08/21/08 02:37 - 79ºF - ID#45395
The Honeymoon Is Over
It's a shame, it really is. I've never really had an opinion one way or another about Sam Hoyt, just impressions - he seems inoffensive, he's around, every so often I get mailings from him which illustrate how government in NY moves at a glacier's pace. He is one of the local political class and he owes his current position to his father, who he succeeded as Assemblyman. He is former Chairman (you're going to love this) of the Assembly Oversight, Analysis and Investigations Committee. He currently chairs the Assembly Local Governments Committee, which I expect is a chair he won't hold for much longer.
This is a major disappointment. Now he is blaming his opponents! I have to be honest, I had no idea that he even had an opponent. The guy has been in office 16 years and it is fair to say that he is part of the political class in Buffalo that has been long on talk and short on delivering. Based on that alone he shouldn't be in office, but we all know he'll retain his seat in the Assembly. We've never punished bad politicians and never will. Nor will a Democrat ever get hung out to dry by colleagues or the media for cheating on his wife - even when she is dying of cancer, eh Johnny boy?
God help our city, although I don't pray for Buffalo anymore.

Permalink: The_Honeymoon_Is_Over.html
Words: 310
08/20/08 09:01 - 67ºF - ID#45383
Highest Paid Rapper?

The new king of hip-hop wealth banked $100 million after taxes on one deal alone when his stake in VitaminWater's parent, Glaceau, was bought by Coca-Cola as part of a $4.1 billion deal.
He's a true businessman!

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Words: 88
08/20/08 02:21 - 71ºF - ID#45376
Quick Blurbs

An unfortunate legacy of Heath Ledger's death is his daughter, Matilda, growing up without her father. It turns out that Heath Ledger's will was never updated to include Matilda, so the actors that completed his role in The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Jude Law) donated their earnings from the film to the little girl. It isn't as if the girl wasn't destined to be a millionaire and wouldn't have lived off of her father's money the rest of her life, but I still think it was a touching gesture from a few heavy hitters in Hollywood.

Here is an ad hoc manga avatar that reflects today's look and general demeanor!

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Words: 169
08/18/08 09:56 - 77ºF - ID#45363
King of Painful Love Songs Pays BIG
No Jacket Required

and Face Value.

Awesome albums that came from the man's soul while dealing with a painful divorce. "If Leaving Me Is Easy?" Only a wounded bird can chirp a song like that my friend.
Well, it hasn't been Phil's year, I have to say. Mr. Collins will now live in infamy as the British record holder for largest ever payout to an ex-wife. Article -

Since the songs were so great that came from what he was feeling during his first divorce, one can only speculate as to what kind of record he'd make based on this most recent unlucky mishap.
I'm a dick so I went ahead and speculated for everybody:

OMG! Oh, and by the way, please take note of his innovations in the sport of love. You've heard of the most recent Hollywood trend of dumping people via text, right? Consider this evolutionary precursor to the text dump:
After taking advantage of technological advances and infamously dumping wife No. 2, Jill Tavelman, by fax back in 1994, he was forced to pay $34 million.
That is a special kind of loathe.

Permalink: King_of_Painful_Love_Songs_Pays_BIG.html
Words: 280
08/15/08 01:45 - 71ºF - ID#45337
The Road - In Theaters this November
The one book that has won Mr. McCarthy the most recent praise (and the cringeworthiness of being associated with Oprah) is The Road, which won last year's Pulitzer Prize. Like most of McCarthy's books, the plot is not the focus and is sometimes non-existent. The strength of his writing, particularly with The Road, is how he draws out the most human of our elements in the midst of an end of the world scenario. The focus of the book is not the setting but the journey, and how a father and son cope with survival when civilization has been lost. McCarthy refers to it in the book as "carrying the fire," which is simply another way of saying that in many ways civilization, the goodness and the very humanity that we exhibit really hasn't been lost, and you learn that the "fire" is encapsulated by the boy.
Well, like "No Country For Old Men" and "All The Pretty Horses," The Road has been adapted for the screen and will be released this November. Viggo Mortensen plays the role of the father, and a relatively unknown child actor from Australia plays the son. The film was largely shot in Pittburgh, with some locations elsewhere. The NYT has an article about the movie you can read here -

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Words: 438
08/11/08 12:10 - 63ºF - ID#45301
Olympic Update
Last night I think it is safe to say that we witnessed live on air yet another legendary American sports moment, and perhaps the greatest swimming relay in the history of the event. I feel so lucky that I saw it live - (e:jay) and I were jumping in the air screaming at 11:30pm (sorry to our new neighbor!). Michael Phelps, the American swimmer who became an international star after Athens 2004, had his chances of winning 8 gold medals hanging off of the arms of Jason Lezak and his two other teammates in the 4x100m freestyle relay. The opposition: the French quartet, who were heavily favored. Drama was present prior to the relay, with the French having talked a copious amount of merde and stating that they were going to 'crush' the Americans.
The result was one of most exciting events of any kind I've seen in my life. The final relay member, Jason Lezak, was forced to make up nearly a body length while facing the fastest relay swimmer in the world, Alain Bernard. After the first 50 meters it looked as if Phelps' dream would die; the American was behind about half a body length with the final 50 meters to go. 40 meters, still trouble. 30 meters, it appears as if Lezak was making up some ground. 15 meters, by God Lezak appeared to be pulling even! 5 meters - underwater cams reveal the two swimmers are even. In an amazingly poetic moment the two swimmers glance at each other in the final few feet and the American reaches out his arm to beat the Frenchmen by eight one-hundredth of a second! It was such an unexpected and dramatic moment that the entire Cube burst into wild excitement, the spectators shouting and screaming as loud as I've ever heard. The NBC commentator was practically out of his shoes. In the end, Jason Lezak swam the fastest relay leg in history to beat the Frenchmen and earn gold for himself and his team. 5 of the 8 teams eclipsed the previous world record, which was newly set by the Americans during their winning relay.
Sports are great for a lot of reasons, but for me the best part about sports is shown at times like these, where the moment of truth arrives and you show the world exactly how big your heart is. It seems that the Olympics magnifies these kinds of moments and we had one of the best last night.
Here is an article with a video of the relay - it gets my highest recommendation. Drama doesn't get much better than this under any circumstances!

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Words: 521
08/08/08 12:58 - 61ºF - ID#45271
Escapist or psychopath? You decide.

Woman in England decorates her home in traditional 50's TV style, down to the smallest detail. Read the article -

Don't get me wrong. This could have some potential in a different context - you know, once a year in the privacy of your bedroom. But every single day of your tortured marriage? Is this England's DHS version of alternative treatment when the drugs get too expensive?

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Words: 150
08/07/08 10:19 - 64ºF - ID#45262
Protester Success in Beijing

Would you have the stones to do that? Of course, domestic "trouble makers" are either jailed, under house arrest (with varying degrees of access to media for interviews) or simply intimidated into silence. My personal "favorite" - one Tibetan lady who had spent time in the United States had been threatened with confiscation of her children if she did not buy plane tickets and go back to the United States. So, foreign protesters are finding a degree of success, which China finds utterly unacceptable. I applaud their bravery - China is not morally equivalent to the West under any circumstances so they should not be treated as such. In my view putting yourself in personal danger, as these protesters have, is another kind of war. There are no bullets - at least on the side of the good guys - but being a dissident in a country whose legacy includes murdering 70,000,000 of its own people constitutes a personal danger that everybody should respect.
President Bush is criticizing their government heavily -

Will that stop me from watching the Olympics? No. It is a sporting event, and frankly my interest is in supporting our own athletes. Politics should never mix with sports - the results can be seen all across Europe with one of my favorite sports, football (soccer). However, the entire premise of these Olympic Games is to cast China as a world power ready to take a grander stage. They are using the Games as a means to enhance their stature globally. For them it isn't just a sporting event, so I reject the cries from China to set the politics aside. The world is too wise to accept fallacious suggestions from China such as that.
I want our athletes to go in, have a healthy place to compete (which seems dubious at best), collect more medals than everybody else and get the hell out of there. I want to see Phelps dominate. I want to see our footy teams do better than most would think, although yesterday's loss to Norway hurt. I want to hear our national anthem and see our flag raised in the capital of a Communist country with an oppressive political system, with medals slung around the necks of people standing on pedestals who know what freedom is all about.
One such athlete who knows exactly what I'm talking about is Lopez Lamong. Mr. Lamong is a former Sudanese refugee and Darfur activist who spent 10 years in a Kenyan refugee camp. He became an American citizen in July 2007 and is representing our country in the 1500m. The American team captains got together in the Olympic Village and voted him to be the flag bearer during the opening ceremony. You can read about it here -

In his words: "The American flag means everything in my life -- everything that describes me, coming from another country and going through all of the stages that I have to become a US citizen."
That is something worthwhile to see, Friday night, Channel 2, 7:30pm.
EDIT: More, via Drudge. If you have 10 minutes check these out.

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Words: 666
08/06/08 10:59 - 70ºF - ID#45251
1. One of the points of pride for the Obama campaign has been, according to them anyway, that their campaign is a grassroots campaign driven by legions of small donors. It turns out that this isn't entirely true. Big donors ($1000 or more) account for a third of all donations Obama has taken thus far. The article questions his rationale for not taking the public financing - he claimed he didn't want to neuter the grassroots nature of his campaign. Personally, I thought his rationale was transparently BS - it was painfully obvious that by taking the public money he would stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in donations. Anyway -

2. In the meantime, McCain is at Sturgis!

3. Since it is the eve of the Olympics I thought it would be appropriate to stick it in Communist eyes once again. The fact that China was awarded the Olympics, in my view, was ill-advised to the extreme. Did anybody actually believe them when they said that they weren't going to abuse and oppress foreigner and native alike while the Olympics were being staged? In the meantime, the world watches aghast as their totalitarian eccentricities devolved into the beating of two Japanese journalists

China was quick to apologize, but I say FUCK 'EM. They acted like spoiled children over the Cafferty incident and refused to accept CNN's apology, and cruelly his sharp comments about China were proved true. The irony is that because they are utterly incapable of helping themselves by resisting the urge to crack down on things they don't like, the Olympics are only magnifying how far China still has to go. Their indiscretions and the cavalier way in which they employ oppressive rules on foreigners are turning their Olympics into a caricature. The IOC is a disgrace - we have Jacques Rogge shrugging his shoulders while dining on sumptuous meals and traveling to exotic places in promotion of the Beijing Olympics. Ahh, taste the smog.
For more ludicrous and anger-inducing news regarding Beijing's calamitous Olympic Games and their trivial and alarming rules for foreigners, the New Yorker put out an excellent article.

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Words: 625
08/02/08 09:28 - 66ºF - ID#45225
Saturday Morning
(e:jason) left for the Adirondacks so it has afforded me some time alone to get some things done. Last night I went back to Lagniappes for jambalaya and my luck was spectacular. Just as I walked in, the jambalaya was just coming out of the oven! The chef said to me, "you're not going to find fresher jambalaya anywhere around here!" Knowing that he was not telling a lie, I stood in silent anticipation. It was the shortest wait I've ever had there, which was merely a bonus in my mind, but nice nonetheless as I walked back to Mariner St. thinking I was the cat the got the cream.
After enjoying my favorite comfort food I watched No Country For Old Men.... well at least the first half of it. It was as if my eyelids were anchored down by cement blocks last night. I very much want to see the movie since it won multiple Academy Awards and is based faithfully on a novel written by Cormac McCarthy, an author that I'm reading currently (The Road, and later Blood Meridian). If you are on Facebook and you are my friend, you can check out my bookshelf. I try to keep it current because it is one of the few things I keep track of regularly. Facebook's captivating allure is lost on me - for me there really isn't much utility to the site.
Every month when the new copy of Spin arrives I sift for an hour and read it from front to back. The back end of the magazine is where you will find all of the music reviews and it is this section that I read with the most care. I read music reviews with a grain of salt, or in the case of Pitchfork, with an entire truckload of salt. When half of the music reviews get 3.5 stars only one of the following can be true. Either there really were a host of average albums for this month's issue, or the reviewers just don't have the courage to call a bad album a bad album. I also notice a very provincial attitude - I'm tired of reading about Brooklyn bands, half of which are absolute shit. In any case, there are some notables this month - Stereolab, Sigur Ros, Black Kids, The Hold Steady and a few others that I "question marked." Subscribing to Spin is one of the better media choices I've made in a while. I get a hell of a lot out of the magazine each month and occasionally they do have some brilliant spurts of rock journalism.

Permalink: Saturday_Morning.html
Words: 600
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In terms of what I have read and heard this happened years ago and it is old news. Since Hoyt didn't run for mayor the Blogger didn't do the entire supper public thing but now he has gone public, not sure his reasons but I Have seen Hoyt stuff everywhere.
Someone Cheating on their wife or lover Isn't right but it happens all the time. Not counting the women who through them selves at men the reason people cheat is simple: there is something lacking in there relationship and the cheating is a way of dealing with that. I'm not going so far as to blame the wife and say she won't fuck him the way the guy wants to fuck. But there is some connection that isn't there, because if everything was perfect there would be no reason to cheat. The other thing that people have to remember is that (most of the time) the person who is cheating thinks they won't get caught. That is true of lots of criminals also. So they are not thinking that what they are doing will hurt there wives or the family.
He's a creep. I know for a fact he continues to cheat. He just got caught this time. The wives stick by them because what else are they going to do? ONce you get into that life you have little choices left (by this i mean they don't want to go through a public divorce and they see denying it as the best option).
You live large. Controversy is all apart of that. If people don't disagree with you on the internet then you are only posting LOLcats. So, rock on with your bad self.
Neither party has a monopoly on infidelity. John Mccain has actually come through his campaign unscathed by his straying past (which he fully admits to). Perhaps Americans are more concerned with their politicians policies and leadership abilities than personal lives.
I never expected a single politician to be Superman - I've made it clear over the history of my journal that this is impossible, particularly in NYS. The closest thing to Superman NYS has right now is David Paterson. It is not unreasonable to expect more from our local politicians, James. You make it sound like he's moved mountains, but anybody that looks around our area can see that isn't the case. No one person can fix our problems - the system has to be flushed of long-term incumbents. By the way, it isn't an issue of party either. I wonder how much larger the deficit would be had Republicans in the Senate *not blocked* some of the bills.
It is interesting you bring up IDA reform - Sam Hoyt was on the radio this week poopooing Clarence for using the bill to build a new supermarket. He was mad because this wasn't the intention of the bill. Nationally something similar occurred with election finance reform. Remember McCain/Feingold? These two (in particular, McCain) were blamed mercilessly for the creation of 527 organizations. Should something similar happen to Sam Hoyt if he's taking credit for IDA reform?
The same-sex marriage bill died in 2007, which is a shame. We all know whose fault it is - it is that stuff that made me leave the party. I'm not a social conservative.
My favorite thing about local politics is that all local political blogs read like Mike Drudge with a quarter of the class.
And if you expect a single politician to improve all of WNY and bring us out of the shitter, you certainly do not have a realistic view of how politics work. Occasionally doing his job? This year we got record aid, school reconstruction, land banking, same-sex marriage, GENDA, and IDA reform. Sorry he didn't bring the steel plants back and turn Buffalo into a boom town with a Republican majority in the Senate blocking everything.
"Arrested for robbing the M&T bank on Elmwood and Auburn Ave."
There no M&T Bank there - it is located between Breck enridge and W. Ferry.
"Please stick to attacking politicians on policy and not their personal lives, please stop posting fraudulent information, and most of all stop with all that biblical scripture you clearly are the wrong massager for mortality."
I'm going to be a messenger for mortality!
And you might be right on the time line of the affair, I was thinking of the emails on the time line. My bad.
But, the affair has been out. Everyone knows about it. Everyone knew that is why he dropped out of the mayoral race in 2005. The reason it is news now is because his opponents waited to bring this before the Assembly ethics committee, whose rules stipulate that any complaint brought before them must be investigated. So, even though no laws or ethics rules were violated, they must investigate it. The timing is purely political. And, since the affair has been public knowledge (though it hasn't been littering the pages of newspapers as fine as the Post) he can't be blackmailed by it.
(e:james) - I'm not editing my journal because you find something offensive. Someone who would commit adultery hasn't really put a whole hell of a lot of thought into how that might affect their kids, not just in the present moment but in the future. Was it an asshole thing to say? Yeah. But you and anyone that has ever met me knows I'm not an asshole - I'm a provocateur. It was an obvious cheap shot, and it certainly wasn't the worst thing I've read on (e:strip) regarding politicians. I suggested that he must not love his kids if he'd treat their mother that way - that is a far cry from claiming that the POTUS is a war criminal. Some perspective should really be considered here. You can see that it was effective and it triggered a vigorous discussion. I'll throw him a bone though - I don't think Sam Hoyt is an evil man, it is his judgment that is disturbing.
I know that it is Sunny Sam Hoyt Day every day between Delevan and Lafayette, but in (e:joshua) land the guy is a philanderer and has been extremely ineffective. You may think bringing a dog park into the city and bringing pork back to the city is an accomplishment, but the former is fluff (arguably a waste, although I'm sure dog owners feel differently) and the latter is simply DOING HIS JOB at a minimal level. Have we stooped to the point where we are amazed at politicians who occasionally do what they are supposed to? By the way - much of that state aid is about to go bye-bye because guys like Sam Hoyt have talked a lot about fiscal responsibility in Albany but ultimately do nothing. Our state is screwed in part because of long-term incumbents. I'm an advocate of term limits across all levels of government.
You are talking to a media junkie and an obsessive/compulsive political observer. I'm sorry, but I expect a hell of a lot more from a guy who has been in office for 16 years. Sam Hoyt is not the reason why Buffalo isn't in the shitter. Haven't you looked around? Buffalo IS in the shitter.
Honest question - why should I give Sam Hoyt a chance? I vote Democrat locally. What separates him from any other local candidate besides incumbency?
BTW, that link you posted - wow. Welcome to local politics. I would NEVER run for office locally because of how dirty it is, so from that respect I give Sam Hoyt credit.
(e:janelle) - a lot of Democrats can't see the importance of personal character in their politicians. I don't expect it will change anytime soon.
Given the information available, it's not yet clear to me how the relationship evolved and how culpalble the different parties are in this serious moral transgression.
I hope you carefully steer away from any argument that infantilizes women and their ability to engage in moral reasoning, else then I'll be disappointed ;)
It's still illegal. So I stand by my statement that I'm more concerned with my politician engaging in illegal behavior.
(e:james) , here are the facts I've read:
1. One of the women involved was 24 at the time (and _not_ in her 30s as you claim). Her name is Lori Gradwell.
2. From the news report:
Lori Gradwell began her fling with Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (D-Buffalo) in May 2003, when she was wrapping up a six-month internship . . . . The affair, however, lasted until at least January 2005.
That's more than "a few months" if you ask me.
Look, this Illuzzi guy may be the devil incarnate; that doesn't change the message.
Hoyt was (and is) a big public figure, for crying out loud!! How _could_ he have expected that his affairs would not come out ??
If you read old-skool spy novels, you'll know that blackmailing via sex is one of the favorite techniques used in the shady world of espionage and crime. What if Hoyt got blackmailed by some shady business guys to push legislation for them in return for keeping this affair quiet?
(e:drew), I am disappointed in your statement that "the women should have known better". I'll address that in a blog post shortly.
A lot of states (and individuals for that matter) no longer have statutes against infidelity and in most states that do have statutes against it, it's never prosecuted but in the rarest of cases.
I still don't think anyone has laid down a concise argument on why being unfaithful as a spouse makes one a bad politician.
First, there was just the one person.
Second, it only lasted for a few months. The affair ended years ago, which is why Hoyt didn't run for mayor way back when.
Third, she was not underage, she was in her 30's.
Fourth, he did not get her pregnant and pay for the abortion. He had a vasectomy a decade before that.
Those emails are forged. They are dated after the affair.
And who is this man publishing this crap? :::link:::
The man fucked up, there is no question of that. He thought with his dick and is a dick for it. But to jump from that line of thought to 'he doesn't love his children' requires too many assumptions.
I think, ajay, that reconciliation says more about a person's character than infidelity, or even abuse. The last two, sadly, come easy, and many have fallen into them. But humbling yourself before a person you have wronged is much harder.
If a person has wronged the public, than the public should be involved in the reconciliation. In the case of a cheater, this has not happened. With an abuser, it has happened because a law has been broken.
Hoyt has shown himself willing to lie and cheat. Does this disqualify him as a politician? In a perfect world, yes. But show me a politician that doesn't lie. As much as I like Obama, he knows he is lying about "energy independence" every time he says it.
Is every politician willing to admit when they have screwed up and work to make it right? Sadly, the answer is no. Even when they change positions, they rarely admit that the old one was mistaken.
When a man commits infidelity (face it, it's usually men who do things like this), he's just thinking of himself; he's not thinking of his kids or his wife. He's thinking of his dick. He is being a dick.
I can understand a 1-off mistake. "I was drunk, it was late, and things happened...".
But 2 affairs going on for years? Has anyone read the letters they exchanged :::link::: ? He was cheating on the mistresses too!
Yes, he may have brought home the bacon. But one can make a case that he doesn't love his wife and kids as much as a father should.
Let me ask this hypothetical question: suppose it came out that he physically abused his wife over a period of years; but he and his wife had reconciled now. Would y'all still be defending him? When do private matters not remain private anymore and reflect on the moral character of a person? Where do you draw the line? I'm not sure. . . . .
And what makes you think he is an ineffective politician? Are you familiar with his record at all? The reason Buffalo's finances aren't in the red is because the man brings record levels of state aid to the city. He just got 300 Million for phase four of school reconstruction even after the Governor threatened to veto due to the financial crisis. The man brings home the bacon, which says nothing of his record on social legislation. He sponsored and got passed same sex marriage this year. We now have a dog park thanks to him. He turned Squaw Island from a sewage treatment plant to one of the largest open spaces in the city.
I will just assume your opinion of his legislation is based on the same ignorance your opinion of his family is based on.
Anyway, as socially conservative as I can be, and as abhorrent as I find infidelity, I don't necessarily find a politician who engages in it to be a bad politician (although he was a bad spouse).
I have to go, so I'll leave my comments at that, but I'll look forward to your explanation as to why Sam Hoyt is now a bad politician.
Saying now that he's killed his career was obvious - who could credibly deny it? At this point they HAVE to. I'm not giving credit to people for acknowledging the obvious late in the game. It is still being written about (largely, by the Enquirer)because every day seems to reveal increasingly disturbing details. Find me one prominent Democrat that has come out to impune John Edwards. The DNC homepage is scrubbed of any talk regarding the scandal. Democrats never, ever eat their own over moral failings - never have and never will. It was made worse with the addition of a complicit media actively ignoring the story until they couldn't ignore it credibly anymore.