04/20/05 09:00 - ID#21855
Homeward bound...
I have a week and a half left at my miserable job and I could not be happier about that! I make more at my craptacular job than my sister who is a vet tech in Buffalo but money can certainly not buy happiness. Unless it is in obscene ammounts that would allow me to buy Orlando Bloom for a week, or rig the Vibe awards to start a hip hop war. But lets face it that kind of money is only made through birth, ill buisiness gains, or marrying a 90 year old oil tycoon like Anna Nicole Smith. But sadly even she lost her millions. Needless to say I will only miss the money but it wasn't worth the frustration. I wonder if I will ever find a respectable, good paying job that won't make me want to put a gun to my head at the end of the day. Speaking of which I am currently looking for a summer job so if you hear anything let me know. I sent out a bunch of resumes already so hopefully something will come of those. Matt has been putting in resumes for architecture internships in Buffalo left and right but none of the firms seem to be taking interns. Its sad because the kid already second guesses his talent and then to be continually rejected makes it harder. I keep trying to explain the differences of places not wanting interns and real rejection of people wanting interns but not chosing him. He seems to think they are the same but to the outside person it is easy to see it has nothing to do with talent just supply and demand.
We are subletting a place off of main street for the summer right across the street from UB. It is the apartment of a kid we both went to school with at Morrisville who now goes to UB but will be at home in Rochester for the summer. he was supposed to pay off the end of someone elses lease so he and his friend could have the place for the next school year. Matt told him we would pay half of the lease for the remaining 4 months to stay there while they were home for summer. So we are getting a big 2 bedroom apartment for like 350 a month utilities and cable included. After spending the last week in Boston looking at places for next year that are half the size of my bedroom for $975 a month without utilities this seemed too good to be true. It will be interesting to live in Buffalo without my parents hassling me every day. So if anyone needs a place to lay low from their parents this summer- we have an extra bedroom. As I recall Jesse had to sleep on a couch at his new house so Jesse you are more than welcome to come stay at the apartment and have your own room no charge. That offer is up for MK or Mike or whoever will be home from the crew this summer.
Speaking of being home for the summer who else will be? I know Matt and I will be home, last I talked to Mike and MK they were going to be home. I heard that Jill and Teres were going to europe and Jen would be in KY with Glenn. Will Jesse and Maureen be home? What about Yo, will she be gone for mass periods of time? I would like a summer pre-cap and I expect Mike to be the one who will know so I will look forward to seing that in his and all of your entries. Well I must go, my paper on the Sexual Roles in Gone With the Wind will not write itself.... unless I feel like paying $39.95 for it online...

Permalink: Homeward_bound_.html
Words: 707
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/19/05 02:42 - ID#21854
Disney pictures tease

I can't wait to show you all the rest, I used like 4 rolls of film and matt used a memory stick of like 140 pics on his digital. Of course most of them were from the fist few days when we were in awe of everything so it looks like we wore the same clothes all week. Mike I owe you a postcard, I found it in my suitcase when i realized I had not mailed it, it will be there soon. MK your present should be arriving at your house soon because I don't have your apartment address. Jill I think I am going to have to ask you about your present, hopefully I will see you online sometime this week so I can get that sent to you asap. I know jen also has a b-day coming up, I perused some john lennon stuff at the UK pavillion at epcot but decided she probably had 90% of that stuff anyway. I think I have a few ideas for her though...does she even read e-strip now that I think about it? Okay well back to work, more on the incredible time we had at Disney later.

Permalink: Disney_pictures_tease.html
Words: 238
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/06/05 04:56 - ID#21853
I missed MK's recital yesterday *sniff* but I hope she got my message of good luck that I left on her phone. I haven't heard about it yet but I am sure she was amazing. I really wish I could have been there. I also heard that Jen and her mom are having a joint grad party which sounds like mucho fun. Jen and her mom throw great parties... martimis aside. I have been incredibly kitty sick this week. I miss my brother and my kitties and my friends so much. Maybe its because I usually go home for all my breaks so I never really go away for more than 2 months without coming back for a hit of home but now I know I won't be home until May because of Disney. Must not think about it now or I will get teary, sad how you never know what you have till you can't have it.
Matt and I leave for Disney late Tuesday night, technically early wed morning. We are super excited. Yesterday I went out and spent a cool hundred dollars on summer clothes to wear. That in its self was exciting, shopping is so fun, I am so glad I have a boyfriend who loves to shop too it makes it so much easier and more fun. We went to the mall in cambridge, and down newbury streetand around copley square, it was the first time all year I havent worked on saturday and it was a beautiful day. Today, I am alone at work and it is horribly ugly, I think we are supposed to get another few feet of snow which makes me so excited to get out of here for a while and work on being tan and warm. I wish everyone was coming with us, it would be really cool to meet up with all of my favorite people in a tropical location. We must do the cruise next year guys, it will be a memory to last a lifetime.
Okay must get back to work/ studying for midterms, my love to everyone in Buffalo, I miss you tons!

Permalink: Subrent.html
Words: 606
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/05/05 05:37 - ID#21852

Permalink: PS.html
Words: 23
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/05/05 04:28 - ID#21851
American Chopper
Currently I am at work (it seems I only update from work) I am in my office which is directly over a massive convention hall (think of the convention center before it was a casino) where the North East Motorcycle Expo is being held this weekend. As a result I keep hearing engines and bad 70's rock. However, I got to see the OCC guys bring out the Liberty Bike yesterday on my lunchbreak when the expo was setting up. If you are not familiar with the Discovery Channel show American Chopper then you will not care or understand what the hell I am talking about. For those of you who do know the show, I find it very entertaining and was a bit star struck to see them. It would be really cool if they were filming some of the show here but I didn't see any cameras or anything.
An aside to Jill, was bright eyes in boston this past week? Because I am pretty sure I saw Conner Oberst fans being escorted out of the lobby. He may have been staying here under an alias because his name nor bright eyes name was in the reservation system. Let me know
I had a crazy dream about Mike last night, some may find it creepy but I thought it was kind of neat. I had this dream that matt and I went to Vegas or someplace like it, on vacation. When we were there we decided to go to this museum like those crazy wax museums on clifton hill. So we go inside and I realize that the museum is all about my friends and I. Like there are little scenes of us in highschool in each part of the museums with wax figures of us. Like that picture of us from the slide show in the couch potato float re made with wax figures of us. And in the background of all of it there was recordings of our voices on that particular day that the scene was depicting. And then there were rooms that were set up exactly like each of our bedrooms were set up in high school all with these recordings. I was amazed at every room I went through at who could have saved all of these artifacts and actually tape recorded all of our conversations and taken the time to set up a whole museum of our high school lives. Of course it was Mike who was reading a book behind the counter of the gift shop. How crazy was that dream?!
Okay I guess thats all I am going to write for now because i am sure everyone is bored of my randomness for now. tata

Permalink: American_Chopper.html
Words: 468
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/14/05 05:28 - ID#21850
look everybody I have updated!
Speaking of Matt, he just got back in to Boston today, I talked to him on the phone but haven't seen him (due to being here at work). I haven't seen him in a week and a half (a record for us). Tonight we are going to one of our favorite restaurants, the longhorn. The food is great but expensive, and I always find myself a little queezy because every five feet there is a massive bull head over the tables. Makes it extremely hard to eat a steak, but I never really eat red meat so once in a while my body demands it, steer head or no steer head.
I had another dream about me and jill opening up a don apparel like store on elmwood. Maybe fate is trying to tell me something? It will always be a thought in the back of my mind. I mean with my business degree and her fashion and sewing sense we could have a very fun hipster boutique on our hands. Food for thought.
I hate the work hour countdown. I have a little over two hours left, which could be shorter if you ask me. It would be more fun if I could change my accent for every call or answer the phone in snazzy ways. But no, no fun for Diana just bad small talk and paperwork.
Ok must go now for I have nothing left to really discuss, that is what happens when all you do is eat sleep and go to work....maybe I will have something more exciting to share at a later date. To mike and paul I hope your grandma is feeling better, had I have know I would have joined the many friends who called from afar. I send my good thoughts and wishes.To everyone else i miss you, and to jill, fate may be saying that we should open that place together what do you think of that? We could be like laverne and shirly working together....and we would totally wear our initials on all of our shirts. Mike would make a great squiggy....I digress....goodnight all

Permalink: look_everybody_I_have_updated_.html
Words: 603
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/18/04 09:29 - ID#21849
Still alive
There are so many things I am dreaming of stuffing into one weekend. I want to take Matt's mom and grandma to see the incredibles, go to golf dome (random but matt has got me wanting to...anyone else in?), DUFFS, spend time with the kitties, pizza hut, KFC and mighty (you would be amazed the things you crave when they are not availible to you all the time), at night playing board games at higher grounds (the last time was so fun..."and he's also the last dinosaur"), MOCHA...
You guys better be ready to hang out because I need to see everyone every minute I can. I will be home for christmas but I'm not sure it will be longer than a week or two. This job sucks. I am working right now technically. I love the money hate the company and the job. Everyday I just have to think about Disney world and sitting in my own living room with my kitties to get me past storming out and quitting. Responsabilities suck so much, and I barely have any. I don't wanna grow up anymore.
I guess I should update for real before I complain. In all my classes I have at least a C + but I don't know what they are above that. Midterm warnings only tell you you are doing bad if you have below a C+ and I never got one so I have at least that. I don't think they are A's anymore though. its hard to go from a 3.8 to not even knowing if you have a B. I just know I am lucky my teachers havent kicked me out for all the classes I have missed this semster. Working full time and going to school full time is harder than I could have ever imagined. My job isn't so much my fan either, as I am late almost every day. In my defense it is never really over 5 minutes and it is the result of being completely dependant on public transportation which is often late and beyond my control. I leave as soon as my classes end but it never seems like enough time. I don't know if the whole company is anal or if it is just my boss, but she is a very by the book woman and as you all know I am not. No one laughed when I started jamming out to the bagel bites song that was stuck in my head by the fax machine, they were not amused. I am so not a cubical person. I am biding my time hoping to transfer to another department after the mandatory 6 month wait but its looking like I may not get a sparkling review. I am just not a professional type person. I need life not black and white faxes and a headset. Grrrr
Anyway so life isn't sunrise and d
aisys but I know that I don't have to stay anywhere I don't feel happy I just wish there were more options. Like maybe working 30 hours a week instead of at least 40. Okay so now back to work, or at least pretending to while I do some Math homework. See everyone this week!

Permalink: Still_alive.html
Words: 843
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/04/04 12:40 - ID#21848
Around here...
I am finally starting my job this tueday. It has taken them almost two weeks to finish a background check and drug test. I am very nervous about this job and a little excited. I have never had a real job in my field and am very afraid of fucking it up. I see me overbooking the hotel and being fired or something crazy. I am excited because it is a professional job which means I will get to shop for a whole new professional wardrobe. I am afraid though that I wont be able to come home for holidays or be able to take days off as much as I have with all of my part time jobs. I am also afraid it will drain me to work full time and go to school full time, but I am so excited at the things it will open up to me. I will be able to take that trip to disney world for spring break and I will have enough for my dream apartment and to take my kitties and be able to take Matt out for a real dinner once in a while. I just really want to start already so I can begin a routine because my life has been so hectic and stressful.
I got the lead in my school's play. The play is called "I can explain" and its about a girl and guy's trip through relationship hell. Where I will fit this in between working and going to school full time I do not know, but the director said she is willing to work around my schedule. I really hope she means it because I explained about my work and school sceduling stuff and she still seemed okay with it which is crazy but nice. It is totally going to be a crazy semester, but I am okay with that.
Last weekend Matt took me to the Boston Animal expo and cat show. He knows how I go through furry creature withdrawl when I am away from my cats and when we saw the commercial he knew I wanted to go. The cat show was really wild, if you have ever seen the movie "Best in Show" you would have laughed so hard at being at this place. There were so many people with head to toe cat outfits on and people rubbing their cats down with oil and cat hairspray. One cat even had a full dream house cage that looked like a barbie dream house and it was tucked in asleep in this frilly little bed. It was hilarious. I found the most perfect kitten in the world for sale there. It was a scottish fold boy kitten named kerns, it was the cutest cat I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen some cute ones. It should have been in commercials, it didn't even look real. I am going to scan the picture of me holding it sometime this week. If I had $800 I would have bought it on the spot even though I am totally against buying from a breeder, that is how amazing this cat was.
After the cat show matt and I were walking back from burger king to my house and they had shut down the street for filming. It happens sometimes around my house because its around the block from Marlboro street which is the picturesque street of boston, the one always on postacards because of the pretty townouses. We were standing around to see what they were filming and m
t said "holy shit thats jimmy fallon." Drew Barrymore and JimmyFallon were standing like 10 feet away. They have been in Boston the last month or so filming this movie called Fever Pitch about a guy who had to chose between his girlfriend or the redsocks and the house they used as their house is around the corner from me. It was pretty cool to see, I took a couple pictures before they made us leave, but I got one of matt in front of Jimmy Fallon's charcter's car (they had to drag it down the street because jimmy couldn't drive stick) and one of people reloading film in the camera, I'll post them with the kitty picture. We also got followed by secret service on friday of last weekend but thats no big story, the 7-11 in my area is right behind john kerry's house and it was 2am and we were getting some ben and jerrys, they eventually stoped following us but it was funny how indescreet they were. Matt was paranoid though.
Okay now I have to go start some homework. I'll be posting again soon with all the pictures that I just got back when I get a chance to scan them.

Permalink: Around_here_.html
Words: 1004
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/22/04 12:46 - ID#21847
I am a professional!

Permalink: I_am_a_professional_.html
Words: 194
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/13/04 05:13 - ID#21846
Why I write
PS. I just e-mailed my resume to the human resource department of the Lenox Hotel, Boston's Waldorf Astoria ( www.lenoxhotel.com ). There is a job posted there that I want so bad I could kill. All I keep hearing in my head is the song from A Chorus Line, everytime I think about it "God I hope I get it, I hope I get it, how many people does he need? I really need this job, please God I need this job, I need to get this show!" Wish me luck I am going to need every ounce of it. This job will make all of my current dreams come true, I will be able to afford my apartment in a nice area, be able to get my cats all up to date with their grooming, medical care and shots and take them to live with me in due time! I will keep you all posted

Permalink: Why_I_write.html
Words: 214
Location: Buffalo, NY
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