02/10/09 10:05 - 41ºF - ID#47701
Last Minite Addition to "Stimulus"

Take a read and think about it. BTW this is yet another problem with the bill - you know, yet another one of those imperfect things in the bill that we're all supposed to ignore? LOL! Perhaps there may be job creation to some degree as a result of the bill, but Congress is being abusive by including things like this under cloak of darkness, and it is 100% right to debate about this garbage. Even worse, it is cynical to stoke fear amongst the people to get support when they know damn well that they are trying to hide the truth from the people about certain contents of the bill. Included is this latest hidden "stimulative" addition I've mentioned above. That $4 billion payback to ACORN (remember them? Federal investigations in 13 states for voter registration fraud?) is still in the bill as well. Characterizing this bill as "imperfect" is sort of like characterizing Liberace as "a smidgen flamboyant."
If you started spending $1 million per day when Jesus was born, today you'd still be short of $820 billion.
Anyway, to continue. One of my favorites in the article: "A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. 'If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,' he said. 'The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.'"
You know - no debate, no democracy, etc. Daschle in body is gone but the spirit remains. Well, comrades, ready for a liberal fiat in this country? We already know that Nancy Pelosi has been acting like an outright monarch, pushing a wholly partisan bill drafted up by essentially one man, Rep. Obey of Wisconsin.
Allow me to explain why the GOP didn't offer alternative ideas in the House, since people seem to be wondering.
They simply weren't allowed. One of the first things Nancy Pelosi did this year was eliminate the House rules established by Newt Gingrich (when the GOP first held the House in the mid-90's) that granted the minority party the ability to amend or push back a bill to committee for more debate, otherwise known as the "motion to recommit."
It was a tool made available to Democrats when the GOP first gained power in the House, and now San Fran Nan eliminated it, thereby removing the GOP's ability to offer amendments or extend debate on bills. The problem? The parliamentary tool allows opposition to effectively "kill" a bill if they invoke this "without instructions." This was a tool regularly used by Rahm Emmanuel and the Demos when the were the minority, but in 2006 they found a sudden distaste for it when they were in power. In 2004 Nancy Pelosi adopted a minority party "Bill of Rights" and surely if these rules were stripped at that point (again, the GOP established these minority party rights when they were in the majority) Nancy would have howled. What happened to minority party "rights" now, Nan?
This economic "stimulus" bill was supposed to be the easiest legislation on the agenda to pass, in comparison to another $1,000,000,000,000 in money to banks (wait until you hear about how gov't isn't going to monitor how the money is spent - AGAIN).
With respect to the healthcare stuff, this is the system used in England that they are now running from, since it is such an abomination. Here is an article that by arguing for rationing accidentally highlights the obvious negatives -

Actually, with respect to socialized economies (and this is a slight aside) in spots, the UK has surpassed the former Soviet Union in terms of government contribution to local economies.

A government bureaucrat "guiding" healthcare decisions for your doctor, with possible penalties ifor the doctor if he or she is not a "meaningful user" of the system (aka, too often not doing what the bureaucrats are telling them)? Think about it.

Permalink: Last_Minite_Addition_to_quot_Stimulus_quot_.html
Words: 739
02/05/09 03:35 - 9ºF - ID#47650
O'Reilly - Vintage Meltdown

Permalink: O_Reilly_Vintage_Meltdown.html
Words: 33
02/05/09 10:51 - ID#47648
Corporate Salary Cap
So - here is where we are. We're happy that these crooks are going to have their income controlled by the government as long as they are borrowing taxpayer money. However, if these fat cats are going to be paying billions less in taxes due to earning less income, who do you think is going to be closing that budget gap? YOU are, one way or another. Isn't that a bitch?
They won't shrink the size of government and spend responsibly. New York State politicians do not have the will to tell people that they've overspent and made obligations they never could have afforded, and now we are about to have to deal with that problem in a harsh way.
Addition of federal tax money to states in this $1T federal orgy will only exacerbate the problem. Politicians who are afraid of possibly having to get a real job would rather sell the state out than tell the people the truth - that the budget has been too big for too long, and that Albany relied on unusually high tax receipts from Wall St. (and now we know why) over the past 5 years to pay for expansion of government programs that wouldn't be sustainable otherwise. Right now, instead of acting responsibly and paring the budget down to match realistic tax receipt projections, they are waiting to make a decision until that $160B for states is released. Cute, huh?
Not to mention that our state (and our county, and our city...) does its budgeting backwards, thinking of what to spend on before understanding how much you actually have to spend.

Permalink: Corporate_Salary_Cap.html
Words: 344
01/30/09 10:28 - 22ºF - ID#47569
Outlandish Dog Haircut

Happy Friday -
PS - I have a post coming re: the whatever you'd like to call it going on in Washington at the moment.

Permalink: Outlandish_Dog_Haircut.html
Words: 31
01/21/09 09:21 - ID#47480
The Cancelling of a Coronation

I'm absolutely thrilled that she bowed out. Then again, Andrew Cuomo, who I've previously been high on, shouldn't be selected either IMO based on his mismanagement of HUD, including having $59 billion of HUD money "disappear." If you want to read about how he was involved in the Fannie/Freddie scandal read this Village Voice article -

I'll go with Gillibrand. She's a Democrat that I'd consider supporting based on her positions, and it seems like she'd be more of a consensus candidate for the entire state. Steven Israel seems to really, really, really want to be a Senator... which is why he should not get it. He should be thankful his district was gerrymandered in his favor six years ago.

Permalink: The_Cancelling_of_a_Coronation.html
Words: 143
01/20/09 11:08 - 13ºF - ID#47468
This, however, was an atrocity -
Praise song for the day.
Each day we go about our business, walking past each other, catching each others' eyes or not, about to speak or speaking. All about us is noise. All about us is noise and bramble, thorn and din, each one of our ancestors on our tongues. Someone is stitching up a hem, darning a hole in a uniform, patching a tire, repairing the things in need of repair.
Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.
A woman and her son wait for the bus.
A farmer considers the changing sky; A teacher says, "Take out your pencils. Begin."
We encounter each other in words, words spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed; words to consider, reconsider.
We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others who said, "I need to see what's on the other side; I know there's something better down the road."
We need to find a place where we are safe; We walk into that which we cannot yet see.
Say it plain, that many have died for this day. Sing the names of the dead who brought us here, who laid the train tracks, raised the bridges, picked the cotton and the lettuce, built brick by brick the glittering edifices they would then keep clean and work inside of.
Praise song for struggle; praise song for the day. Praise song for every hand-lettered sign; The figuring it out at kitchen tables.
Some live by "Love thy neighbor as thy self."
Others by first do no harm, or take no more than you need.
What if the mightiest word is love, love beyond marital, filial, national. Love that casts a widening pool of light. Love with no need to preempt grievance.
In today's sharp sparkle, this winter air, anything can be made, any sentence begun.
On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp -- praise song for walking forward in that light.
This is why you should not ever recite poetry at an inauguration unless you are an obvious genius, as Robert Frost and Maya Angelou are/were. (Don't have much of an opinion on Miller Williams). When Robert Frost was selected as the first inaugural poet, the poor guy was 86 years old and didn't have it in him to read the poem he wrote for the occasion, so he recited one he knew by heart, which starts like this:
The land was ours before we were the land's.
She was our land more than a hundred years
Before we were her people.
Ahhh..... that is like a warm comforting blanket compared to the nails on chalkboard of this "praise song," with its forced pretension and utter meaninglessness.
In today's sharp sparkle, this winter air, any poet can be selected (apparently), any sentence passed off as meaningful.

Permalink: Inauguration.html
Words: 595
01/13/09 11:13 - 32ºF - ID#47391
YouTube Comedy, Buffalo Born
Check out SorryMcKinley on YouTube -

Permalink: YouTube_Comedy_Buffalo_Born.html
Words: 38
01/11/09 02:23 - ID#47362
My Five Favorite Females
The Ho sisters - you aren't going to find two realer girls than the Ho sisters. I can't think of many other girls I'd bother to be myself around. The first time I met Jessica and Sarah together was at Sarah's house party on Delaware a few years back, and I remember conversating drunkenly with the Ho sisters outside of Sarah's apartment - at some point it struck me that I was talking to two ladies that weren't bullshitters, and wouldn't accept bullshit either. I was basically in love at that point. Do you know how hard it is to find a girl that will tell you the truth? Maybe I'm wrong and am totally misplacing trust, but if I looked either one stone cold in the eye and said "please, please, please, I want to tell you this but I'm desperate for you to keep this a secret" - that it would remain a secret.
Janine - my former neighbor who is an incredible, incredible girl. I miss the times where we drank wine on Fridays when work was done. The single down to earth girl I've ever met from Long Island. She's in Brooklyn now and I miss her. She's beautiful, intelligent, independent - I'm lucky to be her friend. This is another girl I'd pretty much defend to the end.
Timika - I can't think of another female who has extended herself more to (e:jason) and I. I don't think there is a more generous person with her time and resources than Timika has been to my brother and I. I've missed Timiika's offbeat sense of humor - she understand me and I understand her. I'm a hard guy to understand and over the years I think Timika has gotten the closest. You won't find a more substantial diamond core perfect heart than what is beating within Timika's chest. Damn I love this girl! I owe you for more than what you've given to me. Thank you for being a good friend - Rory is an amazing and cool guy and I wish that you were both a little closer, because you both have depth of character that is hard to find.
So there it is, Mr. Stone Emotion letting certain ladies know where they stand. Thank you all for being generous to a quiet guy like me!

Permalink: My_Five_Favorite_Females.html
Words: 511
01/07/09 12:19 - 34ºF - ID#47320
$2.5m iPhone

Diamond encrusted (including a 6.6 carot diamond for the home button), cased in a few different types of gold.

It isn't tacky looking, considering how easy it is to make accessories look tacky by adding a trillion diamonds to the item. Still though, who in their right mind would regularly carry and use a $2.5m iPhone?

Permalink: _2_5m_iPhone.html
Words: 76
01/05/09 03:02 - ID#47287
Grlz R Stoopid - A Larson Tragedy
If I'm being 100% stone cold honest with myself, despite all the stuff she put me through, I'd still be her friend and give her an ear if she needed it. I wish it weren't true and I hate myself for even having this sentiment, gotta tell you. The person singly responsible for the most pain I've ever dealt with, and I don't have it in me to hate her or never speak to her again. What the hell? I know that if I were listening to myself talk from the outside, I'd be saying "YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE FOR FEELING THAT WAY JOSH!" The guy she left me for was a real piece of work - locked her out of the house in the middle of winter, "allegedly" used his hands on her, etc. My spiteful side says that she deserves what she has - if that is what she wants then that is what she'll get. But I'm not living my life with spite - life is short and spite is poisonous.
In the end I think the reason why this news took me aback was because the whole episode reminds me of how for the first time in my life my judgment failed me, how I failed myself, that sometimes being wrong has deep personal consequences that aren't easily dealt with. At least I stopped asking myself silly introspective questions a few years ago. I accept part of the blame for the predicament I was in - I know both Ho sisters, had they been there, might have told me I was a pussy - and the bright side is that I learned what I don't want in a girl!

Permalink: Grlz_R_Stoopid_A_Larson_Tragedy.html
Words: 493
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There is so much waste fraud and abuse in our system. And I'll never understand why an insurance provider, who has NEVER even looked at the patient will deny a procedure that the doctor recommends.
But I do agree that bills in congress need to be more targeted. There are often unrelated things crammed into legislation.
In fact I agree that the economic package should have been simpler. Why not do a series of smaller targeted bills that would win broad support. I think the democrats bit off more than they should have here. I will go way out, and even say that they are suffering from a little bit of a 'shock doctrine' syndrome, where they are using a crisis to push a personal agenda. But I also think Obama is a moderating, somewhat out of the beltway guy.
I do think the compromise bill is looking better. They removed some more junk (including some from the 'centrists' in the senate) and are focusing on the programs that target jobs.
PS, I'm going with NON-partisan from now on. To me, it means policy should be crafted based on research and study of the available evidence. bi-partisan seems more like trying to craft a hodgepodge of somewhat incompatible ideas into something elegantly mild and inoffensive.
something like that.. talk about a hodgepodge :)
Interesting stuff about Nancy.
- Expenses due to medical crises have been responsible for lowering people's credit ratings so they have to get ARM's to afford having a house
- Expenses due to medical crises have contributed to at least half of all foreclosure filings (at least according to this article, :::link::: it admittedly might be kinda biased).
- American goods cost more than those of foreign competitors because the cost of health insurance for the employees who manufacture said goods is passed on to the consumer. Something like $1500 of the price of a GM car is health insurance for GM employees. If a competitor of GM's builds cars in a country where the government takes care of health care, that GM competitor won't have to spend money on employee health care, and the sticker price for their car can be $1500 cheaper. Yeah, that $1500 is actually coming from that country's taxpayers, but at the end of the day their car is $1500 cheaper and price is often all people look at. Some people scream that the U.S. government shouldn't subsidize the auto industry, but countries with governments who take care of medical stuff have effectively subsidized their auto industries for years by helping out with that $1500 reduction.
Taking these factors into account and considering the mess we're in now, I think that us implementing a nationalized medicine system years ago would have actually been a bargain.
More damning than anything I could say. He even goes so far as to suggest that the lack of debate on this bill is a form of tyranny.
Conservatives actually agree with you on that, Ajay. Not sure why you're trying to pick a fight! I suspect that your case of BDS is waning still. :)
BTW, I don't expect this upcoming $2 trillion financial bailout (which nobody has processed in their heads quite yet and is much larger than the first one) to be much different despite the promises being made.
Despite this, I have to gently remind you that Bush did not "give his cronies $350 billion." What he did was stifle a sharp collapse and prevent a Depression-era collapse of the stock market and our banking system. It was the right thing to do but the wrong way to do it. In fact, the first $350 billion is a perfect case study on why debate on these bills (rather than rushing it through) is imperative and BHO would do himself a favor by heeding that bit of history.
Congress had their opportunity to alter the bill to include more transparency and did not. This time I think they realize that the bill wasn't a mistake, but the lack of transparency was unconscionable. There was nothing terribly partisan about that particular bill.
I'd tell you where the money went, but even our government doesn't know. Not that it is remotely possible to track every dollar of $350 billion when it is spent so fast, if at all, by our government. What is really scary is that nobody is talking about the separate $200 billion the gov't gave to Fannie and Freddie, that had nothing to do with the $700 billion financial bailout. What's up with that money? It is a quasi-government run organization so one might think that the government could find a way to track that cash.
But hey, what's a trillion, or $200 billion, or $700 billion, or even another additional $2 trillion amongst friends? We might as well have some fun while the country burns down. Mark my words - hundreds of billions of dollars in this so-called stimulus will not be temporary, and we are still paying $400 billion (and more) per year to service our current debt.