stores on Niagara st. and the Lexington Coop. Today I ventured out to Wegmans for the rest of the stuff. On my way home on Elmwood traffic was pretty much at a standstill as it is most hours of the day. I was in front of the Burchfield Penney when I heard someone shout "Wow!". I turned to look and saw a two rednecks in a rusted out red Chevy Blazer staring at a college girl in tight shorts. The passenger side lowlife was in his early 20's with his seat tilted all the way back sporting a dirty white t-shirt. His facial hair completed the look that said he hadn't showered in days. I'm sure had the vehicle not been in motion he would have a had a shot with her. Soon thereafter Casanova looked directly at me and shouted "faggot!". I sped up my pace in hopes to get my revenge. I knew that I would eventually catch up to them given the pace of traffic. It was finally around Breckenridge st. where they were stopped a red light. I pulled up right next to them looked at him a called him a "douchebag" right to his face. In retrospect it was probably not a great idea. But I didn't stick around for the repercussions. I headed down the one way street in hopes that they wouldn't be able to catch me. It really did make my day.
libertad writes
at 08:53:57 09/01/10 - Comment #58193
People are so fucked up. It really disgusts me sometimes. Today I went to my barber on Grant, only to find he wasn't open. I continued down Grant to Amherst to get some sausage and this guy yelled out his window "black people are crazy!" I was really annoyed being that he was yelling it at me as he was driving by. It is such a cowardly thing to do to yell out hateful comments while in a vehicle knowing that nobody can catch you. I wanted to do something but I couldn't.
paul writes
at 07:35:24 09/01/10 - Comment #58191
That's freaking awesome.
Permalink:Petty_but_worth_it_.html Words: 258 Location: Buffalo, NY Last Modified: 09/01/10 06:17
08/30/10 07:09 - 63.ºF - ID#52607
Why I have stopped blogging
In an unsolicited response to (e:paul,52605) . I suppose I have stopped blogging for more than one reason. Part of it is I just haven't had a whole lot I have wanted to share with the world lately. I know this may sound kind of strange but I have had people say things about my blog that aren't really part of estrip and it made me uncomfortable. In turn I stopped blogging because I wasn't sure how much I wanted to share about my life. So many things have happened and changed in my life I would love to be able to write about them here however I am reasonably public with this account and am not certain I am comfortable saying them. I have often thought about starting over here with an anonymous account. But for whatever reason I just haven't. Everytime I start to write a blog I end up erasing it and just continue to lurk. I have actually started to lurk on my own facebook account partly for the same reason.
For me the increased popularity of facebook has had absolutely nothing to do with why I stopped blogging. I was on facebook at least a year before even knew estrip existed. Facebook has gotten to the point of annoying the shit out me. I really can't stand most things that people say and do on facebook. It isn't anywhere near as creative as estrip is. In fact I really only keep it to stay informed.
It also makes me sad to see that the blogging traffic on estrip has dwindled. I obviously have to take some responsibility for not posting much of anything in the past year. When I first moved here and didn't know a single person estrip was one of the best things about Buffalo. I met people instantly. I suppose I don't spend a whole lot of time with estrip people anymore but occasionally I still see them and hang out with them, and it alwasy turns out to be a good time. I would like to say I will blog more from now on, but I'm not certain I will follow through as usual. But I guess one post is a start.
I totally know how you feel. I wrote something similar in my comment to (e:metalpeter,52594) explaining there are so many things I can no longer talk about like back in 2003-4. At the same time I do like the random public exposure for the other things I write about. I mean I could always go public/private and have a members only section but I think that fundamentally kills the spirit of estrip more than not writing.
Still somehow never been to CEPA not sure where downtown it really is
Canada can be walked to not that I have ever done it.....