Category: e:strip
10/18/08 10:45 - 42ºF - ID#46185
Congratulations, Baby Fing!!!

CONGRATULATIONS (e:fing) & family!!
PS: Now get little baby Jack to blog here! ;-)

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Words: 24
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: the odes
10/18/08 12:21 - 43ºF - ID#46170
Top ten random things I want to do
1. Propose. Propose. Propose.

2. Finish that grant paragraph/page.

3. Learn how to bake bread.

(I love the smell of bread, but I have never dealt with artificial yeast before. I am somewhat worried that whatever bread I do manage to make will come out smelling yeasty. This also seems like a ridiculous fear especially since I haven't even attempted to make any bread till now.)

4. Learn how to low vault that wall on my way to Roswell. (I think I might need strong arms for this trick. Did I mention that my arms are out of proportion to the rest of my body? They look like sticks. If someone were to whack my forearms hard, I think there is a strong likelihood that they might break in two. Both ulna and radius in one go.)

5. Get some wool yarn for my halloween costume.

6. Actually sew my halloween costume

7. Finish this literature search I am doing and write it up ASAP.

8. Get a haircut (OMG, my hair is so long and untidy, its covering my ears now. UGH)

9. Learn to make that perfect cup of coffee that I once had at this Italian restaurant called Pane Vino's in Rochester. Seriously, that coffee must have come from bean heaven because I was so enamoured that I had 7 cups of it. I skipped dinner altogether in favour of coffee. I know it must have made a weird impression on the faculty but hey, truly good coffee can only be appreciated via loon worship and erratic behaviour. I tried to explain later that it was done in the spirit of coffee but hardly anyone at the table agreed. Oh well. That coffee was awesome.

10. Start on the practical part of my dissertation research. (And learn some cool laboratory basic sciency things on the way.)

Permalink: Top_ten_random_things_I_want_to_do.html
Words: 331
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: dailies
10/15/08 07:52 - 63ºF - ID#46132
Vanity Fair
Girl with a paper shopping bag that had "Coach" Leatherware written on it: *Holds up a small handbag for the inspection of the bus driver* I love Gucci. You know, Gucci as they made it in the 60s. You can tell the difference between the real thing and the fake. You touch it and you can tell the difference.
Bloke with apparently "designer" shoes and huge eyes: Yeah, folks here won't know it. Does an eyeroll with those especially huge eyes. You know, this girl at school flat out denied, I MEAN DENIED *taps the bus seat for effect* that outlets like Coach and Nordstrom even existed. These people...
Coach Girl: I am proud to say I wasn't born in this poor ass city. I was born in Chicago, that's where I was born.
Huge Eyes: *Rolls huge eyes* I went to Colombus *pulls out a mall map and waves it around* *Bus driver turns around 180 degrees in her seat while navigating an intersection, I almost pass out in fright* Now here's a Nordstrom, here's Gucci. Now that's when you know the economy of a city is doing well. When you have stores like Nordstrom. Here, there is no hope. I mean people don't know Coach and Nordstrom exist. You see here *waves around mall map once more* there are all these stores.
- Here Coach Girl and Huge Eyes go off into a long long long prattle about the merits of designer stuff and the general ignorance of buffalo, making sure that the whole bus gets to know that they are really not from here.* *I zone out and my eyes glaze over.*
- Ping: Now approaching Bird Street* *I shake out of my vanity-drivel induced reverie.*
Coach Girl: This here is an original Coach bag, I go there all the time. You know imitation, it just isn't the same.
Huge Eyes: Yeah, I am from New York City. I know. We can tell you where you get the real nice stuff. *Coach girl gives emphatic nod, clutches the "genuine Gucci" bag closer*.
- Their stop comes around, they get off and bus driver hands her card to them and says, "Yeah give me a call. I like the good stuff".
I honestly couldn't believe this was not some kind of a sloppy ad-placement daytime TV show. Hahaha :)

Permalink: Vanity_Fair.html
Words: 392
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: science
10/14/08 10:12 - 60ºF - ID#46119
And now for some party pooping...
In contrast to studies on cardiovascular disease, this study found that moderate alcohol consumption was not protective against normal age-related differences in total brain volume. Rather, the more alcohol consumed, the smaller the total brain volume*.
Yeah, I *love* to be the messenger of any news against my favourite two HUGE preventable causes of >60% of morbidity and >100% loathsomeness around the world.
- Paul CA et. al. Association of Alcohol Consumption With Brain Volume in the Framingham Study Arch Neurol. 2008;65(10):1363-1367.

Permalink: And_now_for_some_party_pooping_.html
Words: 110
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: the odes
10/11/08 11:11 - 56ºF - ID#46057
The Financial Crisis: Whiteboard 101
Basically, its a champagne and whiteboard enhanced version of (e:jim)'s detailed and awesome explanation ((e:tinypliny,45704)).
It strengthens my opinion that the whiteboard is the most effective presentation software out there. I am still playing with the idea of going the whiteboard way for my dissertation proposal...
There are some other alternatives for out-of-options PC users who are sick of the clunky and ugly PowerPoint or even the open-source OpenOffice Impress (yeah, opensource is very appealing, but after 5 years of non-stop use, I think Impress is still not up to snuff with what makes an appealing presentation). Google Docs is at an embryonic bare-bones state. might be a messiah but I need to try it out first to be sure.
The real questions are, however:
1. Am I coherent enough to take this risk and let go of the presentation software crutch altogether?
2. Though my advisor here is at the leading edge of creativity, super-awesome, very open and receptive to experimentation, my remote advisor is old-school-by-the-book, too practical and grounded-to-rules kind of a person and might be difficult to persuade. The contrast between them is so striking when I think about issues such as these. :)

Permalink: The_Financial_Crisis_Whiteboard_101.html
Words: 294
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: e:strip
10/10/08 10:17 - 57ºF - ID#46053
I meet The Evil Dr. Fing!
It was wonderful to finally meet you (e:fing)! I wish you and your wife good luck with the baby!!! Hope it all goes well when the exciting time rolls around. Personally, I am just jealous of the baby already. I always wanted my own room with orange-accented walls and cool artwork! :^)
PS: I actually can't believe I am so involved in my (e:strip) screen persona that I forgot to tell you my real name and introduced myself as tinypliny! Yikes.

Permalink: I_meet_The_Evil_Dr_Fing_.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: opinion
10/08/08 10:44 - 60ºF - ID#46006
Single.. er.. Double Issue Voting
If I had franchise (I don't, unfortunately. So this is basically building a stance-castle in pure air), I would MOST CERTAINLY NOT vote for:
1. People who are against abortion and euphemistically call themselves pro-life.
Several reasons:
-- I think the health and quality of life of women is important to the future of mankind. You cannot have unhappy, ill-treated women who are sick in mind and in body and expect their children (of either gender) to be healthy and lead fruitful and enriching lives or better this planet in the future.
-- Banning abortion not just takes away health-rights of women and decreases their quality of life, but also opens the wicker gate to the insanity of illegal non-medically approved life-threatening amateur abortion practices. Nothing can be more cruel to any living being than dying with a stick or a chemical abortifacient eroding your uterus just because some block-headed self-appointed judgemental delusional rich woman with several people to look after her own brood of kids decided that you need to carry your foetus to term as well, because she did and that some insular "God" of hers thinks its the "right" thing to do. Yeah, shame on you if you are not a "caring sacrifice-making parent" regardless of whether you can or cannot afford it, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. Who cares about the mom, right? We just need to bring as many kids into this world as we possibly can regardless of the cost to the woman. They can take care of themselves and also their kids. If I did it, well, so can anyone.
-- Double-standard-ridden privileged freaks who are far far away from understanding what it is like to be a helpless real-world middle class single poor woman who is also pregnant do not really deserve to be honoured with the status and title of a "woman".
-- Making abortion a social stigma is just as bad, if not worse. Not only do you judge women for the simple fact that she wants control over her dizzyingly out of control life but make it mentally, psychologically and emotionally a trauma for her to get even a legal abortion. Can you be any more effective in violating the human rights of a living being? I think not.
2. People who still believe in Creationism.
-- Frankly, at this point, after centuries of scientific proof, you are shuddering-ly scary. Your ignorance points to the fact that you are happy living under a rock. What will you do when medical principles behind this "far-fetched" "fiction" of evolution lead to the conception and design of drugs/therapies that cure cancer (and yes, I see this happening in the future)? Will you go into self-denial and refuse to take these drugs. I hope you do. The world would be rid of morons like you. Ugh
Yeah, these two issues are going to be my two heavy and stable cornerstones of political decisions for now.
@(e:metalpeter): This is not my "tough" post either. That needs to be on the back-burner some more time.

Permalink: Single_er_Double_Issue_Voting.html
Words: 546
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: e:strip
10/05/08 05:53 - 57ºF - ID#45948
Apparently, E:strippers LOVE OMGBlog!

And, that's not all. Less that one percent of us are official quantified (e:strip) addicts.

The average (e:strip) visitor is a hispanic male teenage kid who comes from a middle income household and is not precocious enough to have entered a college.

Who knew?!
How the hell are these statistics even calculated???!!!

Permalink: Apparently_E_strippers_LOVE_OMGBlog_.html
Words: 109
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: opinion
10/04/08 02:16 - 56ºF - ID#45929
The Shock Doctrine

Permalink: The_Shock_Doctrine.html
Words: 25
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: flat
09/21/08 12:49 - 67ºF - ID#45745
The Mayflower turns 80

I guess the Mayflower residents couldn't be bothered to come down the rickety elevators. I mean, hardly anyone comes down when there is a fire alarm. Why would they care about two pieces of cheese and cheap wines? If I were more statistically inclined, I could probably prove that the people who habitually evacuate the Mayflower in the event of a fire alarm are no different in number and identity, from the people who came down to check out the cheese. My hypothesis is that they are also the residents who are more inclined to smoke and thus welcome the chance to get out and spew columns of tobacco smoke to shroud the two hollow lions outside, regardless of what the occasion is -- fire, cheese, household feud... whatever.
So, to get back to the party, the piece de resistance was supposed to be the premiere showing of a short film - "Of Dreams and Glory", shot entirely in the lobby of the Mayflower, in January this year. It debuts at the Sundance festival in February. People interested in the making of this movie should check this

I thought they would set up a nice projection screen for the movie, but they played it on a tiny DVD player, that jammed after a while. I caught the 10 minute movie in its second showing. They ran it around 5 or 6 times before the DVD player threw up its hands.
I think it was supposed to be a suspense-noir-art movie of some sort. At one point there was a jump sequence with flicking knives and painted bizarre faces. However, I am not very sure what the entire plot was. A lady who lives on the sixth floor said that she probably might end up with nightmares for the rest of this week because of the jump sequences. I personally thought those were the only interesting bits in the movie. The movie otherwise consisted of some expanded dialogue between a painted young man (who was an apparition?) and this old man tied to a chair. The tinny sound from the DVD player resonated around the lobby and none of us could actually hear what the actors were saying. Some of us made up dialogues to go with the scenes and took turns at guessing what was going on but that didn't help our comprehension any. Oh, and I think there was some Christmas music, if that helps.
The "special effects" in the movie were an interesting take on the truth (as in, they were lies). The west-side elevator looked almost brand new. Considering the fact that 80 years have probably passed since they washed the carpets in either of the elevators, that's hardly the truth. Also, in a nifty touch-up, they faked the working of the brass-dial-floor-indicator over the elevator. I don't think even the oldest resident (who has lived here for nearly 35 years) remembers these brass dials actually working. Some of the dials don't even have needles on them.
In the course of the "party", I met and talked to the owner of the building, Myron Robbins. He seemed like a fairly nice old man till I popped the question of recycling. As readers probably know, my building firmly refuses to recycle. (What is with the places I live *and* work refusing to recycle??!!) I creep about and dump all my recycle-ables in my neighbour's (my recycling bin, that s/he stole, actually) bin on Tuesday nights. The advantage of this is that I am on first-nod basis with that bloke who wheels those bottle-filled carts on empty streets on recycling nights. We mutually nod and smile at each other every Tuesday.
So I asked Myron about the recycling and he said that he shall be working on bringing a recycling solution to Mayflower as a first priority and added that he always listens to his esteemed tenants. Really? I can't believe that NO ONE brought up recycling as an issue in all the four years that BMG has owned the Mayflower. In fact, I brought up the recycling issue three times with the current management in the past year. What happened to all those suggestions and concerns? I was told that recycling was impractical for a building the size of Mayflower (a lazy way of saying that they really didn't care). Maybe it was the wine and cheese or maybe its just a load of lies all over again, but this time if there is no move to bring recycling to Mayflower, I shall not hesitate to advertise these empty promises all over the net.
I think the real highlight of the evening for me was not the cheese or the movie but the fact that, in a moment of wine-induced remissness - no doubt, someone from the west-wing let slip that the terrace of the Mayflower was accessible to the tenants (not widely advertised because they don't want the liability of people jumping or falling off the building).
I didn't waste any more time socializing and spent the rest of the evening surveying Buffalo from the roof of the Mayflower. The view is amazing. It's somewhat similar to the view that Paul posted from the 15th floor of Buffalo General but its grander because you can see 360 degrees around the building. You can even see the city of Niagara Falls at a distance. I was so excited that I forgot to take my camera along but its very photo-worthy. Buffalo is a beautiful city and despite the no-recycling weird anti-environment resolve of Roswell and Mayflower, I am glad to be here.
PS: When I moved to Buffalo, I think the first thing that people asked me was whether I could see Niagara Falls from my window. Well, I am pleased as Punch to say that I can indeed see it from my Building. (Who cares, if its just Niagara Falls, the city and not The Niagara Waterfalls. ;-))

Permalink: The_Mayflower_turns_80.html
Words: 1159
Location: Buffalo, NY
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