01/24/08 10:43 - 18ºF - ID#43008
pinup calendar
1) The sister of an online acquaintance is moving to town and asked me for the normal advice about moving to Buffalo. I gave it to her, mentioned (e:strip). Said, where are you going to be living?
The apartment complex across the street from (e:PMT)'s!
How funny is that? So maybe she can get to the bottom of whatever those weird people were doing with their windows across the street.
I appear in a pinup calendar for the Queen City Roller Girls. These calendars did not sell out at our first bout-- although our first bout did. This would not be a problem except that these calendars kind of cost us a lot of money to print, and are going to rapidly decline in value as the year goes on. So we've got to sell them to make back our money, so we can make an even hotter one next year. Etc.
We put them up for sale online.

Click the banner that says "2008 Calendars!"
Or, here's the order form, wherein you also can buy tickets:

They are $11.
$1 from every purchase benefits Crisis Services.

These calendars are really fun, and a bit hot, and mostly cute. Each month features the skaters from the 2007 season who were born in that month and also wanted their picture taken. The pictures were ALL taken by a skater on the league who taught herself portrait photography for the occasion and did all the work herself. It's really a totally grass-roots thing, but looks pretty professional and slick.
I am sorry that there are not cool preview pages for each month. There should be. Low-res versions and outtakes of the photos are up on the Myspace of the derby girl who took the photos.

The cover:

An outtake that I just think is cute:

Permalink: pinup_calendar.html
Words: 350
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/17/08 02:08 - 28ºF - ID#42928
highlight reel
It's taken me being home sick from work and trying desperately to do yet more roller derby crap to remind me to spread this particular bit of love.
My team's the one in the navy blue with the stripes. I'm #17, with white caps on my kneepads and red fishnets on my legs.
Check me out at 0:54 getting completely stone-cold blindsided. The awesomest part is that I did not get one bruise from that fall. Actually it didn't hurt at all, it just slowed me down.
I hope that embed thing worked. We'll see.
Just wanted to share. Next one's Feb 2nd!

Permalink: highlight_reel.html
Words: 116
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/06/08 03:28 - 47ºF - ID#42770
WE WON!!!!!!
I can't even believe it.
It was so close, so fucking close, I couldn't even tell you, we were sitting on the edge of the bench holding hands through the last jam. It was intense. We were down in the first period with penalty troubles, but we brought it up to a tie in the second and we kept getting ahead by ten, they'd get six, we'd get two, they'd get four, we'd get four, they'd get two, for forty solid minutes of gameplay. It was insane. It was brutal. I got the shit knocked out of me. A lot of the girls write their numbers on their arms in marker and I had black marker all up and down my shoulders and arms from slamming into them. I had nice cloth armbands with white numbers and they're all grungy with other girls' marker.
The final score was within ten points. But I don't have the stats yet.
That was my sixth bout, that I've skated, since February of last year. We're coming up on the first anniversary of that one. I've skated for the Sluggers, the Knockouts, and the QCRG travel team. And I've never had a victory before, never gotten to swarm the track and cry and hug people and shriek. It's been close before, it's been so close, but I've never actually <i>won</i> before. So it was a really intense experience. I want to say it's changed my life but of course it's too soon to tell. ;)
Better still, WE SOLD OUT THE VENUE. We sold every ticket!! We sold 500 tickets in presale, and there was a line across the parking lot when we opened the doors. We packed that place, it was standing-room-in-the-fire-aisles only. We sold out of beer twice. We packed that house and rocked the fuck out of it. It was a good game, a smoothly-run show, and my Knockouts finally fucking won.
I'd say I could die happy, but I've got the rest of the season still to go. The next one's Feb. 5th, the Dollies vs. the Saucies, and then my Knockouts get next crack at those Saucies on March 8th. (The Saucies went undefeated last year while the KOs went winless. Some of us felt they weren't so gracious about it. So we've got a score to settle.)
This is going to be an awesome season. I don't know if any of you made it out, but if you did, let me know what you thought-- all I really know is that it was an incredible experience to be involved in.
Also I feel like I got plowed over by a fucking Mack truck.
And yet?
I don't have a bruise on me.
No trophies! No fair.
Photos to follow-- at the moment I got nothin'. Didn't bring a camera, couldn't have taken any pictures anyway.

Permalink: WE_WON_.html
Words: 490
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/03/08 12:16 - 13ºF - ID#42736
i feel dirty
Having a tough time here.
Was looking through a folder of info. There was a file on a topic I hadn't thought about in a while, and it looked like it had stuff I didn't know, so I opened it to read it.
The opening paragraph was kinda witty, and I was like, "Who wrote this? I like their style." The info was clearly and engagingly presented, and I read the piece with some enjoyment before I scrolled down to the bottom, looking for the signature lines at the end (it was a letter).
I wrote it.
It must have been some months ago. I have no memory of it.
I feel kinda dirty. I was totally checking myself out and had no idea.
Also I've been here too long, if this sort of thing can happen.

Permalink: i_feel_dirty.html
Words: 207
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/02/08 09:24 - 17ºF - ID#42729
skating // not skating

Just thought I'd offer, seeing as they're timely at the moment.
If you want one... You can buy one at the bout on January 5th, in which I will be skating!!
Unless my knee doesn't improve. :( My left knee has been bothering me since mid-December, when I fell and bruised it. It hurts, sometimes quite badly, and sometimes not really; for a while I couldn't bend it, but I had convinced myself it was better until I fell again and it hurt a lot...
So I'm spending this week popping ibuprofin and icing it every hour and keeping it elevated and all that.
It doesn't seem to affect my skating.
No, I haven't seen a doctor. I'm an idiot. But I don't want them to say "It's a torn meniscus" and tell me to stay off it, when I know fine well to stay off it, and am doing all I can. I'm pretty sure it's not structurally injured, anyway. It supports me just fine, I just have to think real hard about kneeling on it. (And, usually, decide against kneeling on it.)
I have to decide by tomorrow whether it's fine or I have to tough up and tell my coach to put in one of the subs. I am so excited to have made the primary line-up, I really am, but it wouldn't be fair of me to insist on skating if my knee isn't OK-- there are six girls who have to sit out this first bout because of number constraints, and I don't want us to wind up skating short because I reinjure myself. (Once the squad of 14 is finalized there are no more substitutions.)
Sigh. Hard decision. My knee is mostly fine. But what if I land wrong?
I want a kick-ass garden this year.
Does anyone want to split a seed/plant order at any point?
Am in preliminary planning stages. A friend with a giant suburban yard is thinking of going in on this with me, and another friend who is a crazy subsistence gardener who this year has no yard is also thinking of helping out, so we may have a little weird mini-collective going on. I have high hopes for this year.
And I need to be doing something outside of work that isn't roller derby, so, I think gardening is it. I had a pathetic garden this year and am dying to not repeat that awful experience. (I just didn't have time.)

Permalink: skating_not_skating.html
Words: 492
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/24/07 09:35 - 26ºF - ID#42633
not dead yet

Not dead. Just snowed under. Literally and figuratively.
I had something else to post here. Crap, what was it?
Ah yes.

Photos taken at a roller derby practice last week. See if you can find me!

Permalink: not_dead_yet.html
Words: 51
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/08/07 07:24 - 28ºF - ID#42438
I always write about porn here
But I just wanted to share this snippet I found. I think the website is www.sexysamantha38G.com or somesuch-- she's a woman in her late 30s-early40s who's been doing Big Boobs Porn for a while, and I just love her style. She's blond, brash, brazen, busty, and all-natural, lets herself be whatever weight she is, and apparently is just sincerely horny as all get-out. She blogs and writes on message boards and what have you.
But this isn't really about that. I just think this picture, from an affiliate blog trying to drive traffic to her site, is absolutely hysterical.
Not X-rated, so I'm just posting it:

Permalink: I_always_write_about_porn_here.html
Words: 128
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/26/07 11:44 - 39ºF - ID#42300
I think boobies of all shapes and sizes are awesome. Some may be more awesome than others but I decline to categorize the awesome; it is something that must be judged on a case-by-case basis. Preferably after extensive viewing, measuring, fondling, squeezing, and related testing. That's really the only way to judge.
A related rant: all these bras whose catalogue copy says absolutely retarded things, such as, "and frilly little bows give it that feminine touch." I ASK YOU, what is UNfeminine about a motherfucking BRA??? They are not always pretty, not always cute or girly or delicate, but I ASK you, how are they NOT feminine? I have NEVER NEVER NEVER seen, nor can I even begin to conceptualize, a MASCULINE bra.
A site which I love in all other ways epitomizes this-- on a quick perusal I can't find any examples, but if you read it you'll surely find at least one catalog blurb or customer comment that makes this idiotic semantic irrelevancy.
But I'm linking to it mostly because I love the site, and for those of you who feel a bit put-down about being busty, I give to you, Bravissimo.

Because as those of us over a DD know, there's actually a tremendous amount of shame attached to large breasts, which I think I've ranted about before. On Halloween one of my roller derby cohorts' first comment, upon seeing my costume, was, "Oh my God, you need a reduction."
In her defense, she's a very petite woman who had a reduction herself when she was a 30JJ, and is now a 32DD. And when I expressed shock at her statement, she retracted and said well, I carried it well.
But she's not the first to say that.
I really don't think I need surgery to be less awesome than I am. I think I'll just diet and exercise, like I already am, and see what happens. And if they don't get any smaller, I'll make porn so I can afford new bras.
(Guess who grew out of her GG bras over Thanksgiving? Yeah not so much dieting and exercising happened this past weekend.)

Permalink: boobies.html
Words: 401
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/15/07 04:56 - 43ºF - ID#42148
The time change sucks. I'm bummed that it's dark when I leave work.
But it does mean that as I drive down the 190 I get to see the city silhouetted against the last light in the sky, with all the lights on in the buildings like little jewels.
I almost got off at the wrong exit twice, because I was so busy admiring the view.

Permalink: quick.html
Words: 82
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/10/07 07:25 - 36ºF - ID#42066
I'm gonna be on TV!
Set your alarms and mark your calendars. :)

Permalink: I_m_gonna_be_on_TV_.html
Words: 59
Location: Buffalo, NY
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