Category: randomo
05/21/09 08:29 - ID#48717
I went golfing with my uncle, and two cousins. Apparently I'm not too bad, and as a prize, my uncle gave me the set of sweet golf clubs that he picked up at a yard sale.
The address on the golf bag's tag says it used to belong to a Paula Cohen of Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills. yes, 90210. Sweet.
The only thing I don't have is a putter.
Sunday night I met all of the employees from all three stores (plus guests) over at AJ's Grand Prix. Holy hell what joyous fun that is! I can't believe it, but the boss man actually paid for us to be there for several hours. We had 2 practice rounds (8 min each) plus 4 heats and 2 finals. Plus we were to order whatever we wanted from the snack bar. It was SO much fun, and those carts really do go fast!
Unfortunately, I was too nice, not being aggressive and didn't get to partake in the final win all trophy at the end, I had to race in the consolation final race. I was so mad, I raced awesomely in that last race and got really good at passing people around the corners....
I would encourage all to check it out!
ok that was my random post for this month. I am off to smoke a hookah.

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Words: 233
Category: randomo
06/25/08 07:25 - ID#44779
Crackberries, Earlybirds and Attack vids
But speaking of yesterday mornings training, I was complaining that I had to be up at 6 am on my day off. I dislike this morning stuff. This morning it was 630. Tomorrow? 530. Friday? 5. Sat? 7. Phew for Sat! Can't wait to sleep in man. BOOOOO!
BUt of course this is all so that i have about ten minutes of procrastination in the morning that I can attempt to read/post estrip.
or to post video of Ralphie and MAxx playing.

Permalink: Crackberries_Earlybirds_and_Attack_vids.html
Words: 153
Category: randomo
05/11/08 09:02 - ID#44303
dreams, compassass, moms
This mornings dream has to do with a dog show. I got stuck with this little toy... thing... It kept peeing all over itself. As in it peed, flopped on its back with embarrassment in its own pee and peed even more.
And then Something about a group of reps from a Verizon corporate store standing outside my store telling everyone that our store was a dirty bastard of a Non Corporate store.
I think I need to write about my dreams because my life is so damn dull nothing else is going on with it.
We did watch the golden compass last night. IT was pretty good, and I can defientely see why catholics are all pissed off about it. I mean it is so anti catholic! but still a good movie... and if you have seen it you will understand...
i want a demon sooo bad. but i guess a couple of cats and a wiener dog (if i ever find it) will do.
ok time for work.

Permalink: dreams_compassass_moms.html
Words: 185
Category: randomo
04/22/08 08:51 - ID#44095
Name That Bum!

and we have to check out (e:lauren)'s bum while she checks out animal bum.

and, oh my goodness look how (e:lauren) has shrunk!

Permalink: Name_That_Bum_.html
Words: 77
Category: randomo
04/21/08 05:21 - ID#44087
otherwise, the day is slow. dull. boring.
yesterday I enjoyed the 420 holiday by taking care of (e:lauren)'s hungover butt. We watched movies (i am normally too antsy for movies) which included Liar Liar and Pirates of the Caribbean. It was kinda as if the cable company knew that everybody would be stoned and ready to zone out to stupid movies all night.
today was my day to go back on my diet. i cheated soooo much in the past few days. so far so good.
i need to make up a list of all the things that I need to do before the trip, so i don't have to think about it.

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Words: 148
Category: randomo
03/24/08 08:51 - ID#43775
Easter was a great day off. Went to my grams for brunch and chatted it up with all my fam. Nice to see everyone finally after all these months. you would think that i would see them more often now that i've moved within 80 miles of them, huh?
Well my sister in law works for a butcher and I came home with a bunch of ham steaks and chicken. In a few weeks she and her brother are splitting a quarter of a cow, and she invited me to split some of it too. Score. Cow.
Lessee what else. Going to the Toronto Zoo on April 18th. Since I don't have a passport I believe I need a DL PLUS a birth certificate. I think I have my birth certificate somewhere, but it must be hanging out in the same place that Lauren's missing passport is.
Ah well time to get ready for work...

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Words: 195
Category: randomo
03/21/08 07:48 - ID#43743
easter puppy!
I dunno what else i missed as I don't have much time to read posts... I know you are all forgiving..
(e:lauren) and I colored easter eggs last night. And by easter eggs I mean my fingers. So now i have a red finger, a blue finger and a green finger. how fun is that?
I also bought her a pot of some tulips. I have high hopes for these suckers... they will survive!
I have finally worn her down in terms of letting me have a dog. So I've decided that I'm going to have a Dachshund.
Her stipulations for said dog: Black and tan, Shorthair, Must cost around $100 or less.
We also think it must be young so it will be good with cats, but I guess that is something that is flexible. I know that when we have a larger place and maybe a yard we may do the whole 'rescued animal' thing... but right now i just want my Dachshund.
Soooo... if anyone has any clues on where I can find my dog... lemme know!!!

Permalink: easter_puppy_.html
Words: 197
Category: randomo
03/17/08 08:29 - ID#43700
prophets and revelry
I spent the day catching up on chores and painting. Which was nice. in fact i think i spent about 4 hours painting.
Put aside my book on aliens and multidimensions finally as my brain hurt and slowed to a drizzle every time i attempted to make sense of it.
I finally picked up my book on the readings of "Edgar Cayce" the crazy prophet of the early 1900s. Its interesting to read some of his predictions (Nebraska will be the west coast by 2100) but the thing I really have to push through is that he was extremely religious and since he lived around the turn of the century I have to pick through it to understand. He speaks as if he were reading directly from a Bible, if the Bible discussed the bombing of pearl harbor.
Ah well.. hopefully this will go better than the last book. I do think I should be reading more...
okay off for some stretching and, yes... work.

Permalink: prophets_and_revelry.html
Words: 188
Category: randomo
02/29/08 08:44 - ID#43505
p to the r to the o to the c to the....
Today the mailperson should be delivering my latest netflix dvd... this one is one that (e:lauren) is not really interested in at all...
SNL the Best of Cheri Oteri!
Okay i have been looking to watch this for a long time. it has been on the back of my mind and BAM there it is staring at me in my recommended section of my Netflix account... so why not?
And then hopefully tonight i will be able to begin painting. day off.
ok ok ok fine i'll go get dressed and head off to work. BOO!

Permalink: p_to_the_r_to_the_o_to_the_c_to_the_.html
Words: 116
Category: randomo
02/28/08 09:54 - ID#43493
an actual post
in a week and a half (e:lauren) and i will be heading on down to new paltz again for vacation. i love my vacation weekends in new paltz. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to deal with the crazies that are my friends. but i guess then there is always the joy of driving home!
i have a fat $20 bill and a stack of cookies to the first person who wants to come over and fill up the kitties food bowl while we are gone. simple job and i'll be taking resumes throughout the week.
whatelse... letssseeee here... ooo i got an easel! i'm very excited for this - and i intend to start painting again soon! (e:jbeatty) actually inspired me to do so after commenting on my paintings at (e:lauren)'s party....i'm waiting really for a moment when i'm not working, or watching my programs or breakdancing or....etc...
speaking of breakdancing... i have a week and a half to get myself to a position where i can show a few moves to my friends when i go visit. i don't feel confident in my ability to spin around on my back...
also - we watched a big lesbian movie the other day. it was about a young catholic school girl who had a crush on her teacher. she kept tormenting her teacher.. hitting on her... hittin on her... teacher is all like.. nooooooo no nonono and then finally gives in.
and then the teacher gets arrested.
end movie.
but the funny part was the outtakes in the part where the student sends the teacher flowers. Instead of the card reading some sort of cute little lovey poetry it read something like 'hey wanna have lesbian sex in the rectory' or something like that... i cracked up laughing...

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Words: 310
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