09/12/04 04:28 - ID#21845
I partied like it was my birthday!
Friday night at the stroke of midnight my 21st birthday officially began. I was supposed to spend the night at a club named the roxy but seeing as how it was the first weekend of the school year every club in the world was having a "back to school party" and the roxy was no different. Apparently DJ Jazzy Jeff of Fresh Prince fame was the Dj for the night and cover was $25 so I knew that option was out. Eventually I ended up with some people going to my best friend's roomates' from last year's apartment. The apartment was owned by 5 girls and the party was like those 5 girls me and my best friend and maybe 4 other girls but there were a billion guys there. Once everyone found out it was my 21st birthday it was like the mission to get me drunk, and I did. This will probably be the last time I will ever do that because it was far too scarry for me. From the stories of people there and my blurred memory of that night, I apparently told some kid from Wentworth's (Matt's college that is almost like 90% guys because its a technology school) hockey team that I wanted him to be my present at midnight. Somehow that doesn't suprise me I was very drunk, nothing happened thanks to my friends, but things came close apparently. Looking at the picture of him now I can understand why in my drunken stooper I almost jumped him. He's the one in the white, other than the crazy eyebrows he was pretty hot. Of course I told him I had a boyfriend after I sobered up a bit and we kind of decided that if we ever ran into each other again at Wentworth it wouldnt be wierd...but it will because now I am humilitaed. It turned out he was a freshman. I told Matt as soon as I got home of course, he just laughed because I didn't do anything but I still felt guilty, even though I don't really remember all of it. We decided its best for me not to drink hardcore unless Matt is around to take care of me. He said I was cute when I was drunk, who says that?

Auka (yes thats her name, shes from austrailia and shes named after aukland), Me, and my best friend Jen (how drunk do I look?)

Jen and Auka's boyfriend Mark (in the red), and my almost hook up Dane (in the white)

Me and Jen

Mark (red) and Dane (white)
After my drunkin night (and being woken up by mike's call lol) Matt and I got some krispy Kreme on my birthday morning and then I got may hair cut at a very nice place. She spent like an hour and a half drying and curling and styling my hair, it felt so good. Then we took a little trip outside of the city to charelstown were we saw the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) and the USS Constitution museum. We didn't get to see it all so we might go again next weekend. Then we went to the 3-D I-max movie Ghosts of the Abyss about the wreckage of the Titanic. It was very cool, creepy, but very interesting. We had planned on going to the 80's laserlight show at the planetarium but the subway was under construction so we didn't make it in time. Instead we walked through Charles Street (one of the most quaint streets in the city) that was so peaceful and nice. we stopped by the common to visit the 9/11 memorial that they deicated that morning too. After that we went to the California Pizza Kitchen for a late dinner where I got (this sections is mainly for mike's fascination with what people eat) Linguini with shrimp and garlic cream sauce and matt got a carne asada pizza. Then after watching American Chopper on the discovery channel I went to bed.
All in all this past week's birthday celebrations helped make my birthday the best ever! Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes, cards and presents, and to the people whos presents and well wishes are still in the mail (or at their house until novemeber).
Permalink: I_partied_like_it_was_my_birthday_.html
Words: 716
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/06/04 04:46 - ID#21844
It is 3:30 am and I need to get up at 6 to take the 7 hour drive back to Boston. Insomnia can be so frustrating. I actually got home from my lovely early birthday dinner with, jill,jim, teres, and mike at Olive Garden early enough to get a good night sleep. I thought I was ahead of the game because I was actually tired at midnight even though I woke up at 2 after staying up all last night. Of course and hour and a half after I fell asleep I woke right back up. Then the crazy wives tale sleep aids came into play, stretching, music, glass of milk etc. but nothing worked, then came the inevitable sleep time calculations "if I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes I will get at least 3 more hours of sleep....okay well if I fall asleep 30 minutes after that I will get about 2 and a half hours of sleep..." Alas I have decided to embrace my sleeplessness and look up crazy things on the internet until I need to get out of bed. Although everyone knows that last hour right before they have to get up they end up falling asleep making it feel impossible to get up and be motivated. Grrrrraa!!
Permalink: Insomnia.html
Words: 208
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/02/04 04:04 - ID#21843
My love for Kitties
I know that my journals generally talk about kitties at least 75% of the time so it is no suprise that I was so happy, and in rachel's case sad, to hear others speak about theirs. Drchlorine your cat is absolutely adorable, or should I say muy guapo! I would love to meet him sometime, he seems so charming. I am very suprised I havent thought of posting an entry from one of my cats. Sometimes they instant message people without my consent if I leave my laptop open but they havent mastered full words or sentance structure like The Mang. Rachel I am so sorry you feel that you have to give away your cat. Does your kitty already have a new home or are you looking for one? and why exactly do you have to get rid of him/her if its not too much to ask? I don't know the entire situation of why you feel you have to give it away, but I agree entirely with Sqb and all of his points. Either way its awful that anyone should have to go through that. My mom, the horrible creature that she is, got rid of my two cats one day while I was away at school (I was a sophmore in HS at the time) and I had had them since I was 11. I can't ever remember crying that hard as when I came home and there was not a kitty to greet me. It took me a long time to get over that. Now I have 4 cats that I have had for almost 4 years, they live with my mom here in Buffalo while I have been going to school in Boston but I die a little bit every fall when I have to leave them. My goal is to get an apartment by either christmas or summer break of this year and bring them to live with me one by one, as my mother is evil and unstable when it comes to just about everything and I often fear for my cats safety, conditions, and health. Anyway I wish you luck and if there is anything I can do to help please let me know, I would gladly go out of my way for a furry friend.
Permalink: My_love_for_Kitties.html
Words: 387
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/30/04 02:40 - ID#21842
Disapearing and Disapointing
Lordy its been forever since I have updated, I always have tons of stuff to say but I always exhaust my topics in various conversations and it makes me not want to talk about them here. I guess since everyone else is reflecting on their summer thoughts and memories I shall too ( hope you have some time, its a long one). First off I agree with several things in mikes journal (but not all of course). I have slowly gotten to the realization that this probably is our last summer, I know Matt and I are sworn on getting the apartment and staying in Boston next summer, so regardless if anyone else leaves the B-lo it will most likely be my last summer with our group. I guess I always knew it was only a matter of time before I was out of buffalo forever (aside from visiting of course) but I never really thought about not seeing my friends, aside from sporadic visits for a few days at a time, basically ever again.
I think everyone has that friend of the family that they call aunt, uncle, or cousin that you aren't actually related to, but that your parents were friends with before you were even thought of, so you have been taught to call them this from a young age. In most cases you only see them on special occasions or when they visit every so often, someday we will be these people to each other's kids. Does this make any sense to anyone else? I guess when I think about it that way it makes me pretty sad to know that for all the years we spent together night after night in all kinds of situations and places, we will barely be acquaintances. I know that this summer (and most of the months leading up to it) I basically lost one of my best friends in one form or another. We used to talk about everything together and I respected her advice on just about everything. I realize that my relationship with Matt changed my relationships with my friends, especially hers, but I have made and extremely conscious effort to stay tuned in and be in touch as well as spend time with her and everyone else, but unfortunately I don't feel like she has made the same effort for me, and I know I am not the only one who feels this way, but I can only speak for myself. All of that aside I have always loved and been proud of the fact that we have all stayed so close and that when christmas and summer came around we would all slip back into our old routines with a few variations. Now I realize that this is the end of that era of familiarity and comfortability, but does it have to be so cliche that we all move away and lose touch? Couldn't we all make a little more effort to be in touch and connected. I know this sounds corney and the disconnection will probably be so gradual that we will hardly notice, but I can't see my adulthood being as special without each of you and, even more corney, I don't want my kids to grow up without really knowing each and every one of you. I know I couldn't have grown up without you and I would hate for them to. Lets always stay as close as humanly possible, even if it takes that extra effort, I know you are all worth it.
Permalink: Disapearing_and_Disapointing.html
Words: 591
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/09/04 04:29 - ID#21841
To Terry mit liebe
[inlink]terry,281[/inlink] Did you not like T-bag? If I had known I certainly would not have continued with it if I thought you were offended. How about T-nacious? T-ranasaurus rex? Terry-ham lincoln? Or if you would prefer just Terry I can do that. Nicknames are just kind of my thing with new friends, but if my terms of endeerment are annoying or offensive I would gladly take them back. I've got no hard feelings about the other night, you can call me what you like, however of the two I would rather be called D-licious. I looked up the other and thats kind of crazy that you even knew what that was, I mean I had to look it up because I had never heard of it, where would one hear/learn such a word? Creative, gross but creative, but thats what I like about you. I just hope we are all cool now, I hate it when my feisty-ness and lack of inner monologue gets in the way of friendships.
Permalink: To_Terry_mit_liebe.html
Words: 170
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/06/04 05:12 - ID#21840
"victory over homosexual sin"
I was looking around on the buffalo.com events section to find something fun to do on this chilly friday and came across this event posted:
First Corinthians Six Eleven Group
Date: 1/1/2004 through 12/31/2005 every Friday
Description: Learn to gain and maintain victory over homosexual sin. The First Corinthians Six Eleven Group meets every Friday night at 7:00 at New Life Assembly. Ring the doorbell when you get there.
Click for more details...type
Not only was I amazed that it was there on the events section of a buffalo news run site, but if you look, they actually meet to discuss the "victory over homesexual sin" every Friday! These people have nothing better to do with their ignorant lives then to spend their friday nights searching for an excuse for their gay bashing.Nice buffalo. com
Permalink: _quot_victory_over_homosexual_sin_quot_.html
Words: 135
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/05/04 02:34 - ID#21839
Peeping in on some journals
First off, How freakin cute is lilho!? Seriously you are one of the cutest people I have ever met, if I was staying in Buffalo you would be the first person I would want to live with. However I will be back in Boston in about a month. But if you want to move to boston I will be getting an apartment around christmas break time and you are more than welcome to move in there. If not, you are always welcome to visit and stay with me in Boston anytime crazy lady.
To Matthew, my boyfriend Matt is one of if not the biggest muppets fan I have ever encountered and he loved your entry on the muppets. He also hates what is happening to the jim henson legacy and agrees that disney will only cheapen and cheese up the muppet/henson name. On a somewhat unrelated note, the puppy that I want for graduation this year Matt is determined to name Dr. Teeth, cute but we'll see.
Permalink: Peeping_in_on_some_journals.html
Words: 169
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/28/04 04:36 - ID#21838
Theres no peeps like e-peeps!
Last night was such a blast! I knew that the outer circle orchestra concert at bidwell would be a good time but I had no idea how good! I met e-peeps rachel, and chamille (southernyankee) for the first time. I must say that there really are no peeps like e-peeps. Those two ladies were incredibly friendly, they made me feel as if I'd known them forever, such a great and rare quality. I was reintroduced to tk (flacidness), whos hips do not rest on the dance floor. I was also reintroduced to lilho, sarah, as we went to high school together and knew each other on a basic level. (warning random rant having not much to do about the rest of the entry coming up ahead)
Isn't it funny how perceptions and personalities change over time and with age. I knew of sarah in high school, she was a friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing. I knew of her, but nothing formally about her but my perception of her was that she was mean or unapproachable. Never had she said or done anything to me to warrant such a perception, but I would have sworn to you at that time that she was bad news. After formally meeting her last night I have to say she is one of the sweetest, cutest people I have ever met. Just a few hours of hanging out with her and I have to look back and wonder how I could have ever seen her as anything but friendly and adorable. It certainly makes me take an introspective look at myself and how much I have changed since high school. I am glad to say that I have a more open mind, and a broader and more optimistic look at life. Hooray for ridding myself of teen angst entirely!
Continuing, the dancing was fun, the wine plentiful, and the music upbeat. Moving on to Paul, Matthew and Terry's, hanging out and munching on some two for one pizza was very fun. I was certainly more hyper than I have been in some time, possibly at the idea of being without my other half for the first time in a while. He tends to keep me sane and in line, he was missed, I really wish everyone could have met him. It was also very cool to see Laura there as it has been years since we've hung out, hopefully there will be more of that this summer. PTM are always so hospitable, lord only knows why they would let crazies like us come over so often but thank you to them. I am sorry that matthew was not feeling up to par but it was nice of him to still be social, I know how hard that can be. This entry has gone crazy longer than it should have, so I will bow out now. goodnight all see you soon
Permalink: Theres_no_peeps_like_e_peeps_.html
Words: 490
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/26/04 01:58 - ID#21837
Albright Knox jazz sundays
Today Matt (the boyfriend) and I both had the day off (a total rarity these days). We wanted to do something we never get a chance to do, We considered the zoo, and strolling in niagara on the lake, old fort niagara or rollerblading by the falls. In the end we decided to grab some food and go to the jazz sunday at alrbright knox. Matt loves jazz and I had been promising him that when we both had a sunday off that we would go. I have nothing against jazz and who doesn't love a picnic? We had the best time. If anyone is looking for a real fun buffalo community event, jazz sundays (every sunday at 2 till about 4) are so great. There were so many more people than I thought there would be, but there wasn't a bad seat in the whole area. The outer circle orchestra was todays band and they are great. I wouldn't necisarily say they were jazz, they sounded more like salsa to me but then what do I know. people were dancing all over the place, young and old. It was so festive and fun, the orchestra was great and I'm hoping some e-peeps and my friends will want to go with me to see them at the bidwell elmwood show on tuesday at 7 that southernyankee posted on the events calender. Matt even pulled me to the front and we attempted to do some very white couple salsa dancing. I had a great time. Matt and I will be gone this weekend to albany for his cousins wedding but he wants everyone to go with us to jazz sunday the weekend after. He's planning on bringing a couch, yes a couch, and he wants to get a bunch of people to go. I think that would be a really good time, e-mail me or im me if you are in. After the jazz sunday, we walked around by the waterfront, got some ice cream and watched 50 first dates (for probably the 50th time). Now its bed for me after watching the chipendales e true hollywood story of course.
Permalink: Albright_Knox_jazz_sundays.html
Words: 355
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/17/04 06:08 - ID#21836
"When the lights go down in the city...
and the sun shines on the bay, oh I want to be there in my city...I want to get back to my city by the bay." Thank you Journey for immortalizing my feelings in your lyrics. It is 4:30 in the am and I have found myself looking at pictures of Boston online. If I were there right now, I could take a walk down newbury street and window shop in stores I could never afford, see the jewelry that oprah and jessica simpson wore at the most recent movie premier, and eat a sunday while the sun comes up. Insomnia can be like an adventure there. Everything is more exuberant and brilliant. I feel more at home there with all the grittiness, homelessness and arrogance. Not that any of those are good things, but the difference between the two worlds. I miss my city, I miss walking down the streets singing the mary tyler moore theme in my head and reveling in my freedom and accomplishment. Not to mention the romance of the city, even if I weren't in love while I was there, there is no denying the romance in strolling through little italy and grabbing a box of pastries to go and eating them on long warf watching the ocean in the moonlight. Tres belle. Alright now that the sun is coming up and I know I have a big day ahead of me, I must make a real effort to sleep. Goodnight.
Permalink: _quot_When_the_lights_go_down_in_the_city_.html
Words: 246
Location: Buffalo, NY
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