06/06/06 01:26 - 77ºF - ID#37337
how to be a jerk and get away with it
Hello all.
Now that the warm weather is here, please remember to close all the windows when you leave at night. Safety, security.
and... if you choose to turn on the A/C, please close all the windows, we don't need to cool the alley.
and lastly, please remember to turn OFF the A/C when you leave, we don't need to cool the back office from 6pm-9am either.
Thank you for being energy conscious.
And yet, if we only turn it on in the morning, the office does not cool off before 5pm.
Yes, but today... it's not even 70 degree's out... and your office is a refrigerator... people are wearing Wool Sweaters, and it's early June, what shall we do in the heat of July and August?
[Someone] suggested that venting the air conditioner back into the office is a less-than-efficient use of energy; if you or whoever has a key to the back door could remember to open it in the morning and close it at night, it would vent to the outside and that may be enough to boost its efficiency enough that it actually works. If it doesn't, I would hope that we can get the air conditioner serviced or replaced before the heat of July and August hits.
Hello All...
the A/C has been installed in back for about two weeks.
The Electric Bill for the Front office is $320 - about average... we only turned on our A/C last week.
the Electric bill for the back office is $787... over three times the average amount for that space. Generally it's about $230
Please turn the A/C off when you leave at night. The room should cool off in about an hour after you turn it on the morning As for the video office, I think you have a whole other A/C system rigged up.
In my office and [the publisher]'s office there is no A/C at all.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The air conditioner has been running on high for the last 28 hours straight; our office is now the same temperature as the unconditioned warehouse, making me wonder where our $800 is going. We can continue cc'ing the whole office on snarky emails and go nowhere, or we could be productive and get the air conditioner serviced or replaced before the weather starts getting really hot. It would lower both the temperature and the electric bill, and make everyone involved happy. With the numbers you quoted, the service would pay for itself in under two weeks. Or we could throw away $800 every month and sweat our collective balls off.
The publisher just called me and said we can get a key to open the back door.
- Z

Permalink: how_to_be_a_jerk_and_get_away_with_it.html
Words: 513
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: compost
06/06/06 10:36 - 66ºF - ID#37336
my cousin rules
If you and (e:zobar) want to really get at the old bitch next door, I can bring over about 1500 pounds of grass clippings to add to your compost pile. Not sure if you remember the muppets other show, fraggle rock, and the all knowing trash heap, we could build one in your back yard. I can also get as much dirt as you may need to mix with the compost. All of this is free, of course. Also, if the town forces you to get rid of the compist pile, we could probably take care of that, too. [My other cousin] has a 1 acre swamp that we are in the process of filling in, and we could move the compost to the swamp, if it becomes necessary. I would love to see the look on the bitches face when I show up with a truck loaded with grass clippings!! By the way, I apologize if I butchered the spelling of your name.

- [My cousin]

Permalink: my_cousin_rules.html
Words: 170
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: compost
06/05/06 02:17 - 72ºF - ID#37335
code is code
I then went on to explain what she did with the last inspector who came by, calling his office every day for a week after he signed off on it, and eventually filing his inbox with false statements. He asked if I would want a compost heap next to my property. I said if she didn't like it where it is, she was far less likely to like it where it will be. I asked if he had any better suggestions for where to put it. He came up empty. I asked if moving it was the only solution. He said code is code, and moving it is the only solution. I sighed and said would you mind at least coming by next Monday or Tuesday when somebody will be around? He said no problem.
So it looks like it's going 3' from the front of the garage and 3' from the fence. Code is code, and if she's still angry, at least she's got someone to call every day for a week.
- Z

Permalink: code_is_code.html
Words: 261
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: debauchery
06/04/06 12:15 - 57ºF - ID#37334
Then I was the designated driver for my buddy Tom's stag party. The party proper was pretty good- a large group of old Italian men drank beer and raised several hundred dollars to send Tom off. We went out afterwards and I had a pretty good time, though I think Tom's fiancee put him in a somewhat difficult position by forbidding him outright from visiting the Canadian ballet [I was not too broken up about it, but predictably it caused some friction] and also calling his cell about half a dozen times throughout the evening. Early on, Chris declared that we were out to get as close to arrested as possible without actually getting arrested [which would understandably be detrimental to his career as a lawyer] but I nevertheless sensed a not-insignificant amount of bad vibes coming from his direction when I lit up a doobie on the very crowded and isolated patio of 67 West. [It was worth it, though, just for Gwyll's triple-take when he eventually realized the cork-tipped 100mm filtered cigarette was not exactly kosher.] After a quick stop at Louies, I still got home before 4am, though not by much. I feel bad for Tom, who drank an enormous amount of alcohol, and Chris, who matched him and has to write a 15-page legal brief today.
When I came home from the stag, I found a citation for my compost pile (e:zobar,44) (e:zobar,45) - this time from the Town of Tonawanda, because the heap, which is approximately as dry as a wrung-out sponge, is an apparent fire hazard. I am quite annoyed as the letter, dated 1 July, only arrived yesterday and it seems to suggest that the inspector will return tomorrow. Furthermore, I can't even tell whether an inspection was made in the first place. This is seriously cramping my chill.
- Z

Permalink: bachelors.html
Words: 384
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
06/01/06 02:51 - 73ºF - ID#37333
cable 10, aurora illinois

Re: (e:dragonlady7,31)

Two of my coworkers made these, and have been selling them in front of the arena before home games. Larry Quinn liked them so much that he asked us to turn it into a video clip that we ran on the Jumbotron.
- Z

Permalink: cable_10_aurora_illinois.html
Words: 232
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/31/06 08:44 - 84ºF - ID#37332
all is quiet once again
The paper this week

Now that all is once again quiet at 40 Hartford, it is time to ...change ...my ...journal music? Yes!
This is Gator Tango from the Wild Things soundtrack, composed and performed by George S Clinton, who is joined by guitarist Greg Camp of Smash Mouth, and bassist Mark Sandman and saxophonist Dana Colley of Morphine. gather:0770627001149120625
- Z

Permalink: all_is_quiet_once_again.html
Words: 326
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: hate mail
05/28/06 12:28 - 77ºF - ID#37331
What's happening, man? My name is MC Moses, and I was calling in response to the article in the Artvoice, and what I was wondering is why on earth would you people put an article about some poseur by the name of MC Sick? That motherfucker be acting like he's from the Bronx, and he be from Long Island. I don't know if you motherfuckers have a clue, but there's a major difference between being from Long Island and being from the Bronx, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I'm from Brooklyn, and I've got all these DJs that throw down fat beats, and I didn't see or hear anything about my name in that article, and I'm pissed off, so you better call my DJ back [phone number omitted]. You better call him back and straighten this out, because there ain't no way you guys are going to print an article about Buffalo hip-hop and not include my motherfucking name, know what I'm saying? Because I get down, I get funky, and I get motherfucking live, alright? So you motherfuckers need to recognize that what I do is motherfucking cut, alright? So call my motherfucking DJ back, because I'm pissed off and we need to straighten this shit out, you know what I'm saying?
'Letters,' v5n17

I see Bruce Jackson is writing the same things, over and over and over now, and week after week. And of course, a nice little touch: bring back the Peace Bridge. He's like a two-issue person. If you could pass that along to Doctor, Mister, whatever, Shithole Jackson, tell him to kill himself, because he's clearly no use in this world. And, you know, your paper is shit. It's not even worth being free. You're not the Beast. The Beast is amusing. Yours is annoying. The Buffalo Current made me wince, and thankfully that died. Maybe your paper will die. Maybe you will all kill yourselves. The Buffalo News is not much better. I'd be willing to raise money to send him back to Guatemala. I'll sell t-shirts, pass that along to him. Nick Beat- was that his name at UB? Yeah, Nick Beat. OK, your paper is shit. It's absolute shit. You just run every issue into the ground. Oh, and by the way, the Elmwood Avenue hotel- why don't you point out that you have lots at stake in it? That's why you're in favor. Otherwise, you're opposed to everything, development... I hope somebody builds a Walgreen's right on top of your heads, and smothers you and kills you. A big old Walgreen's. And a Rite-Aid, and a Wal-Mart, and an airport, and kills you because you're useless. Your paper is shit. You sell casinos advertising, yet you rail against it. How about Ralph Wilson? Those are OK. I think all the money for the Bills goes to Michigan, Detroit, doesn't it? Sabres money goes to Rochester, to Golisano. And the Bisons? I think the Riches hang out in Florida. That don't matter, does it? Because you're pretty much whores. You sell out to the highest-- 'End of messages.'
'Letters,' v5n19

- Z

Permalink: crazies.html
Words: 657
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/28/06 09:05 - 63ºF - ID#37330
feels like
Usually when I go to a party of people I haven't met I just kind of hang out in the corner and quietly eat all the nachoes. But since I've been following all of your lives, loves, and recipes online for the last couple months, I felt it much easier to talk to people.
- Z

Permalink: feels_like.html
Words: 73
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: javascript
05/26/06 06:19 - 65ºF - ID#37328
call me
OK, so now that I'm talking to the nerds, here's some neat Javascript voodoo. I really like monkeying around with runtimes, and one reason that I like Python

myInstance = MyClass() # python
var myInstance = new MyClass(); // Javascript
MyClass* myInstance = new MyClass(); // C++
MyClass* myInstance = [[[MyClass alloc] init] autorelease]; // Objective-C
This also makes for very elegant RPC calls. You can, eg, create a callable instance that you can use like a regular function, but takes care of all the grotty marshalling and connection management behind the scenes. Once you set it up, you can use the instance like any other function:
import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://time.xmlrpc.com/RPC2')
print server.currentTime.getCurrentTime()
I'm writing a Javascript XML-RPC client library for work and I really wanted to be able to do something that elegant, like:
getCurrentTime = XMLRPCMethod('http://time.xmlrpc.com/RPC2', 'currentTime.getCurrentTime');
But in Javascript, you can only call things that are actual functions. However, since functions are first-class objects, you can bind your own attributes to them like any other object. You can access them from inside the body of the function by using the special variable arguments.callee:
function Greeter(yourName) {
var result = function(timeOfDay) {
alert('Good ' + timeOfDay + ', ' + arguments.callee.yourName);
result.yourName = yourName;
return result;
greetZ = Greeter('Zobar');
greetP = Greeter('Paul');
greetZ('afternoon'); // 'Good afternoon, Zobar'
greetZ('evening'); // 'Good evening, Zobar'
greetP('evening'); // 'Good evening, Paul'
When I figured this out it blew my mind, and while I doubt its day-to-day practicality, I thought it's a handy tool for Javascripters to have. I also plan to make the XML-RPC library public, once I clean it up a bit, test it in MSIE, and finish the documentation.
- Z

Permalink: call_me.html
Words: 391
Location: Buffalo, NY
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