Category: dance
02/24/11 07:37 - ID#53704
The secret yoga dictionary
Yoga totally whipped all of our hands and hearts yesterday... well, all EXCEPT (e:Paul) who was probably born with a strong dose of yogi's-choice-power-goo in his silver-yogi-spoon. I meant to complete this entry after class but I was so washed out after practice that I fell asleep at my "desk" and pretty much crawled into bed 3 metres away.
(e:Paul), on the other hand has been logged in the entire time and quite possibly coding in a frenzy. That's what happens when you outshine the entire class in just about every outlandish balance-act yoga-pose that is thrown your way. And there were tons that I can't even find the names for.

For instance, the L-pose at the wall above with a "yogi's choice" extreme T-variation where you raise one of your legs up in the air till it's perfectly perpendicular to your other leg and parallel to your arms. While the rest of the class wobbled with asymmetry across the studio, (e:Paul) literally flew through several of the poses AND he did the T-variation on both sides.
Wait. There is more. Later after class, while I bemoaned the lack of moonwalk fluidity, he totally denied knowing how to moonwalk WHILE his legs were moonwalking the hell out of the yoga studio floor. If all this doesn't silently scream "Clark Kent!!" to you... well, then it's time to go and see the movies or you could come to yoga.

Permalink: The_secret_yoga_dictionary.html
Words: 375
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/05/11 05:08
Category: linux
02/23/11 12:28 - ID#53694
Wacom linux frustrations...
I have a simple question. How can I assign functions to the two buttons on the stylus? I currently use one button as a right-click and the other one as a "grab and scroll" middle-click button. Is it SO tough to figure this out in linux? Apparently, it is. This supposedly authoritative "manual" for the wacom linux driver

I am so frustrated. The linux community is nothing better than a mass of self-centred mirror-image RTFM-chanting zealots who have zero empathy or patience for anyone other than themselves and their ad nauseum omg-M$-is-so-evil-and-you-are-so-dumb-for-using-it agendas.
I am going to try this piece of code from this forum

- !/bin/bash
- If you set XSW in your environment it will override the
- script's default of /usr/bin/xsetwacom.
- If you set PAD and/or STYLUS then those override the script's
- defaults of 'Wacom Bamboo pad' and 'Wacom Bamboo' which are
- known correct for Ubuntu 9.04
- [ Do not change this bit: ]
test "x$XSW" = "x" && XSW=/usr/bin/xsetwacom
test -x $XSW || { echo "Cannot find xsetwacom in /usr/bin"; exit 1; }
test "x$PAD" = "x" && PAD="Wacom BambooFun 4x5 pad"
test "x$STYLUS" = "x" && STYLUS="Wacom BambooFun 4x5"
pad () {
$XSW set "$PAD" "$@"
stylus () {
$XSW set "$STYLUS" "$@"
- [ Configurability from here down.]
pad AbsWDn "CORE KEY - " # circle zoom in
- Define the Bamboo buttons
pad AbsWUp "CORE KEY + " # circle zoom out
pad Stripldn "CORE KEY - " # strip in
pad Striplup "CORE KEY + " # strip zoom out
pad Button1 "CORE KEY CTRL /z" # key 1 () fill frame
pad Button4 "CORE KEY SHIFT" # key 4 (FN2) SHIFT
stylus TPCButton "off" # side switch mode
stylus mode "Absolute" # positioning mode
stylus Button1 "Button 1" # pentip click left
stylus Button2 "CORE KEY /x" # Lower side switch click right
stylus Button3 "Button 3" # Upper side switch click middle

Permalink: Wacom_linux_frustrations_.html
Words: 413
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/23/11 12:36
Category: linux
02/23/11 04:23 - ID#53691
Linux: Clear as Mud.
WALTOP needs a patched kernel driver, that isn't in mainline lk yet, so for now just let it fall through and be picked up by evdev instead.
Seriously? Am I supposed to nod in agreement or throw rocks at the screen?
This is why regular folks might not really want to go anywhere near any kind of linux. I have seen linux distributions with holier-that-thou taglines such as "software for humans". Does their definition of "humans" comes from a dictionary buried under Martian craters?!

Permalink: Linux_Clear_as_Mud_.html
Words: 115
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/23/11 04:50
Category: dance
02/21/11 11:07 - ID#53679
Look who's dancing...

Permalink: Look_who_s_dancing_.html
Words: 26
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/21/11 11:36
Category: eating out
02/21/11 09:15 - ID#53678
Only butter on toast.
Call me a snob if you want, but I am very sure that I could take each one of these simple components and cook them so that I would want to eat the resulting meal for an entire week without getting bored. I couldn't even get through that one meal from Merge. It was just too bland and too uninteresting. I can see why people turn up their noses at the mention of "vegetarian". Self-proclaimed vegetarian-specialty restaurants such a Merge tarnish what it means to be vegetarian.
Why should I eat bland uninteresting things and pay for it too when I know that I can do a million times better at home?! It's so ridiculous that I forget this fact every now and then. This entry should serve as a reminder. The only thing worth eating out is butter on hot fresh-toasted bread - because really, no one could possibly mess that up however hard they tried.

Permalink: Only_butter_on_toast_.html
Words: 236
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/21/11 10:24
Category: dance
02/21/11 01:04 - ID#53666
Salsa Rhythm
So in this video the rhythm is a 3-2, Pa Pa Pa Pa-Pa clave.
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 &.
Pa & 2 Pa 3 & Pa & 5 & Pa & Pa & 8 &
Most of the times, the clave itself is just not discernible. I was trying very hard to listen for individual instruments and their phrasing to discern the clave. I think, in the process, I just stopped hearing the music.
The easiest way is to close your eyes and feel where the music undulates and then snaps back and then repeats this cycle over and over again. The undulation is the three slower-paced beats (Pa Pa Pa) and the snapping back is the quick two beats Pa-Pa. I wonder if Sarah and Sean are listening for this pattern when they dance. It is still hard for me to tell what techniques people are using to decide when to take that first step in any style.

Permalink: Salsa_Rhythm.html
Words: 163
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/21/11 01:28
Category: dance
02/16/11 10:21 - ID#53628
It's not a competition?!

(including 1st-time-yogis-by-self-admission such as (e:Paul) and (e:Terry)), you have to admit, it starts to feel like someone gave you the ticket to the Olympics but you accidentally ended up in the competition ring instead of chilling out as a spectator on the stands with buttered and oh-so-salty popcorn. That was, in a nutshell, yoga class today.
But like any regulated sports event, you get detected as a fake very soon and ejected from the ring. Thankfully, I didn't get thrown out of class for ungracefulness but instead, took a massive skid on ice and lacerated my right knee (on the top of a bruise from smashing into a wall on Monday) as I walked back from Pricerite. On the bright side of this minor discomfort, all desire to master the dhanurasana TODAY has been bled out very effectively. I am back to eating massive amounts of chocolate hazelnut butter from my second 1lb bottle - this time blended with yogurt and mixed with frozen blueberries.
It could have been worse though. I could have slipped on ice and impaled my head on a cast-iron fence on the corner of Oakland and Bryant if (e:Paul) and (e:Terry) had not stabilized me in time.
The moral of this tale is almost every second person you see on the street or anywhere really, has had a secret gymnastic past and if you stalked them enough you might also find that they dance the salsa infinitely better than you ever can or will. The trick is to find opportune times to take mighty spills on the pavement and split your knee wide open so that you couldn't care less about your complete lack of skills at transforming yourself into an inverted ancient weapon or doing superawesomecrazy shines at salsa congresses.

Permalink: It_s_not_a_competition_.html
Words: 340
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/17/11 01:10
Category: linux
02/16/11 12:34 - ID#53624
Distro Decision
EDIT: I hate lubuntu. It's clunky and quite awful when it comes to remembering any settings.
EDIT2: WattOS was okay but it had its own set of troubles... foremost being lack of activity in its support forums. Just one person supports that distro and that is a surefire recipe for very-long-wait-times and even more frustration.
EDIT3: Peppermint Ice was an unstable error-popping joke. I think the whole idea was to have the user install and use the OS for a day or so before unleashing an update from hell on their computers and have it boot to some inane terminal instead of the GUI so that windoze-converts will have an seismic what-do-I-do-NOW panic-attack. I had to google the "startx" command. Peppermint, you are ditched. I am now on Linux Mint on one laptop, Fedora on another (both gnome) and a stripped-down heavily-modified and patched WinXP (I know. I know.) on my oldest laptop.
BodhiLinux came close in terms of minimalism but I just could not figure out how to change simple display options under the Enlightenment GUI. Dual monitor setup was a nightmare. Changing the brightness of the screen required me to learn command line linux. Changing the display resolution was a complicated 1 hour google-hunt without a definite answer. The disappointment list just goes on lengthening.
Deskop Ubuntu has some unwieldy application-bloat. I liked the spiffy-looking Ubuntu-Netbook version but it has bloatware as well. Xubuntu was very display-tweak unfriendly. I am not competent enough yet to build linux from scratch. Someday, I will. Till then, I am settling for a semi-permanent lubuntu install on my Toshiba U305 S7467. I will miss the extremely light version of XP I used to run on the U305. It was just 0.7GB, took 12s to boot, ran just 12 background processes and took up less than 2% of system resources at any given time.
I don't know if and when I will reach that level of hacking comfort with lubuntu. It took me quite sometime to reach that state in XP. I never transitioned to Vista and it's newer evil cousins simply because their bloat was unbearable. I don't think any OS should occupy more than 2GB at the most and take up less than 3% of system resources when it's running.
Or maybe Chrome OS will come out before I get too comfortable with linux. Who knows...

Permalink: Distro_Decision.html
Words: 495
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/15/11 12:45
Category: dance
02/15/11 10:20 - ID#53622
Reverse baby-freeze
- Crash-landed on my head - (2)
- Crash-landed on my left hip - (2)
- Flopped around like a dying fish - (3)
- Leaned too far and felt my elbows give way under me - (2)
- Stopped and stared at the floor in disgust for 10 seconds - (1)
- Acquired a nasty 5-minute-cramp on my left upper arm - (1)
- Acquired a bruise on my left temple - (1)
It's impossible. My body just doesn't want to rotate on my right forearm and my left elbow just doesn't stay put on my left waist and slips off the minute I try to stabilize it.
On the other hand, baby-freezing to my right is a happier state of affairs. I managed to stretch the time I could hold the freeze to a whole 30 seconds today. And so I celebrated with another 1/4 lb of Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter. I am dangerously close to a nut butter overload and opening the 2nd bottle. Thankfully, the 3rd bottle belongs to (e:Paul).

Permalink: Reverse_baby_freeze.html
Words: 178
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/15/11 10:20
Category: linux
02/15/11 06:16 - ID#53620
Linux Command Line
And I have lot of admiration for William E. Shotts because he wrote this

and put the PDF online for free:

Permalink: Linux_Command_Line.html
Words: 71
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/15/11 06:16
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I was so tired afterwards I couldn't finish watching "Don't Look Now" with Donald Sutherland. It was funny seeing him when he was younger and in such a grafic sex scene as I know him mostly from the series Commander in Chief. In the series he is an old nasty politician and not someone you want to watch having sex. In the movie the sex scene was nearly pornographic. He was obviously younger and better looking but it was still disturbing considering the facial features are still the same.