Category: shoes
12/12/06 12:36 - 41ºF - ID#36796

Only $60! I can make a pair to match every theme at that price!
p.s. - 15% of the net sales goes to (PRODUCT)RED

p.p.s. - if we could just get a portion to go to estrip, we'd be all set!

Permalink: Cons.html
Words: 56
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: housing
12/08/06 05:41 - 26ºF - ID#36795
Earthquake Insurance
So anyway. Have you ever known something you didn't want to admit, and made up a convincing enough story that other people believed it too? And then somewhere along the line realized you're still going to have to pay for this mess, so you might as well come clean? Well, that just happened to me. Luckily, my general contractor is willing to work out a payment plan for the additional work I was hoping wouldn't have to be done, but obviously has to be done.
This may not make sense to anybody else -- and it's small comfort to me now -- but I consider this more of a rescue mission than an investment proposition. Guess I can't stand to see a great place that deserves more wasting away. Let's look at the pix one more time to see what I mean.

Yeah. I really can't see myself making dinner in that kitchen.
Oh! My title. So my general contractor tried to convince me I have to gut the entire top floor apartment. I really wasn't thinking that was necessary. We debated back and forth. He had many interesting arguments. I think my favorite was, "we're due for another earthquake -- better to have drywall than plaster." Great! That's just what every homeowner wants to hear before sinking a bunch of cash into a renovation. I have a better idea! What if I take out earthquake insurance, wait for the "big one" to strike, then rebuild on the insurance claim? That seems like the right answer to that scenario.
Anyway, tonight it's off to see The Killers, Modest Mouse, The Raconteurs, and The Shins at Bill Graham Auditorium (within walking distance of my soon-to-be-condemned hovel). After that I'm on a strict austerity program.
p.s. - this would be a great time for that contractor boyfriend to materialize. Anyone?
p.p.s. - Happy Birthday Tony! And to all you other Saggitarians. Mine's on Sunday!

Permalink: Earthquake_Insurance.html
Words: 389
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/08/06 03:42 - 42ºF - ID#36794
Putting the "cuss" in customer service
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that..."

Permalink: Putting_the_quot_cuss_quot_in_customer_service.html
Words: 48
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/06/06 08:11 - 42ºF - ID#36793
Back to the future

I'd like to ask them if they really mean, December 31, 3006. But I don't want to draw attention to the fact they haven't been charging me for the past year or so.
I couldn't help myself. So now I have an open trouble ticket with them. Great! Just like old times.

Just an update that all the files and accounts are moved over. Propagation has already begun for some domains here and others will happen over 24 hours.
Please let us know well before December 31, 2006 (not 3006) if you are missing files. After that date the old server will be gone.

Permalink: Back_to_the_future.html
Words: 112
Location: San Francisco, CA
12/01/06 10:59 - ID#36792
The best things in life are free...

The latest development from the brave new world of social networking:, a new site that promises to hook up the socially inept with model-beautiful friends to spruce up their pages on MySpace and Facebook.
You can add these fake hot friends to your friends list and they will leave you messages and comments on your comment wall.
"FakeYourSpace makes it easy for any regular person to make it seem like they have a model for a friend. It doesn't stop there however," the site says.
The models will even pose as your lover, leaving any kind of message you would like. Want to make your ex jealous? No problem. Want to become more popular? The models will flirt with you on your comment wall.

Permalink: The_best_things_in_life_are_free_.html
Words: 148
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: morality
12/01/06 03:59 - ID#36791
Greetings from San Quentin

I am so curious to see the photos inside! That would be wrong, right?

Permalink: Greetings_from_San_Quentin.html
Words: 43
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: family
12/01/06 01:45 - ID#36790

Permalink: Nuts.html
Words: 25
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: housing
11/28/06 12:39 - ID#36789
It's always something...
After alternately feeling somewhat on top of things and outright panicking, I decided to take a short-term view of my part of the project. (This will probably bite me in the butt when it turns out the floor tile I like takes 3-4 weeks delivery time, but I'll work on dependencies like that next.) So I asked my general contractor what's the first thing he's going to need from me? He says, "the rough-in valve." Say WHAT? That does NOT sound like something I should have to pick out. Then he explained it's part of the shower system and depends on whether I want a thermostatic mixing valve, volume control, diverter for tub to shower, etc. Oh yeah. I probably do need to figure that all out! So I got right on it.
I thought Black Friday would be a fine time to go bathroom fixture shopping, since who in their right mind does that? Turns out I was all too right. Apparently nobody does, since the bathroom supply stores were all closed. Doh! So I did my homework online, then found what I needed locally yesterday. One thing down, about two million to go. ;-)
UPDATE: Pictures added. You asked for it!

It's images like these that keep me awake at night.

The toilet remains for obvious reasons.

Where the tub was.

View from the kitchen through to the bathroom.

I really wish my kitchen sub-floor went all the way to the outside wall.

On a happy note -- I think my sis-in-law really liked her birthday present!

Permalink: It_s_always_something_.html
Words: 339
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: gifts
11/28/06 01:57 - ID#36788
Geek Chic

Some other interesting things here. I especially like these items:
Missing Image ;(
Laptop for Frustrated DJs -- the lid contains a touch-sensitive LCD panel which allows you to control your MP3s, either from the laptop itself or from a connected player. (Still just a concept piece.)
Missing Image ;(
Handbag with solar panel to charge your cell phone.
Missing Image ;(
Thwart would-be laptop thieves with the pizza box laptop bag!
(e:Kara,110) a photo-a-month calendar is a great grandparent gift. You just need 12 family photos (or more if you want to get creative with collages) + one for the cover. $19.99 minus 20% off with coupon code XPP112 at Kinkos if you order by December 15. Or do it the easy way with iPhoto.

Permalink: Geek_Chic.html
Words: 199
Location: San Francisco, CA
Category: holiday
11/23/06 11:25 - ID#36787
The Second Deadly Sin...
What a week. Good thing Thanksgiving wasn't at my house, since as of yesterday my kitchen looks like this:

Demolition day

The sink (cue foreboding music)

Debris piled up in what will some day be my bedroom. cozy, eh?
Arguably, it's already an [inlink]twisted,424[/inlink]improvement. Still, this alleged kitchen remodel is so daunting, and no one else seems to be stepping up to the plate to make decisions about it (I guess that's the problem with not having anybody else), that I honestly started to think maybe it would never happen. So I did what I always do in that situation and tricked myself into dealing with it by signing a contract with a general contractor to do the work. He decided to start yesterday.
Which is great, except now he's going to start asking me questions about appliances, lighting, cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, flooring, faucets, etc., that I really don't know the answers to. Oh yeah, and the part where water started pouring out of my downstairs ceiling light in the middle of the night because the partially demolished kitchen sink upstairs started leaking wasn't so great either. But he fixed that this morning, and I only had to empty my 13 gallon trash can filled with water three times last night.
Anyway, maybe it's the tryptophan, but I don't feel like going into all that. So you get off easy this time.
p.s. - Have I mentioned lately? You guys rock! Thanks (e:peeps)! Happy Thanksgiving!

Permalink: The_Second_Deadly_Sin_.html
Words: 261
Location: San Francisco, CA
Thanks for picking up on the Converse themes! The first one reminds me of estrip when I first found it. And the second one is definitely an homage to alink's "beach" theme. There's not much going on there since I left, although I'll probably renew the domain when it comes up again in February.
I hope you come out to visit sometime soon! Don't forget!