07/28/05 01:49 - 75ºF - ID#24516
Lazy Day
I think I'm going to grab some food over at our new and fabulous food store.
I highly recommend the vanilla almond cereal from Peace Cereals - damn that stuff is delicious!
(e:noobiebrothero)fmine had better not try to hijack my cereal - I will boobytrap that shit!

Permalink: Lazy_Day.html
Words: 72
07/28/05 11:03 - 60ºF - ID#24515
Can't sleep!
Tonight I also found the Gitmo Menu. Everything is on a 14- day cycle. Atrocities at Gitmo continue, such as these -
Terrorist #1 - "Where the fuck are my glazed carrots?"
Terrorist #2 - "Tandoori chicken breast? What about my acid reflux disease, you infidels?"
Terrorist #3 - "Celery without peanut butter?"
Terrorist #4 - "My lemon pepper fish is cold!"

Permalink: Can_t_sleep_.html
Words: 118
07/27/05 08:07 - 71ºF - ID#24514
the "NEW" Co-Op
I came home with some instant pad thai, refried black beans, whole wheat tortillas, southwestern style salsa, blue corn tortillas (played out but so good!), shredded monty jack cheese, 1/2 gallon of 2%, vanilla almond cereal and an espresso chip cookie - all organic/vegan. Not bad!
Now for the downside - the place wreaks like patchouli and B.O. and is absolutely crawling with pencildicks and budding econazis. Seriously, the aisles were so crowded that it was truly maddening. I'm happy for the business for the Co-Op's sake, but this shop will be much better when all the posers GTFO of my new grocery store.
Anyhow, with all kidding aside about the crunchy granola contingent (where I practically get ALL of my play from females... can't bite the hand that feeds me!) I'm very happy that we have something so cool in our neighborhood. I am going to vow to shop here whenever I'm home.
This is my new place to pick up chicks and randomly shop for different things I've wanted to try but never have. I think for lunch tomorrow I am going to swing by there and pick up this cool coconut curry sauce and some basmati rice. Or maybe that great looking pastrami sandiwch. Oh, and the vegan cookie - the BEST I've had. Props to you, Alternative Baking Company! Its the first vegan cookie I've had that didn't taste like cardboard and dirt.
9/10 rating from me - please go check it out and support your local food store!

Permalink: the_NEW_Co_Op.html
Words: 330
07/23/05 05:07 - 67ºF - ID#24513
Its Official
Its official - I'm an idiot.
For some strange reason this is my natural reaction to when girls go out of their way to try to make conversation with me -
Girl - "Hey, do you have an extra cigarrette?"
Me - "Sure, here you go."
Girl - "So, blah blah blah etc etc etc"
Me - *look away, look at my drink, take a sip, look away*
Followed by about 45 seconds of uncomfortable silence. I'm really bad at small talk so I avoid it at all costs. Plus this girl had Prada glasses on, which was a HUGE turn off. I dislike girls with expecations of a certain lifestyle because IMO if she can't provide it for herself surely she can't expect some idiot guy to provide it for her. I like independant, loud-mouthed girls with an opinion... but also the type who are ladies and know how to be sweet and discreet. Maybe she was really nice - I'll never know. In real life (that is, outside of this blog where some people get the impression that I'm a right wing fascist A-type personality) I'm actually a really nice guy that goes out of his way to try to make people be comfortable and at ease. I think this girl sensed it and kind of dug me, and I hate small talk so I shyed away. Next time I think I'll just kick it and use my gift of gab - I could care less if I get shot down. Plus, and this is going to sound REALLY strange... I've had the strongest desire for the past couple weeks to perform cunnilingus on some lucky girl. I just want to practice!
My weakness with the small talk is the death of me, so usually the ladies I end up with have to practically hit me over the head with a bat to get me to talk to them. I wish I was different!
Anyhow, I think Atlanta is really Southern slang for "delay." My plane this week was 3.5 hours late. I hate getting Atlanta'd - sorry (e:jason) for the wait!
I'm home in Buffalo for the next week - not working this next week sucks because I like being busy, but on the other hand 750 is going to get a makeover while I'm here. Plus I truly miss the neighborhood while I'm gone, so I get the opportunity to take advantage of what we have on Elmwood while I'm here. I kind of want to hit up Ambrosia for lunch next week, or maybe the lunch buffet at India Gate. Every freaking day I go to SpOT and get a mucho iced coffee. Anyhow if you see a right-wingish looking guy with Birkenstocks, collared shirts and aviator glasses with short hair (shaven or unshaven depending on the hour and/or my laziness) around, thats me!

Permalink: Its_Official.html
Words: 489
07/23/05 02:05 - 82ºF - ID#24512

Concerning the Supreme Court issue, it seems that we've given Democrats just enough rope to hang themselves -
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.):
- "Nominees deserve a vote. If our . . . colleagues don't like them, vote against them. But don't just sit on them - that is obstruction of justice. Free and full debate over judicial nominations is healthy.
The Constitution is clear that only individuals acceptable to both the President and the Senate should be confirmed.
The President and the Senate do not always agree. But we should resolve these disagreements by voting on these nominees - yes or no." Congressional Record, January 28, 1999.
Senator Tom Harkin (D-Id.):
- "I really believe that the filibuster rules are unconstitutional. I believe the Constitution sets out five times when you need majority or supermajority votes in the Senate for treaties, impeachment." Congressional Record, March 1, 1994.
Senator Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.):
- "[T]he filibuster rule... there is no constitutional basis for it.... It is, in its way, inconsistent with the Constitution, one might almost say an amendment of the Constitution by rule of the U.S. Senate." Congressional Record, January 4, 1995
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.):
- "If we want to vote against somebody, vote against them. I respect that. State your reasons. I respect that. But don't hold up a qualified judicial nominee. [...] I have had judicial nominations by both Democrat and Republican Presidents that I intended to oppose.
But I fought like mad to make sure they at least got a chance to be on the floor for a vote. [...] Don't hold them in this anonymous unconscionable limbo, because in doing that, the minority of Senators really shame all Senators." Congressional Record, June 18, 1998.
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.):
- "According to the U.S. Constitution, the President nominates, and the Senate shall provide advice and consent. It is not the role of the Senate to obstruct the process and prevent numbers of highly qualified nominees from even being given the opportunity for a vote on the Senate floor." Congressional Record, May 14, 1997.
Senator Tom Daschle (D-S.D.):
- "I must say, I find it simply baffling that a Senator would vote against even voting on a judicial nomination." Congressional Record, October 5, 1999.

Permalink: Hypocrisy.html
Words: 365
07/15/05 10:44 - 79ºF - ID#24511
Whats poppin' Buffalo?
We had the coolest car this week - a brand new '06 Charger... it arrived at the rental agency just earlier this week. I don't care what anybody says - those cars are crazy. The V-8 version has some kind of displacement feature that turns the engine into V-4 mode... and the car still has 325 horsepower. That is some sweet shit right there. I had to clean the drool off of the hood... people were mesmerized by that car everywhere we went. Personally, if I was going to spend $24-$30k on a ride, I'd buy a Chrysler Comet and trick that bad boy out with some rims, drop it 4" lower to the floor, take off all identifying marks, give it a custom paint job and put a crazy sound system in it. I saw a car just like this in Los Angeles... I WILL have one some day. Yeah, it would look kind of like a ghettomobile but I guarantee that every (e:estripper) couldn't peel the smile off their face if they were riding with me.
Seriously, if Bruce Jackson gets "best blog" that will be a testament to the poor taste of Artvoice readers. Thats like saying that Marino was better than Kelly - that shit is patently false.

Permalink: Whats_poppin_Buffalo_.html
Words: 284
07/08/05 11:22 - 71ºF - ID#24510
Back to the "real world"
Besides my iPod and my trusty (and old) Walkman that I use for late nights when I'm bored and laying in bed and want to listen to George Noory or whatever local shit is on, I buy books. I learned the hard way about long flights with no entertainment... that is not going to happen to me again. I bought a book called "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene - essentially its an explanation of theoretical physics written in a manner that people without background in physics can relate to. I went to school for business and never took a physics class so excessive details are meaningless to me. Dr. Greene is an interesting guy - I first saw him in a PBS/Nova show about string theory and thought it was excellent. Why not read one of his books?
The funny thing about investigating books to read for me is reading reviews on Amazon - in the science community there is so much petty professional jealousy its hilarious. People that are obsessed about "being right" concerning things that are only theoretical in nature makes me laugh out loud. Being a geek is ok, but dickswinging over physics-related stuff is disturbing. People like that need to have their ears boxed a couple times, but I suppose if I earned a Ph.D in Physics I'd be hard up for a life and social skills too.

Permalink: Back_to_the_quot_real_world_quot_.html
Words: 283
07/07/05 03:13 - 79ºF - ID#24509
Its interesting you mention that
And stop calling me conservative - I'm moderate. Being pro-war on terror doesn't mean you are conservative. Millions of Democrats are pro-war on terror, and in November the Democrats lost because of this and other issues. Ask me about some social issues and I think your predisposition about me (someone you haven't met, by the way) would be shattered.
I think my views on social issues is my redeeming factor with the liberal girls... when it comes to day to day real-life issues I don't like to see people be oppressed. Gay marriage shouldn't be banned, we should do more for the poor for our country (although a full blown socialist welfare state is unacceptable), at the very least kids should be provided some kind of basic health care, our social system causes us to be overworked, we should find some real and practical energy alternatives so we can put the brakes on global warming or at least shift the blame to India and China (plus give the Middle East and Venezuela the finger, a bonus), and in general I think that we Americans should learn to live with a bit less so that doing something for the common good isn't such a big deal.
Anyhow, onto other non-terror or war related issues. I decided to do the fiscally irresponsible thing and get a forebearance on my $40,000 worth of school loans. I don't want to pay them right now. The problem with education is that you can't win no matter if there is an abundance of or lack of a welfare state. If I wasn't paying $40,000 for school out of my pocket I'd be paying for it partially out of my pocket directly, partially out of someone elses pocket via taxes (fucking unacceptable) and out of my own pocket via taxes.
Bonobo + Lazlo Hollyfeld at Nietzsche's tonight - $10. (e:Jason) and yours truly will be there and if you are into quality instrumental music you won't be disappointed.

Permalink: Its_interesting_you_mention_that.html
Words: 468
07/07/05 11:59 - 73ºF - ID#24508
What I said is not an opinion - its a statement of fact pure and simple. They are going to keep killing people until they are stopped, and if a person thinks that negotiating our way out of this is a workable option I feel sorry for them. I'm not saying that its a perfect world but that is the current reality we are in. I'm also not saying that I like seeing people die. War sucks. War is a necessary evil when you are dealing with people whose only language is violence. Tolerance of these types of people is not only irresponsible but is dangerous in its idiocy. Right now the real world is a violent place, and its not about to change anytime soon. Even if we did what liberals wanted, and just GIVE UP... these same people are going to keep doing the same things. Thats unacceptable to the American public.
Our natural reaction as Americans is to fight back if someone slaps us in the mouth. With my job I've been able to actually physically meet, see, shake hands with and eat with mainstream Americans - unfortunately most in Buffalo, the northeast, or those in California don't get that chance. They don't buy what the left is selling concerning how we should handle the war on terror. Mainstream America isn't stupid - they see the left acting this way and is a primary reason why the left can't win national elections. Lets not forget that I used to be liberal (voted for Clinton and Gore), and once I graduated from college I grew up a bit and saw things for how they were, not how I thought they were in my little liberal academic bubble. The real world is a bitch, and its the current real world we are in that some people don't have the intestinal fortitude to deal with.
People that think that George Bush invented terrorism are not being intellectually honest. This is not about 21st C. American politics - this is about a subject that makes liberals very uncomfortable - religion. Religion and also ideology. If you don't trust GWB, fine - thats your opinion and theres nothing wrong with that... I respect it. The subject is much more complicated than blind hatred for a President you don't like.
Anyhow, its funny that I pretty much date 100% liberal girls.

Permalink: Incorrect.html
Words: 509
07/07/05 09:35 - 70ºF - ID#24507
Choking Back Tears
And before I see the less intelligent liberals start saying, "See, see? If we didn't go to Iraq this wouldn't happen!" YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG AGAIN.

Permalink: Choking_Back_Tears.html
Words: 76
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