Category: dead people
02/21/08 02:18 - 20ºF - ID#43416
From: (e:zobar)
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:22 AM
Subject: Where does everybody go?
I think this is weird: people are dying all the time, but cemeteries never seem to get any fuller. Forest Lawn has been around for over 150 years, but there's still some pretty large sections that are totally empty. I know these are kind of weird questions, but: Where do you put everybody? About how long do you estimate before Forest Lawn is full? And then what?
- Z
From: Betty Boyd
Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Subject: FW: Where does everybody go?
To: (e:zobar)
Thank you very much for your interest in our Forest Lawn cemetery.
Currently we have 155,069 permanent residents buried here at Forest Lawn. We estimate to have burial space for at least 50 years or more.
Each of our full size graves allow for one casket burial and one cremated body burial, or two cremated body burials.
We also have available above ground burial space in our mausoleums. (this also conserves land space).
Forest Lawn was the first cemetery in our area to build a community mausoleum, and we are very proud of that. Our newest mausoleum is Serenity. We have crypts for caskets and niches for cremated bodies available.
We are always looking out for our future needs.
When anything is sold here, burial space, grave stone markers, benches, urns, crypts niches and the, a portion of the purchase price includes monies that have to be transferred to our permanent maintenance fund. We are regulated by the NYS division of cemeteries, and we must make this transfer. This will allow for the long term maintenance of the grounds and our facilities.
When we have no room left for burial space, we will then be somewhat like a museum. Folks will always have this beautiful park like place called Forest Lawn to visit, share memories, enjoy the nature, the art pieces and monuments left as legacy to be remembered by.
If you have any other questions, contact me anytime.
Have a good day.
Betty Boyd
Your Representative
Forest Lawn Cemeteries
1411 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209
On the one hand, it's a little weird that they refer to their customers as 'permanent residents,' but on the other hand I kind of dig it. So if they average about 1,000 new permanent residents every year, the total capacity for their 269 acres is around 200,000. That means they average about 60 sq ft per person, which is a lot more than I was expecting. [Much of that is landscaping and roads, but still.] So Forest Lawn is filling up at the rate of 160 sq ft per day, which is 10'x16' - kind of a lot, but not really noticeable when there's 60 acres to spare.
My name is Dave, and I am a weirdo who emails people to ask them stupid questions about their jobs.
- Z

Permalink: fascinating_.html
Words: 516
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: redux
02/20/08 11:45 - 14ºF - ID#43412
old business/new business
(e:zobar,42527) Taylor pork rolls are available at Wegman's/Niagara Falls Blvd for $6.19/lb. In New Jersey you could buy four slices at a time if you wanted to [which is just about all I could eat, like, in my entire life] but up here this is the only size you can get. They look pretty gross but thin-sliced and pan-fried they're actually pretty decent.

(e:zobar,42927) 'Unintelligible' = Antony and the Johnsons.

New Business:
I've got a yeasty ecosystem on top of my fridge and it's freaking me out! Somebody at work gave me Herman

- Z

Permalink: old_business_new_business.html
Words: 166
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
02/16/08 05:38 - 23ºF - ID#43364
dave don't eat it!


OK, he didn't have any of these but I really dig the illustration. You get an idea of the challenges here: there's no possible way of knowing what's inside based solely on the wrapper. 'Alenka,' by the way, is a character in an obscure Cossack myth which translates best as 'hell-baby.' Beats me why you'd name a candy after that.
Zolotoe sufle apelsinovoe
'The Golden Orange Souffle'

This was an unusually informative wrapper, as was the one with a big pineapple on it. Considering that the places where you find oranges and pineapples growing are pretty much the opposite of Moscow, even I didn't have enough faith in the Russian science program to reproduce their flavor. Next!
Rakobye shejki

Thank you, Google Language Tools

'Little Cow'

We all agreed this one was definitely not chocolate. Somebody said, 'maybe it's like a Bit-O-Honey.' Sure, or maybe it's like granulated Bit-O-Honey with a strong margarine aftertaste. Funny, I never felt that was missing from the original.
Krasnaya shapochka
'Red Cap'

You know how a little while ago they started making biodegradable packing peanuts out of soy? They don't really taste like much, and it turns out that melting a Swiss Cake Roll over them doesn't really improve the situation.
Bolshebnaya flejta
'Magic Flute'

This was the only one I couldn't finish. I'll cut the suspense: it is chocolate filled with sweetened wet sand. I said as much, and although I couldn't see this being in any way compelling, (e:dragonlady7) wanted a bite. I don't know if she didn't believe me or what. Then the host came by and asked what it tasted like. 'Wet sand,' we said. He took another piece from the bowl, bit into it and exclaimed, 'that's astonishing!' [but not in a good way]. He theorized that in the depths of a very long, very dark St Petersburg winter, perhaps this might remind you of that vacation you took on the Crimean, when you got sand in your teeth. Maybe that's a pleasant memory for you, and maybe this candy is all you need to take you back to that special time. I sure hope so, because otherwise this is some really ill shit.
- Z

Permalink: dave_don_t_eat_it_.html
Words: 569
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: bloodsport
02/06/08 11:33 - 30ºF - ID#43211
x-treme cagefighting

Chita Rivera

- Z

Permalink: x_treme_cagefighting.html
Words: 215
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
02/05/08 01:15 - 46ºF - ID#43192
move bitch!! get out the way!
They're saying that since I'm not registered as a Democrat or Republican that I can't vote in the primary today. Fuck that shit, I say.
Everybody enjoy a good protest? Says something weird about our generation that we're protesting against Tom Cruise harder than we're protesting against the war, but I can't disagree that he's a total asshat. It's close enough to RPCI, you guys should stop by and hang out. If we covered their protest, do you think they'd stop hanging out in our office?
From: buffalo anon <>
Subject: Demonstration against Scientology in Buffalo
I am writing to request that you cover an upcoming demonstration against of the Church of Scientology in Buffalo. The demonstration will be held on February 10th at 11AM at their Main St location in coordination with with similar protests outside of every church of Scientology around the world.
More information regarding this day of protest can be found in recent media coverage in the Guardian and the Economist.
I feel that the protest is especially relevant to Western New York since it is here in 2003 that the Perkins tragedy occurred.
The Church of Scientology is a dangerous cult that destroys lives, tears apart families, and can be harmful to its members mental and physical health. Church members are not allowed to remain in personal contact with anyone who speaks against their church or their founder or who seeks medical care they do not permit, a rule which has destroyed families as people end contact with their parents, children, and siblings in order to remain in the cult.
Again, I ask that you consider covering both the global movement against Scientology as well as the local protest on Sunday.
- Z

Permalink: move_bitch_get_out_the_way_.html
Words: 452
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: misc
02/03/08 11:59 - 33ºF - ID#43158

Attendance at the QCRG game last night was insane. The rink was as packed as it was last time, even with the addition of an entire row of bleachers and a few hundred seats.
Dearest reader, isn't it about time you started a new dangerous hobby?

Yes, it is.
- Z

Permalink: swingin_.html
Words: 80
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: lurve at the louvre
01/24/08 07:43 - 19ºF - ID#43018
it's on now
This toolbox over here

I couldn't get a word in edgewise, or I would have told him that I work for a newspaper with over a quarter million readers, and we're relatively desparate for articles for our Valentine's Day issue. Considering the weird fuckers who read our paper, I bet there's at least one reader who would totally get off on being seduced by this guy here:

Fact is, if I were the kind of guy with EUR16,000 (USD23,000) to burn, there is nothing better to spend it on than getting an enormous wang sky-written over the Eiffel Tower.
- Z

Permalink: it_s_on_now.html
Words: 216
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: love
01/24/08 04:21 - 21ºF - ID#43014
very juvenile

Say 'I Love You' in the Company of Columbo
Hand in hand you'll visit a distinguished castle and meet the famous Lieutenant Columbo who'll head an amazing investigation which will conclude with your penis...
- Z

Permalink: very_juvenile.html
Words: 123
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: everything
01/19/08 04:31 - 20ºF - ID#42955
am i back?
(e:dragonlady7) wrote

1a. Chocolate toffee pancakes. Holy poop I thought I would be able to handle these but I had three and passed the fuck out. It was like eating chocolate cake for breakfast.
1b. We had some shrimp penne primavera last night that was very tasty but I'm really proud of my particular component, the shrimp. First off, Weggies has uncooked peeled/deveined shrimp which is so genius that I can't understand why you can't find them elsewhere. Second off, these shrimp are so easy, tasty, and aromatic, and you can probably put them in anything:
Get a wok or something, and put in 2 Tbsp each of peanut oil and dry sherry. Grate

Some people are going to say look man, you can't mix the oil and sherry like that because the sherry will keep the oil from heating up. Maybe they're right, but shrimp cook so fast it can't make a difference. If they keep bugging you just make them stop and take a deep breath. Mmmm. Then kick them the hell out of your kitchen.
Add the shrimp and fry them until they're pink all over, not a second longer. Then, do whatever you want with them. (e:dragonlady7) used the garlicky shrimp-oil for flavoring the alfredo sauce, and that was a good idea.
THING TWO: A lament on HTML parsers
One of the things I do for the QCRG AV Club is to get the photos people take at the game and collect them in one place. Naturally people put their photos wherever they feel most comfortable, so that means that out of four photographers, two have used flickr, one has used Photobucket, and one has used MySpace Pics. I think 'download album' as a zip file is a pretty obvious feature but it seems the people in power don't agree. Photobucket at least has an RSS feed for each album. flickr does not have RSS feeds, but they have a pretty nice API.
MySpace Pics has neither [but did you even have to ask?] which means automated form submission & HTML scraping, with cookies. Enter Python: the urllib2 module has optional support for temporary or persistent cookies, and the HTMLParser module does a hell of a job on HTML 'as deployed' [which is to say: the opposite of well-formed & valid XHTML]. HTML4 is such a hugely popular format, and lexically speaking it's not significantly messier than XHTML ... it makes me wonder why HTML parsing libraries are nowhere near as ubiquitous as XML parsers.
THING THREE: Location-based services
I've believed for a while that mobile phones are theoretically capable of locating themselves without GPS by triangulating on cell towers. The new "Locate" button in iPhone Maps answers the question: yes, but it's not real accurate. Oddly enough, it seems to be more accurate where there are fewer towers. At home, it puts me on a side street within walking distance, and the margin of error goes from Colvin to Starin, which is not too bad. When I'm at work, it puts me within walking distance at Roswell Park, but the margin of error goes from Fort Erie on the west to Bailey Ave on the east, all the way up to Linden Ave on the north. That's like 85% of the city. [When I'm at the rink it puts me in the river somewhere.]
THING FOUR: Office 2008
I haven't bought it yet but I probably will eventually. The Home edition is only $150, which I think is pretty reasonable. The Standard edition costs $400, but as near as I can tell the only difference is in Entourage's support for Exchange Server and scriptability. An Exchange client is also built into Apple Mail, so are those two features really worth $250? The Standard license is also upgradeable, but the upgrade is still $90 more expensive than a full license for the Home edition.
And then there's this 'Expression Media' that is part of the Special Media edition. Is this different than the media databases that are built into iPhoto or iTunes, or Adobe Bridge? Is it really worth $100?
I think somebody messed up on the pricing for this one, is all I'm saying.
- Z

Permalink: am_i_back_.html
Words: 767
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/01/08 11:31 - 24ºF - ID#42719
i wonder if my mom knows

(e:dragonlady7) bought me a framed color print of this comic

My buddy Chris had a small get-together last night for New Year's. Man, we're geezers. Drove way the fuck out to Lancaster, played half a game of beer pong, watched the ball drop, and by 12:45 I was zonked out on an air mattress. My kinda people.
Roller derby ate my life. If I don't see any peeps at the rink on Saturday I'll disembowel myself in the game room and play Skee-Ball with my still-beating spleen. Could be fun.
- Z

Permalink: i_wonder_if_my_mom_knows.html
Words: 114
Location: Buffalo, NY
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In italy (and probably elsewhere) where there are a lot of catholics and not a lot of holy ground to use for cemetary space, apparently when you buy a plot, you only get it for 10 years or something like that. After ten years they dig you up, and put your bones in a smaller box, and re-bury them in a smaller spot. Then re-use your original grave.
How efficient!
I've always thought that whenever they remove one of your body parts they should give it back to you. I mean, it totally belongs to you but they don't even ask you before they throw it in a garbage bag full of human organs and mail it to the dog food factory. But it was sort of a half-baked idea because I don't know what you'd do with your former organs. Now I do: put them in the pile with all your other dead body parts. Makes sense to me.
- Z
And a total hijack- a guy at work was saying we spend so much on our burial plots, and worry about where they are, etc-- he thinks we should use them MORE. And he suggests than any time you "lose" a body part (a tooth, your appendix, a tumor, etc) you should bury it in your grave. So you can go visit your grave and enjoy the precious view you paid for, while you're alive. And then when you die, just put the rest in there. A reunion of sorts. I think I kind of like the idea.