Category: work
08/31/07 03:29 - 75ºF - ID#40862
Not Abuse?! WTF?! Long Rant...
Not particularly informative or interesting to someone who has already worked in this field a bit and could probably teach the orientation class. But my ears perked when I heard the following during my incident reporting training...
The state office of mental retardation and developmental disabilities (OMR/DD) does not require social services agencies to report client on client abuse unless it is of a sexual nature.
Let me give you some background. Most states require mental retardation (MR) social service agencies to report a number of different situations to the state to ensure that social services agencies aren't allowing for/causing the abuse/mistreatment of individuals. These situations include: injuries, hospitalizations, abuse and neglect allegations, criminal victimization. Anything bad.
These regulations are a reaction to the big state hospitals of the past that were a world unto themselves with very little accountability where very horrible, awful things happened to the mentally retarded people who lived in them.
One of the awful things that happened in the institutions is clients would hurt one another. Some clients had severe behaviors and hurt people because they didn't know any other way to express themselves. Some clients were predators and bullies. Some clients severely injured and even killed other clients. Staff to client ratios were sometimes 1 staff to 30 clients so staff had little ability to provide the necessary oversight.
So back to present day. An MR agency does not have to report if one of their clients physically beats the shit out of another client whether because of a behavior or because the client is a mean nasty person who likes to hit people (the resulting injury if severe enough might be reported, but not the abuse). The optimistic part of me wants to believe that an agency with integrity will take steps to reduce and prevent these incidents. But the cynical part of me knows that social service agencies have thin financial margins (I have a whole other rant about how the non-profit social services sector should move into the for-profit sector, but that's for another day) that sometimes influence their thinking, so it bothers me that there is no state oversight in this area. I don't care if it's a slight shove or slap or a beating, an individual has the right to live free from such harm and the state should make sure of it.
Ok, rant finished.

Permalink: Not_Abuse_WTF_Long_Rant_.html
Words: 407
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: house
08/28/07 09:55 - 74ºF - ID#40793
The sounds of Tuesday night
I make my angry face, however, at the college students who stayed up until 4am last night drinking and talking loud on their front porch waking me up several times through out the night. I guess I'm becoming one of those old cranks who likes to be well rested before work.

Permalink: The_sounds_of_Tuesday_night.html
Words: 96
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: pets
08/27/07 07:35 - 80ºF - ID#40763
As promised......
Also known as Tatanka, Nealie and Buckley.

Anyone want the bad cat? No really, bad cat is just a nick name, she doesn't really terrorize the house....<shifty eyes>

Permalink: As_promised_.html
Words: 40
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: life
08/27/07 07:32 - 80ºF - ID#40762
My friends from Pittsburgh
We went to The Anchor Bar which they loved, because, well, they love eating, and they really love eating fried things.
The next day we took them to the zoo. I hate to poo on my new city, but the Buffalo Zoo...really not so fabulous. But I understand that they have big plans for the future so I'm looking forward to that.
Jim, Marianne, Patty, Nelson, Patrick and Dennis in the Elephant House:

Marianne was the bravest of all and fed a cracker to the Giraffes. By the way, it costs a fricking dollar to feed a cracker to a giraffe, but you gotta charge that when you're building a new elephant house, I suppose.

Nelson, myself and Dennis on the carousel. Nelson's my buddy and wanted to share a horse with me, but I told him that Drew would be jealous so he would need to ride his own horse.

I also took them to the American side of the falls. I thought the American side was really nice, but people are always doggin' it!
I really love this view:

The whole crew at the falls:

Everyone picked out cheapy souveneirs and the ladies got hats that said "Cutie" and "Foxie"!

Patrick loved our dog, but Nelson would screach, "Son of a Bitch" if our dog even looked at him sideways!

All in all good time. Next year, I want everyone to get passports and secure permissions from guardians and then I'll take the whole crew to the Big City in Toronto!

Permalink: My_friends_from_Pittsburgh.html
Words: 289
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: life
08/26/07 06:27 - 75ºF - ID#40739
Weekend Musings
Saturday me and some menly men helped two people move out of their third floor apartments into a third floor apartment together. It needs a little work, but seeing as she makes a living doing set/props design, I'm pretty sure that her place will be fabulous by the time she's done.
In the afternoon, I went down to the church to assist with the handing out of free lemonade. It was amazing how snotty some people were about saying no to free lemonade. A simple no thanks should suffice, yes? But a highlight was meeting (e:leetee) !
Sunday morning I woke up to the aching of my muscles screaming at me for all the third floor moving on Saturday. I willed myself out of bed and off to church where I played a piece on clarinet for the worship service. It was well received so I had a pleasant stroking of the ego today! The afternoon involved some good loving followed by Gilmore Girls on the couch. Now I gotta go because my husband just brought me a plate of pierogies with peas swimming in a white cheesy sauce.

Permalink: Weekend_Musings.html
Words: 234
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: church
08/24/07 08:20 - 84ºF - ID#40716
The minister's wife....

Permalink: The_minister_s_wife_.html
Words: 19
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: home
08/24/07 09:04 - 72ºF - ID#40704
Inferiority Complex
We fulfilled a long time desire of wanting to live in an urban community (although I have to admit that my ultimate dream is to live in a particular urban community in Philly). So here we are and we love it for a number of reasons. I, for one, love how the old houses are built so that the porches are close to the sidewalk so that one can sit on their porch and comfortably greet their neighbors and passerbyers. Again, I digress....
Here, finally, comes the point. In this Pittsburgh suburb, folks were very wealthy and lived a very wealthy life style. The youth group kids at our church felt free to make fun of our beat up Geo Metro followed by our 10 year old beat up Acura Integra. A committee at church even removed some patio furniture off the front porch of our manse because it was unattractive. Yet, I NEVER felt an inkling of pressure to try to keep up with the the saying goes. In part, because it was absolutely a financial impossibility. I mean, we could have bought a few things of the life style, but barely.
I actually feel more community pressure and more angst from that pressure here in Buffalo. A common conversational topic around the neighborhood is house repair/renovation. And we have had and will continue to have some major repairs/renovations. We discussed house painting with a Buffalo friend who stated that if he had a house like ours he would paint it himself, absolutely. Oh, yes, it's that easy. Nights after work, weekend by weekend, bit by bit, you can paint your own house standing on scaffolding three stories high to reach up to the attic. Yeah, no thanks, we hired painters. We discussed our roof repairs with neighbors who said so matter of factly oh it's nothing to put a new roof on. They replaced their roof over the course of five years, section by section! Kewl, but I think I'll just save the money and have contractors do the work. (e:Drew) and I even joke about the potential shunning we might receive if people knew that the porch ceiling was repaired with vinyl instead of replacing the damaged wood <gasp>.
Don't get me wrong. I did a lot of minor repairs when we moved in. Sticky doors now close. I installed cabinet hardware so cabinets close. Tarnished copper door knobs are now a shiny rose color. I patched walls and did touch up painting all over the house. Interior painting is on the to do list down the road. But am I not worthy unless I sacrifice every weekend and summer evening to the idol that is my house?!

Permalink: Inferiority_Complex.html
Words: 535
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: pets
08/23/07 08:39 - 71ºF - ID#40691
My cats opthamologist looks like a star!
I don't like the fact that my fat cat requires opthamological treatment for a condition (e:Drew) refers to as "MUCKY EYE".
But I do like the opthamologist.
She looks just like Kirsten Dunst when she was in Spider Man.
She even talks like Kirsten Dunst.
I think Kirsten Dunst is really cute; so I therefore find my cat's opthamologist to be really cute.
The fat cat likes the opthamologist because she provides a never ending pile of treats for the fat cat and then giggles at the greediness of the fat cat as she snoops around the office for more treats.
The treats sure enough aren't helping the fat cat's fat issue though.

Permalink: My_cats_opthamologist_looks_like_a_star_.html
Words: 123
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: life
08/21/07 09:16 - 60ºF - ID#40649
It bites when you're parents get divorced.
Even when you're 28 years old.
Even when you're living on your own.
Even when you have your own family.
It still sucks.
I guess there is never a good time in life for parents to get divorced.
Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts .....*

Ahh...much better.

Permalink: Blah.html
Words: 68
Location: Buffalo , NY
Category: home
08/20/07 05:39 - 59ºF - ID#40641
How could it happen to me?
So it finally happened. This morning I discovered the remnants of an attempt to steal our car stereo. Apparently we made it easy to get into the car so they were able to start taking apart the console around the stereo, but the ingenuity of our vehicle beat them and they were unable to finish the job. Our 10 yr old beat up Acura Integra is made so even stereo installation people struggle to install a new stereo into the vehicle let alone a thug who's trying to steal the stereo on the fly...
So it's a bummer that someone was messing with our car. I feel like an idiot for not being more careful about locking my car doors. I was really angry, but that diminished pretty quickly...Overall, I'm glad we still have our car stereo. And if that's the worst that happens to us, we're doing pretty good.

Permalink: How_could_it_happen_to_me_.html
Words: 169
Location: Buffalo , NY
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Yes, there could be a tendency to underreport instances of client to client abuse to lower the numbers.
What prevents the under reporting of such incidents is that agencies undergo annual surveys where the state comes through and combs through all forms of documentation. If they find an instance of possible abuse that wasn't reported, they cite the agency for failure to report abuse. Failure to report abuse is a significant enough issue to place an agency on "probationary" status which means they'll be surveyed again in 6 months and unless everything is up to snuff they could risk losing their license and the program is shut down.
If an agency did report every instance of abuse, there would be both censure and supportive intervention. The state would fault the agency for the abuse if it appears that the agency is not doing anything to prevent the abuse (i.e. client A keeps abusing client B on a weekly basis). In some instances, agencies can request more money from the state to help alleviate the situation. Worst case scenario is that the agency says we can no longer serve the client without endangering other clients and the client will go to a program better suited to his needs.
And for clarification, I don't work in the mental health world, I work in the mental retardation world. There are some similarities, but there are a lot of differences too.
Again, I am not sure whether the ward was overpopulated/ understaffed - I didn't think so. However, there were a couple patients that only the senior consultants were allowed access to. I think one of them had attempted to jump out the window and the other had tried to choke the patients on the adjacent beds.
So I guess the ward I was in was, indeed, a very different scenario to what you usually deal with.
That said, (and since I am somewhat curious about how the system you suggest might work) I gather your argument is that if the people managing the wards (or facilities) were required to report instances of inter-inmate violence to the higher authorities, they would be more sensitive to the issue and avoid looking bad by preventing these incidents or actively intervening to reduce these incidents? That could work - but what if, as you mention in your post, the institutions lacked any integrity to begin with? Would they not be then tempted to supress information anyway?
In trying to understand this argument, let me draw a parallel with infectious diseases. If each county was required by law to report every instance of polio symptoms, and if the county were overly conscious about its health infrastructure image, might it not try to under-report possible suspicious (but unconfirmed) cases of polio symptoms (Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP), an early symptom of Polio, is not unique to Polio - it can be a result of other viral infections/asthma etc.)?
Even if it did report every instance of AFP, would the state be forced to take measures to better fund the health-infrastructure of that particular county or would the county be blamed for the lacunae in its health infrastructure?
What do you think would be the situation in the mental health world? Would the organizations that report these violations be censored and reprimanded or would it lead to a supportive intervention from the higher authority?
An agency realistically cannot guarantee that it will 100% prevent client on client abuse. Agencies do have the responsibility to decrease incidents and they can do it by considering how they place individuals together; using behavioral support plans and training the staff appropriately. I think that the incidents need to be reported to the state on a regular basis or an agency and its staff may begin to regard client on client abuse as a given and let it grow to dangerous levels. Or is that a slippery slope argument, lol?
When you worked in a psych ward with patients were you trained in behavioral management techniques? Just curious. My guess is that you weren't trained in those techniques but the nurses and other staff were.
My other guess is that isolation got used on the psych wards you worked in when the ward was understaffed or over populated.
Also, in the MR field we do consider isolation to be a form of abuse and it's rarely to never used.