Category: randomo
02/19/08 01:22 - 20ºF - ID#43392
Look at Me!
Shit. You see, this is the problem with blogging...I guess my issue is I have this seemingly innate self-editing process that prohibits me from speaking of the random, the ridiculess, the everyday. I think that people aren't interested, don't care, have their own lives to deal with, etc etc. Felly and I were talking about this last night. I am not a story teller. You know how some people just spout stories of when they were doing one thing or another and this happened and hahaha wasn't that crazy? I just don't. And yet, I am terribly fascinated with the idea of the story. I think that human beings are (dare i say naturally?) inclined to think and live in storyland, not to be confused with reality. We have to have reasons, ideas, ways of making sense of things in order to believe them, to want to see them through, to be invested. What more than meaning makes a human being? We eat, shit, sleep like every other godam animal on this planet, but we make it MEAN things. What we eat tells about where we come from, our culture, our upbringing, out health... but does it really? Yes and No I suppose....but thats not the point. I guess there isn't really one at all. I wanted to post and this was the first thing that came to mind.
does it mean anything that it is cold outside? No. Not at all, but I will sit here and tell you straight out that I will make it mean that I don't want to leave the house and go to class and would rather stay in all day and read and snuggle with my cats. But that is my story. and that doesn't mean that that is what I will do. Rather, that is the story that I will carry with me today as I get in my car, drive to campus, walk from the parking lot aallllll the way to class, sit in class.... etc etc etc. Grumble grumble grumble its cold outside. See what I mean? Ha!

Permalink: Look_at_Me_.html
Words: 391
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: school
02/18/08 03:38 - 33ºF - ID#43383
Spot Coffee
But...when she finally called me, she was like, oh, lets me at Spot. Two things: First of all, why the hell do people like going to public places where it is loud and uncomfortable and distracting and costs money, when you could easily be at home, for free. (This is a privacy and social phobia issue I have as well). Second...I realized not only are we going to Spot, she wants to go to Spot on Delaware, one I have never been to before. Now granted, I should take this as an opportunity to expand my horizons, expand my Buffalo, blah blah. But I don't want to. I know I sound like a spoiled two year old right now. I guess this is what happens when one has expectations that were completely and totally existing only in the reality of my head. I am not upset really, don't take my tone to be anything other than fascination with my own idiosincracies. I am a wee bit crazy and it comes out at the strangest of times.

Permalink: Spot_Coffee.html
Words: 269
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: randomo
02/16/08 11:47 - 21ºF - ID#43357
Tax Refunds are Fun!
In other news...
Felly and I wacthed this terribly interesting little show about Bodies. As in, Bodies: The Exhibition.
Fascinating how most of the bodies are of asian descent and come from this rundown shack of a wearhouse/laboratory in China which supposedly doesn't know where they come from. And this creepy but cute German doctor who came up with the plasticization process that these bodies go through but who cried when he was recalling how he accidently was working with some bodies who had not voluntary gave their bodies up...he incinerated them. And the millions of dollars that this exhibition is bringing in for americans, never mind the fact that they, in order to avoid human corpse laws, claim that the plasticized human body parts are plastic "models".....
I guess...well, it really gets me thinking about all kinds of things. My first instinct is to say that as American's we have some creepy fascination with death coupled with a conflicting taboo which is why people are so drawn to these types of things in the first place. Taboos create fascination. I believe this. There are other cultures in the world who have no (or at least a different) taboo around death or the dead body...sometimes they hang out with the bodies, take parts of it home with them, things of that nature. Death is natural and normal for is not the end of the world like it is for us. Yeah ok, we believe in heaven, but we also believe in ghosts and vampires and that sort of thing. Don't kid yourself. We do. I won't get into the "we" of America because that is a whole nother post.
So maybe the Bodies exhibit isn't all that bad? Maybe we should try to be more comfortable with death? Maybe then we wouldn't see people freaking out getting plastic surgery and tring to look "Ten Years Younger" and all that youth is beauty bullshit. But is the tricky part I spose. these bodies are NOT of old people who died of natural causes. According to ABC or whoever, they were young, healthy people who didn't look ready to die. So hence the question...where do these bodies come from. I do not doubt...for one second...that there is an underground, clandestine body business going on. It has happened in the past, why not now?
Anyways...I am not saying you should or shouldn't, but if you are interested, here is a website called No Bodies 4 Profit...

decide for yourself.

Permalink: Tax_Refunds_are_Fun_.html
Words: 494
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: randomo
02/15/08 11:46 - 24ºF - ID#43345
On automatic flush toilets and the like
I hate automatic flush toilets, automatic soap dispensers, hand dryers, paper towle dispensers, the list goes on. My first inclination is to be offended. I am really quite capable of flushing the toilet myself. Really. And I think it should be my choice when the toilet is flushed. And then I think, well, what does this say about our society? That people are such inconsiderate assholes that they can't flush a godam toilet by themselves? That we are basically all little children who need someone out there to make sure that it gets done? Of course, the situation may be slightly different for say paper towles or water...I get that they probably save some trees, some energy, whathaveyou. But the toilet flushing thing. Come on.
In other news. Felly made me steak last night for dinner. We are so cool. I wanted to get dessert...and apparently she did too, and we both got the exact same kind of strawberry cheesecake. So now we have two. One for each I suppose.
Also, for fair and future warning...Break Dancing Battle NEXT SATURDAY FEB. 23. You folks really should come. It will blow your mind. Come after 8pm...910 Main Street (Door to the left of the Hyatt art store) Seriously. $4 cover.
There is also a showing of the Vagina Monologues TONIGHT at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo ( 695 Elmwood Ave. at West Ferry Street). $ 15 @ 7: 30 p. m
So there. Post...complete.

Permalink: On_automatic_flush_toilets_and_the_like.html
Words: 251
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/10/08 01:19 - 14ºF - ID#43267
I had such a fantabulous time and it was so nice to see so many people!!
Particular thanks to (e:jim), (e:james), and (e:jbeatty) for representing (e:strip) at mi casa!
(e:james), your jacket is at my place!!
so nice to see (e:terry) and (e:flacidness) also!
for those of you who were there but i never saw...thanks for coming out anyway :)
I couldn't have asked for a better night, and you folks helped make that happen. word.

Permalink: Yay_.html
Words: 90
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/05/08 11:49 - 46ºF - ID#43190
Party Time
If you wanna is the time!

Permalink: Party_Time.html
Words: 50
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: randomo
01/21/08 11:51 - 15ºF - ID#42973
Awww, tanks
Today I am going to the dentist. Advantage Dentistry on Elmwood in Kenmore. They aparently have stereo headphones for my probing pleasure and a pill that can make you sleep through the entire procedure...I don't know about that whole thing...I am hoping that doesn't mean I have to pay extra for those pansy ass folks who can't handle a little poke in the mouth. Hah.
Oh yes...and the Bandits game. I have to say, it was less painful than I thought. I felt kinda like the first time I went to NYC though.. we got to the suite and there were all these tables with candles on them, a beautiful food spread, and a bartender who came right up and asked if he could get us anything. Free booze rocks! I felt like a star. And plus...the sing a song...or chant a chant, whatever you want to call it...and maybe I am juvenile, but BOX is just funny.

Permalink: Awww_tanks.html
Words: 226
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: school
01/19/08 11:35 - 21ºF - ID#42950

Permalink: Idea_Help_.html
Words: 200
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/10/08 09:06 - 38ºF - ID#42826

Permalink: yuck.html
Words: 90
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
01/04/08 01:17 - 28ºF - ID#42748
what did i miss?

Permalink: what_did_i_miss_.html
Words: 101
Location: Buffalo, NY
I think that what makes a blog interesting isn't really the story. It is seeing how someone who lives in a different way then us, how they live. Like what is it like to be in a band that travels, being a girl hitting the single bars every night (sex and city as an example), or anything that isn't how we live. But what it can also do is to let us connect with people who we know but don't talk to. It is also a way to share interests. For example I know you and (e:felly) like those breakin class. Now if I was into that I could ask you if you want to borrow my "Step Up" DVD and then if you like it all 3 of us could go see it together after the next class that I was going to.
There is another reason to write and that is to vent or to get something down. A blog is tricky are you writing for other people or for yourself or is it a combo. If you only write for your self and someone is bored by it or doesn't care then they will go onto someone else and read them. But maybe you are just documenting for yourself and then who cares if no one reads it. Or maybe you are doing for your self but would still like input or to hear some one else's thoughts on the matter.
In terms of telling stories some people are really good or bad at them. You can tell the good story tellers right away and they are all ways funny. But some people seem to do it as a way to say look at me, I'm a big shot and will have a story that some how has some thing to do with them or someone they know or even someone who know someone and those are allways about how great they are and they have one for anything anybody says and those people are annoying (oh yeah and they make a lot of shit up to). So maybe you don't want to be one of those people.