Category: science
11/17/11 07:10 - ID#55537
United States of Obesity
Though I like the poster below for how it presents information, I think all of us need to review this really informative book on reality and myths surrounding Obesity:

Source: Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)

The book has some excellent data presentation - far prettier than the poster below. A pity, its locked into PDF. I am going to see if I rip those diagrams and also put it on this post in direct contrast to the pretty poster in my original post.
For me, the real challenge is to examine if I am cherry-picking results or have done a balanced survey of the peer-reviewed literature. I am currently disinclined to accept any pigeonholed set of beliefs on the many sides of this whole obesity discussion. In many ways, I see more confounders in the equation than is comfortably explained away. If there is an epidemic that needs immediate addressing, its one of confusion and indecision.
And now my original post:
Just saw this here:

Now, that is classy presentation. Twenty years back, I would have been a 4 instead of being relegated to 2s and 0s most arbitrarily.
The real sources
I posted this because I find the data presentation in this poster very compelling. It is capable of eliciting a strong response from everyone just because it is so directly and simply presented. However, you have raised some concerns over the source of the chart. So I dug more and came up with the real sources of this compilation:
- The portion size statistics and graphics came from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute's (NHLBI) website. They have 2 full slide sets for post and present portion sizes:
- Set 1:
- Set 2:
- The BMI chart was adapted from the NHLBI's evidence report titled: "Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation and treatment of overweight and obesity in Adults. The evidence report." Available at:
- The facts for the diagram came from here:
I am also going to keep adding equivalent data presentations from non-commercial sources to this post.

Source: RAND health, an offshoot of the famous RAND Corporation, a non profit think tank whose name expands to just Research And Development

Data from Sturm, R., J. Ringel, and T. Andreyeva, "Increasing Obesity Rates and Disability Trends," Health Affairs, Vol. 23, No. 2, March/April 2004, pp. 1–7.

Source: Centers for Disease Control a.k.a. CDC

Food subsidies and the food pyramid
{Re: (e:heidi)'s observation. Last para Comment #66257}

From PCRM. Physicians Comittee for Responsible Medicine

Note that the government recommended food guide pyramid is now a plate with %s.

And just for fun, from Apples From Oranges:

Permalink: United_States_of_Obesity.html
Words: 659
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/20/11 08:12
Category: linux
11/17/11 08:36 - ID#55532
Oh no! Something has gone wrong

Even though what followed was an undeniably ungraceful crash.

Permalink: Oh_no_Something_has_gone_wrong.html
Words: 28
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/17/11 08:42
Category: linux
11/17/11 08:14 - ID#55531
All the pretty horses
All the running processes
ps aux | less
- gives you the full command or name of the process, which you can then use to create keyboard shortcuts or just kill processes with their PID numbers
- piping the ps aux to less makes the display not run amok on your screen and you can scroll the output with your keyboard
All the processes run by you
ps -u username
- drawback is it doesn't give you the full command
Grepping for particular process.
ps aux | grep screen
- simple, you pipe the ps aux through grep.
- in the example above I was trying to search for what the screenshot utility was called. The output is below:
[user@comp ~]$ ps aux | grep screen
user 1527 0.0 0.1 429476 11664 ? Sl Nov14 0:11 gnome-screensaver
user 19804 0.0 0.1 415516 12696 ? Sl 07:54 0:00 gnome-screenshot --interactive
user 20066 0.0 0.0 109112 840 pts/0 S+ 08:07 0:00 grep --color=auto screen
The bolded text is what I was searching for.
How to find the internal commands of the processes/programs/applications in linux. Can use these commands to assign keyboard shortcuts. Can use process IDs to kill applications/programs

Permalink: All_the_pretty_horses.html
Words: 192
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/01/11 12:03
Category: buffalo
11/16/11 09:18 - ID#55530
Buffalo General has a rooftop disco.
l stare at this building everyday and I couldn't help but notice that they added another beacon light on its rooftop. It's almost like a discotheque now.

If you can't clearly see the gaudy three lights in the super crappy picture that my phone has taken, the new light starts off as yellow, slowly turns a dark bright orange and then dims to a low green. The older two lights were red and yellow. That's quite a spectrum there.
Did they receive complaints from the pilots of random helicopters that keep zooming around the place? Or maybe they are jazzing it up for thanksgiving. Or maybe its an alien spaceship sending signals that Buffalo is safe for landing?

Permalink: Buffalo_General_has_a_rooftop_disco_.html
Words: 125
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/17/11 08:57
Category: i-tech
11/16/11 08:39 - ID#55528
Arrgh. Google Bookmarks Lists

But I did. BIG mistake. Now ALL my zillion bookmarks are stuck in lists without ANY way of exporting them anywhere. The export-bookmarks function only works for bookmarks that are NOT in lists.
This is so annoying. I hate you, Google Bookmarks List makers. Haven't you ever heard of the data liberation front, your company's own sister concern????

Permalink: Arrgh_Google_Bookmarks_Lists.html
Words: 80
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/11 08:40
Category: science
11/16/11 02:12 - ID#55525
Biological Science Journals need a reality check
Tchantchaleishvili V, Schmitto JD. Preparing a scientific manuscript in Linux: Today's possibilities and limitations. BMC research notes. 2011 Oct;4(1):434+. Available from:

The table at the very end summarizes the format in which top biological sciences journals prefer to receive submissions.
- New England Journal of Medicine(34) PDF*, DOC, WPD, TXT, RTF
- Cell(37) DOC, RTF, TXT
- The Lancet(38) DOC
- The Journal of Biological Chemistry(35) PDF***
- Circulation(40) DOC, WPD
- ===
- Nature(29) DOC, TEX**
- Science(30) DOC, TEX**, RTF*
- PloS ONE(31) DOC, TEX, RTF
- BMC Journals (33) DOC, RTF, TEX
[* Some restrictions apply]
[** TEX files must be accompanied by a PDF version of the same text for visual reference 19 ]
[*** Although manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format, Microsoft Word is recommended to prepare the manuscript text]
Look at the sheer proliferation of M$hit formats on that list. The 1st preference is always doc. Wherever PDF is accepted, M$hit is recommended to make that PDF.
Even if you want to change *they* will not let you.
Am I in the wrong field or what? Nevermind content, even submission guidelines are so proprietary, backwards-thinking and insular.

Permalink: Biological_Science_Journals_need_a_reality_check.html
Words: 209
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/11 03:15
Category: linux
11/16/11 07:35 - ID#55521
Undo any last action in Linux?
If there isn't a way, is there at least a log that logs all these events so I could check it and see what was changed?
Am I missing some obvious way to do this? Ctrl-Z does not cut it.

Permalink: Undo_any_last_action_in_Linux_.html
Words: 117
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/11 08:35
Category: buffalo
11/15/11 08:49 - ID#55520
Ikea proxy in Buffalo
And how did I know about this charming entrepreneurial story? They left no apartment building behind. I have been seeing their flyers and hearing hushed whispers about my ikea place dot com ALL over my building, and beyond today. I can even hear the lady who hangs out in the balcony in the next building (a.k.a, beyond) smoking like a chimney and talking about it.
So I had to go and check out their website and it is quite an interesting business model. You just submit your ikea orders on their website. They go all the way to Pittsburgh, do the shopping for you and bring back whatever you wanted with them. You can then go fetch whatever it is you ordered in your ikea-craze from their
What a nifty idea... I think I can definitely push my rickety cart from their warehouse to my flat. Maybe I should stop bitterly stalking the ebay seller who ditched my sale and get those LED lamps I want from our very own buffalo ikeamongers.

Permalink: Ikea_proxy_in_Buffalo.html
Words: 244
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/11 09:05
Category: goals
11/15/11 08:32 - ID#55515
The 20 Times Tables: 18
The 18 table.
- Starting with 18
- 36
- 54
- 72
- 90
- 108
- 126
- 144
- 162
- 180 -20 + 200
- 198
- 216
- 234
- 252
- 270
- 288
- 306
- 324
- 342
- 360

Permalink: The_20_Times_Tables_18.html
Words: 17
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/11 08:32
Category: music
11/14/11 11:14 - ID#55513
1.42 minutes of Celldweller awesomeness

Permalink: Surgical.html
Words: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/14/11 11:15
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"Obesity Myths" :::link:::
Source: The center for consumer freedom :::link:::
I assume though we differ on the Pizza thing.... They say Tomato Paste counts as a vegetable when one has Pizza... But here is my question does the Cheese count as Diary.... Does the Bread count as grains and does the meat count as meat.... Yes I'm unhealthy but that is why Pizza is such a great food one can get it with all kinds of things that are good for you...... Not that...That is the kind of pizza I got in school.... But even bad Pizza isn't so bad cause it is Pizza.... It would be great if they also tried to encourage other types of Pizza... But what I wonder is when you get pizza as lunch what else does it come with.... Does it mean that they give you corn and on pizza day that is it and no sides and no Salad? Now that being said I think Pizza should be part of school lunch... Picture "Little Johnny " or little "Aquafina ".... Ha sorry about that and they come home ...... "oh how was school" " Green peas ma off to do home work" kid is all down and depressed and school sucked that day... Now with Pizza they come home and are happy and liked Gym class...
% If lets say I picture all the people on ((e:strip)) and people I know from say work and % the internet I can say who I think is fat and who is thin...
Okay - to be REALLY unbiased and random, also count every person you see on the street for say the first hour of your doing this exercise because your circle could have unique characteristics. We want as much randomness and variability in our sample as possible.
% Now of course one would then also have to look at the height and width of
% shoulders.... Then decide again who is fat...
Good idea. Also take their ages and waist-to-hip circumference.
% But to get if someone is over weight is different we would have to take everyone % who is has about the same shoulder width and height and then all jump onto a
% scale.... one would then get the Average weight...
That makes sense. You take averages of similar build and similar sex people. You cannot compare say, me and (e:YesThatCasey). :)
% (now granted I know they have other ways to measure like percent body fat and % they have water tests to see how much water is pushed away and things like that % an weight isn't the only way to go).
That is true.
% Now anyone who is under the Average would be underweight and and one over
% the average would be over weight...
% To be honest for the math to work out we would need a lot more people then I
% know it would have to be what ever they call a good sampling....
Precisely, so just count people from the street as well. Everyone you see in around 1 or more hours without bias gets to be in your sample.
% Now that being said it is possible that no one would be average if you have many % thin and many fat people....
!!!! It is possible but VERY unlikely. I am in the "normal" weight category, (e:Paul) is, so are you, I believe. And surely you will count us all in your sample. For your assumption to be met, your sample would have to be REALLY biased. And we established before that we are going to do a good sampling!
% with out doing any math the amount of over weight people should be pretty close % to the amount of underweight people....
!!!!! how can you say that?? Without doing any calculations, there is no average. If you took pains collecting your study sample, why not calculate the average? Are you going to throw away your effort?? This is like saying, I will buy the best pie there is at the Coop, come home with the pie and just throw it in the garbage because you think it won't taste good!! How can you say, without tasting it?? I don't get this statement at all.
% I think where we differ is that you are looking over time....
I am not. All these people in your life, they are alive!! We are looking at the present. We are just determining what percentage of people in a random sample of people is overweight or obese. There is no time factor involved. This little study we want to do is entirely a current snapshot - or in other words, cross-sectional.
% People know as compared to some other time... But I could be wrong...
We are just concerned with your original question. You said you didn't believe that 66% of the people could be overweight or obese and this litttle experiment I am suggesting is just to find out if your beliefs (or my beliefs or in fact, that govt data) checks out or not.
I think the charts they use are old and outdated and as populations change in size the charts need to be updated.... It is also important to mention that national origin effects what chart you are on.....
Yes we do eat a lot of crap and stuff that is bad and in America Eating is about enjoyment and this town is a food town for sure.... Just go to any festival and see all of it... Deep Fried Cheesecake , French fries with cheese Bacon Bits and gravy.....
I think where we don't agree is that I say you need to measure people at this time not from standards of years ago or maybe I just don't get the math?
I strongly object to how BMI is used to label, shame and control people, particularly women, into harming themselves to fit a constructed and illusory "ideal". Dieting doesn't work. Eating well and exercising do not guarantee - and are unlikely to create - sustainable/sustained weight loss. But eating well (not eating junk) and being active (not being sedentary) are very important for healthy outcomes regardless of size. I'm really really not okay with shaming anyone about their bodies, which is what this poster is trying to do. Everyone deserves dignity and respect. This culture of body shame leads to bulimia and anorexia, crazy yo-yo dieting, and bad sex. (See for example, Fredrickson, B., Noll, S., Roberts, T., Twenge, J., & Quinn, D. (1998). That Swimsuit Becomes You: Sex Differences in Self-Objectification, Restrained Eating, and Math Performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 269-284. )
How reliable is BMI? Completely arbitrary:
"In 1998, the U.S. National Institutes of Health brought U.S. definitions into line with World Health Organization guidelines, lowering the normal/overweight cut-off from BMI 27.8 to BMI 25. This had the effect of redefining approximately 25 million Americans, previously "healthy" to "overweight".[12] :::link:::
Yes, this poster is a very pretty presentation of data. However, it was created by a company that is interested in promoting its product. Check out this article about who is promoting the "obesity epidemic" story :::link:::
"[F]atter cardiac patients were more likely to survive hospitalization and invasive treatments than thinner ones, even when adjusting for age and other contributing factors. In this analysis of 130,139 heart disease patients, 5.4% of “normal†weight patients died, as compared to 2.4% of “obese†and 3.1% of “overweight.†:::link:::
And please remember the ongoing conversations about US food subsidy policy. Broccoli farmers do not get subsidies. Corn farmers do. There are huge structural issues that impact people's access to healthy foods and individualizing and blaming is not helpful. Again, the goal of this poster is to shame people and individualize the problem.
If lets say I picture all the people on (e:strip) and people I know from say work and the internet I can say who I think is fat and who is thin... Now of course one would then also have to look at the height and width of shoulders.... Then decide again who is fat... But to get if someone is over weight is different we would have to take everyone who is has about the same shoulder width and height and then all jump onto a scale.... one would then get the Average weight... (now granted I know they have other ways to measure like percent body fat and they have water tests to see how much water is pushed away and things like that an weight isn't the only way to go). Now anyone who is under the Average would be underweight and and one over the average would be over weight... To be honest for the math to work out we would need a lot more people then I know it would have to be what ever they call a good sampling.... Now that being said it is possible that no one would be average if you have many thin and many fat people.... with out doing any math the amount of over weight people should be pretty close to the amount of underweight people.... I think where we differ is that you are looking over time.... People know as compared to some other time... But I could be wrong...
Similarly, the US population was 308,745,538. 0.66 * 308745538 ~ 203772055 people in the US are either obese or overweight, based on extrapolated data.
Even you attributed up to 10% measurement and sampling error to those estimates, the numbers are still pretty high.
From that PDF's last table: For males in the age group of 30-39, for instance,
In 1960-1962, in a sample of 714 males, the average weight was 169.9 pounds (+/- 1.4 pounds)
In 1971-1974 in a sample of 654 males, the average weight was 178.1 pounds (+/- 1.7 pounds)
In 1976-1980 in a sample of 871 males, the average weight was 175.5 pounds (+/- 0.9 pounds)
In 1988-1994 in a sample of 1,468 males, the average weight was 182.3 pounds (+/- 2.0 pounds)
In 1999-2002 in a sample of 704 males, the average weight was 189.1 pounds (+/- 2.0 pounds)
I don't think presenting average weight without stratifying by age and sex would be an accurate representation of population averages. That PDF comes from the National Health and Nutrition Survey and gives you the age-standardized average weights from the 1960s through 2000s.
2/3 of people are overweight or Obese ? That is incorrect if 66% of the people are that heavy then that would mean the average weight needs to be higher... I'll say that again if 66% of the people 2/3 or heavier then what they are supposed to be that means what they are supposed to be needs to come up in #..... Another way of thinking about it is 33 percent of people are at or under weight.....
Heidi, I don't agree that BMI is bullshit. It isn't absolute, as it can't account for the content of that weight, but it is extremely useful for gathering general data on large groups over time. It's not as if our bone mass can account for the dramatic shift in BMI over the past 20 years, and we definitely are not more active with the advent of the computer. Of course, when visiting a doctor or a trainer, there are better ways to get a more precise measurement as to the condition of a body.