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09/29/04 02:24 - ID#34808

The Long And Winding Road.

I've just told my friend Craig how fucked up I am these days. I told him everything how I am these days. He just barely tried awaking up and listening to me. But, I needed his support. I needed his yelling. I needed his word like "You never listen to me.. Listen.... Answer me." Yes, he did like that again and I started crying. Why my mind is always comflicated. Why I'm confused. Why I'm impatient. It's always good to have male friend like that. Craig always asks me after yelling at me, "are you alright?, I will give you a call tomorrow.. okay?.. say.. you are okay." I miss Craig although we are cats and dogs sometimes. He always gives me the solution what to do. Now I know what to do. I will buy the tickets as soon as possible.

I'm listening to Beatles' the long and winding road. Yeah, our lives may be like the long and winding road. Long and winding... If the road is just straight.. how we can understand the illusive human beings. So.. it has to be winding... so.. we are not able to see ahead. I realized it long long time ago.. but I'm still not wise.

I'm listening to Beatles' the long and winding road over and over. I loved Beatles when I was young. I do still love Beatles.

Maybe I was just 9 years old or 10 years old.. it was probably around 1980.. I remember one recorded concert on TV show in Korea; one girl in audience seats was holding a flower and crying while listening to one band's music. I found out that music was "yesterday" maybe few years later.

I didn't know anything about Beatles at the time. I just simply thought that the girl crying was so beautiful and the music was so beautiful. One day few years later, my dad was listening to music in his office and I realized that the music was the same as I heard from the TV show. But, I couldn't ask my dad who they are because I was so scared of my dad at the time.

One day, my cursin who was a college student visited us and I wanted her to find the record in my dad's music collections. At the time, I couldn't read English.. I was in elementary school. So I tried immitating the song to give her some idea what it is.
She found it for me. That was Beatles. And, now I know.. the girl holding a flower grived for John Lenon's death.

It's okay I can find out the road. I feel better now.

The Long And Winding Road

The long and winding road that leads to your door,
Will never disappear,
I've seen that road before It always leads me here,
Leads me to your door.

The wild and windy night the rain washed away,
Has left a pool of tears crying for the day.
Why leave me standing here, let me know the way
Many times I've been alone and many times I've cried
Anyway you'll never know the many ways I've tried, but
Still they lead me back to the long and winding road
You left me standing here a long, long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here, lead me to you door

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Words: 553
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/27/04 09:48 - ID#34807

Happy Thanksgiving day.

It's thanksgiving day in Korea right now. Actually, thanksgiving day in Korea is tomorrow, September, 28. But technically it's Tuseday in Korea.. Thanksgivingday morning, 14 hours earily than here.

I just called home in Korea and it made me feel so lonely. Everybody got together and talking with having good meals. My second younger sister picked up the phone.. and we talked little while, then.. I talked to my niece.. she said.. she doesn't remember me... so sad.. then, talked to my mom... she asked me if I do something for the Korean thanksgiving day.. I told her.. I just need to go to school tomorrow.. that's it. She told me back that I should get together with Koreans to eat something good food. Hum.. Then, I talked to my first younger sister.. she just told me that what she has to do from now on..
Then, talked to my nephew.. he just said.. hi.. anut.. that's it.. He is just 3 years old.. he can barely speak. Then, talked to my brother-in-law.. We had the longest conversation among my family. He told me how to cook some traditional Korean food.. Oh well.. Then, talked to my second younger sister again.. Then.. done.. So lonely to be here when Korean holiday going. I think I should talk to my youngest sister in London.. She must feel the same as I do right now. Hum..

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Words: 231
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/27/04 04:36 - ID#34806

He wrote this

"I was thinking today as the wind blew...I suddenly realized the air was still, and it was the earth and my body slicing through it as the world spun."

And I lost my word, then it made me sad deeply.. I just miss him a lot.

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Words: 47
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/26/04 01:15 - ID#34805


[inlink]u=holly&id=103[/inlink] Holly.. Dogvile is great. The ending part is piquant and little bit sad. If all women can do like that, isn't that great..? I hope it made you feel better. I loved that movie.

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Words: 38
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/25/04 04:31 - ID#34804


I was talking to Robert from UK visiting the film professor that I feel like I'm living in my own country, which is not Korea, also not America either. I live in somewhere between Korea and America. But, I don't know where it is exactly.
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Words: 45
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/24/04 03:12 - ID#34803

I yearn for them.

My niece and nephew.. children grow up so fast... so fast...


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Words: 13
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/24/04 12:52 - ID#34802

Just Fun.

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      WVBUYWBRRBMM ; ; YYBX; : :t
      .BBX ; i ; v VYYVBYXBI+ + i Y t ;:Y,
       iBWW ; : i ; ; i YWYYXMW i i ++ i i l
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      IWVYY ; : ; i ; : i :YW.    `t V IJ'
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        ' ' : : : ; '

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Words: 388
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/23/04 11:31 - ID#34801

a word

The sweetness is always ephemeral.


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Words: 7
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/20/04 02:24 - ID#34800

Need to get back my place.

Too much hanging out so that I couldn't get work done I am suppose to. Too much thinking on my mind, Too much distractive, Too much depressed, Too much..
I skiped my morning class today, and Robin called me what's going on and told me that we have a presesntation for 10 min this Wednesday.

Before going to my night class today, I have to stop by my bank and my mechanic. Some weird sound is coming out of my car since Saturday. I can't get rid of my car. I have to fix it. Hum..

I was too much out of my mind so that I couldn't notice my friend CDC logging on the Messenger last night. Finally, I noticed him onlne and talked him like.. "hey, are you crazy.. what time is over there.. it's 2 am in the morning over there.." He replied,, "Thank for noticing me." and added he logged online only for me. So I asked him again why didn't you talk to me first then. He said.. donnno.

He sent three songs through online.. I told him.. "you knew it that I would love these songs." He said.. "Yes, I knew it" then, I cried a lot. I never told him that I miss him.. Finally, I told him that I miss him a lot. But I should not have told him.

Please.. go out to meet some people.. CDC.. do not stay home too much.. Please..
I'm getting back to my place... okay..?

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Words: 248
Location: Buffalo, NY

09/19/04 02:16 - ID#34799


The water is already spilt out of the glass,
so it's impossible to fill the glass up with that water again.

--- SJ
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Words: 23
Location: Buffalo, NY



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joe said to joe
Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

sina said to sina
yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

paul said to sina
Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

paul said to twisted
Hello from the east coast! It took me so long to see this, it might as well have arrived in a lette...