Category: tragedy
02/20/09 11:00 - ID#47822
Day of loss
What a waste of an exemplary scientist! This is additionally painful because this is exactly how my grade school teacher was killed as well. That was the first funeral I ever attended. And how awful that I feel compelled to convey this message to all my friends, family and to you all. Trust no one - unless you really know them and their intentions well. It's not a very balanced world out there.
Permalink: Day_of_loss.html
Words: 121
Last Modified: 11/09/11 08:07
Category: tragedy
02/15/09 01:32 - ID#47756
The house that died.
6038 Long St, Clarence, NY last week*.
- Bird's Eye view,
- Buffalo News, Sunday, Feb 15 edition
Permalink: The_house_that_died_.html
Words: 31
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