Category: miscellany
04/11/08 06:38 - 61ºF - ID#43983
long time, no post...
Anyway, for those of you who care, things are ok. My roller derby league had its first public bouts this past weekend. We won our first two bouts and apparently scared the other teams so much that they forfeited the next two.* We had to scrimmage amongst ourselves to fill the rest of the time. It was a bizarre occurrence. I do hope our next interleague bouts go more smoothly.
- Please note, when I say "we," I merely mean that I am on the team - coach did not put me in at all during the first two bouts, so I never got to skate against anyone that was not in my league.
In fake hockey news, I came in 5th in my fantasy hockey league this year. I was really hoping for 3rd. I blame Miikka Kiprusoff. (e:jbeatty) was fighting for dead last, last time I looked, and (e:john) came in first. I'm already strategizing for next year...
In real hockey news, I'm pretty excited that Jacques Martin has been fired as the Panthers' coach:

I only kinda care about the playoffs. Like, none of my teams are in this year, so it's sort of like, eh, ok. It'll be interesting to see who gets to the final, but until then, I've got other things to occupy my time. Side note: does anybody else read (e:anne) 's hockey blog?

So some of you saw Kimya Dawson recently? She was here a couple weeks ago. Here are a couple pics for you:

Her show was a benefit for this organization in Miami:

I picked up the mix CD of old ska/rocksteady that Angelo Spencer (Kimya's baby-daddy) was selling at the merch table. Aside from the crappiness of the burned CD (and it is the CD itself skipping, not the record that was transferred to CD), I love it - the music is great!
Well. I guess that's all I've got to say for now. I'll try to swing by here more often, now that things have settled down a bit in my life.

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Words: 621
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
11/22/07 02:32 - 30ºF - ID#42237
T-giving in the B'lo
As some of you have already heard, my mom had a stroke recently, so I was home in VA until yesterday. Mom is expected to make a full recovery, though, since she got to a hospital right away, and the stroke doesn't seem to have affected her mentally much, if at all. She still has limited movement on her left side, but she's improving a lot every day. There's not much I can do for her while she is still in her inpatient rehab program, so we've continued on our planned T-giving trip to visit jbeatty in this fine city (I'll be heading back to FL on Sunday, then back to VA in a week or so).
We are eating and drinking ourselves into a food coma. I think (e:john) is in charge of blogging all the food porn pics we're taking today. He's planning on starting that in a minute, I think, so keep an eye on his blog.
Well. It was snowing a minute ago, and I was so excited. John was telling everyone in FL that we were going to visit the snow for Thanksgiving, and there is entirely not enough snow here yet. I know it's supposed to snow a lot tomorrow, tho', but we are driving to Syracuse then, so I hope the Thruway doesn't get too bad.
Ok, jbeatty wants his laptop back, so I have to go. Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Words: 263
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: movies
11/02/07 10:22 - ID#41949
Buffalo on the big screen
I just saw the film tonight at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival

It's set mostly in Buffalo in the winter, and the city looks suitably grey and depressing. Is there really a place called the Valley View Rehabilitation Center? Is it really a nursing home?
Anyway, parts of the movie are brutally depressing and hard to watch (it's about these kids who have to put their estranged father in a nursing home, so yeah), but it's got a hopeful and satisfying (but still realistic) ending. It's also got a fantastic portrayal of a particular family dynamic that's not often explored on screen. LL and PSH are great, as usual.

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Words: 166
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: question
10/26/07 05:41 - 58ºF - ID#41824
Also, hi! I'm back from my trip to California. It was fun. But now I've got a houseful of crap to clean/put away, and tons of other stuff to do. So blogging will have to wait.

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Words: 80
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: roller derby
09/15/07 02:55 - 54ºF - ID#41117
kicking ass on wheels
My news is this:
I've joined a roller derby league. Yes, like (e:dragonlady7) (whom I will need to hit up for tips, if/when I ever see her on this site again).
We're called the Broward County Derby Grrls, and since we're a new league just starting up, we don't even have teams established yet (though the proposed teams will be called the Ft. Lauderdale Beach Bruisers and the Hollywood Harlots). Here's our myspace page:

I am simultaneously excited and nauseated. I'm an ok skater, but I am a total wuss!! I am going to get my ass beat!!! I will probably break half the bones in my body! I am too old and in too bad shape to do this... yet I'm doing it anyway. Because at least half the people are older and/or worse skaters than I am. And because so far, every other girl I've met who has signed up for this has been really, truly awesome. A couple of them are knitters, too, and they invited me to meetings of their knitting group

Did I mention I signed up to volunteer for the film festival

Anyway, if anyone has suggestions for a derby name for me (right now my name is Spite Sprite, which is my username on, like, everything but estrip), fire away! Something punny using the word spite would be ideal... and it has to be something that's not already taken on this list:

I obviously have no ideas, so suggestions are welcome.

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Words: 427
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: haute cuisine
09/11/07 06:06 - ID#41053
this is for Lauren...

Ok, that last pic is probably one of the worst pics of me of all time, but you get the idea.
I went to Sonic about 4 times in the space of a week and a half on my recent trip home. I only ate there once - every other time, it was all about the strawberry limeades. The last time I went, I got the glutton-sized one, because who knows how long it will be before I am back in Sonic country?
(Actually, we'll be driving through Texas next month, so I guess I'll get more chances to stop at Sonic then. :D )

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Words: 114
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: fake hockey
09/11/07 11:44 - 64ºF - ID#41048
fantasy hockey, anyone?
If any of you are interested in joining us this year, we'd love to have you. Just send me a message and I'll give you the league ID # and password.

Permalink: fantasy_hockey_anyone_.html
Words: 60
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: music
09/08/07 01:50 - 80ºF - ID#41005
They Might Be Giants
Buffalo, NY at Town Ballroom
Fri. Nov. 16 (8 PM)
Tickets on sale Sept. 8 (that's today!)
They haven't announced any FL dates yet, and of course 11/16 is a mere five days before I'll be in Buffalo for a visit... argh.
But 11/16 is also the day before (e:carolinian) 's birthday, so someone should take him to this show as his b-day present! :D

Permalink: zomg_.html
Words: 89
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
09/07/07 01:58 - 76ºF - ID#40981
quandary, resolved
So K e-mailed me what I'd be reading - here it is:
[box]Song of Songs 2:8-10.14.16; 8:6-7
Hark! my lover-here he comes
springing across the mountains,
leaping across the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle
or a young stag.
Here he stands behind our wall,
gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattices.
My lover speaks; he says to me,
"Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!
"O my dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret recesses of the cliff,
Let me see you,
let me hear your voice,
For your voice is sweet,
and you are lovely."
My lover belongs to me and I to him;
He says to me:
"Set me as a seal on your heart,
as a seal on your arm;
For stern as death is love,
relentless as the nether world is devotion;
its flames are a blazing fire.
Deep waters cannot quench love,
nor floods sweep it away.
The word of the Lord. [/box]
I will admit frankly that this sort of makes me want to gag (but hey, if it makes K happy...). As (e:carolinian) can attest, I am about the least romantic person on the face of the planet - traditional ideas of "romance" generally make me want to retch. I've got enough acting training that I'll be able to get this out with a straight face, but I will be inwardly rolling my eyes while comparing my lover to an African herd animal. In practical terms, I can tell you already the part I will trip over - it's the "nor floods sweep it away" bit. I'm gonna go all Elmer Fudd and say "fwoods sleep," I just know it.

Permalink: quandary_resolved.html
Words: 428
Location: Syracuse, NY
Category: miscellany
08/31/07 01:54 - 63ºF - ID#40848
a minor quandary
What do I do? I don't want to leave K casting about for someone else to do this reading (she was the maid of honor in my wedding - I don't want to leave her hanging). I certainly don't want S to be in this wedding while I sit on the sidelines. But at the same time, I want this to be a pleasant experience, and I want to be able to enjoy myself, and I'm afraid I might not be able to do that if I can't stop thinking about smacking S's asshole husband in his smug face.
Other factors to consider: I'm not afraid of public speaking, but it has been a while since I've had to do it, and this is going to be a pretty big wedding. I'm not Christian, so the thought of reading from the Bible doesn't exactly thrill me (and no, I don't get to choose the verse, and no, I don't have the option of reading something else instead). If I'm not in the wedding, then I can go to a hockey game (Kings v. Bruins) instead of attending the rehearsal dinner. Just a thought. Your opinions and comments, please.
Well, I have another post I want to make, but until I can find a way to get my pics onto my mom's computer, or to get my computer hooked up to my mom's internet, it will have to wait.

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Words: 461
Location: Syracuse, NY
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But then, I hear Florida has like four hundred derby leagues, so you probably have a few more options than we do... :::link:::
Our team this year has a roster of 20 and we can only skate 14 in each bout, so it's really rough on our bench manager, whose job it is to tell us who's sitting out. (We actually had to skate short our last bout-- six girls sitting in the audience watching, and then we had a blocker go out in the first period with a dislocated patella. Very disappointing, but at least she'd been able to skate in a previous bout, so she didn't miss her only chance.)
We're trying to make sure everyone gets to skate this season-- I bowed out of one bout with my fucked-up knees (which are much better now, hurray), but we really don't want to let unprepared girls skate, or bench really good dedicated players in favor of someone whose "turn" it is. So far there's only one girl left who hasn't been played yet, and she's just had a run of injuries, poor health, and terrible luck: I hope she can get squared away by May 31st, because that's our last bout of the season.
Fortunately the rest of us have felt it to be a healthy competitive motivation-- I know I've improved a great deal simply because unlike last season, we weren't short so I wasn't the last resort. Just knowing that my hard work mattered, and that I had been chosen instead of resorted to, really has made a big difference to me.
And yeah, I love Kimya Dawson's songs a lot, but I would not describe her show as "fun" - not that I regret going to see her, but now that I've done it, I don't feel the need to do it ever again. That could just be because I was so cold during the show that I couldn't wait for it to end.
Honestly, of course I'd go see her again if she played wherever I was, if for no other reason than to support her and her adorable child and her charmingly French baby-daddy. But I'd know what I was in for. I'd bring my knitting or something.