06/19/07 09:34 - 69ºF - ID#39737
First off, the GOP has the worst field of candidates possible. Which makes me giggle. But then, what is this? Quinipiac has a poll that shows Guiliani beating the snot out of Hilly, Obama, Edwards, and Richardson in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. But can't win against Al Gore. Guiliani moderate image (and let's face it, he is putting on a show for his party, he is pretty fly for a GOP guy on abortion, GLBT rights, etc) tugs at the heart strings of swing stators.
But then what happens?
Michael Bloomberg tonight filed with the board of elections to change his party from Republican to non-affiliated. The man has an approval rating of 75% in NYC, and can steel the thunder from Edwards (poverty and education) Gore (environment, holy shit his green city plan is awesome) and Hilly (New Yorkers love him).
His announced plans are to finish his term in office until 2009 and then spend the rest of his days in philanthropy.
But yesterday he was in California speaking at the Google campus. It was not officially part of the series of stumping that presidential candidates have been doing (Clinton, Edwards, McCain, and Richardson). He spoke on Presidential topics like Iraq and Immigration. And in announcing his resignation from the Republican party he sited that two distant and entrenched parties are hurting America, Michael Bloomberg is sounding like the anti-partisan answer to the most pervasive problem in contemporary American politics.
It sounds like we may have a third party candidate who can pull some major support from both parties.
Watch out Bull Moose party, I think Bloomberg is out to topple your record.
My apologies to Leon Theremin for postponing my post about him.

Permalink: OMGWTF_ROXOR.html
Words: 294
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/19/07 10:28 - 82ºF - ID#39732
Pet Sounds
They are a very safe band to love. They have the ability for their fandom to encompass the burgeoning psychedelic with Sgt. Pepper, Rubber Soul, Revolver. The radio-friendly pop-rock of their early career. The avant-gaurde and fluxus with John and Yoko.
By liking the Beatles you can say that you are a man of taste. A universally likable person.
Over the last month we have been looking back and celebrating the 40th anniversary of the seminal Sgt. Pepper album. Yes, yes. A fine album. But man, we sure missed a bunch of great albums along the way.
For example, last year was the 40th anniversary of the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds album. And I did not hear even a bar of their cagillion part harmony on the radio. And it is an album, which I think, in the long run will be much more influential than Sgt. Pepper (next time you hear an orchestra, theramin, timpani, tuvan throat singing, anything other than a guitar, bass, drums, or keyboard you have Brian Wilson to thank).
Or this year we have the 30th anniversary of the Sex Pistols' Never mind the Bollocks album. That hits the big 3-0 this October. It is an album that defined punk which gave emo boys license to scream, metal bands license to burn churches, and something other than those fucking guitar lines in ska bands. Punk made rock, rock again. The swinging hips of Elvis were reborn as STD ridden filth children.
But, neither of these bands are nearly as likable as the Beatles. Wilson's tragedy isn't as compelling as the Beatles because he is mental ill. Where as the great tragedy of the Beatles is that the two least talented members are the only ones alive. And while punk may be coming back into fashion it is difficult for people to get hard thinking about heroin shooting Sid. Where as even Ringo has that muppety charm that could weasel a perked nipple on anyone.
so, happy birthday gents. I am sure Paul will be spending it with a Wings reunion tour.

Permalink: Pet_Sounds.html
Words: 350
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/17/07 06:57 - 80ºF - ID#39707
In inescapable grasp of the summer BBQ
The rules went like this
We provide meat, buns, and condiments you folks provide side dishes and beverages. Only one person told us they would be bringing anything before the day of the BBQ, so here is what I made on the fly.
Fake Tapenada
tomatoes, black olives, green olives, garlic, and parsley whirled up in my beloved food processor toped on sourdough bread toasted with butter.
time: eight minutes
Everything but the kitchen sink salad
Romaine, carrots, cucumber, croutons, capers, parmesan cheese. Bottled caesar dressing (home made creamy dressings gross me out to make.)
time: six minutes
Not Just cow hamburgers
80% lean chop meat, worcestershire sauce, oats, garlic, cayenne pepper, more salt than you really should use, 2 eggs.
time: five minutes
let me tell you, there is nothing as disgusting as mixing six pounds of chop meat and eggs in an aluminum bowl. The bowl chills with the meat in it and cold metal and meat is just gross.
Well, folks showed up, and they brought stuff in abundance in a delightful uncoordinated way. We have four bags of tortilla chips, a gallon of salsa, and so much beer. OH so much beer. Most of the beer is gone now. Through we did get a mini-keg of Heineken which went largely untouched to to its late arrival. I am not much for light beer and Jim doesn't drink the stuff. So if you want it, it is yours.
Alternatively, we could have a nacho and light beer party.

Permalink: In_inescapable_grasp_of_the_summer_BBQ.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/07 09:04 - 73ºF - ID#39662
Oh Mother Russia, I Take it All Back!
Over the last month or so I have been rehashing reports about how backwards Russia is on Gay rights. Backwards, my history training tells me, is both a word considered insensitive as well as often heard in reference to Russia. And while smuggling a radioactive agent across several borders to poison a states enemy is pretty hot shit, where as having fat bearded priests gathering hordes of dull eyed ass midgets to harass gay people at a meeting place is backwards. Yes, not permitted to love in public we will fuck on the fringes of society. That is how it works Mr.Bishop. Sorry it happened to be a shrine. Boo hoo.
backwards Russia, backwards.
Say it with me, backwards.
But then, something like this happens and for some reason two guys can have hot oral sex in public with a cheering crowd around them.
And Russia, I have to think that maybe you aren't all bad.

Permalink: Oh_Mother_Russia_I_Take_it_All_Back_.html
Words: 159
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/07 02:38 - 77ºF - ID#39658
The Goons
It means that if I find a good link I can waste the better part of an afternoon. In this case though, it was a comment on a question in which the person didn't know what he was talking about. An irrelevant introduction to what I am talking about: the goons.
Before there was Money Python there were (WIKIPEDIA - The_Goon_Show). A comedic trio, deadpan BBC announcer, and a live band. The show was broadcast before a live audience on radio in the early 1950's and had a very brief incarnation as a TV program.
The show lives on the sort of absurd puns that made Python iconic and which influenced generations of comedians. For example:
There is the reoccurring villain the Red Bladder. Or in the riding hood sketch a nervous elderly noblewoman asks her stage coach driver "where are we" to which he replies "Riding in a coach madam." Which, on its own isn't that funny but each line in the show is a rhythm of set up and punch line. The collective chuckle of each mediocre joke gets a weigh of immense hilarity. It is the sort of writing and performance that is at a break neck pace. You wonder how the heck anyone could have the stamina to do this.
The three principle comedians involved are Spike Milligan, Harry Secombe, and Peter Sellers of Being There and [i]Pink Panther[i] fame.
The show makes heavy use of special effects. The sort of sureal noises created in a lab and used in really strange context. Stranger still are the various voices the actors use. A beloved retarded man who when asked a question replies "hold on, I have it written down on a piece of paper" even when asked 'what time is it' or 'who are you?' it is a reoccurring character. You just wet yourself when you hear it.
And you should hear it. There is a streaming podcast, which is getting me through work today. Check it out.

Permalink: The_Goons.html
Words: 338
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/13/07 10:18 - 73ºF - ID#39635
Zombie TV makes me happy
Doesn't talking about tax bases and city planning just get your week off to a lovely start? And now for something completely different....
James Burke.
One of my favorite TV shows has been posted on youtube until some copyright privateer ruins the party. Connections by and staring James Burke was a BBC show in which Burke began with something very simple and shows how that one invention was a trigger for immense historical change. I have a few books from grad school all about such triggers, and let me tell you, James Burke delivers it in a much more enjoyable way.
For example.
In one episode he shows a village square full of medieval peasants laughing, feasting, playing music, and dancing. The camera angle is from the ground looking straight up and Burke says "Now, I want you to do me a favor, look up the ladies dresses. Yup, that is right, the trigger for historical change is frilly knickers" and 20 minutes in the program later you have the computer.
The show is wonderful. When/if I become a social studies teacher I hope to do a James Burke routine with a few topics. Hear that? He is inspirational. That is a damn good show.
Anyway, here is the first part of the first episode. All of them are on youtube, all of them are cut up into five, ten minute bits. All are wonderful. Enjoy them while you can.

Permalink: Zombie_TV_makes_me_happy.html
Words: 250
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/12/07 12:28 - 69ºF - ID#39620
A post in which nothing funny happens
Oh ya, those young left leaning kids love Obama, and certainly he is spreadable like butter. But no hard on, just limp with missed expectations.
And activists? Unless you want to add Emma Goldman's face to Mt. Rushmore, well, you might as well just smell like patchouli and volunteer for NYPIRG.
But then, there is Kevin Gaughan.
Kevin is not a politician. Yes, he has run for mayor, but not being a gear in the local machine he missed out.
Kevin isn't a 'all wet but no boner' activist. He isn't saving Pandas or documenting the east side as it crumbles into memory. The man has done research, crunched his numbers, has lifted a veil, and he has a plan to stick it to the bride.
This, is The Cost.
A site in which Kevin has tabulated the cost of running the local governments and compares them to a comparable city. The findings are absurd.
It is like this. Decades ago Atlanta was the sort of city you were as likely to find a McDonald's as you were to be having sex with your first cousin. That is to say, it was a place you wouldn't want to live. But as corporations moved down and took the population of New Jersey with them the city grew. As the city expanded so did the city line. Atlanta ate hamlets and villages and all became one big city with a normal rate of web-toed incest babies.
Buffalo never has.
Kenmore is a good place to start. It has 15,555 people living there and six elected officials. Buffalo has a population of 279,745 with 24 elected officials. That means, if Buffalo had the same ratio of people to elected officials there would be 90 members of the common council instead of 10.
The figures in his report jump off the page and makes us wonder just why the hell we are spending so much money on government. How many officials do we need to pick up the trash anyway? If Kenmore were to become apart of Buffalo we could save over $600,000. And that is just dinky Kenmore. Imagine what would happen if villages like Sloan or Brant were incorporated into municipalities? Not necessarily Buffalo, but a greater Williamsville, or Amherst.
How does all this stack up to the comparable cities. This is a real hoot.
What Kevin is calling greater Buffalo has 439 elected officials and 45 governments. Somehow New York City with ten times the population manages to get by with one government and half the elected officials. Indianapolis, which has a similar population to us has 14 governments and half the elected officials.
Gaugen solution isn't as draconian as the research suggests. The hatchet sounds really nice to me, but Kevin is nicer than me. He proposes that local governments each drop two elected officials by attrition, for a total of 84 politicians.
That doesn't sound to bad, does it?

Permalink: A_post_in_which_nothing_funny_happens.html
Words: 485
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/08/07 11:17 - 82ºF - ID#39579
27 Million Dollars of Stupid
Specifically, the Creation Museum in Kentucky is what I am talking about. Now, if you care to chime in with the Evolution is 'just' a theory thing, best not read ahead and read a little on just what the heck that science thing is and how amazingly nontrivial something like a theory is.
A dandy little slide show can be found here and boy is it worth it! The second photo is a triceratops with a blanket and saddle. Some poor child is being hoisted on top for a photo op that I hope become regrettable one day. It is worth the visit just for that photo alone.
There is a fun little bit of logic here. Evolution takes millions of years, right? So all those changes we see evolving in life couldn't possibly have explained the difference between a fox and a Doberman if the flood was only a few thousand years ago, right? So god must have built all this genetic variation into the original couple taken onto Noah's ark.
Yup, evolution is too slow in the time frame of the bible, and thus God has something built in. I wish the same could be said for my aging computer.
Another fun moment is how deformed, web-toed incest babies don't spring for from Adam/Eve and Noah and his crew (arrg! Shiva me timbers!) Genetic mutation has, despite all evidence, anything to do recessive traits. Rather, it is all about sin.
You see, mutations are mistakes (it says so right there); mistakes caused by sin. People did not mutate as much because their sins weren't as accumulated or as great (so, why the whole flood thing again?) And, and this is my favorite part, close relatives today are more likely to have mutant incest babies because their sins are similar.
I will give you a second to giggle snort your beverage through your nose.
Look, this isn't about religion. This is about religion throwing on the mantle of science and parading around like a buffoon. Nor is this a Christian thing. I would be snotty at any creation museum be it Christian, Hindi, Wiccian, or what ever. The joke is that willfully ignorant people spending 27 million to give something unscientific a shred of scientific validity. 27 million that could be spent in far more Christian ways like, oh, let us just say, an endowment fund to keep charities perpetually running. WWJD? I hope he would be clutching his belly and laughing right next to me.
good day

Permalink: 27_Million_Dollars_of_Stupid.html
Words: 454
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/06/07 12:06 - 54ºF - ID#39543
The sweet taste of Mother Russia's Urine
Having just posted about stupid American's protesting stupid Russia in a stupid way, I was on a bit of a Russia kick.
Russian history is awesome. It is the story of the runt of the litter who gets beat up at every turn, can do nothing but fail, and then grows up to be a mean alcoholic dad who raises his kid to be the same way.... and um... then gets hit by a car? Or something? I don't know where this metaphor is going.
But, while trying to find some info on Russian exports I came accros this web page.
Russian Urine Against a Scalpel of the Doctor
Now, you too can order Russian human urine bottled online. Ship it directly to your door. Drink the sweet taste of Rus waste and immerse yourself in its healing powers.
maybe I was wrong, maybe Russians do understand the full bladder of capitalism than I give them credit for.
drink up kids
- Edit***
Here is a working link to a page that links you to the original and the translation as well as a snippy summery

Permalink: The_sweet_taste_of_Mother_Russia_s_Urine.html
Words: 194
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/05/07 11:07 - 49ºF - ID#39538
Stoli hates you
Russians hate gays. Oh yes they do. In the city of Moscow, a group of people wanted to have a gay pride parade and festival and all that good stuff. But, once again, city government said no way poofs, why don't you go to one of those western countries that allow degenerates like you to live. And so, a group of people, representatives from poofter/western nations, and civil rights groups went with a petition to the municipal government.
They got the shit beat out of them. Oh yes they did. Homophobes, fascists, the sort of people who would do well in Russian politics beat the ever living hell out of them. And then, our petitioners were arrested. You see, you can have an Eisenstein, a Shostakovitch and still wonder how those surfs got emancipated 100 years ago.
So what do we do here in New York? Well, we protest. Who can we protest? Well... what does Russia do? Don't they make a lot of Vodka? YA! Let's boycott vodka.
And so, protesters lined up in front of the Russian embassy in New York and poured Stoli down the sewer. Held signs aloft begging all gays and gay bars to dump their Stoli and replace it with something else (tolerant Polish vodka perhaps? oh wait... crap"
It is a nice shot at Russia. Stoli's sales are over 400 million a year in America. They are the third largest seller of Vodka in the states. That should give the ol' bear a black eye, right?
First, Stoli is not the state vodka. Money earned does not go into pointing new nuclear weapons at Prague. It is a private company.
Second, Stoli advertises heavily in gay magazines which means KA-CHING money in the hands of gays! Stoli does sponsorships at bars, at social programs, in all kinds of media. KA-CHING here you go gays, some money that you gave us back into the community.
Stoli, for the record, is bottled in Latvia, not Russia.
So um. Drink up my homo-brethren. Enjoy the smooth, crisp taste of vodka beloved by millions of men and women and despised by fascists and Russian politicians.

Permalink: Stoli_hates_you.html
Words: 362
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I generally agree with you that there is some disenfranchised red staters and that without a candidate with stronger traditional GOP positions on the soft issues turnout might be a problem. For a guy like Giuliani I think the key will be whether or not he can lure more independents to make up the difference if he gets the nomination... which in my view he will not win if Thompson gets in.
As far as political hemispheres are concerned, with respect to Mike Bloomberg, he is who he is. I think he would have succeeded in NYC regardless of his party affiliation, although Bloomberg in effect switched to the Republican party because the Dem candidate pool was too saturated. His views reflect the views of a majority of his constituents, he gets shit done and his favorable rating is Clintonesque.
Ron Paul - he's an incredibly principled guy. He refuses to vote yes for war funding because of the fact that pork is attached - that takes balls when you can easily be accused of abandoning the troops. A lot of people respect what he is about but with 1% of the attention at this point he's beyond a long shot.
With respect to the GOP, I like a broad range of ideological diversity within the parties and the GOP suffers because of this. Republicans don't believe that the way to beat Democrats is to make a big left turn so I don't think this will happen anytime soon.
Honestly, I wish I could just have politicians like JFK again.
Basically, I am excited because a strong third party candidate will make this a very interesting election season. Good sport. So, I agree with much of what you say.
Mrdeadlier: See Joshuas comment about his party affiliation. I don't care for this two party deal. As if the whole spectrum of political thought can be contained in neat little hemispheres. That is why I am down with people like Bloomberg and Ron Paul who can giver their parties a little more elbow room to define themselves. Otherwise it would be a party of Santorum's and a party of Feingolds. And that would be creepy.
Drew: It is coming. Tomorrow, I promise.
There is a lot of hub-bub about him running for president but he has stated that he wants to finish his term as mayor of NYC, as you said. I simply don't believe that he'll run despite the commotion.
Teddy Roosevelt as an "independant" got roughly 19% of the popular vote, which is astonishing since in the modern political context most believe that this wouldn't be possible these days. People discuss who would be most affected by a Bloomberg candidacy, and I tend to believe that Democrats would have the most to lose precisely because of his policies that you outlined. His policies barely if at all reflect GOP philosophical focus and as far as choices for the GOP-inclined are concerned he would be the most liberal... not exactly what most GOPers look for in a candidate. If he pulled meaningful support from a guy like Fred Thompson I would be astonished, but nothings impossible.
On the other hand though, I think that because of the poisonous political atmosphere (the worst since the late 60's) many people are disenchanted with politics. There is something to be said about this, but many are keenly aware of what I like to call the "Nader effect" from 2000. Did you notice how Democrats weren't fooled the second time around in 2004? I think to affect American politics in the populist scale Teddy Roosevelt did you would need someone far more charismatic and sellable to "middle America" than Michael Bloomberg.
(e:mrdeadlier) - Ron Paul is definitely libertarian - I think he aligns himself with the GOP for similar reasons that a guy like Bernie Sanders aligns himself with the donkeys. Its close but not exact.
And I want the Theremin Post! C'mon!