Category: religion
03/17/08 03:58 - 32ºF - ID#43705
Black theology
He has been proclaimed to be such.
Today, my hometown Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, I read a column comparing Obama's association with Rev. Wright and Trinity UCC with George Bush choosing to speak at Bob Jones University, when it had some racist positions (interracial dating was illegal, for example).
She also reacted against Wright's teaching of a black Jesus.
She then told us, quite plainly, that Jesus was Jewish.
Which, of course, is true.
But she did not take time to understand what Wright meant by "black Jesus."
Black theology teaches that Jesus is black in a number of ways. For example:
a. Jesus had dark skin. To many white people, this makes you black. To many white supremacists, every non-WASP is black. By their definition, Jesus is black.
b. The "one drop" rule. This is related to the first case. In many Southern states and colonized nation, the children of white and black parents presented a problem. What were these children? According to the "one drop rule," one drop of "black blood" made a person black.
Now, if all of humanity is redeemed in Christ (which orthodox Christianity affirms) then Christ is at least "one drop" black.
c. Finally, as a Galilean Jew, Jesus was politically, socially, and economically disadvantaged. While this does not make him black, ethnically speaking, it does connect him to the black experience in the US. Jesus is black in the way that Bill Clinton was "the first black president," or the way a bunch of Irish soul singers are in "the commitments."
(I couldn't find the video, but here's the quote:
"Jimmy Rabbitte: Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.
Dean Fay: I'm black and I'm proud. )
With any one of these explanations, it is easy to see that Jesus was, in one way or another, black.
So many columnists, however, don't bother to ask these questions.
Instead, they skip directly to Wright's sermon in which he replied, "God Damn America."
Now I do not share his sentiment, but he has not been the only person to say as much. Robertson and Falwell have also preached that 9/11 was a judgment on America.
Here's a question that ought to make us uncomfortable.
Could God rightly judge America?
Now, I'm not saying that God has done so, but couldn't the enslavement of one people group and the near extinction of another qualify a nation for judgment? Wouldn't that earn it?
And, even if it isn't good to do so, couldn't you understand a member of the group that was enslaved still reacting against the nation that has treated him unjustly? Rev. Wright, I'm sure, has experienced real racism.
Is he called to forgive? Absolutely. But start with yourself before coming down on somebody else. How many of those calling for Wright to forgive America have forgiven America's enemies?
There is a big difference between associating one's self with Bob Jones and with Jeremiah Wright. Yes, both have taken a stand based on race. One however, is associated with power over a race, and another has encouraged blacks to stand up together against that power.
Wright's theology isn't perfect. Nobody's is--we cannot fully understand God, and every theology is incomplete.
But he is not a racist. And he does not deserve to be attacked as he has been recently. He has spent a lifetime thinking about what it means to be black, American, and Christian, and now he is being dismissed in a soundbite. Let's seek to understand where he comes from before we attack him for where he is.

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Words: 631
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: humor
03/16/08 07:06 - 31ºF - ID#43686
Tracey Morgan is funny.

"That's where I come in . . ."

Permalink: Tracey_Morgan_is_funny_.html
Words: 38
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: funny
03/14/08 07:06 - 43ºF - ID#43672
Five funny commercials

Permalink: Five_funny_commercials.html
Words: 7
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: 10 things
03/13/08 04:44 - 39ºF - ID#43653
10 Things I like about the West Side
1. Guercio's market. Good food, good prices, and friendly, too.
2. Lots of good non-profits: West Side Community Collaborative, PUSH, West Side ministries, MAP, Peace of the City, and a few more. (They organized a housing meeting today that I went to--inspiring this post.)
3. Houses that are cheap, or even free.
4. It is diverse. (That causes problems, too, but I like having lots of cultures around)
5. At least 2 good thrift stores (Salvation Army and New to You)
6. Old houses.
7. Italian restaurants.
8. The bargain hardware store.
9. "Essex corners," with good food, Urban roots, art stuff, good drink, and nice places to live.
10. Good people that care about their neighborhood--all over the place.

Permalink: 10_Things_I_like_about_the_West_Side.html
Words: 117
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
03/12/08 11:22 - ID#43634
Prayer battle!!
James told me that if I prayed for him, to my God, he would pray to his gods and rats and Wiccans might show up in my house.
I'm not going to start, so I think we will have peace. But it did remind me of a dramatic prayer showdown from scripture.
For your reading pleasure:
Kings 18:21-40
21 Elijah challenged the people: "How long are you going to sit on the fence? If God is the real God, follow him; if it's Baal, follow him. Make up your minds!" Nobody said a word; nobody made a move. 22 Then Elijah said, "I'm the only prophet of God left in Israel; and there are four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. 23 Let the Baal prophets bring up two oxen; let them pick one, butcher it, and lay it out on an altar on firewood - but don't ignite it. I'll take the other ox, cut it up, and lay it on the wood. But neither will I light the fire. 2
4 Then you pray to your gods and I'll pray to God. The god who answers with fire will prove to be, in fact, God." All the people agreed: "A good plan - do it!"
25 Elijah told the Baal prophets, "Choose your ox and prepare it. You go first, you're the majority. Then pray to your god, but don't light the fire." 26 So they took the ox he had given them, prepared it for the altar, then prayed to Baal. They prayed all morning long, "O Baal, answer us!" But nothing happened - not so much as a whisper of breeze. Desperate, they jumped and stomped on the altar they had made. 27 By noon, Elijah had started making fun of them, taunting, "Call a little louder - he is a god, after all. Maybe he's off meditating somewhere or other, or maybe he's gotten involved in a project, or maybe he's on vacation. You don't suppose he's overslept, do you, and needs to be waked up?"
28 They prayed louder and louder, cutting themselves with swords and knives - a ritual common to them - until they were covered with blood. 29 This went on until well past noon. They used every religious trick and strategy they knew to make something happen on the altar, but nothing happened - not so much as a whisper, not a flicker of response.
30 Then Elijah told the people, "Enough of that - it's my turn. Gather around." And they gathered. He then put the altar back together for by now it was in ruins. 31 Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes of Jacob, the same Jacob to whom God had said, "From now on your name is Israel." 32 He built the stones into the altar in honor of God. Then Elijah dug a fairly wide trench around the altar. 33 He laid firewood on the altar, cut up the ox, put it on the wood, and said, "Fill four buckets with water and drench both the ox and the firewood." 34 Then he said, "Do it again," and they did it. Then he said, "Do it a third time," 35 and they did it a third time.
The altar was drenched and the trench was filled with water. 36 When it was time for the sacrifice to be offered, Elijah the prophet came up and prayed, "O God, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, make it known right now that you are God in Israel, that I am your servant, and that I'm doing what I'm doing under your orders. 37 Answer me, God; O answer me and reveal to this people that you are God, the true God, and that you are giving these people another chance at repentance."
38 Immediately the fire of God fell and burned up the offering, the wood, the stones, the dirt, and even the water in the trench. 39 All the people saw it happen and fell on their faces in awed worship, exclaiming, "God is the true God! God is the true God!"
40 Elijah told them, "Grab the Baal prophets! Don't let one get away!" They grabbed them. Elijah had them taken down to the Brook Kishon and they massacred the lot.

Permalink: Prayer_battle_.html
Words: 698
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
03/12/08 12:15 - 30ºF - ID#43630
Thanks . . .
I guess the one thing that I did learn is that some people don't want to be prayed for. Part of me want to do spiritual vandalism and do so anyway, but I think that's just me being a jerk. (for the record, I haven't done it for those that didn't want it, and I have for those that have).
The other thing is that the church does a lousy job of being what it is supposed to be about. There are so many things that people think of when they here "church," that have so little to do with the message of Jesus.
Also, there have been so many bad inviting experiences. I want the Lafayette people to invite, but I also want to make sure we have our stuff together, so that we don't contribute to more bad experiences.
(It reminds me of a conversation I had with an improv guy that knew he was giving bad shows, but didn't think it would effect his future audience when the group got better? But how many people go back to the restaurant that made them sick?)
Anyway, thanks again--I do appreciate all of you sharing.

Permalink: Thanks_.html
Words: 211
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
03/10/08 10:01 - 25ºF - ID#43608
Questions: my homework
If anybody wants to answer these questions in person, coffee/beer is on me. If anybody wants to answer them on estrip, comment below.
The questions:
1. What pops into your mind when you hear the word "church?"
2. Has anyone ever invited you to their church? What did you think when they asked you? Did you go? How did it feel? If you didn't go, why not?
3. Have you ever had a sense of God or Jesus communicating with you? What was it like?
4. If you had one question you could ask God and knew you would get an answer, what would it be?
5. Would you like prayer for anything?
Thanks in advance! If anybody wants to answer these in person, the best time for me is Wednesday night, after 8 (homework is due Thursday)
If you don't want people reading your responses, sending me an email is fine, too.

Permalink: Questions_my_homework.html
Words: 220
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/10/08 11:22 - 20ºF - ID#43601
The gym isn't all that well heated, so you may want to wear your warm-ups.

Permalink: Hoops.html
Words: 52
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
03/05/08 12:38 - 25ºF - ID#43561
What if?
I don't know why Democrats flipped.
The point of this is not to advocate for or against any abortion law. I understand both sides of that argument. I just want to point out one thing:
Many Christian voters, including many in my family, only vote for Republicans because of abortion. The rest of the platform doesn't matter.
For whatever reason, torture and war don't matter, but abortion does.
Once upon a time, the whole Roman Catholic church voted for Democrats.
I wonder, if that "flip" never happened, if the war would have happened? I wonder if Ronald Reagan would have been elected president?
Today, A pro-life democrat may never get the party's nomination, but he or she would walk in the general election. It would be a Reagan-style blow out.

Permalink: What_if_.html
Words: 184
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: football
03/03/08 01:31 - 55ºF - ID#43538
102 Million over 8 years.

Let's pretend that I was given such a contract.
102 Million.
No wait. That's even too much to comprehend. Let me just deal with the signing bonus: 25 Million.
Lets assume half goes to taxes (I would try to avoid this, but I am going to play it safe with each number.)
That leaves me just over 12 million. I would give 10% to the church, (this is not a legalistic thing--just a good idea) so after taxes and giving, that leaves me 10 million dollars.
Half a million would go to paying off student loans and mortgage. Hmm. Never mind the mortgage. I would move. But I wouldn't go crazy--I would probably buy a condo. So lets put aside a million for all for all of that (I am assuming that I stay in Buffalo).
9 Million to Go.
4 Million gets invested, and I budget myself to live off of 5% of the fund each year. I know that I COULD spend more and still make it for life, but my house is already paid for, as is my education, so my $200,000 a year will go pretty far.
$200k allows me to drive a nice car, eat out whenever I want, go to the shows/concerts/games I want to, and get cable. I can probably switch to mac now, too--and get an iphone!
Wow. 5 million to go, and I am already set for life (and this is just the signing bonus, mind you).
Let's designate another million for gifts. I could probably be generous from my budgeted salary, but now Dad gets a new motorcycle, and Mom gets a luxury car and a vacation. (They might not take these things--I think they could buy them if they really wanted them--ditto houses and stuff like that). Janelle's family gets in on it, too. As do my friends. Estrip gets whatever server it needs.
4 million to go.
1 to Wittenberg University, and another to Palmer Seminary.
1 million to opportunity international, one of the better micro-enterprise groups.
1 mil for Janelle to designate. I probably should have consulted with her on all the other stuff, but she gets to live off of the investment returns and all of that anyway.
And this is all imaginary. I don't throw a football that well.
So there it is: what I would do with a quarterback's signing bonus.
(and I still would have another 77 million in salary to deal with, plus what I would make in endorsments)
I would hire a maid, too. I hate doing laundry.

Permalink: 102_Million_over_8_years_.html
Words: 423
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Sorry, I wasn't trying to make an argument from silence, nor am I an "America last" guy. I am saying that God doesn't have the same "pro-America" bias that many Americans do. We don't get a pass just for being America.
What we do see is that God judges all nations, and America is no different. Obviously, America has done some terrific things, and some horrible things. I won't pretend to be the ultimate judge.
I can understand not trusting humans to speak for God, especially given the examples you cite. I certainly distrust human voices, I just don't rule them out.
Mm - thats okay Drew. Nobody is perfect, present company included. I do feel sorry for the fact that it was true though. We'll simply have to agree to disagree on the bigotry issue.
"I cannot speak from experience when it comes to Wright. Could say that I would still love America, even if I felt like it was working against me for most of my life? If I did say that, it would just be an untested guess. How much is a person supposed to tolerate before they get angry?"
That is an incredibly compelling question. For me that doesn't mean that he can't be held to account for saying something so obviously controversial as he did. Even when its taken into context some of it is astonishing and likely was in violation of the tax rules that allow his church to be exempt. However, you can hardly blame him for feeling the way he does. Its a terrible paradox. In the end though, everybody knows that you can't say "god damn America" as a public figure or a preacher - especially one who has been a presidential candidate's spiritual adviser for 20 years nonetheless.
"Nothing in the Bible is suggests that God would see the USA differently than any other nation. And God condemns nations that fail choose injustice over justice."
I agree. I'm not asking this to be cute, but is that supposed to mean that because there is nothing to suggest otherwise that therefore it must be true? After all, the implication here is that America is an entirely evil country. Personally I don't subscribe to the "America last" theory.
"As to whether a person has the right to say, all I can say is this: a person not to assume they should speak for God lightly. On the other hand, the Bible is full of stories of God using people to issue his call to justice. Someday we will know if this is one of those cases."
To that end I'm not sure anybody has the right to speak in God's name but God. People do things in God's name all the time - some of it incredibly cruel. Osama bin Laden thinks he is doing God's work. Evangelicals think that they are enforcing God's word by suggesting systemized bigotry in the form of gay marriage bans. The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, abuse of papal power by the Medici family - sheesh there is a ton to work with. If I want the truth, to be perfectly honest, I'm asking God and not another human being.
Anyway, you weren't too harsh, and I like honest disagreement. I encourage my congregation to think for themselves, challenge everything I say, and challenge themselves, too. I would expect nothing less from estrippers!
Needless to say, if there is a "holy tenet," I think that there shouldn't be one.
Are both wrong? yes. Are they equal? No. I have no right to tell the Holocaust survivor to forgive until I can honestly say that I understand their experience. I have never had such experience, so the best I can do is speak for myself and keep my mouth shut otherwise.
(I know--I'm not really keeping my mouth shut here. Journaling gives so many opportunities for hypocrisy!)
Now, is the black experience in America comparable to the Jewish experience in Nazi Germany? Not in many ways. But it is in one important way: it was a level of oppression that I have only experienced from the oppressor's side.
I can criticize Falwell and Robertson because (sadly) we come from a similar place. I have had similar experiences, and have made better choices.
I cannot speak from experience when it comes to Wright. Could say that I would still love America, even if I felt like it was working against me for most of my life? If I did say that, it would just be an untested guess. How much is a person supposed to tolerate before they get angry?
I believe that, in terms of our analysis of interpretations, Black theologians, like other theologians, have both read ancient context into todays, and vis versa. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference.
Depending on how we define bigotry, it is difficult to imagine the Bible justifying it. As for the Bible condemning the USA, that is entirely possible. Over and over again, in both the New Testament and Old, communities and nations are judged for the way that they administer justice.
Nothing in the Bible is suggests that God would see the USA differently than any other nation. And God condemns nations that fail choose injustice over justice.
As to whether a person has the right to say, all I can say is this: a person not to assume they should speak for God lightly. On the other hand, the Bible is full of stories of God using people to issue his call to justice. Someday we will know if this is one of those cases.
I think maybe I crossed some holy tenet that doesn't allow you to tell a man of the book that you think he's wrong or even that you're disappointed in something he said! But in any case, I know that you understand that I'm not being personal about it... I think that kind of thing is ridiculous.
You simply cannot say certain things in our country without a major stigma being attached and your patriotism being questioned. One of those things is almost certainly "god damn America," even if it means "god damn America for treating blacks this way for so long."
The lapel pin thing seems silly but its highly symbolic... if you want to run as President of the United States the stupid lapel pin is something you can't NOT wear. Its just how it is, for right or wrong.
Suggesting that to the extent that he may be a bigot, he has "earned his bigotry" is shocking to me. A bigot is a bigot and cannot be excused because of the conditions that society has applied on them since birth. We are splitting hairs about bigotry and suggesting that Jerry Falwell is the real bigot because he's never lived the life of a homosexual, whereas with Rev. Wright his bigotry is more understandable because he's preaching from the point of view of a black man. Bottom line - that is not acceptable.
"'And what he was doing, considering an ancient context and applying it to life today, is at the heart of every biblical interpreter's task. Every good preacher, as my favorite theolgian, Karl Barth said, preaches, "with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.'"
But Drew that isn't what is being done! It isn't the ancient context from the Bible that is being applied to lessons from modern life, its modern context being applied to lessons from ancient life. If my preacher behaved this way, I'd find another church - its as simple as that. As it is being applied in this example, this is akin to using the Bible to justify bigotry and condemn the United States of America.
As for whether or not God would condemn the USA in the same sense that Rev. Wright has, I'll answer with this - its not my, yours or Rev. Wrights station in this cosmic life to say. If I want to know what God thinks, I'll just ask him!
Colonialism, and Empire before that, took what was a message of liberation and used it for domination.
It is contrived to say Jesus is black, because it is contrived to label any person as "black" or "white," and have that mean something other than, "darker skin," and "lighter skin."
However, we live in contrived times. Race shouldn't be a reality, but enough people believe it is, and so it is.
Saying that Jesus is black is shorthand, but it is effective shorthand, because of the meaning that we have attached to black. What it really means is that "Jesus identifies with poor, oppressed, marginalized, and criminalized people."
It is a statement meant to confront the racism of American society. At the height of black theology, blacks were dismissing Christianity as "white man's religion," and whites were saying that they could be faithful without being concerned about civil rights. Pointing out the "blackness" of Jesus confronted both of these errors.
And what he was doing, considering an ancient context and applying it to life today, is at the heart of every biblical interpreter's task. Every good preacher, as my favorite theolgian, Karl Barth said, preaches, "with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other."
Anyway, I am not excusing poor behavior, and I certainly would not excuse Rev. Wright simply because he shares my job title.
Other preachers saying something dumb does not excuse him for saying something dumb.
I think the main difference between Wright and Falwell is this. Falwell claimed that America was being judged for it's tolerance of homosexuals, which had little effect on him personally.
Wright, however, has seen and experienced in person the effects of racism in the United States. His proclamation cannot be objective, nor can it pretend to be objective. It is to easy to dismiss his voice as bigoted because it is not objective, but the harder question to ask is, is it true?
Three truths from Jeremiah's theology that I would affirm, even if I would not be "amening" his "God Damn America" message are these:
1. God has demonstrated throughout the Bible that he is on the side of the oppressed.
2. In the United States, our culture has put blacks into this category.
3. God's identification with blacks (and other oppressed people) is part of their liberation.
Is he a bigot? I don't think so. If he is, however, I think he has earned his bigotry.
Rev. Wright is no different than many controversial African American preachers - the difference is that he is the pastor of a church where Barack Obama attends. I can understand your natural inclination to defend people in your profession when they say incredibly stupid and insensitive things under the guise of religion, but why is it okay to give Rev. Wright a pass while many people furiously condemn Jerry Falwell? One is justified bigotry but the other isn't? One is more acceptable bigotry than the other?
"Is he called to forgive? Absolutely. But start with yourself before coming down on somebody else. How many of those calling for Wright to forgive America have forgiven America's enemies?"
Drew this is a classic example of excusing poor behavior by pointing to poor behavior elsewhere. Stupid actions from one person don't justify or otherwise excuse stupid actions from another.
Rev. Wright is no racist but he is certainly a bigot by anybody's definition. That makes him no different than Jerry Falwell, but people had damn well better apply the same level of scrutiny for everybody if they expect to remain credible. Thats right - people who excuse Rev. Wright but not Jerry Falwell are hypocrites.
(e:Drew): I think there is a good point you make about how people view Jesus as black. Not sure where I have heard it before but it does make sense.
I wanted to ad one other thing that there is a term called "Black Irish". I don't remember what it means but it has something to do with the part of the country people are from. I think that is what caused the black hats with black shamrocks as a fashion statement. I know that is my heritage so I should know what the term means.
And btw, I agree, that Wright was dumb. He should have known that those words would come back to get him.
Obama is wise to distance himself from such rhetoric. Immediately after 9/11, people were speaking from emotions, and lots of people said dumb things.
I look forward to Obama's statement. I didn't know one was forthcoming.
If I say something nasty, it is not surprising that people are going to react to it at face value, instead of looking "deeper" into the issue as to why I've said it. That's just the way it works - people are responsible themselves for what they say, whether it is Wright or Falwell or Robertson, you, me, or anyone else.
What was said (you neglected to include these sound bites) was pretty astounding/appalling to people of all stripes, and whose responsibility is it to get it "right", everyone else, or him?? I say him, every time. Even Obama understands this, and distanced himself from the remarks publicly. He's not a fool.
Fair is fair though, and I agree that it shouldn't be made into such a huge deal publicly. Some people think you can be defined to the company you keep, and to an extent I agree, but I doubt Obama would force the USA into some kind of Afrocentric theocracy, anymore than when people said George Bush would turn the USA into an Evangelical orgy.
Obama himself is going to talk about this stuff soon, and probably will address some of these issues directly, as you have here. Personally, I don't really give a damn what Jeremiah Wright says. From an academic standpoint the theology is interesting to me, but that's about it. I don't judge people by their religious affiliation - there is no such thing as a religious litmus test in the United States, officially anyway.