Category: politics
11/13/08 09:08 - 54ºF - ID#46681
call me crazy
The government will hem and haw long enough to make it look like they don't want to do it, but eventually they will have pity on all these people who will be out of jobs and give billions of dollars to their employers.
The auto manufacturers will say thanks for the cash but we're still a little bit fucked, so ... we're still going to have to lay these people off.
At which point we'll look at all these people who are now out of jobs and say: was this really worth it?
When the government's done hemming and hawing I think it would be better if they said you know what? The auto industry has been opposed to the government meddling in their affairs for years and maybe now is not the time to start. So this multibillion dollar bailout package goes to the employees caught in the middle when you go out of business.
Could somebody tell me why that's crazy?
- Z

Permalink: call_me_crazy.html
Words: 218
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: misc
11/12/08 01:15 - 46ºF - ID#46658
back to normal

My nephew is recovering from his skull surgery, so I can stop thinking about how gross that is. He's going to be in a special reshaping helmet for I think 3-4 months? so we were asked to send stickers. I need to find one of the Great Gazoo.
I had a weird dream this morning. I was on the bus and people were talking about the war. From context I gathered that it had just ended, ilke, in the time it takes to walk to the bus stop. So finally I asked and they said that after the election the president canceled the war. He said the will of the people was clear and just called it off, like that. I woke up because it seemed funny to me that the will of the people would matter.
In other nattering, I'm working with another consultant who is good at programming but bad at estimating time requirements. He says he'll be done by a certain date so, the client being impatient, the boss will schedule a demo for the afternoon of that date. When deadline comes, either the boss will get a panicked email first thing in the morning saying it isn't done, or no communication at all. This has caused no small amount of tension between client and boss, and between boss and consultant. It really only gets on my nerves when I get a panicked call from the boss to come in to the office and instant-learn .NET* so he can give a demo that looks like it works. But anyway.
So the boss was kvetching to me, because I'm the good consultant. And it's not that he works slow [he doesn't, really] but that he makes deadlines he can't meet. So I said yeah, if you say it'll be easy and you miss deadline you look like an incompetent. If you start right out with 'I don't think that's possible' you look like a genius if you deliver anything at all. Hints for living, I guess.
- Z
- I'm such a n00b- is it .NET now? Didn't it used to be .net?

Permalink: back_to_normal.html
Words: 399
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: a series of tubes
11/11/08 10:16 - 39ºF - ID#46641
Check out his other stuff

- Z

Permalink: clever.html
Words: 31
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: geeky
11/09/08 09:10 - 40ºF - ID#46618
pretty keen

I lost this weekend to an emergency instaproject. It was a necessary thing that will let us offload a crapton of work onto the client; I just wish it hadn't been sprung on me so late for delivery so soon. I don't think I've ever spent so much effort shirking responsibility.
- Z

Permalink: pretty_keen.html
Words: 74
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
11/08/08 09:34 - 49ºF - ID#46602
morning in america

Permalink: morning_in_america.html
Words: 18
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
11/05/08 09:23 - 53ºF - ID#46545
california goddam

Update from my west-coast correspondent:
fuck, man.... if the entire rest of the insane country (read:midwest) hadn't gotten involved and funded the shit out of "Yes on 8", no would've passed.... don't get me started.
- Z

Permalink: california_goddam.html
Words: 66
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
11/04/08 11:21 - 63ºF - ID#46510
vote note
All candidates for government employment need to pass the Civil Service Exam. Veterans who were disabled in the line of duty are eligible to get extra points on the exam, but only if they are currently receiving disability benefits from the VA. Vote 'yes' if you approve of eliminating the second restriction; vote 'no' if you'd rather it be retained.
- Z

Permalink: vote_note.html
Words: 93
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
11/02/08 10:05 - 42ºF - ID#46480
don't vote stupid
There will be one proposal on the ballot. In addition, the following offices are also up for election. If you don't know which districts you live in, follow the links to find out.
United States President
United States Representative in Congress (districts 26-28)

New York State Supreme Court, (district 8 - all WNY)
New York State Senate (districts 58-62)

New York State Assembly (districts 142-146, 148)

Erie County Court Judge
Erie County Family Court Judge
Erie County District Attorney
Niagara County Sheriff
The League of Women Voters puts together an informative voters' guide for every election and makes it available for free

You may be wondering what it means if a candidate is listed under more than one party. Suffice it to say that a vote for a candidate counts just as much on the Democrat line as it does on the Liberal or Working Families line. However if your beliefs are more aligned with a minor party, voting on their line will give them leverage with the candidate's platform. In close elections, endorsements by minor parties do make differences [in the opposite way of the Nader Effect] so most politicians are loathe to put third-party endorsements at risk. Here's kind of a long explanation

- Z

Permalink: don_t_vote_stupid.html
Words: 330
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: misc
10/29/08 09:40 - 36ºF - ID#46411
while we're on the subject
What the fuck?! It's unavailable. It's Dr. Francis Fesmire, winner of the 2006 Ig Nobel Prize for Medicine

Item two: I think I made up for not making (e:dragonlady7,46402) a sandwich last night by making us chicken fried steak with country gravy and tater tots for dinner. She's got pictures. I've got indigestion.
Item three: for those who are unfamiliar with Lemonade Stand, the intro and first day's worth of business:
Hi! Welcome to Lemonsville, California!
In this small town, you are in charge of
running your own lemonade stand. You can
compete with as many other people as you
wish, but how much profit you make is up
to you (the other stands' sales will not
affect your business in any way). If you
make the most money, you're the winner!!
To manage your lemonade stand, you will
need to make these decisions every day:
1. How many glasses of lemonade to make
(only one batch is made each morning)
2. How many advertising signs to make
(the signs cost fifteen cents each)
3. What price to charge for each glass
You will begin with $2.00 cash (assets).
Because your mother gave you some sugar,
your cost to make lemonade is two cents
a glass (this may change in the future).
Your expenses are the sum of the cost of
the lemonade and the cost of the signs.
Your profits are the difference between
the income from sales and your expenses.
The number of glasses you sell each day
depends on the price you charge, and on
the number of advertising signs you use.
Keep track of your assets, because you
can't spend more money than you have!
Lemonsville Weather Report
Hot and Dry
On day 1, the cost of lemonade is $.02
Lemonade stand 1 Assets $2.00
How many glasses of lemonade do you
wish to make ?50
How many advertising signs (15 cents
each) do you want to make ?5
What price (in cents) do you wish to
charge for lemonade ?10
Would you like to change anything?no
$$ Lemonsville Daily Financial Report $$
Day 1 Stand 1
50 glasses sold
$.10 per glass Income $5.00
50 glasses made
5 signs made Expenses $1.75
Profit $3.25
Assets $5.25
What a hoot, huh?
- Z

Permalink: while_we_re_on_the_subject.html
Words: 409
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: geeky
10/28/08 06:53 - 39ºF - ID#46394
i didn't need to see this

I went down to the Apple Store this morning to finally fix my dang Airport card. I can only get reliable reception if I'm in the same room as the base station, which is seriously starting to cramp my style. (e:dragonlady7) came along to get her top case replaced since we discovered it was covered under warranty. While we were waiting for Geniuses [genii] I wandered around to the Edutainment department and picked up this gem

And she was like, wut. And I was like yeah it was actually kinda difficult because you'd get different weather and stuff and then the genius who was serving someone else was like yeah and then your mom would cut off your sugar and your costs would go up. And then the other genius was like yeah and then your road would be closed for construction. And I know the other people who had serious problems were getting kind of annoyed but we were taking it back old skool. Long story short, they want my box for 24-48hrs for diagnosis. Not today.
Here's an image I drew yesterday for reasons that are not anywhere near interesting*. I thought it was funny but couldn't come up with anything to say about it. No you can't buy this cap.

- Z
- We needed an image of a cap with a placeholder everywhere a logo would go.

Permalink: i_didn_t_need_to_see_this.html
Words: 296
Location: Buffalo, NY
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- Z
(e:libertad): The answer is Satyagraha. :::link:::
(I know, you might call me biased, but it actually has worked more times than guerilla warfare or other crazy coups have.)
One more point that I made in there and is worth mentioning again: The first solar cell was made in 1883. Do you see ANY American made hybrids or alternative fuel vehicles ANYWHERE on the roads?? Where is this aggressive R&D you speak of?
People are talking about tying the auto bailout to requiring the companies to develop clean fuel technologies. Look guys: they can't even make payroll. They're not going to be leading the world in anything except blame and excuses.
I don't buy this shit about American fuel innovation either. The Toyota Prius has been available to the general public for eleven years; the Honda Insight was introduced nine years ago. What do we have from GM? E85? You might even be able to find that at a gas station if you live in Iowa. Hybrid SUVs? They were so behind the ball on hybrids that they had to negotiate with Toyota because their independent R&D ended up infringing patents that Toyota had held for years.
- Z
I don't believe the bailout with work either. It also seems ridiculous to reward the auto industry for such bad business practices.
Thus, this proposed bailout is not going to serve its purpose of helping the auto employees keep their jobs but might instead help the government keep its job.
Either way you look at it, its a selfish irrational move. Bailing out the employees is not a very reasonable thing to do - it reminds me of that pithy saying “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish ; and you have fed him for a lifetime". Bailing out employees or the industry with money now is equivalent to giving them fishes for a day.
(e:libertad) made a suggestion on my blog which sounds like a good alternative to this madness. He said that these workers should be re-employed in alternative employment - rebuilding and expanding our public transport infrastructure and working towards production of alternative fuel powered vehicles.
I think its an excellent suggestion and the government should put aside its selfishness and consider it seriously.
Also, I would like to point out that, though American automakers may have been pursuing hybrid technologies for a few years now, the first solar cell was built back in ~1883. These have been used for powering space shuttles for many decades now. Solar cells are not some Star-Trek atomizing technology, they are very similar to the microchips we use in our laptops and other computerized circuits. When the computer industry can explode into innovation like it has been doing for the past two decades, why couldn't the solar panel research keep up? You might find the answer lies in vested interests. Going back to the fish saying, giving people solar panel powered things, is like giving them fish that feeds them forever. But of course, the industry can't have this because its goal to keep making people buy cars they can't afford and buy oil for those oil-guzzling contraptions.
The most efficient hybrids on the streets are *all* made with foreign R&D. We can either choose to look at the extremely recent efforts of this country's automakers to jump on the hybrid bandwagon as a glorious herald of things to come or look at it for what it really might be - an ostrich taking its head out of the sand and realizing that the industry is going out of business and thus launching this do-gooding late-aggressive scheme.
I would say the the industry's lack of innovation might be one of the reasons it has been failing. Look at (e:jenk)'s comment. I am sure not many Americans look kindly on oil guzzling inefficient monsters.
In fact, how many of you own 100% American cars nowadays? Would you have bought that foreign Honda or Hyundai or whatever, if American cars had been solar powered/hybrids/fuel-efficient? Taking it a step further, would we be criticizing the bailout to the industry so much today, had it been producing nifty little efficient alternative fuel cars - that people actually loved to buy and drive?
It isn't the industry owners who the government would be keeping afloat. The industry "owners" are actually the shareholders, whose stock is semi-officially worthless. The idea is to prop the industry to prevent it from failing and causing 3 million layoffs, which is an incredibly compelling rationale. Forget executive compensation or the perceived morality of the auto industry - those are tangential and are subject to opinion anyway. The auto industry's lack of innovation is not its undoing. Actually, few automakers have pursued hybrid technology more aggressively than American automakers over the past few years.
Businesses succeed and fail... there is no guarantee of perpetual success and comfort. I think auto workers are going to lose their jobs en masse regardless of the bailout, because I don't think the businesses are viable any longer. If it's meant to happen, so be it, but trust me - the government *will* attempt to prop the industry up because doing nothing while millions lose their jobs would be political suicide. I'm so sure the government will not throw that idea away and give the money to the unemployed instead, that I'll promise you I'll vote all liberal in 2010 if I'm wrong.
The auto company owners and executives have enough money to buy personal islands anyway. And honestly, I think they are squarely responsible for suppressing the research and development of alternative fuel vehicles because of their evil links with the oil industry.
If the auto industry gets bailed out like Pelosi and Reid suggest, then REALLY, all those who made this decision should be shot and the money given to the truly in trouble Americans who are in debt, out of jobs and being chucked out of their foreclosed homes.
The government (dems/repubs) both are nasty little money sequestering bastards. Why doesn't all of the American population wake up and realize this??? Can't people FORCE the government to put that 700bn to better uses??
Are they YOUR representatives?? WHY AREN'T THEY SERVING YOU??? Why are they serving the filthy rich executives instead?