09/21/07 01:19 - 78ºF - ID#41231
I shouldn't be surprised...

Permalink: I_shouldn_t_be_surprised_.html
Words: 48
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/21/07 11:16 - 72ºF - ID#41228
One thing to keep in mind. I am fairly immersed in the academic world. I eat, sleep, breathe criticism, analysation, etc. It is my job to disagree with people. And I do forget that in school, these people are not people, but theories, books, divorced from their authors because their authors are not there. Here I understand it to be a little more personal.
So, for those of you who have met me, you know that I am a fairly shy, soft spoken kind of girl. Please picture me when reading these posts and know that I have no intentions other than good clean disagreements and thought provoking dialogue. And also, please please please criticise me. Someone said "don't take this as a criticism" although it indeed was and I am A-OK with that. How the hell else do you learn? And finally, we all know that computers and blogging and all that crap lack a certain human finesse that makes it difficult to soak up tone of voice, sarcasm, emphasis and the like, so know that I may read one way, but if you and I were chatting over coffee, chances are I would sound a whole lot different.
OkOKOk, last but not least. I understand that I am quite radical in my views. I am even radical amongst many feminists and I am OK with that. I am not surprised that people disagree with me much of the time. That doesn't mean, however, that I am not going to share my views on whatever it is that I am thinking about at the moment, or that I will not address a comment for the sake of being nice......Deal?

Permalink: Disclaimer_.html
Words: 361
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: randomo
09/20/07 07:32 - 76ºF - ID#41220

Permalink: random.html
Words: 53
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/18/07 08:06 - 73ºF - ID#41183
Pro Lifers...

My mother...yes, the christian...was/is pro-life. However, I felt the need to discuss with her why we need to have safe, afordable abortions available for those who want/need it. She understands. The world is not perfect. Yes, in a perfect world, women would not have to get abortions, but we all know too effin well that this world is not perfect and it is ridiculous to go about pretending like it is. I guess my issue here is similair to that of the crazy funadamentalist sign carrying christians who shove their morals down other peoples throats. Go home. Be with your kids. Get a hobby that doesn't involove making other people feel like shit so you can make yourself feel better.

Permalink: Pro_Lifers_.html
Words: 229
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
09/18/07 11:59 - 65ºF - ID#41174

In the article you can really feel the pain of the guy who owned the house and puts lots of money and work into it. He loved that house and compared losing it to the death of his parents. Very sad. I am not sure where I am going with this, but I guess it is making me think about loving inanamate things, objects really, and the human ability to bring them to life in all but the true sense of the word.
Moving on to more mundane things like the weather. Tomorrow it is supposed to be beautiful and felly and I both kinda have the day off (although I feel like I can never have a day off because the reading just keeps on coming). Either way, I know that beautiful days like today and tomorrow will not be around for much longer, so I plan on enjoying them as much as I can.
In other news. I have come to discover that driving west on 33 at 7:00pm is the worst idea ever. The sun is soooo blinding that I can't see the road, the car in front of me, the signs, nothing. For this reason, and this reason only, I am looking forward to the sun setting a little earlier each day. and if you happen to be driving on that road at the time, I am the douche bag driving 50 mph in the middle while people pass me on both sides because I can't see a godam thing!

Permalink: Fire.html
Words: 331
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
09/17/07 12:48 - 58ºF - ID#41153
Re: Is religion harmful?
Way to go Drew. It is sad but true that crazies like Fred Phelps and others wave the banner of religion and christian beliefs using the name only to spout hatefull slurs that encourage violence. This only leads to more hatred of these so called christians. I refuse to believe that all christians are like this, because, for example, my parents are quite religous, every sunday church goers if you will, yet openly accept me and my partner with loving arms. granted they were not always so accepting, but sometimes all it takes is a little love, patience, and guidance and cure those nasty habits. fundamentalists, extremists, people that teach hate...they should not and do not exemplify christianity. they are confused, scared, and ignorant to what the bible really teaches...love, respect, honesty. not that i am saying that christianity works for me, because after 18 years of (presbyterian)religious knowledge, i know that, right now, it doesn't. that however does not mean that I go around disrespecting those who find meaning within that community. whatever floats your boat, thats why I say. i think throughout history, as Drew said, people have shown themselves to need religion, spirituality of some sort or another. why? to find meaning, understanding, peace of mind, security. many reasons I am sure. the problem comes only when one group refuses to acknowledge that other options exist. I have my beliefs, you have yours...can't we all just get along?

Permalink: Re_Is_religion_harmful_.html
Words: 264
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/17/07 11:14 - 58ºF - ID#41151
Sally Fields

Permalink: Sally_Fields.html
Words: 71
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: school
09/16/07 11:55 - 54ºF - ID#41127
Bath Time
I have always been a reader. I remember being young and staying up late reading, becoming so connected with the characters to the point of never wanting the book to end. And now, well, I have read 200+ pages of this book since yesterday, because I couldn't put it down. Partly because it is a relief to be reading a novel rather than theory of one type or another, but also because, even though it is fiction, it is about people. About people's lives, relationships, hardships, joys and sufferings and all that jazz. This is what I cling to. This is why feminism grabbed me the way it did, and this is why I despise reading abstract theories that have nothing to do with individual people. And even though I accept a certain universalism about humanity, I think it is dangerous theoretical ground to walk on.
Dar dar...I have to write a paper. The first paper (whoa 2 pages) I have written on over two years. The last paper I wrote was 15 pages about the way beauty standards affect black women and white women differently. I loved that class because the woman who taught it was from Ohio and sounded a lot like my Aunt. She was also a Black Panther and taught Anthropology with a lens that addressed race and gender and class. She was cool. This paper, not so cool.

Permalink: Bath_Time.html
Words: 395
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: school
09/15/07 01:41 - 55ºF - ID#41113
I guess I haven't really thought very much about what IS going on in the international arena to address these kinds of issues. Yes, I know that the UN exists, I have indeed heard of the Human Rights Approach. But did you know that there is also the Human Development Approach, the Human Security Approach, the Basic Needs Approach, etc? I certainly had no idea that there was this type of academic theorizing going on. I must perhaps give them a hand for attempting to name and address poverty, hunger, health care, education etc, on a global level, but one thing they do not do is ask WHY or HOW these issues became realities in the first place. It does no good, in my opinion, to try to "fix" these realities, to offer solutions, without first addressing the problems. It is easier to talk about money, about health services, about children going to school, than to talk about ideologies, hegemonies, pervasive cultural constructions of gender, race, class, etc. This, to me, is like trying to run the wrong way on an escalator. You can put lots and lots of energy into trying to get to your goal, and it sure does look like you are working hard, but chances are you will run out of steam before making it to the top.
Is my idea less realistic then theirs? Is it possible to change hundreds of years worth of oppressive ideologies? How many generations would it take before they were completely if ever gone? How would one even go about attempting this massive feat? I honestly don't know.
I am not saying that I don't think people, nations, institutions of various shapes and sizes should stop their efforts to make the world a little more bearable for those in need, but I do not think that this is a sufficient strategy for ending the hunger, the povety, the pain that is so prevelant in this world.

Permalink: Tada.html
Words: 448
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/14/07 12:09 - 78ºF - ID#41092
I am basically writing this post to place a bookmark on what entries I have read. I am not ashamed.

Permalink: Bookmark.html
Words: 54
Location: Buffalo, NY
But I forgot that our cat Nealie was spying on us. I never did trust her . . .
But that looks JUST like the mark of the beast!
Somehow we have managed to go about existing for 100,000 years without putting microchips in our skulls. But now we need to? Creepy as all hell. No thanks. Goodbye
I actually think the idea of microchips implanted in humans is creepy. I feel creeped out by the one implanted in my cat as though one day I'm going to find out that the government has been spying on my via my cats implanted microchip! Paranoid Janelle!