Category: eating out
08/09/07 08:29 - 70ºF - ID#40461
Best Pizza and Best Breakfast in Buffalo
I offered to cook, but unfortunately she is a carb+cheese fan and I don't use much of either plus I can't bake. I am not very sure how that huge black hole (oven, for the uninitiated) works. I intend to learn but I don't think I can master the art of making a pizza and dealing with an unknown branch of cooking with precise measures, in less than half a day.
So, (I cry with desperation) help!! Where do you think we should go for an:
1. *Awesome* and satisfying breakfast (So she just melts with pleasure and envies that I am in Buffalo and she is 70 odd miles away. She doesn't need to know that I monotonously drink a carrots-orange juice-banana smoothie for a 1 minute breakfast everyday. It's all about showing off possibilities in Buffalo.)
In response to (e:Drew) 's recent post about breakfast places, (e:peeps) suggested:
-- Towne
-- Amy's
-- Lake Effect
-- Pano's
What are people's real experiences with these places? Are these the absolute best? Can you recall a morning that you went to some breakfast place in Buffalo and your whole 24 hours was perfect because of it? If you were given one day to live, what place in Buffalo would you head for breakfast?
2. Best and absolutely *orgasmic* Pizza (so she feels that moving to Buffalo is the best thing you could do, even if just for the pizza alone)
I know there are tons of "best pizza" votes for Buffalo around the web and in the print media, but opinions and quality changes everyday.
So, which one pizza place in Buffalo would you go to today, if you were looking to escape this world and enter an alternative world of extreme pleasure for the few minutes that you are eating the pizza? Which pizza place would you bet your whole bank balance and your house (or a year apartment rent and your rice cooker) on and feel confident that you would win your competition's house and rent-money (and rice cooker)?
Honest opinions please?? :)
PS: Oh, and as I was searching around and getting hopelessly confused and increasingly undecided, I came across this super extensive list of restaurant reviews in Buffalo from a bloke called Bill Rapaport from the computer science dept. at UB:

PPS: I have been digging up some older posts from (e:strip) and found some more recommendations. Do the authors still stand by these recommendations or have they changed?
(e:leetee) 's post last year on Pizzas :

PPPS: I think I am going to be updating this post with everyone's choices. Please chip in!! Show some Buffalo Pizza and Breakfast love!
(e:jenks) : Best Pizza (Unusual): Trattoria Aroma, Bryant and Ashland
(e:mrdeadlier) : Best Pizza: Bella Roma in Kenmore
Best Breakfast: Apple Dumpling Diner in Kenmore
(e:mrmike): Best Pizza (Unusual): Trattoria Aroma, Bryant and Ashland
Best Pizza: (Traditional): Leonardi's Grover Cleveland Hwy, Amherst)
Best Breakfast: Betty's, Virginia St, Buffalo
(e:chico) : Best Pizza: New York Pizza on Allen Street
Best Breakfast (i): Betty's, Virginia St, Buffalo
Best Breakfast (ii): Empire Grill, Hertel Avenue, Buffalo
(e:mimi) : Best Breakfast: Solid Grounds, Elmwood & Bryant (But isn't this shutting down??)
Pretty Decent Pizza: Just Pizza, Mr. Pizza
(e:leetee) : Best Pizza: La Nova (NY Style), West Ferry & Grant
(e:joshua) : Close and Decent Pizza: Just Pizza
Quite Good Pizza: Romeo and Juliet's on Hertel Ave
Best Breakfast: Pano's
(e:metalpeter) : Best Pizza: Just Pizza
Cheese and Pep Best Pizza: Mr. Pizza
Pizza with wings: LaNova & Casa Di Pizza
(e:tinypliny) : Best Pizza: Panaro's, Delaware and Allen

Permalink: Best_Pizza_and_Best_Breakfast_in_Buffalo.html
Words: 671
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 08/14/12 09:12
Category: e:strip
08/06/07 12:02 - 73ºF - ID#40397
Happy Birthday, James!

And an absolutely fantabulous(*)

year ahead!
Here's my kind of Birthday cake. ;)

(*) I was told that the word was in vogue in the 80s, but whatever...

Permalink: Happy_Birthday_James_.html
Words: 53
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: whine
07/31/07 03:25 - 65ºF - ID#40322
Laundry Grossness
I am somewhat grossed out by the washers and dryers in my building. The small holes where you pour in the detergent and the softener are coated with gooey hideousness and I am convinced that mutant bacteria might be growing and thriving in that semi-solid mess as we speak. In addition, my clothes come out decorated with long blond hair, even though I obsessively clean out the lint chamber.
The situation is, I suppose, not without merits. I now possess the exclusive knowledge that someone with silky golden mid-arm length hair or perhaps a dog-walker with an especially hairy golden retriever charge lives in my building. As attractive as this makes my building, I
am not sure that I really need to be festooned with keratinized souvenirs to appreciate this fact. I hate that I need to lint-roll my clothes after they come out from the machines to avoid looking like the woolly mammoth every time I wear the affected clothes. I have not quite reached the point where I am inspired to lug my laundry to a commercial laundromat but the long blond hair might just be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
Oh, and the washers sometimes charge you twice for one cycle. When I complained to the manager, he passed the buck to the Maytag company. I was under the impression that "Maytag" was a creative play on the name of the building - Mayflower. It appears, now, that I might have been mistaken.
And since I am whining about the machines, why not whine about the basement and the elevators too? The basement used to be a fall-out shelter back in the 1930s, so the only way to the basement is via the tottering old elevators - that don't work for about 10 days in a month. I don't want to be perceived as an imbalanced whiner, so let me point out the pros and cons of such a predicament.
1. Yay! Can't do laundry, 2 hours saved. Get back to the paper you never finished reading.
2. Yay! Get some exercise, climb up and down five floors and tone those deviant muscles that have been sitting around all day.
1. One more day of digging in the laundry basket for clothes to wear.
2. What if you are doing your laundry, came back upstairs because you can't stare at the machines (however hypnotic and soothing that may be) and the elevators chose to stop working? Wear pillow-cases and blankets to work and pretend its halloween?
The basement itself is a rather spooky place. It has motion-sensor fitted lighting. But sometimes, even if you do the savage version of the Irish jig, the lights don't come on. And I have no idea where the light-switches are; perhaps there aren't any. Being left in the dark in the basement can be compared to being left in the dark in a groaning hull of a ship that hit an iceberg and is sinking. Same sounds, feeling of impending doom and a massive partially-filled freaky hole in the wall (part of an old heating system/chute for garbage?).
There. Now you know the trials of my typical laundry-day. Cheers!

Permalink: Laundry_Grossness.html
Words: 554
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: whine
07/27/07 10:31 - 73ºF - ID#40273
New Employee Orientation Follow-up
For those among you, who have never had the fine opportunity of experiencing this potion from hell and are interested, it has an initial bitter taste with a distinctly chemical sour overtone. Since it is a very fine aerosol, it insidiously coats the lining of your throat and makes you gag everytime you swallow. For about 5 hours after you inhale the chemical, you feel as if you have a sore throat and drinking hot tea or coffee makes it worse since the sour overtone intensifies and the bitterness in the tea/coffee is magnified about ten times over.
If not anything, the orientation taught me that fire-fighters deserve a lot of respect for what they do, not just because of the obviously dangerous life-endangering nature of their jobs, but also their willingness to continue fire-fighting after being exposed to this vile chemical day in and day out, in addition to the smoke from the fires. If I had to be a fire-fighter, I wouldn't last even a day. So thank you for sticking out your throats and necks for the rest of us.
@(e:Chico) Yep! uber-creepy is the most apt word to describe the logo on that neck-band. :) "Corporate Replicant"? Heh. Now that would be uber^2 creepy! I think we are not very far off from a scannable bio-genetic material of some kind on all our IDs.
@(e:mrdeadlier): I did take a deep breath and look what happened!!! ;)
Jokes apart, I didn't know the real motivation for Roswell turning into a corporation - so thanks for the information! It does need all the money it can get if the money is going towards funding the goals in its mission statement. By the way, is Dr. Trump of Roswell related to the other Trump we all know and don't love?
@(e:jenks): Ah! So the "Institute" part of the name wasn't so decent either. It is somewhat unfortunate that HIPPAA rules, instead of making things better, are steadily taking things towards the worse. I agree that patient privacy must be given the importance and consideration it deserves, but blocking medical record-access/authorization for ER situations is damaging to all the parties involved.

Permalink: New_Employee_Orientation_Follow_up.html
Words: 458
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: whine
07/26/07 02:31 - 70ºF - ID#40254
New Employee Orientation
To make it even more foreboding, they sent me an official letterhead memorandum about it. The description of the orientation has informed me that "The program allows for an "on your own" lunch break". I wonder what that will be. They will put us all in our corners and order us to eat? That sounds so stressful.
Plus I noticed people wearing an ugly and creepy looking fluorescent green neck band to hang their IDs on here and when I took a closer look today it had "Corporate Compliant" printed all over it in the most uninspiring plain font you could think of. I am afraid I am going to end up getting and being forced to wear one of those monstrosities. It isn't enough that I have a pathetic dress sense to start with. Now Roswell "Corporate Compliance" might require me to look even more dowdy via their totally repulsively coloured and printed neck bands. I know that they need to inject some uniformity among their staff but hey, spare the poorly dressed ones!
I think earlier they used to give out this nifty navy blue neck band with "Roswellness" printed on it. But that seems to have undergone a deterioration and ended up with a nasty colour *and* incredibly lame logo. "Corporate Compliance"??! It sounds so hideous - as if you were faceless spineless drones in a tyrannical corporation.
The bottom line is I don't want to go to a boring orientation at 8:00 am and I certainly do not want to wear that absurdly and most garishly designed neck band!

Permalink: New_Employee_Orientation.html
Words: 346
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: whine
07/23/07 06:24 - 76ºF - ID#40220
Verizon is a modern day Shylock!
This was my first bill which came in today: $180.03

I expected the first bill to be high but take a look at what pushed it up:

The basic "flat rate local service" had an initial charge of $77.46 and a recurring charge of $73.09 (for less than 2 months)!! $70+ for a simple landline with NO frills (no long distance, whatsoever) is prohibitively expensive.
Added to this was a $29.48 charge for the modem and the DSL.

I did what any sane person should have done at 8:00 am today. Called the freaks and cancelled the verizon local service. Now I have the DSL without local service for $30 a month.
I just can't help thinking what a tonload of LIES the $14.99 a month plan is. More crafty is Verizon's very cunning delayed bill which ensures that you cannot return their money-grabbing service within 30 days - because you don't realize what a bundle of money the whole mediocre service will cost per month, before looking at the first bill.
I hate Verizon. Officially. I can't wait for this year to be over, so I can dump them. Because if I dump them now, the Scum-ridden Shylocks will charge me $79 for dumping them early. What a royal pain.
Hope you all ingest E-coli ridden food, Verizon, along with all your rude employees and rot away with the most severe of bloody dysentery - from which you never recover and die a most painful and slow death on some maggot-ridden bed!
No thanks for making my Monday the most abominable Monday I have had in a few years!

Permalink: Verizon_is_a_modern_day_Shylock_.html
Words: 279
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grocery
07/23/07 02:40 - 64ºF - ID#40215
Virtual Clinton-Bailey (Farmer's Market)
For people who lost their patience, that means I can post more pictures. :)
I trooped to the Clinton-Bailey market Saturday morning - it took me an hour and a half to get there because I didn't stick to the very careful instructions that Jessalyn (at work) gave me. I did mean to, but here's what went wrong --instead, of going downtown and taking Bus No. 2, I took 22 and landed on the Walden-Bailey crossing at precisely 8:30 (yeah, I got up late.). and waited an hour for the 19 to Clinton-Bailey. In the hour I was there, I saw 4 Bus No. 6s. I thought that was most unfair.
The Clinton-Bailey farmer's market is about a minute walk west of the Clinton-Bailey crossing. It's a bigger market than the Elmwood-Bidwell farce and has a much more wider variety of produce.

I was told that the wholesale farmers come to the market as early as 4:00 am and the ones that remain in the market after 7:00 am are not the wholesalers but the regular small scale farmers. Which means I can't buy wholesale at all since I am pathologically incapable of waking up so early when my brain knows it's Saturday!
However, most of the "small scale" farmers had HUGE trucks filled with produce - since they set up shop from 7:00 am in the morning to around 4:00 pm evening.

Prices were very reasonable - $1 for 3 big zucchinis:

$1 for a lb of grapes (green/red)
$1.50 for a lb of peaches
$2 for a box of blueberries

$4 for an enormous basket of cucumbers.

The better looking produce was usually costlier.

An exception was this farmer who was selling very fresh red/green/yellow peppers @ $1 for 3

Produce was the not the only focus of this market. The covered shed hosted multiple "garage sales".

Just outside the covered shed was a stall selling various brick-brack including fake flowers.

If you got tired strolling through the market, you could sit down and enjoy the sunshine on these flower-flanked benches scattered thoughtfully throughout the market.

And I was not the only one with a camera.

On the whole, I liked the market, but its a bit too far away from downtown for regular grocery trips. The prices are good but not extraordinarily low enough to entice me into investing a major part of my day just getting there. Recommended: for the best and the cheapest fresh peppers in recent grocery trips + a variety of reasonably priced seasonal fruits/berries/veggies, if you have the whole Saturday morning to spare.

Permalink: Virtual_Clinton_Bailey_Farmer_s_Market_.html
Words: 503
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grocery
07/15/07 10:28 - 71ºF - ID#40118
Buffalo Grocery Review: A'Chau Oriental
This Vietnamese store is located at the east corner of the crossing between Rhode Island Street and Niagara Street. The name A'Chau apparently means "Asia". For those intrigued by the "2" in the store's name - the owner told me that they had (still have?) a branch of the store elsewhere in Buffalo, and that this is the second branch.
A'Chau is primarily a seafood/meat grocery. Those really into seafood should check out this place sometime. There was enough specialty seafood variety on its shelves to make me wonder if they had caught, processed and bagged every creature in the Pacific, the Atlantic and maybe all the local lakes and rivers, put together. The frozen/refrigerated meat section also looked quite extensive. I am not sure what the prices were like, though.
The vegetable section had no less than 26 different varieties of south-east Asian greens (yes, I counted!). (This is a handy guide to greens:

The prices for the greens and the rest of the veggies/fruits (Cucumber, Chayote, Green Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Eggplant, Okra, Cabbage, Bitter gourd, green papaya, jackfruit, lichee, tomatoes, (sad-looking) mangoes, apples, watermelon, persimmon etc.) were at par (maybe slightly lower) with say, Wegmans. They are not as low as Guercio's which makes it hard to justify daily grocery shopping here, unless the objective is to cook specifically with those 26 delicious varieties of greens.
I was mildly bothered that the prices were not very prominently displayed and that I had to ask the owner for the price, each time I was interested in anything. He had to take the plastic bags out of the fridge and weigh them on the check-out counter to tell me what the price was. Some bags had price tags stuck on them, but it was difficult to see them well without opening the door of the fridge.
Additional attractions in this store included Shitaké mushrooms and other wild Asian mushrooms (wood-ear/cloud-ear, button, oyster), several different varieties of rice noodles/vermicilli and a million different varieties of stir-frying/cooking sauces, spice-medley-pastes and flavoured oils (I even saw a duck-flavoured sauce specifically for basting spring-rolls).
The store has a shelf of green teas, snacks similar to the ones in any corner grocery store (chips, puffs etc) but labeled in Vietnamese/French, the usual selection of southeast Asian crockery, small strange gifts, exotic snacks, soaps/detergents/cosmetics etc. As a unique touch, they had ornamental (perhaps) traditional swords in black scabbards with filigreed silver trims for about $30 each hanging by the check-out counter.
The two other oriental stores in the vicinity that I had planned on scoping out were either closed or non-existent. The "99 Oriental Food Store" [837 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY 14213] across the street from A'Chau, was boarded-up and locked. As an additional sign of dereliction, its closed glass doors were cracked with what seemed like a mob-stone-attack. The "Buffalo Asian Market" [594 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY 14201] was untraceable. If anyone has had better luck in locating this store, please feel free to add a comment.
I thought the neighbourhood was fairly safe to walk on except for a few people who seemed to think I might have a dollar to spare for them. I might not venture out here after dark though.

Permalink: Buffalo_Grocery_Review_A_Chau_Oriental.html
Words: 648
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grocery
07/14/07 10:43 - 66ºF - ID#40110
Buffalo Grocery Review: Wegmans Amherst
I am not sure how many of you have heard about their leviathan branch in Pittsford, NY (for those not familiar with it, here's a review:

I loved the full-scale functional toy train with all the bells and whistles above the bulk candy in the store. The Pittsford leviathan doesn't have anything half as interesting as this! The cheese selection and the hummus/olive selections are as good, if not better and the bread section had some very interesting pita bread - 5 different types of naan! missi roti, low-carb-high-fibre (28%) pita, Markook-Roumali, Kalamata bread; varieties I have never seen at Pittsford. Its possible they were introduced in the last month but its equally possible that they are local to this branch. Plus they had a far wider variety of wegmans, tribe and summer-fresh hummus. (still recommend the ones at Guercio's btw) .
Their bulk food section had the cheapest banana chips (sweetened *and* unsweetened) I have seen; imported from the Philippines and fried in coconut oil. They also had a wide variety of dried fruits, flax seeds and cereal at reasonable prices. So I don't recommend the Lexi Coop for bulk cereal/nuts/dried fruits anymore. This is a much better place to get them.
Their tea selection, though not as extensive as one at Pittsford, is still impressive. They had almost the entire Twinings catalogue there. And they have a fresh Pizza corner.
Spent a couple hours just wandering through the store today and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! Recommended for leisure grocery shopping, if not regular.

Permalink: Buffalo_Grocery_Review_Wegmans_Amherst.html
Words: 323
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grocery
07/12/07 10:54 - 71ºF - ID#40090
Buffalo Grocery Review: Lexington Coop
I have been to this grocery about three times now and though I find it to be rather expensive in general, I think it has some very cool stuff on its shelves and some things are reasonably priced.
I would especially recommend it for NOTHING.
I love how this place always has the right kind of scents in every aisle! I wonder how they manage that. In the produce aisle, it smells like fresh tomatoes and sometimes bell peppers. In the cosmetics aisle, it smells earthy and cool - I think it might be the handmade soaps. In the bread aisle, it smells of wheat and cinnamon. In the small kitchen/salad bar, it smells... well, simply delicious. They have lavender soaked cleansing towels near the entrance and it smells great when someone grabs and uses one! You can actually smell the delicate scent of lavender for about 30 metres all around the store.
The prices in the produce/bread section are, as I mentioned before, expensive. I know I might sound like the crabby old lady that (e:zobar) mentioned in his comment, but I just can't bring myself to buy any of the produce or the breads here. They are really fresh and very tempting but the temptation goes out as soon as you see that they are priced a whole $1 - $2 more than the rest of the grocery stores around downtown. As an example, the 160g loaves of Banana-nut, Date-nut, Zucchini-nut bread from a bakery called "Perfectly baked breads and desserts" (?) is $2.50 instead of the $1.50 at which it is sold at Guercio's and in the Elmwood-Bidwell market. I know the store needs to make a profit, but this is almost a 66% increase in price.
I am guessing the store is located in a relatively affluent neighbourhood, so people who buy here do not really need to worry about paying a couple dollars more for each of their groceries. But in the long run, the extra dollars do add up to a sizeable amount.
Not Recommended: For poor graduate students and people who are looking to stretch their dollar.
PS: They hiked the price of the orange juice to 2.49/half-gallon. That makes the hike to this store for one single item totally worthless; especially when I can get orange juice at Guercio's for cheaper. Yeah, you heard it Lexi, you can suck that half-gallon orange juice up your nose, you 32% price-hiker, you!!

Permalink: Buffalo_Grocery_Review_Lexington_Coop.html
Words: 471
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Yes, (e:Joshua), it is the place on that funny corner -- Virginia and Tracy streets if my memory serves me correctly.
Interesting and accurate assessment of the state of pizza here (e:chico)... I'd have to agree. I usually order my pizzas from Just Pizza, since its close and decent. I like the 'tweener' style crust, personally. Then again, I like any and all pizzas. If I want flair I'll go to a disco or a magic show =D Hehe. Another option that I've recently tried and thought was quite good was the pizzas and such at Romeo and Juliet's on Hertel Ave.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned anything about California style pizza... although in all honesty I think California has completely bastardized and has made a mockery of pizza. Sorry but tofu, alfalfa sprouts and brie just shouldn't be on a pizza.
Personally, if I had my last ever breakfast in Buffalo lined up, I'd probably go to Pano's. Solid Grounds - so unfortunate! That is/was a popular place but a little small. I've never been but by reputation it is/was very good. Everybody seems to have offered some good suggestions.
I don't think there is any 'ultimate' breakfast or pizza in Buffalo... although this is highly unscientific, by looking at the responses in this journal entry its fairly safe to say that you'll get a different opinion from almost every person you ask. I think the thing to remember is that you'll never go wrong with one of any of a handful of the 'staples' that people have mentioned here.
Is Betty's that place in Allentown on a sort of triangular corner w/outside seating?
my fav pizza is the ny style from la nova. we used to go to ny pizza on allen, but when we moved to the shitty side of town, we started going to la nova and i think it's better. it's big, has a nice cheese blend, a good sauce and a thin crust.
as for the places you have listed for breakfast -- not sure any of them would blow someone away.
towne, the service there bites and the food is average.
pano's we only went to once and i refuse to go back because the food and service were horrific.
amy's is ok, but so many locals told me it was to die for, so i think my expectations were way up there.
and i have never been to lake effect.
i hear the food at betty's is good, and it's a nice walk from where you live. we tried to go once but the staff told us to go away, they were too busy. and then we moved and haven't been since.
Pizza - I'm a snob, what can I say? I have low expectations for pizza and Chinese restaurants outside of NYC (bagels, too, until Wegmans and Bagel Jays filled the void). We order pizza from what's closest and pretty decent - Just Pizza, and the place on Elmwood and Bird (Mr. Pizza?) near Pano's. I used to make husband drive to Allen St. NY Pizza, but it's not there anymore, is it?
This is a fun survey! Nice job, (e:tinypliny)!
Best breakfast place in Bflo - Solid Grounds, Elmwood/Bryant.
When I had pizza at a place in Brooklyn, called Grimaldi's, it was thin, but I don't remember it being charred. But it was a while ago, and maybe I forgot? I am not sure...
For pizza (take out only), New York Pizza on Allen Street is very good, it comes as close as anything else I've had in town to (however improbably) New York-style pizza. Ami doesn't really like pizza but used to make her roommate drive down from North Buffalo to Allen and Park just to get that pizza.
The point about the pizza is this: depends what you want. For brick oven style, sounds like you and (e:jenks) and (e:mrmike) know what you're doing. But most of Buffalo has a weird take on pizza, sort of a cross between NY style and Chicago style. Thick and chewy and a little greasy without the flair of either original. Blah. Stick with the thin-crust stuff (imho).
also, for best breakfast the apple dumpling diner (again in kenmore, sorry) has some of the best giambotta you'll ever put in your face. i don't think it's even on the menu though -- you have to ask for it.