06/01/04 04:39 - ID#21831
Humphrey Bogart on the loose!

Permalink: Humphrey_Bogart_on_the_loose_.html
Words: 257
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/19/04 10:38 - ID#21830
Mmmm ice cream!
I have been watching last comic standing reruns on comedy central with matt for what seems like all day, I wouldn't mind getting out of my house for a while. Last night after hanging out with everyone at Tullys and the mall we went to matts house, watched tv and worked some more on matts puzzle and then watched shrek and ate some green popcorn (made for the release of shrek 2). It was probably better than regular popcorn, I certainly enjoyed the entire day and night. Okay I really have not much more to update on because I have seen you all almost every day this week and since this journal was basically to keep you guys updated...there you go.

Permalink: Mmmm_ice_cream_.html
Words: 187
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/03/04 11:53 - ID#21829
Mixed mood
I am currently watching unbreakable with Bruce Willis, I barely understand what is going on. Am I supposed to be scared because I really am not. However they have been having "spoilers" for M. Nigh Shamalyann's new movie (the guy who made Signs and 6th Sense) and it stars adrien brody, Segurney Weaver and Joaquin Phoenix. It looks really really creepy, its called "The Village."
My grandmother in Malta died today, I don't exactly know how to feel about it. I just found out two hours ago from my Brother.I met her and everything, but she didn't speak english so I never really knew her. Granted I am sad because now I will never get the chance. I often wonder if she was just like my mom, or worse or if she was a sweet old woman. Knowing my moms genetics I doubt that. My mom is leaving for Malta on friday to be with her family. I think she will be there for a couple weeks, so I wont see her when I get home. I haven't seen her in 5 months and I have to say, I enjoyed every minute of it. I was dreading going home, living in that house and dealing with her rules, limitations and put downs. At least having two weeks to just get used to being home after geting to live my own life and be happy out here will be a big help. Sometimes I really hate her, and I hate when the horribleness extends to me here. Its crazy to me that she can piss me off when I live 7 hours away. She is just that good, what a dark gift.
I know I should be attempting to study for something but damn is it hard to get motivated. I will be home saturday evening back to the b-lo. I can't wait to see the kitties!! Okay, I am going to attempt to make a study guide so if I feel like studying one of these days, I will be able to. Can't wait to see everyone!

Permalink: Mixed_mood.html
Words: 471
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/26/04 03:13 - ID#21828
Matt's room
Has anyone seen that british comedy Calender Girls? I am curious about it however I really have no desire to see old british women naked. I think we should start supporting movies with real women with real wrinkles instead of this whole botox and face lift phenomenon. Who knows what we are going to find out about the chemicals and surgery involved, it could turn into something deadly. Nothing that does what it does can be healthy.
Exams are coming up next week and I am not too worried about them, I just wish that they were over. Matt goes home this Saturday and he'll be there for a week, then he's driving back up next Saturday to pick me up and bring me back to the B-lo. I had an exam on Monday but I had it switched to Saturday so that I could get home sooner. Not to mention Matt and I have never been apart for more than 7 days, and an exam on Monday would have us apart for 10 days.
I saw 13 Going on 30 on Friday....OMG it was soooo very good!!! I could be a bit biased as I love anything 80's always have (yes long before it became the cool thing to do) and I adore Jennifer Garner. She is so adorable in this movie, I am so jealous, I so want to be her or at least her best friend. It was hilarious, even matt loved it (he was one of exactly 3 guys in the theater!) and it was touching, I cried at the weirdest times too, and of course I cried at the end. I wanted to see it again right after I saw it.
I am going to miss this city so bad, I can't even imagine how bad. Part of me misses it already...But I will get to see my cats and I miss them so much too. Grrr, its always a trade off. I get to have my cats and all my friends and no school, but I have to leave my freedom, my city and getting to sleep with matt every night. Okay I have to go get some ice cream....because I can

Permalink: Matt_s_room.html
Words: 532
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/16/04 01:42 - ID#21827
Skippin Class
Last night Matt and I went to the Bruins game at the fleet center. Wow, Boston hockey fans are so crazy. I had so much fun, I wish I would have went to more during the season. It was game five of seven in the playoffs for the stanley cup. Bruins lost last night miserably (1-5) but the thing that was insane was how very bad the refs were, and the montreal canadiens were such wusses. This one guy kept faking injuries to try and get the bruins penalty, it was painfully obvious. There was a good few minute chant among the crowd of "these refs suck!" Very amusing.
I had a very long talk with mk the other night. I am glad I was candid and said exatly how I felt, as I always do, but I just want her to know that I am happy if she is happy and I support anything she does because I trust her judgement. I just wanted her to know that I am always thinking about her and worried about her. But I will be behind her 110% and happy to meet anything or anyone she loves. I miss her and I can't wait to see her and everyone again in a few weeks.
I can't believe I haven't seen everyone in almost 5 months. I can't believe I haven't petted my cats in almost 5 months. I miss them soooooooo much. Everytime I go to a store and see the cat food isle or see and orange cat stuffed animal I can't help but cry a little inside. I made matt change the channel when we were watching alien because segourney weaver has an orange kitty that looked so much like amber. It made me sad.
I think that is all my update for now, how boring my entries are, no humor at all anymore...I kinda wish I was at darien lake today with everyone like the day when everone came to see john mayer. That was fun...good times.

Permalink: Skippin_Class.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/04/04 03:17 - ID#21826
Journal reading

Permalink: Journal_reading.html
Words: 62
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/02/04 02:52 - ID#21825
Presents 'n' stuff
Tomorrow I am going to this cartoon festival at the boston symphony. Matt wanted to go so I suprised him with tickets. Apparently they show looney toons cartoons that use classical music or symphony type stuff from 10 to 4. They do tours of the symphony hall, and let you play instruments and they have face painting and the boston animal rescue society will be there etc. So basically we will be the only non-parents over the age of 10 in attendence. Hmmm fun? I don't know but when I find out I will tell you.
Yesterday I went to my public speaking class and all these kids had their posterboards and outlines and were making presentations and this girl was like "hey whats your topic" and I was like "umm for what?" she was like "you're the first person on the list to do their persuasive speech today" I thought I was having that dream where it was the big test and I didn't study or something. Everyone has had that dream or one like it, like that episode of full house where DJ was having a nightmare about taking her SAT's and she had a #2 pencil and they only accepted #4, and for some reason she had to wear a clown nose and vanna white guest starred? Does that one ring a bell? Anyway so I thought I was literally having that dream. Cause at first I got all nervous and then I was like oh I'm just having that dream again. BUT NO, it wasn't a dream! For the first time in my academic career I was COMPLETELY unprepared for a major assignment or project. I planned on doing it this weekend cause I thought it was due next week. I didn't't even have a topic yet. My teacher (who already hates me, as mentioned in the previous entry) was not pleased, and gave me some lecture about "fresh fish" or fish not being fresh? I don't know what she was talking about, it was some analogy or metaphor that I was not picking up on, whatever, bottom line is that if they don't have time to hear my speech Tuesday then I have to have a meeting with her alone. Talking to her during class makes my skin crawl, I can't even imagine spending "quality" time with that crazy woman. And she's not the fun crazy either, she's the 'one step away from being the woman talking to the people in the bilboard on the subway' kind of crazy. I digress...
OMG did anybody see the so called "April Fools" episode of the osbournes yesterday? It was the most horrible thing I have ever encountered. It looked like a regular episode but in the episode Jack was having this problem with sleep walking and they would show it each night with the night vision camera, and at one point he woke up hitting his bulldog lola, which was horrible but then it got worse. Th
xt night they showed Sharon's favorite dog mini the cream colored pomeranian walking into Jack's room and jack "sleepwalking" (which looked quite authentic) picked up the dog and all you saw was him bear hugging it and heard these doggie whimpers and then dead silence. The next scene they show is ozzy and sharon looking for mini all over the house the next morning, Jack gets woken up by them calling for her and realizes that he has smothered the dog in his sleep so he gets up really quickly puts the dog's body in a duffle bag and sneaks out the front door swearing. Then later he calls ozzy and tells him he did something really stupid and says that he killed mini. Until this point matt and I watching it in absolute horror didn't think he actually killed the dog because "they wouldn't really show that on tv" he thought it was just hurt, or at least he kept trying to convince me of it. When I realized the dog really was dead I burst out crying I was so upset that I had just heard the cries and seen a little pomeranian (my favorite breed) die and I knew how much sharon loved that dog and how devastated I would be if my cat suddenly died. So I am bawling, hard core animal sounds and all and matt jumps up and changes the channel. After I calmed down he turned back to it for a minute as the credits were about to roll they say some sort of april fools thing and put up that no dogs were harmed in the making of the show and that mini was still alive. I was absolutely horrified that they would do that on tv and to their viewers. Matt was so angry that they made me cry, he vows never to watch the show again and we used to watch the show all the time. Okay well on that note I have to get going and make something for lunch and pick up mk's present stuff and hopefully mail it out. goodbye everyone

Permalink: Presents_n_stuff.html
Words: 1112
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/25/04 11:46 - ID#21824
Missing Person's Report
Today I got up and went to my Public Speaking class (this should be a fun and easy class I realize but not the way my teacher teaches it, so to me it is tortuous). I took a midterm in there and thank god it was open book because otherwise I would not have passed and I need to pass so I can get out of there and never have to think about it again. Then I went back to my room to make sure Matt was up for his class and to get my books. I have had a free single since the second week of this semester when my roommate moved out so Matt has stayed over every night since. He hasn't even been back at his room in over a month. We should probably just get an apartment, but that would bring more confusion to our already hectic lives. Then I went to my travel geography class where I semi-aced this test on egypt. After that we proceeded to watch this incredibly boring video about egypt where I literally fell asleep. that hasn't happened in class in a very long time. Then after class I got lunch (poptarts and soup- yes I am a college student) and settled in watch Ellen. todays episode I have been anticipating all week (yes this the most excitement of my week, and now you see why I don't update) because Heath Ledger was on it. Did you know that Heath Ledger can play the digery-doo?? Well now you do. after watching that I took a nap for an hour before making my way down the oh so fashionable newbury street to work. I worked an 8 hour shift almost entirely alone (with the exception of my manager) and made almost $10 in tips (which is a lot for working at Ben and Jerry's). Wesley Clarks political advisor came in and I served him (he gave me a $2 tip and has a very hot son who looks live a very metrosexual John Mayer, he was probably gay thinking about it now). Then I went home for the night after my shift (at approx. 9pm)
Apparently President Bush was in town at Park Plaza (which is basically across the street from my dorm) for some sort of campaign fundraising thing which I did not know about because I was working all day. Crazy. There is also apparently a serial killer on the loose in Worcester (about a half hour from my school) who has killed three women already...creepy. Hmmm what else...I am getting about $300 back from taxes which I am hopfully putting aside for spring break next year. Matt and I have pinkey sworn that we are going to save up and go to disney world next year for spring break after being stuck here while everyone else was out having fun. Anyone who can aford it, or has the discipline to save up is invited.
I saw Mona Lisa smile the other day, I rented it on video. Eh, it was nothing special, I was kind of dissapointed. I can't exactly say what I didn't like, just know I didn't. Okay more on my exciting life tomorrow because someone is at my door...goodnight

Permalink: Missing_Person_s_Report.html
Words: 603
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/14/04 05:26 - ID#21823
Aunty Jillian!

Permalink: Aunty_Jillian_.html
Words: 198
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/11/04 06:29 - ID#21822
Serving up BJ's

Permalink: Serving_up_BJ_s.html
Words: 600
Location: Buffalo, NY
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