08/03/05 06:09 - 84ºF - ID#24522
I Break Glass
A) Since its my money I'm spending I'll be more careful
B) Three bongs... WTF. I deserve this punishment
C) One of the bongs I broke was a personal gift to my brother from a good friend
Now... what to buy and how much to spend. The pragmatist in me is screaming "BUY PLASTIC YOU IDIOT!!" But what self-respecting smoker is going to smoke out of plastic except in some dire circumstances? The only answer is to buy glass, and make sure the damn thing is heavy. I don't have anything to smoke anyhow, my feelings on this are mixed. I want something with orange and blue on it... something stylish. People should feel blessed and lucky to be smoking out of my bong.
I've spent the afternoon drinking coffee with light cream and hazelnut flavor shots... delicious! Also, I've been "procuring" more Stereolab, since the only album of theirs I like is their most recent. I should give the earlier stuff a chance to A) broaden my horizons, and B) understand the bands musical progression.

Permalink: I_Break_Glass.html
Words: 226
08/03/05 04:56 - 84ºF - ID#24521
Strike One
I tried to name my fantasy football team "Hippie Granola Crunch" but I'm short one letter. I can't name my team "Hippie Granola Crunc" so I need to think of something else.
Oooh, I thought of something. "Crunchy Granola Crew" but it still isn't the same :(
OH! This blog site is the super duper ultra coolest, but I found one that I think you all would like to check out on occasion -

UPDATE - I was going to mention this plane crash in Toronto. First of all, the fact that 309 people are still alive after that is nothing short of a miracle - those people should be dead right now. Its a little bit unnerving considering I fly Sunday... but I'm not skurred. I'm just really happy for those people that managed to survive that crash.

Permalink: Strike_One.html
Words: 159
08/02/05 01:25 - 83ºF - ID#24520
Back to Work
One of the audits our company got assigned is in Hawaii, so of course my boss is going. The good thing about that is that there are 2 weeks of audits I know he won't be going to... so that means that there is a great chance for international travel for moi, in consideration of above said scheduled places to go. I don't want to go to Mexico since the State Department put a travel warning on Mexico... but there are 9 audits to be finished there so I have a feeling I'm just going to have to suck it up. I'm told Honduras is a great place to go because of the A)women B)hospitality and C) the women. The overseas trips are nice because we basically get treated like royalty and stay in the top of the top of the top of the line hotels. In Guatemala the hotel where we stay is absolutely magnificent - if I go I'll take photos to share with the (e:strip) community. Seriously, its the most romantic looking hotel I've ever seen. I would take a lady there for a weekend in a heartbeat.
I'm sick :( I don't know what came over me but I've been feeling horrible. I literally have left the apartment once in the last two days... just to go get some food at Wilson Farms. Any good ideas for sinus/cold type things? I need to beat this before I have to fly.

Permalink: Back_to_Work.html
Words: 299
07/31/05 06:07 - 83ºF - ID#24519
Chirp Chirp
The Ho sisters are purty and really nice - I had a lot of fun chatting them up and getting to know them. (e:ladycroft) is not a casual videogame player, so when you are challenged to a game of Mario Kart and she grabs a remote - be prepared for your doom. I stole one victory though!
I didn't know until this afternoon that (e:robin) was there - I now realize she was the one with the red scarf that was mousey and quiet in the living room. You are quiet, girl! Aren't you the one with this radical and interesting art? Had I realized it was her I would have made a point to say hello and wish her good luck and lots of fun in Germany.
(e:hodown) had the killer sangria - now I want to learn how to make it.
I met a lot of cool people last night and I hope that the hosts were pleased with the outcome of the soiree. Jay and I fully intend on crashing the party for the 20,000th post!

Permalink: Chirp_Chirp.html
Words: 184
07/29/05 10:24 - 77ºF - ID#24518
Blah, Pt. 2
Anyhow, back to me (Haha!). Besides my natural instinct to bring people up when they are down, I dislike it when people say they can't do things. BULLSHIT! I had a guy say to me once that he wished he could go back to school and become an accountant. I turned to him and said, "of course you can do it - just do what needs to be done, get your degree, get that job and enjoy what you reap from your hard work!" To me when people are worried about whether or not they can achieve something they are thinking of the steps they need to take as BARRIERS rather than OBSTACLES that require necessary steps that can and will be overcome if you put honest hard work into it.
I serve as a confidant to my closest friends because they know that they are going to get an interesting and positive bit of advice from me. When my brother or other friends of mine are depressed I tell them that negative energy is making it impossible for them to have positive energy. Think about that for a minute. Once upon a tiime Joshypoo had a nervous breakdown over a girl - this girl had me wrangled up so badly that I literally left Buffalo for 3 weeks and didn't come back until I had the right frame of mind. I stayed with my dad and cooked together with him, worked in the yard at my grandmas house, went for runs... there was also a point in time where I didn't leave my dads living room for an entire week. What I learned during those 3 weeks was that NEVER AGAIN would I let something like that unwind me and make me forget about who I am. How insane was it for me to let somebody do that to me? Why should somebody or something make me lose my center and sense of self? I came back to Buffalo a new man with a new, meaner leaner attitude. The negative energy made it impossible for me to have positive energy - AKA I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel because I was too absorbed with mulling over what was wrong rather than everything that was right. Know thyself. Any other thing thats wrong is irrelevant because its temporary.
What I'm leading to in a rather longwinded way is this - what happens when the eternally confident and optimistic guy feels down for once? Does he not talk about it? I'm kind of blue today. My personal solution to this today is to make apple crisp and listen to Belle & Sebastian. What I really want to to is sit on my porch and drink heavily but I know that won't get me anywhere!

Permalink: Blah_Pt_2.html
Words: 638
07/29/05 12:49 - 73ºF - ID#24517
Al Ulthman (or whatever he is) wrote a laughable article concerning Charles Krauthammer in the latest issue of The Beast. I think Al needs a reminder that he is fucking Al Ulthman and not a legitimate journalist that could even carry Krauthammer's jock strap. The thing I found most hysterical was that he claimed that liberals are not actively engaging in forcing liberalism on America, and that all liberals wanted was for people to choose what they wanted.
Well, Al, if thats the case then explain -
1. The 9th Circuit in San Fran
2. Roe vs. Wade. I support womens right to choose, but abortion was a states rights issue in the 70's and women got them back then... don't be fooled. Its universally agreed upon by lawmakers both on the left and the right that Roe was horrible law and set precedent for the Supreme Court to commit judicial activism from that point onward.
3. If you want Americans to choose, then why the fuck do liberals actively pursue said legislating from the bench instead of going to the ballot box? Answer: they don't want Americans to vote on their issues because they will lose. So much for offering Americans a choice!
4. This is unrelated but is worth pointing out - why are people like Al concerned with a judicial activism from the right when hypocritically enough they themselves have been conducting that behavior for 30 years now? Answer - liberal activism = good and anything else is bad and wrong.
Case closed.

Permalink: Blah.html
Words: 298
07/28/05 01:49 - 75ºF - ID#24516
Lazy Day
I think I'm going to grab some food over at our new and fabulous food store.
I highly recommend the vanilla almond cereal from Peace Cereals - damn that stuff is delicious!
(e:noobiebrothero)fmine had better not try to hijack my cereal - I will boobytrap that shit!

Permalink: Lazy_Day.html
Words: 72
07/28/05 11:03 - 60ºF - ID#24515
Can't sleep!
Tonight I also found the Gitmo Menu. Everything is on a 14- day cycle. Atrocities at Gitmo continue, such as these -
Terrorist #1 - "Where the fuck are my glazed carrots?"
Terrorist #2 - "Tandoori chicken breast? What about my acid reflux disease, you infidels?"
Terrorist #3 - "Celery without peanut butter?"
Terrorist #4 - "My lemon pepper fish is cold!"

Permalink: Can_t_sleep_.html
Words: 118
07/27/05 08:07 - 71ºF - ID#24514
the "NEW" Co-Op
I came home with some instant pad thai, refried black beans, whole wheat tortillas, southwestern style salsa, blue corn tortillas (played out but so good!), shredded monty jack cheese, 1/2 gallon of 2%, vanilla almond cereal and an espresso chip cookie - all organic/vegan. Not bad!
Now for the downside - the place wreaks like patchouli and B.O. and is absolutely crawling with pencildicks and budding econazis. Seriously, the aisles were so crowded that it was truly maddening. I'm happy for the business for the Co-Op's sake, but this shop will be much better when all the posers GTFO of my new grocery store.
Anyhow, with all kidding aside about the crunchy granola contingent (where I practically get ALL of my play from females... can't bite the hand that feeds me!) I'm very happy that we have something so cool in our neighborhood. I am going to vow to shop here whenever I'm home.
This is my new place to pick up chicks and randomly shop for different things I've wanted to try but never have. I think for lunch tomorrow I am going to swing by there and pick up this cool coconut curry sauce and some basmati rice. Or maybe that great looking pastrami sandiwch. Oh, and the vegan cookie - the BEST I've had. Props to you, Alternative Baking Company! Its the first vegan cookie I've had that didn't taste like cardboard and dirt.
9/10 rating from me - please go check it out and support your local food store!

Permalink: the_NEW_Co_Op.html
Words: 330
07/23/05 05:07 - 67ºF - ID#24513
Its Official
Its official - I'm an idiot.
For some strange reason this is my natural reaction to when girls go out of their way to try to make conversation with me -
Girl - "Hey, do you have an extra cigarrette?"
Me - "Sure, here you go."
Girl - "So, blah blah blah etc etc etc"
Me - *look away, look at my drink, take a sip, look away*
Followed by about 45 seconds of uncomfortable silence. I'm really bad at small talk so I avoid it at all costs. Plus this girl had Prada glasses on, which was a HUGE turn off. I dislike girls with expecations of a certain lifestyle because IMO if she can't provide it for herself surely she can't expect some idiot guy to provide it for her. I like independant, loud-mouthed girls with an opinion... but also the type who are ladies and know how to be sweet and discreet. Maybe she was really nice - I'll never know. In real life (that is, outside of this blog where some people get the impression that I'm a right wing fascist A-type personality) I'm actually a really nice guy that goes out of his way to try to make people be comfortable and at ease. I think this girl sensed it and kind of dug me, and I hate small talk so I shyed away. Next time I think I'll just kick it and use my gift of gab - I could care less if I get shot down. Plus, and this is going to sound REALLY strange... I've had the strongest desire for the past couple weeks to perform cunnilingus on some lucky girl. I just want to practice!
My weakness with the small talk is the death of me, so usually the ladies I end up with have to practically hit me over the head with a bat to get me to talk to them. I wish I was different!
Anyhow, I think Atlanta is really Southern slang for "delay." My plane this week was 3.5 hours late. I hate getting Atlanta'd - sorry (e:jason) for the wait!
I'm home in Buffalo for the next week - not working this next week sucks because I like being busy, but on the other hand 750 is going to get a makeover while I'm here. Plus I truly miss the neighborhood while I'm gone, so I get the opportunity to take advantage of what we have on Elmwood while I'm here. I kind of want to hit up Ambrosia for lunch next week, or maybe the lunch buffet at India Gate. Every freaking day I go to SpOT and get a mucho iced coffee. Anyhow if you see a right-wingish looking guy with Birkenstocks, collared shirts and aviator glasses with short hair (shaven or unshaven depending on the hour and/or my laziness) around, thats me!

Permalink: Its_Official.html
Words: 489
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