05/12/08 11:26 - 49ºF - ID#44317
Yelling Bastard Update
I have to admit I'm beginning to harbor major resentment and sooner or later its going to be impossible to be nice about it. This moron must really not realize that he's waking up an entire neighborhood. I'm simply going to begin calling the police, or in lieu of police, I'm breaking out the supersoaker and it will be filled with synthetic deer urine scent.

Permalink: Yelling_Bastard_Update.html
Words: 123
05/08/08 11:44 - 49ºF - ID#44273
GTA IV Sets AllTime Sales Record

Impressive really - it broke the records that Halo 3 set for opening day sales and opening week sales.
The subplot involves a potentially hostile takeover by EA. As the article states, its a $2b deal for the parent company, Take 2 Interactive. Seeing as the offer falls short of the trading price I think this is absolutely frivolous. They compare it to MSFT and Yahoo, but at least in MSFT's case they are offering well above the trading price. I don't see EA getting a sniff unless they are willing to pay a reasonable premium for an obviously hot commodity.

Permalink: GTA_IV_Sets_AllTime_Sales_Record.html
Words: 114
05/06/08 03:56 - 65ºF - ID#44256
Webcam test

Not bad for a guy who hasn't slept due to his neighbors noiseathon last night, in combination with not showering or shaving, and basically putting on whatever was on the floor this morning. For a little built-in webcam its not so bad really.
I'm thinking of a cruel trick to get even - like blasting prog rock out of the windows at 1pm when THOSE fuckers are trying to sleep. I'll be having my revenge and when I do its going to be epic.

Permalink: Webcam_test.html
Words: 106
05/05/08 02:22 - 63ºF - ID#44242
Barbara Walters and a US Senator?

I'm trying to scoop that picture out of my head with a spoon, regardless of the fact that its 30 year old news. The last time someone peeled back the Depends undergarments to get to the honey pot is yet to be determined.

Permalink: Barbara_Walters_and_a_US_Senator_.html
Words: 55
05/02/08 11:30 - 62ºF - ID#44215
Death Cab album - leaked or not?

While my favorite parts of Dark Side of the Moon are in fact Gilmour's as well, Roger Waters performing Dark Side live IS NOT akin to Ringo performing Sgt. Pepper's. Ben Gibbard, a respected and dare I say idolized musician and leader of Death Cab, is a fucking idiot for saying that. It makes me cringe to think of his worshipers nodding like drones at those words... pathetic.
Firstly, Roger Waters wrote the album and was always the leader and primary song writer of Pink Floyd. Without Gilmour there is something missing, but for a musician to not be able to acknowledge the right of the owner and original creator of the music to perform it is absurd. Secondly, since Ben Gibbard made the comparison and I did not - Ringo Starr did not write Sgt. Peppers therefore there is no direct comparison anyway.
It was good to see virtually all reaction to the article along the same lines as my own. It was so blatantly obvious that I'd be shocked otherwise.
What really caught my eye was this - the opening sentence of the article.
The boys of DCFC are gearing up for a busy festival season -- Coachella, Sasquatch, Bonnaroo, Pemberton -- where they'll be playing songs from the forthcoming Narrow Stairs, which hasn't leaked yet.
HAHA! Hasn't leaked yet? I've had it for a few weeks now. Either these morons are counting on finding it on their s00pur l33t private music sharing sites, or are simply not resourceful enough. Trust me, you can find almost anything if you know what you are doing.
Between licking Ben Gibbard's balls and stating an untruth as a fact albeit out of ignorance rather than intentionally telling a lie... now you know why I rarely read what these amateurs write.

Permalink: Death_Cab_album_leaked_or_not_.html
Words: 352
05/01/08 09:15 - 47ºF - ID#44204
Gatineau, Quebec - Saveur La Flaveur
In any case, you don't need to know what "ARRET" means when you are staring at an octoganal shaped red sign. Essentially the river divides Ontario and Quebec. You really do get an appreciation here of the vast bureaucracy put in place to manage a country with a tenth of the population of our own - I'm on the 7th floor of a Holiday Inn staring out of my window at an enormous government building, and this is just one of many in the area.
We are working for about two hours, and driving home for about five and a half. We'll cross the border at the 1000 islands bridge - having never lived outside of NYS I've never actually driven through this stretch of the state so I'm actually looking forward to it. Hopefully I can see the Adirondacks in the distance, but I don't really know if they are visible from 81... here's to hoping!

Permalink: Gatineau_Quebec_Saveur_La_Flaveur.html
Words: 231
05/01/08 09:15 - 47ºF - ID#44203
Gatineau, Quebec - Saveur La Flaveur
In any case, you don't need to know what "ARRET" means when you are staring at an octoganal shaped red sign. Essentially the river divides Ontario and Quebec. You really do get an appreciation here of the vast bureaucracy put in place to manage a country with a tenth of the population of our own - I'm on the 7th floor of a Holiday Inn staring out of my window at an enormous government building, and this is just one of many in the area.
We are working for about two hours, and driving home for about five and a half. We'll cross the border at the 1000 islands bridge - having never lived outside of NYS I've never actually driven through this stretch of the state so I'm actually looking forward to it. Hopefully I can see the Adirondacks in the distance, but I don't really know if they are visible from 81... here's to hoping!

Permalink: Gatineau_Quebec_Saveur_La_Flaveur.html
Words: 231
04/23/08 11:18 - 62ºF - ID#44114
CCTV Part 2

This "first of its kind" citywide system, the Buffalo Integrated Wireless and Intelligence System, is designed to assist the Buffalo Police Department in crime prevention, support the City's commercial districts by providing additional public safety support, enhance Buffalo's Homeland Security activities and provide city residents with free access to a high-speed broadband system.
Can someone test this out? Even if its true, would you EVER transmit sensitive data through it anyway? Lets see - freedom or free internet. Which do you choose? I wouldn't be surprised if this was bullshit anyway - Peter Cutler is a fucking goon.
I think the city should have considered something - if these cameras can be accessed via wireless broadband then certainly someone with the knowledge and the tools could hack the camera sooner or later.
The Snooze Loves Freedom-Sapping Cameras
The Buffalo News has an article today about the cameras, like presto.

There is also mention of it on the local radio today - there is a bit of a multimedia PR blitz being pursued if you ask me.
I don't know Brian Meyer but I can't help but feel a strong desire to eviscerate his article, and basically every single lying word that comes out of the mouths of our city officials.
By the end of the year, more than 100 cameras will be placed in high-crime areas, business districts and in locations deemed important to homeland security.
I'm insulted beyond words by the assertion that ANY of this is related to homeland security. If a city official were to suggest this to me my first question would be, "well, if this is the case then is it true that the Department of Homeland Security are tapping into these cameras as well?"
"Everybody is really excited about the system," said Linda J. Freidenberg, president of the Board of Block Clubs of Buffalo and Erie County. "People are hoping it will end up reducing crime."
Who is this person? Now is when I do my best (e:hodown) impression and drink deep of the Interweb in an attempt to gather information. Well well well, look who is on the board of the New York-New Jersey Regional Center for Public-Safety Innovations?

According to this

Back to the original Buffalo News article.
David M. Spinda has lived in Riverside for more than a half-century and is a member of the Public Safety Committee of the Black Rock-Riverside Good Neighbors Planning Alliance.
"I think people feel a lot more comfortable, and they want more cameras," Spinda said. "It's like candy - everybody wants more. But this is a start."
I pity this fella. THIS IS NOTHING LIKE CANDY.
Eventually, the system will be able to stream video into police cars, giving officers new vantage points as they arrive at crime scenes.
Police officers on light duty have been monitoring some cameras on a 24/7 basis since early March. This summer, civilians will be hired to perform monitoring chores.
Then this organization should be infiltrated by freedom-loving people who won't hesitate at blowing the whistle when the police inevitably abuse this system.
The city plans to spend up to $5 million for the 100 cameras, financing the project through state grants. In the longer term, the Police Department hopes to expand the system by obtaining viewing rights to cameras that the Buffalo Public Schools and the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority plan to install around some of their properties.
So the police wants access to other camera systems as well. Should the police be given this access, and should parents have the ultimate say? After all, this whole thing is going to be sold as something thats in the best interests of your kids. Shouldn't YOU be the one to make that judgment?
Gipson agreed that even sophisticated surveillance cameras can't replace officers.
"They help enhance our ability, but the real job of policing is still left to boots on the ground," Gipson said.
This is what I've said all along, and the city of Buffalo largely does a shit job to begin with. Did the one cop/one car policy undermine their efforts to effectively patrol our streets and is this camera policy a taxpayer-funded attempt at correcting poor decision making? When homicides skyrocketed as they did it after the introduction of that bad idea it certainly makes you wonder if the cameras are the paper for the cracks in the system... that could possibly have been avoided if wiser decisions had been made.
A new class of officers will hit city streets this summer.
I can't wait to crack open this can of suds. Let the endless speculation begin as to what "class" of officers is being introduced. Gestapo? Bicycle riders with cameras? Even worse, undercover cops who monitor citizens within a certain number of feet of the cameras?
Gipson said he knows of only one property owner who expressed concern during the pilot project; she wanted to make sure the camera couldn't zoom in on her window. Gipson said the system has filters to block out specific areas, so cameras can't, for instance, take images of residential windows. Gipson insisted that the Police Department has no desire to "play Big Brother."
I call bullshit on multiple counts. Until this "filter" is demonstrated to the public I think this is an absolute steamy load. I am sorry, but yes - the police and the city DO have a duty to allay the fears of the people, and just saying "trust me" isn't good enough. Only one property owner complained during the pilot? Well, all I think our Commish has to do to realize a lot people hate this idea is to walk up and down Elmwood and ask people about it. You might not be able to see into windows but I'm telling you right now, the camera on Elmwood WILL see normal everyday civilians doing what they do on their own properties. If I lived merely on the other side of the street the cops could zoom in while I grill, or watch while an attractive neighbor of mine sunbathes. I refuse to believe that our Commish is this naive. Is this guy a cop or an ostrich?
While our Police Commissioner "insists" that they don't want to play Big Brother, I "insist" that they shouldn't have been given the tools to make this a possibility to begin with.

Permalink: CCTV_Part_2.html
Words: 1228
04/22/08 11:51 - 63ºF - ID#44097
CCTV, Buffalo and Me
At this point everybody knows that my brother and I live on a block where one of the cameras has been placed. If you haven't noticed it yet, its hung directly off of the light post in front of the parking lot between Globe and Wilson Farms.
(e:jason) and I have been talking this over lately. I'm inclined to believe without much consideration that this is an incredibly poor idea, but if they were to place a camera where they have I can't say that its in a bad spot in this case. My block first and foremost is a commercially zoned area, including the property where our building is located. Where they have placed the camera was a relatively wise choice - it will cover and theoretically act as a deterrent for any trouble makers goofing off and harassing people in a very well traveled shopping area. That is, if you believe in the power of these cameras preventing crime via its qualities as a deterrent.
Had the camera been placed 200 feet in either direction I'd be a raving lunatic because the camera would more than certainly be too close to a residential corner. It may seem like splitting hairs but in the case of my block its an important distinction. In my view if they were going to do this, putting the camera where it is, as opposed to sticking it directly on the corner or Elmwood and Auburn, or Elmwood and Cleveland, or Elmwood and Breckenridge, or Elmwood and West Ferry was a more prudent choice. Setting aside my objection to the whole idea to begin with - that exact spot was not a bad choice if they had to make one because it is centrally located on one of the busiest commercial blocks of the city.
Is my block unsafe? Not in the slightest, in my view. I'm coming up on my 8th year of living here and in that time I can count the number of times I've seen or experienced something off on one hand, and half of those I could attribute to my own laziness or lack of foresight. It is certainly possible, and in the case of one instance almost certainly plausible, that if the camera had been there it may have prevented a crime from happening. That is if you believe that these cameras provide enough of a deterrent force to justify unnerving and angering everybody that lives in the neighborhood.
People are a tad paranoid in the 'hood to begin with - could you imagine a more famous liberally inclined area than ours having this imposed on them and what their reaction might be? These cameras perpetuate a suburban myth - that the City of Buffalo is dangerous. I don't see a guaranteed enhancement in any regard whatsoever as a result of installing these cameras. At best, and to be fair I did notice this, the cameras may prevent the beggars from bothering people. Way to go get those vicious criminals!
This doesn't erase the fact that something this important to our civic life was IMPOSED on us, and in the end will not prevent a crime in progress. You'd think if City Hall wanted to begin popping CCTVs around the city they might consider asking the citizens what they think about such a provocative and freedom-sapping action. The fact that they didn't speaks to the arrogance and utter lack of fear of backlash that these public officials continue to get away with.
At this point we know the drill. There is virtually nothing that City Hall does that doesn't make people cringe. Who wasn't immediately cynical when they heard about this development? These cameras will not prevent a crime from happening any more than the thousands of CCTVs in London could not prevent a terrorist from bombing the Underground. Ultimately these are meant as a deterrent force, and that is exactly how it will be defended. I see it as an investment in the perpetuation of the laziness and potential for corruption that have always plagued our civic life. Who doesn't actually believe that the camera on my block won't be occasionally used to spot cars to tow or ticket? This potential for misuse is central to my brother's argument that they are inappropriate, and I think he's right. If a tool like this can be abused and misused in Buffalo, it almost certainly will be because that is simply how things are here. The potential for abuse is almost limitless so lets ask ourselves - do we trust our local officials or don't we?
Fuck Buffalo Rising, by the way. They have no interest in the well-being of the area outside of the preservation of the economic well-being of the local businesses. I approach them with the same skepticism as I do the Elmwood Village Association, to be honest. Buffalo Rising is a deplorable publication. I absolutely loathe those people. They will promote and protect a local business to the utter detriment of the residents and the neighborhood that it rests in. It is truly shocking how inept and rife with greed they are. Just a question - who or what has granted them credibility anyway? I read the article and comments that (e:paul) linked to. Anybody outright defending this CCTV policy has shit for brains. To make such poor excuses for a bad policy is something I can't tolerate and my patience for these people completely withers away when I listen to their warbling. Its as if I'm in an echo chamber in the basement of City Hall.
I also have to trash the EVA as well. It would have been impossible for them to not know something about the advent of this idiotic program. EVA could never stop the city from doing this, but you'd think the city would at least ask an organization like this where the best place for a camera might be. I have always criticized EVA for being basically useless outside of administrating the art festival every year and putting the flower pots out when the weather breaks. This year at the art festival when I go to the kiosk, introduce myself as an 8-year resident of the very block their kiosk is located at, point up to the camera and ask them what they knew about it, what do you suppose the response will be? We'll find out in August but I expect a lot of stammering and stuttering.
In the end, the camera on my block will likely only prevent beggars from harassing shoppers, which is exactly what the businesses want. They want Suzie Suburbanite to feel as safe and as comfortable here as they do in Clarence, or wherever they hell these people come from. Prior to the CCTV being there they have been coming in droves anyway so that argument is moot.
When the shoppers, and a vast amount of the business owners for that matter, head home do they have a CCTV pointing at their front door? None of the interested parties actually care about the needs of the residents. Something like this has to be well planned out, in consultation with residents. When is the last time anything remotely well planned out has occurred in Buffalo? UB North location - genius. Metro train closing off and choking Main St. to death - brilliant. Bass Pro? Non-starter. Luxury condo development in Empire zones clearly meant to benefit the poor? Well done - we are on the rise now, baby! Waterfront development, new bridge construction? When the best example of our public servants acting in our best interest is the demolition of the Black Rock and Ogden tolls on the 190, my friends we are in some serious trouble.
The people behind this imbecilic idea scare me as much as the cameras do, if not more.

Permalink: CCTV_Buffalo_and_Me.html
Words: 1326
04/18/08 01:01 - 69ºF - ID#44045
Ha! Victory!
... the new issue comes in today!
- raises arms in triumph*

Permalink: Ha_Victory_.html
Words: 34
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They would call it justifiable homicide.
My friend Remi :::link::: might be able to help you out next time.
And hey, that sounds like a movie script. In the movie Noise, Tim Robbin's weird character exacts revenge against noisy-car-alarms by slashing their tires and cutting off the battery with professional pliers.
There's always solutions to ignorant, dumb people that you don't want around. Just lock them out of club 204. Haha! Or maybe hold them up in traffic on the 190 and have your brother call Channel 4 about it! Check your email (hotmail) and drop me a line or give me a ring!
Another solution....slashing tires...though...not necessarily legal.