01/31/09 12:17 - 13ºF - ID#47582
The Price of a Ticket
I set my little pee filled cup on the desk next to him and went to wash my hands, again. I came back and he was sitting there, looking around, rolling his eyes and not really doing anything except not looking at me. I was confused. Then he looked down and said "sign here for a negative result". I didn't realize they did it right there, so quick, tada you passed. Sweet. That guy must hate his job.
I talked to a woman from Human Resources yesterday and she was like, you need your social security and a copy of your degree. Uhhhh, I have no idea where my social security card is so I have to go get a new one on Monday and bring her the proof that says I'm a real live person. After three or four phone calls to my family back home, I found my degree and am having it shipped here in hopes that it will arrive by Tuesday when I have 45 minutes worth of paperwork to do. Good thing I already have a passport.
What is this? The Inquisition?! Is that what its like when you get a real job? I mean, I guess I can see cause I am working with kids and I will be representing the company so they want to be sure that I'm not a child molester or something, but holy hell.
Battle @ Buffalo
7ish oclock
910 Main Street
5 bucks
Come one, come all
support the local hip hop community

Permalink: The_Price_of_a_Ticket.html
Words: 438
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/28/09 10:22 - 22ºF - ID#47541
Jobby Job
can i just tell you how much of a worry warted first time mom I am? I was doing and all but then Ralphie started popping blood, sleeping all day and got this rash thing on his nose. I might have cried a little, telling him that we would take him to the doctor and he would be all better. yeah, thats me. haha. course, being the poor mom that I am, I opted for only the blood tests instead of the x rays and, of course, the blood tests came back fine. 200 plus down the drain. at least he is feeling better though...he is eating a "bland diet" of boiled chicken and white rice, which I made for him. Spoiled little shit. he loves it and probably won't be happy when he starts getting his regular food mixed back in.
Anyways, everyone cross their fingers for me and my clean system. I'll keep you posted.

Permalink: Jobby_Job.html
Words: 230
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/21/09 04:21 - 20ºF - ID#47473
The Day After...
ug. i have to disagree with you. I will confess that she certainly was not the most inspiring reader on the planet, but the poem is beautiful and appropriate. also, elizabeth alexander is an extremely well known and highly regarded poet, theorist, academic, etc. perhaps it is a surprise to the (white) american public that there was a black poet reading at the inauguration that they had never heard of.
In general
"Say it plain, that many have died for this day. Sing the names of the dead who brought us here."
How many people were crying tears of joy? How many tears of pain for the many who died for that day, and I speak not of the men and women in the military, but the men and women who were brought to this country in the bowels of slave ships. who were not counted as entire human beings. who were beaten and murdered for protesting segregation. i am not being dramatic or sentimental but we have to ask ourselves what the tears are really about, and where have they been hiding? electing president obama, swearing him into office does almost nothing in the face of all that history. i kept asking myself yesterday, why... why is this such a "historical moment"? because the whites have opened the door and 'allowed' a black person in? i cried yesterday and i have to ask myself the same question. chances are there will be differing, but deeply connected answers.
i probably shouldn't have started this entry because i don't have the time to finish it properly. lets just say that i watched cnn for five hours and it made me tired. the complexities of this situation are too much for my brain and my heart to handle sometimes.
I forget who, but someone said that racism basically decides who gets to live and who gets to die.
"Say it plain, that many have died for this day."

Permalink: The_Day_After_.html
Words: 331
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/16/09 11:53 - 7ºF - ID#47423
I went to the gynecologist today. Don't worry, I won't talk about it. But I did want to mention the little packet I got about Guardisil. This is the HPV vaccine that there are commercials for. But this little packet comes with headphones and an audio player so you can listen to "a girl like you" talk about her experiences. Really? What happened to reading? There is an on/off button, and play/pause button and sound adjustment, and it is all just a little larger than a credit card. A little thicker obviously, but compact nonetheless. Strange indeed.
I also have to take an antibiotic. No Alcohol for like 9 days. Seriously?
I have taken back my not so nice things i said about the job i am now working. I have a lot of respect for people who do this kind of work. I know and love many people who work in this field. I also have a lot of respect for babysitters, although i do not wish to conflate the two.

Permalink: Wiiiiiiiiiiiii.html
Words: 242
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/11/09 03:11 - 21ºF - ID#47368
i suck

Permalink: i_suck.html
Words: 60
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/10/09 02:20 - 22ºF - ID#47348
laundry day
felly and i had a loverly post christmas day together. as in, we spent all the gift cards we got for christmas. felly had a 50 for Old Navy, we both got a 30 for Olive Garden from my rents, and I had 70 for Barnes and Noble. we spent a lot of other people's money, and it was awesome.
I bought four books with my 70 schmackers. Four. Well, one of the books has four novels in one, so I guess, if I wanted to get technical about it, I got 7 books. Not bad.
For Pleasure (aka, non-fiction)
Octavia Butler - From Seed to Harvest (Includes Wild Seed, Mind of My Mind, Clay's Ark and Patternmaster)
Octavia Butler - Kindred
For those of you who don't know, Octavia Butler is one of the first Black Female "Science Fiction" writers...although to classify her work as such is a little misleading. She does deal with some out there stuff like vampires, the future, space travel and the like, but its always very socially progressive and fabulously interesting. I heart her like whoa.
For School
Black on White: Black Writers on What It Means to be White - Ed. David Roediger with contributors such as W.E.B. Du Bois, bell hooks, Zora Neale Hurston, Amiri Baraka, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Alice Walker and a lot of other authors you should read.
The Michael Eric Dyson Reader by. (you guessed it) Michael Eric Dyson.
this book includes sections such as Theories of Race, Affirmative Action, Whiteness Studies, Afro-Baptist Radicalism and Rhetoric, Religion and Sexuality, Biocriticism and Black Icons, The Soul Musics of Black Folk, and Hip-Hop Culture, to name a few. It's a big book. I have never read or even heard of this guy before, but I have a strong appreciation for people who are both deeply intellectually theoretical and up to date on current cultural phenomena and are able to connect and intertwine them. I think this guy is one of those people.
I like books. A lot.
Oh and I have an interview on Wednesday. Word.

Permalink: laundry_day.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/07/09 07:08 - 30ºF - ID#47323

Permalink: hahaha.html
Words: 105
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/07/09 10:32 - 34ºF - ID#47317
breathe in breathe out
Felly had a theory. That once Gavin and Gwen got married they both started to suck. Gwen was also once so very very cool. Remember when No Doubt came onto the scene and there was Gwen with her combat boots and wife beaters (waaaay before Avril Lavigne)? I mean, Gwen sang with Sublime. Now that's punk rock. And now? Harajuku girls or whatever the hell they are and...hmmm...when was the last time we heard from her?
Now don't get me wrong. I like pop music...usually. I recognize it for what it is however, namely that you take these songs and listen to them somewhat consistently for a short period of time until you get to the point where you might have to kill someone if you hear them humming it one more time. Then, you wait. Wait and wait and wait, until you haven't heard the song in, say, two years, and then you listen with fresh ears. If you still like the pop song from back when, its a keeper. I love shitty music from days of yore. I think it speaks volumes about a moment in time. I don't care if people call it fluff or fabricated or whatever. Perhaps that what it is meant to say. At this moment in time the majority of American youth are listening to fabricated cotton candy music. What does that tell you? Think about it.
I will admit though, it seams we are at a loss for the greats these days. Where are our Sublimes? Our Pink Floyds and Led Zeppelins. Nirvana? Operation Ivy? When was the last time someone put out an album that you could listen to alllllll the way through? I am trying to think...there is Radiohead. Weezer. Oasis maybe? I am (perhaps unfairly) talking about hit toppers here. Oh, maybe I got it. People don't buy actual albums anymore, they just download singles on iTunes, watch videos on youtube (cause MTV is gone) and probably only listen to the first minute of the song anyway cause they are all hopped up on prescription drugs and soda pop and Britney Spears.
I am reading a book...one of those whoa is me I am a feminist who is addicted to man sex book. But she (the author, the main character, whoeveR) made a point that I thought was so true. We have it alllll backwards these days. We are more and more isolated from human beings and more and more connected to everything else we don't really need. Connected to the internet, to television, to clothes and shoes and furniture and Britney Spears. Consume consume consume. Feed me. Cause I am starving. But the problem is that what we are eating is...cotton candy. Fluffernutter. Britney Spears. Not our lovers, our friends our family, humanity. So we continue to eat, cause we are still starving. And perhaps whats more, is that such a statement is cliche. I can't even type it without feeling a little silly cause, well, duh, everyone already knows this, but yet, still, here we are.
Anyone scene Wall-E?? Sometimes when I think about the future, thats what I think about. Millions of human beings floating around with television/computer/phones/ipods (all in one of course) implanted into their little mindless brains. Worthless. Scary. Terrifying.

Permalink: breathe_in_breathe_out.html
Words: 593
Location: Buffalo, NY
Welcome to the world of social service bureaucracy!
And almost every job is going to require a SS card to do the I9 form.
They're going to be sending you to the WNY DDSO to get finger prints done too before you can be alone with clients. I actually found the fingerprinting kind of cool.