08/10/05 06:41 - 68ºF - ID#24400
Looking Up
I just wanted a cozy bed.......and to stay in that cozy bed and not go to work.
But, I did eventually drag myself away from my pillow and head to the office (on the way, the slightest of misty rain ruined my random good hair day)
It's so chilly outside, and wet and rainy.....
I hear you people complain about the heat back in Buffalo, and I realize that I'd be miserably sticky if I was there too, but I do long for a bright warm day... Months with only the faintest trace of sunshine have taken their tole on me. Buffalo may not have the best weather around but at least we've got the sun!
But I digress, my day has gotten better,
I just got news of an upcoming show at the Mohawk Place,
On September 9th, Orenda Fink (Azure Ray), Neva DInova, David DOndero and......the musical equivalent of a bright sunny day at the park: TILLY AND THE WALL
I'll be there......griping about the weather most likely, and with the biggest smile on my face because.......I'll be home, and I'll be listening to joyous melodies!!!

Permalink: Looking_Up.html
Words: 248
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/09/05 03:24 - 68ºF - ID#24399
Trip to the Circus:
The Fringe Festival is finally upon us.
Time for concerts and plays and books and movies!!!!.........
and.......Street Performers,
I love street performers, they create such excitement.
I love the fact that they introduce the bizarre or unexpected into everyday life.....I'm just walking down the street, headphones on, hands jammed into my pockets (to stop my all to high-waisted slacks from riding up.....I HATE office attire!), on my way to work when all of a sudden a man painted entirely in silver robotically springs to life and scare the Bejeezes out of me, or a woman stomping and screaming, wearing highheels and a red polka dot leotard, demands my undivided attention as she violently frees herself from a metal chain and straight jacket.
.....How is anyone expected to get anywhere on time with such distractions?
I love it!!
With all that the festival has to offer, it's almost impossible to decide what to invest your time and money into seeing. Having never heard of most of the shows before, it really is a bit of a gamble. Luckily my very first show of the festival was so outrageously good that I really want to see it again. Circus Immortal Was this phenomonal alternative avant garde circus show, in this tiny tent where the audience was forced to stand, shuffling around to make room for the performers, who by the way were the best looking group of circus performers I had ever seen. I wish I would have taken pictures because It's pretty hard to do it justice in words.
Phenomonal though.
I have to get back to work now ......sad.
Oh and by the way:
Comments, Comments, Comments, I love getting comments on my journal......Jason you made my day!

Permalink: Trip_to_the_Circus_.html
Words: 293
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/14/05 07:16 - 75ºF - ID#24398
A few More.....

I took this photo for Mike because this tree right near our flat looks just like an Elephant!!!!! I think of him every time I pass it!

I went to the March on Poverty rally and intended on marching, that is before I waited by my self in a crowd packed shoulder to shoulder for well over two and a half hours.....in that time we moved about a foot (if that).......I started to get claustraphobic so I escaped to the part of the Meadows where the stage was set up and listened to speeches. Everyone was in a really friendly, united mood.

Two of our roomies. Tony - the Swede (I think he must dye his hair, I mean come on who has ever heard of a raven tressed Swede?!), and Julie - the French Canadian (and so as not to dissapoint I will inform you alll that yes, she does have the Celine Dion body wash!)

The Rilo Kiley concert was tremendous. It was a small intimate venue and the band was even better than I had expected, and I had some pretty high expectations too.

Here's the Beast hard at work!

The Beast and I desperatley miss our moms.......here we try and squeeze out some maternal affection from a statue.......no dice.
That's it for now I guess!

Permalink: A_few_More_.html
Words: 235
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/14/05 06:30 - 75ºF - ID#24397
And now..........PICTURES!

THe crew at the airport.......Mike looks so sad, he's a good friend, the same cannot be said however about Yosepha and Jesse.....they look all to pleased.

View from Princes Street overlooking Princes Street Gardens.....sheer perfection! How lucky are we to see this everyday?

The castle is like something out of a fairytale. It's huge and perched on a craigy hill; looming over the city.

Our temporary home: the hostel we stayed in the first week here (and grew to hate!)

Our room in our apartment......err flat. Looking terribley inhospitable. But don't worry, we took care of that!

Me before.......

And after my professional haircut.

Yo and Eric came to visit.......and Yosepha redeemed herself (and now has one up on Mike!)

Beast and her beau Hamish. Good guy, even if he does leave his porno in the dvd player when he loans it to people.

Permalink: And_now_PICTURES_.html
Words: 177
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/11/05 10:22 - 77ºF - ID#24396
Just Briefly though:
The concert was AMAZING!!!!!!!!
My roomate is a Baby (and takes our stuff)
I made a friend!!
Work is slowly killing me with boredom (I can't take any more Excel)
I've made friendly with neighborhood cats
weather has been terrific
But most importantly,
I still miss my home and all the little homies who keep me company and make me laugh.

Permalink: TO_THE_B_LO_FROM_THE_E_BRU.html
Words: 106
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/08/05 10:59 - 72ºF - ID#24395
all right!
I thought the computer was too stubborn but it works....
now I'm really not going to accompllish anything.
I'm off in five minutes though so I can't write a lot, even though I have so much to post about.
!!!I am going to the Rilo Kiley concert tonight though!!!! Super excited!
I'll let you know how it was on Monday!

Permalink: all_right_.html
Words: 70
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/15/05 09:54 - ID#24394
On a sadder note...
From her picture she looks lovely.
Losing a kitty is a terrible thing.

Permalink: On_a_sadder_note_.html
Words: 23
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/15/05 09:49 - ID#24393
Lookin' all swank

Yesterday was the day of the big haircut ....see I have to call it that because otherwise it is just yet another day without a job.....
I offered myself up as gineau (wow, how in the heck do you spell that?) pig.
My haridresser in training was shaky, obviously nervous, sighing and pausing. I was watching her face the entire time in the mirror and I felt so bad for her.....she seemed at first nervous with anticipation, then unsure of herself, then frustrated and clueless.....
Luckily the head hairdresser never strayed far from my head, in fact he did most of the cutting,.......actually a little disappionting, I think I might have preferred a fantastic blunder of a haircut accompanied by a tremendous scene with tears and yelling.....instead of getting such a sleak sharp proffessional-lookig bob.
....It looks fine, and I enjoy truly enjoy the change, the fresh feeling on my neck, but let's face it, slick, shiny, perfectly in place hair just looks odd framing my pudgy cheeks and squinty-eyed-crooked smile.
I'm reassured by the knowledge that when I finally have to give in and wash out all of the professional product and fancy-pants grooming I'll be left with a haircut that really isn't suited to frizzy curly hair.
I have taken pictures, before and after.
I hope to get them all put onto a picture cd soon so that I might be able to post them.
For now, description, and quickly drawn sketches will have to do.
I have a job lined up, unfortunately it is only a week long, two tops. Who knows what I'll do after that......
According to the restrictions of my work visa I cannot be a professional performer or sports star, so there go my best bets.
Hehe, I just noticed that my very favorite libraian has had his hair cut too. What a funny coincidence.

Permalink: Lookin_all_swank.html
Words: 318
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/13/05 10:54 - ID#24392
Edinburgh and The HOFF
Like David Hasselhoff.....I recently read an interview with him in some British magazine and they described the aging C-list celeb as "undeniabley cool".
I've also had to spend some time recently in a couple of dance clubs.....Jon Bon Jovi, Abba, whoever sings "If you think I'm Sexy", oh, not to mention the dance compilation from Grease.
And their tv shows.......oh my gosh... I can't even get into that right now, not nearly enough time.
However, I have found amusement in the unabashed embracing of all things cheesy (even if my incolvement in said embracing is restricted to merely a witness)
And I have been finding solice in anticipation of some great shows coming up.....even if I have to venture out alone:
T on the Fringe (rip off of T in the Park - yes) is coming up in August and some great acts are coming, I really hope to catch a ton of shows ....Yo La Tengo...wooooohooooo, Magic Numbers, the Pixies (that's right Viscaroonie, end of August drag your scrawny bum out to visit)....lots of other great bands....
Also, Rilo Kiley is playing I think on July 8th and you had better believe I shall be there.
I am curious to see how attending a concert by myself will go.....
Will there be a complete mental breakdown?.....willl I latch on to the nearest stranger and insist on instantaneous best-friendship....I really wouldn't put either of these reactions past myself....
I miss everyone so very much....

Permalink: Edinburgh_and_The_HOFF.html
Words: 258
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/09/05 10:58 - ID#24391
No time to add a proper entry, but I'll write more later.
Edinburgh is BEAUTIFUL.....the weather has been fantastic the past few days.
The job hunt continues for this girlie......
More later!

Permalink: Whew.html
Words: 37
Location: Buffalo, NY
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