Category: roller derby
09/15/07 02:55 - 54ºF - ID#41117
kicking ass on wheels
My news is this:
I've joined a roller derby league. Yes, like (e:dragonlady7) (whom I will need to hit up for tips, if/when I ever see her on this site again).
We're called the Broward County Derby Grrls, and since we're a new league just starting up, we don't even have teams established yet (though the proposed teams will be called the Ft. Lauderdale Beach Bruisers and the Hollywood Harlots). Here's our myspace page:

I am simultaneously excited and nauseated. I'm an ok skater, but I am a total wuss!! I am going to get my ass beat!!! I will probably break half the bones in my body! I am too old and in too bad shape to do this... yet I'm doing it anyway. Because at least half the people are older and/or worse skaters than I am. And because so far, every other girl I've met who has signed up for this has been really, truly awesome. A couple of them are knitters, too, and they invited me to meetings of their knitting group

Did I mention I signed up to volunteer for the film festival

Anyway, if anyone has suggestions for a derby name for me (right now my name is Spite Sprite, which is my username on, like, everything but estrip), fire away! Something punny using the word spite would be ideal... and it has to be something that's not already taken on this list:

I obviously have no ideas, so suggestions are welcome.

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Words: 427
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: haute cuisine
09/11/07 06:06 - ID#41053
this is for Lauren...

Ok, that last pic is probably one of the worst pics of me of all time, but you get the idea.
I went to Sonic about 4 times in the space of a week and a half on my recent trip home. I only ate there once - every other time, it was all about the strawberry limeades. The last time I went, I got the glutton-sized one, because who knows how long it will be before I am back in Sonic country?
(Actually, we'll be driving through Texas next month, so I guess I'll get more chances to stop at Sonic then. :D )

Permalink: this_is_for_Lauren_.html
Words: 114
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: fake hockey
09/11/07 11:44 - 64ºF - ID#41048
fantasy hockey, anyone?
If any of you are interested in joining us this year, we'd love to have you. Just send me a message and I'll give you the league ID # and password.

Permalink: fantasy_hockey_anyone_.html
Words: 60
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: music
09/08/07 01:50 - 80ºF - ID#41005
They Might Be Giants
Buffalo, NY at Town Ballroom
Fri. Nov. 16 (8 PM)
Tickets on sale Sept. 8 (that's today!)
They haven't announced any FL dates yet, and of course 11/16 is a mere five days before I'll be in Buffalo for a visit... argh.
But 11/16 is also the day before (e:carolinian) 's birthday, so someone should take him to this show as his b-day present! :D

Permalink: zomg_.html
Words: 89
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
09/07/07 01:58 - 76ºF - ID#40981
quandary, resolved
So K e-mailed me what I'd be reading - here it is:
[box]Song of Songs 2:8-10.14.16; 8:6-7
Hark! my lover-here he comes
springing across the mountains,
leaping across the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle
or a young stag.
Here he stands behind our wall,
gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattices.
My lover speaks; he says to me,
"Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!
"O my dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret recesses of the cliff,
Let me see you,
let me hear your voice,
For your voice is sweet,
and you are lovely."
My lover belongs to me and I to him;
He says to me:
"Set me as a seal on your heart,
as a seal on your arm;
For stern as death is love,
relentless as the nether world is devotion;
its flames are a blazing fire.
Deep waters cannot quench love,
nor floods sweep it away.
The word of the Lord. [/box]
I will admit frankly that this sort of makes me want to gag (but hey, if it makes K happy...). As (e:carolinian) can attest, I am about the least romantic person on the face of the planet - traditional ideas of "romance" generally make me want to retch. I've got enough acting training that I'll be able to get this out with a straight face, but I will be inwardly rolling my eyes while comparing my lover to an African herd animal. In practical terms, I can tell you already the part I will trip over - it's the "nor floods sweep it away" bit. I'm gonna go all Elmer Fudd and say "fwoods sleep," I just know it.

Permalink: quandary_resolved.html
Words: 428
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
08/31/07 01:54 - 63ºF - ID#40848
a minor quandary
What do I do? I don't want to leave K casting about for someone else to do this reading (she was the maid of honor in my wedding - I don't want to leave her hanging). I certainly don't want S to be in this wedding while I sit on the sidelines. But at the same time, I want this to be a pleasant experience, and I want to be able to enjoy myself, and I'm afraid I might not be able to do that if I can't stop thinking about smacking S's asshole husband in his smug face.
Other factors to consider: I'm not afraid of public speaking, but it has been a while since I've had to do it, and this is going to be a pretty big wedding. I'm not Christian, so the thought of reading from the Bible doesn't exactly thrill me (and no, I don't get to choose the verse, and no, I don't have the option of reading something else instead). If I'm not in the wedding, then I can go to a hockey game (Kings v. Bruins) instead of attending the rehearsal dinner. Just a thought. Your opinions and comments, please.
Well, I have another post I want to make, but until I can find a way to get my pics onto my mom's computer, or to get my computer hooked up to my mom's internet, it will have to wait.

Permalink: a_minor_quandary.html
Words: 461
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
08/26/07 09:51 - 73ºF - ID#40748
small things
But I did watch an episode of Globe Trekker

BTW - when did my husband get an account at this site?? I know he did it just to be able to comment on (e:jbeatty) 's blog, but still. You'd think he could have at least told me. Oh, this is him: (e:john)
This trip I've been finding some weird connections between me and my grandparents... I found an old notebook of my maternal grandfather's, and it's just crammed with little scribblings and notes and lists - and I've got a ton of little notebooks and scraps of paper - ok, I need to pause this right now because my grandmother is driving me CRAZY and if I don't type about what a pain in the ASS she is, I will kill her, and the murder of a 92-year-old lady never looks good on one's permanent record. She is telling me now that I should be a dentist. "DENTIST!" she just yelled. And she is going on about how you probably don't need to go to school as long to be a dentist as to be a doctor (like she has any clue!), and I just want to throttle her. She can't go more than half an hour without telling me all about what I should do with my life in great detail. And as she is getting old and senile, most of the time now she is just running her mouth without a clue as to what she's saying. It'll be funny when she gets a little crazier, but now it's just frustrating and annoying to have to hear.
But I digress - I was talking about my grandfather and how I've totally got his OCD and it manifests itself in the same ways (particularly notebook-keeping and list-making). I feel a little bad, tho', that I can't read anything he wrote - it's all in Chinese. He's got shelves full of books (all taking up space in my mom's house, right now) that none of us can read - all this great Chinese literature... I wish I'd learned to read it when I was little. I'm trying to pick it up, now, but I need to learn Spanish first, and it's not easy.
Now that I've bitched about Nana, let me just say she is an awesome grandmother when she isn't annoying the crap out of me. She is still living independently at 92, she is the life of any party (you look at old pictures of get-togethers with their circle of friends, and Nana is the one on the floor, rolling with laughter), and she is always a snazzy dresser. I have almost nothing at all in common with her - except - we are both total shoe-oholics. Together, our shoe collections could probably put Imelda Marcos's to shame. She got - ok, wait, I have to interrupt this again - I found Rushmore on TV, so I had it on. She just came in and asked to change it because "I like things with people (in them)" - because Rushmore isn't about people at all. She is now flipping channels and has stopped on the CW and the Pussycat Dolls audition. I don't believe in God, but right now I'm am begging him for the strength to keep myself from killing her. Now she's stopped on Desperate Housewives. I'm sure it's a great show, but I am so not in the mood for it right now, and anyway, Rushmore is better. Like I said - nothing in common but the shoe thing.
Speaking of shoes, there's this pair in the girls' section at Target that I totally want to get. I'm lucky to have small enough feet that I can shop in the kids' shoes section if they've got sizes up to kids' 4.5 or 5, and these particular shoes come in size 5. They're brown maryjanes and they've got about a 1.5-inch chunky heel, and they are so way cute. Do I need them? Well, that depends on your definition of need... :D
I don't know how much coverage the Michael Vick thing is getting up there - I know it's kind of a big story elsewhere, but it's a BIG story here, since Vick is a hometown son. I didn't realize this, but he actually graduated from the same high school as my dad (though obviously years and years apart). It's seriously crazy what-all he did. So unbelievable that shit like that still goes on in this day and age. That's just one of many reasons I think humanity is doomed.
And on that cheery note (which is where most of my trains of thought eventually end up, honestly), I'm going back to Desperate Housewives (yep, it sucked me in).

Permalink: small_things.html
Words: 924
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: procrastination
08/22/07 02:29 - 72ºF - ID#40673
sweet lord, what is wrong with me?
I was supposed to leave here around noon.
I'm still not packed yet.
Seriously, wtf is wrong with me??

Permalink: sweet_lord_what_is_wrong_with_me_.html
Words: 42
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: food
08/18/07 09:50 - 64ºF - ID#40616
this should break your heart
Now, I am from the South. I know that what passes for chicken wings in some parts of this country is not at all what is known as chicken wings in NY. But, despite growing up in the land of fried chicken (well, fried everything, really), I never had chicken wings until I went to college in Ithaca and had them done properly. "Chicken wings," to me, has always meant Buffalo wings. I know, however, that's not true for everyone else - especially not here in South Florida.
So I was a bit leery when I heard my husband blithely tacking them on to our order. "Uhm, are you sure you want to get those here?" "Ehh, we'll give them a try." "Okay..." (I should mention here that this is one of the few places I've seen here that even offers wings on their menu.)
I think you see where I'm going with this.
Wanna see what we received when the delivery guy showed up?

Yup. Fried chicken wings, with a tiny cup of hot sauce. Not even a little cup of Buffalo wing sauce - just straight-up hot sauce (the chopstick is there because the sauce had separated and we had to stir it up). And not even a hint of bleu cheese dressing or celery sticks (well, I didn't miss the celery).
(e:peeps), please pray for us to somehow find the strength to continue our existence in this miserable, Buffalo-wing-less place. We'll be in Buffalo for Thanksgiving, we can get our wing fix if only we can hold out 'til then...
Actually, there is a place in town we have yet to try called Wings n' Curls (I am unclear on exactly what the "curls" are supposed to be) which, allegedly, has good wings. We would've eaten there already, but their hours are brutal - only open until 9pm, and they shift to take-out-only at 8pm. Based on their unfriendly attitude, I'd rather avoid the place, but if their wings are really any good... I might not have a choice.
But there are so many transplanted New Yorkers in this area, I refuse to believe there is nowhere to get Buffalo wings in this entire 3-county metro area. There must be somewhere.

Permalink: this_should_break_your_heart.html
Words: 471
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: travel
08/12/07 01:09 - 83ºF - ID#40491
Thanksgiving in B'lo
Anyway, my brother-in-law ( (e:jbeatty) ) has finally moved to Buffalo and settled in, and he met a bunch of you guys a few days ago, so now he knows way more of you than I do (since I know a grand total of exactly one of you, besides him). As of right now, my husband & I are planning to come up and visit him for Thanksgiving. Flying into & out of WNY in late November is always a dicey proposition, and flying around T-giving is always a gigantic cluster-fuck, but we've decided to give it a shot, anyway. If anyone is going to be around then and is up for a non-traditional T-giving (one year my husband & jb cooked up an Asian feast - we were eating for four hours straight and we didn't come close to eating everything they'd prepared), drop us a line.

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Words: 180
Location: Syracuse, NY
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@ (e:metalpeter) - in fantasy hockey, you can set your daily rosters days, weeks, even months in advance. I usually do it weekly - set it on Sunday and check it again at the end of the week. Easy. Oh, and I do question the wisdom of derby-naming myself after a soda.
@ (e:lauren) - I am a pansy, too. I really am going to get my ass beat doing this.
@ (e:carolinian) - I bet I know why you think girls' roller derby is so cool. ;) Thank you for pointing me to (e:dragonlady7)'s post about Fleshette - it was sobering, but not entirely deterring. Anyway, I have already told the girls that if I can't take the violence, I'm willing to ref or something. I totally left the door open to wuss out. As for names... I get no say in the team names, but I still need some help with my own derby name... another post forthcoming.
As far as the names goes, I think that "Ft. Lauderdale Breakers" has a better ring to it. Spitesprite is okay, but I'm in favor of something with a more humorous overtone. "Williamso the conqueror ", "spudgun", "ike rushyurhed". The more campy, the more better.
And finally, just make sure your undertstanding what you're getting into. Be sure to read (e:dragonlady7)'s posts about the queen city roller girl named "flechette" who had an accident on the rink that was so bad it caused her not to be able to skate ever again. These girls do what they love in spite of the danger, and that's why they rock, but know the stakes.
Good luck with your derby endeavor.
I wish you luck on the roller derby. In terms of names there are a lot of factors. Do you want to go with a sexy name, or a funny name or part of your personality. The other factor is can you make a costume or outfit to fit that name. For example if you where called spite Sprite as I think you said would you have flatend bottles of sprite worked into your uniform.