Category: politics
03/01/06 10:46 - 22ºF - ID#24609
Too easy
Actually (e:ajay) you are completely wrong. Pew did a study that showed during both 2004 and 2005 that 30% considered themselves to be Republican and 33% considered themselves to be Democrat. You can read the study here ->

Even with CBS's "objective survey" being weighted it came out to 28% Republican 37% Democrat. That = the textbook definition of skewed polling. To suggest that somehow this was a representative sample is amusing to me.
Anyhow, onward and upward.
I occasionally put myself through watching Chris Matthews' trainwreck of a show. (Hint - there is a reason why his ratings are among the worst in the talking head circuit.) This blithering fool Carter devotee (strike 1) actually suggested that it was a pity that the potential for civil war didn't start sooner.
"The problem is it took a little time for this (the potential for civil war) to take shape."
THE PROBLEM, Chrissy? Take a bow sir. You've now exposed yourself to the suggestion that you are willing to allow Iraq go down in flames as long as Democrats can gain politically from it in an election year. Any of you people who think that Democrats are going to somehow be smelling roses in November are kidding yourselves when the most prominent among you are begging, pleading and praying for our action in the Middle East to fail. That suuuure is going to be buying you votes, baby! P.S. I'm already deep in your squishy grey matter between your ears, lefties. Iraq is not a failure and won't be unless we do what you want, which is to give up. Of course, there is no meaningful public support for a pullout so you just might have to find a "sympathetic" judge to rule in your favor somehow suggesting that war is unconstitutional!
I actually pity the Democrats lately, because the DNC and the liberal bankroll has no idea how to handle itself right now. Say what you want, but Republicans are immeasurably better than liberals at political strategy. Admittedly this is the time where Democrats could clearly make a case to the American people that just might make a difference in November. Instead, during the darkest hours for the RNC, its clear that a) the likely Democratic nominee in '08 won't win a general election, b) nobody on DNC side is suggesting a new or innovative idea that voters would agree on with respect to how to handle national security that would be different from the Republicans, c) there is no apparent strategy or platform for the '06 elections other than what Carville and Begala are amusingly suggesting - "Bash Bush!!!"
Lastly, my dear friends, many of whom may be incensed by my right-leaning, well articulated sensibilities at this point in this journal post. You know that this is all in good fun and I love my leftie friends, but you have to admit that its hard to be a credible liberal when you get your news from a fake news show, or in the case of NPR's Nina Totenburg when she was on "Inside Washington" recently, you say that you don't root for Americans to win medals at the Olympics and that the Salt Lake Games were somehow spoiled by American "nationalism." Well gee, apparently rooting for your country during the Olympics is now a crime!

Permalink: Too_easy.html
Words: 564
02/28/06 02:31 - 21ºF - ID#24608
Why polls (and the NYT) can't be trusted

According to the recent CBS poll Bush's approval rating is at 34%. So, you might wonder, what is the breakdown with the participants with respect to political affiliation?
27% Republican, 40% Democrat and the rest Independant. You mean that CBS overpolls Democrats and then NYT publishes the poll and pretends as if its objective? You'd be a fool to believe that these things are done objectively, and unfortunately for CBS, their hand got caught in the cookie jar again.
Its gets worse. Last night's CBS News broadcast failed to mention the most interesting factoid from the poll - 66% thought that the MSM devoted "too much time" to the Cheney story. Gee, I wonder why CBS would plaster their uninterested audience with a story like that. Not only is this evidence that CBS can't relate to their target audience irrespective of political affiliation (that is, unless you are one of the 6% who think Soros, Michael Moore, Franken, Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, Durbin, etc. make a lot of sense) but they willingly omit facts from their own polls when it points out that they made an error of judgment. Then, they sell this bunk approval poll like its a bag of diamonds.
Now you know why MSM approval polls are hilarious and could never be taken seriously.
Second story - New York Times is continuously the front car in the trainwreck that is the print media. The reasons are numerous and expansive, but I'll provide you an example from today's edition. I'd link it but you have to be registered with NYT in order to read it - so either sign up yourself if you haven't already (its free, just dump your register information into a junk email addy like I do) or buy today's edition.
The headline says, "Americans Are Cautiously Open to Gas Tax Rise, Poll Shows." This defies logic, so you have to wonder why it would be that the author of this article would come to this conclusion.
So, whats the first sentence? "Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to a higher federal gasoline tax, BUT! BUT!(my capitalization and exclamations for emphasis) a significant number would go along with an increase if it reduced global warming or made the United States less dependent on foreign oil, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll." What, another skewed poll with the NYT willingly entering a misleading headline? Yep.
Damn, CBS and NYT tag teaming again on another abomination? Yessir. The wacko idea behind this is that the higher tax would lower consumption of gas, thus somehow affecting global warming (which nobody has actually proven in an irrefutable way is even related to our activities here on Planet Earth) and allowing us to be less dependant on foreign oil. Just give us MORE MONEY and we can solve the problem - #1 failure among liberals when they are attempting to solve problems.
So, 85% of the people polled opposed a tax hike on gas when crude is already hovering around $60 per barrel. Some loony economist at Berkeley is suggesting that the tax needs to be an extra DOLLAR per gallon spread over 5 years to make this idea work. This is a tax that would burden the poor, so what is their answer? A) lowering taxes for the lower and middle classes to offset the cost, or B) counting on a 10% increase in gas prices as a result of the tax to offset consumption enough to be worth it. Well, to hell with it - lets raise gas taxes and hope that consumption goes down enough to offet the additional taxes, although there is NO evidence to suggest that this would actually work.
Actually, the evidence suggests otherwise. After Katrina gas spiked to $3-$3.50 per gallon, which depending on where you live would have represented a 30-60% increase in gas cost. Consumption didn't go down a significant amount... so a 10% increase in the long run is supposed to lower consumption by 6 or 8%? Bogus, absolutely bogus. Only an environmental wacko with no regard for feasability or common sense could have dreamed this one up.
I'm sure these people are patting themselves on the back and thinking that they are brilliant for coming up with this one, but its a crazy idea that would be nearly impossible to actually implement. Nobody actually mentioned how the extra tax dollars would directly correlate to effectively combating global warming except to say that they would earmark the money into MORE programs designed to work on alternative technology. Which of course, nobody will actually use unless they don't have to buy a new vehicle or don't have to outlay a huge amount of money to get this new technology.
The lesson that these delusional activists need to learn is that environmental change is going to be market driven if its ever going to be implemented in any meaningful way. Unless its cheaper than oil, doesn't require a major energy infrastructure investment and won't force people to outlay a fortune to convert, it ain't gonna happen - not ever.
The entire article is meaningless because on its face this could not and would not ever happen. What pisses me off, and thus is my inspiration to talk about it, is the ingenuous nature of the headline. What it really needs to say is, "Americans Cautiously Open To Gas Tax Rise, As Long As Our Illogical And Far-Fetched Idea Actually Could Be Implemented, But Still - 85% Of Americans Aren't Interested."

Permalink: Why_polls_and_the_NYT_can_t_be_trusted.html
Words: 987
02/25/06 01:14 - 26ºF - ID#24607
On the bright side of things
Fuzzy to the touch
My connection into Atlanta was late so I'm stranded at the Holiday Inn until tomorrow... at Deltas expense. I hate Delta more than I hate UPS now. At least the hotel has a bar.

Permalink: On_the_bright_side_of_things.html
Words: 43
02/24/06 12:01 - 29ºF - ID#24606
Ok Paul
Allow me to be facetious for just one second. If people want to find out what its like to kill another human being, they should try it on a household pet first. If your shame and guilt reflex don't kick in after killing a cat or a dog then its probably safe to say that you don't have a soul and you'll have no problem killing another human being.

Permalink: Ok_Paul.html
Words: 195
02/20/06 12:13 - 19ºF - ID#24605
Welcome new folks
I signed Dragonfires petition, but then I slid down the list and Mike Niman is on the list! Now you KNOW for damn sure that when his name and mine are on the same petition that something is incredibly, incredibly wrong.
Todays flight was 3.5 hours from Newark to Kansas City... which is ok unless you were on a small jet... like I was! Continental has an Express service that uses the Embraer 145... its a jet 3 seats across and sits about 50 people. At least I took my brothers new Nano 2GB for a test run (FUCK UPS but you all know that story already) and it passed with flying colors! My flight had a pair of blonde twins, which if you know me and my brother always makes me smile. Unfortunately for these twins though, the parents are training these kids to be mamas boys... they are destined to be sucking their thumbs when they are 20 and I felt horrible about it. Memo to future fathers - don't ignore your young sons or your wife is going to be having your young male progeny watching the Home and Garden Channel!
Anyway, have fun.

Permalink: Welcome_new_folks.html
Words: 213
02/16/06 07:13 - 42ºF - ID#24604
I met my buddy and a couple recent acquaintances for lunch at Sahara Grill today. I had a falafel and a pot of turkish coffee. I like their food but I'm starting to think that it isn't really sparkling wow awesome great. Besides us four, there were two other people in the restaurant and we had to wait 45 minutes for our food - that is unacceptable. Next power lunch - India Gate!
I've been tuning my resume up in the hopes of finding something else. According to my Chinese horoscope, the months of March through July are especially productive for my type (Horse) to find another job! Amazing. Actually, reading the description of the Horse sent chills down my spine... I am that person. That is, if you believe in such things... but its interesting nevertheless.

Permalink: Beware_.html
Words: 360
02/15/06 11:41 - 45ºF - ID#24603
I survived!
I ended up performing my wingman duties to absolute perfection, as always. Somehow I spent $50 yesterday... which I refuse to believe I actually did spend. I had to have left a $10 bill or something somewhere! Don't you hate that? We were at Caputi's - a bar that is infamous for being lame and too 'burbish. The ONLY reason why I went was to help a buddy thats trying to help himself. Guys never go out alone when they are meeting a girl and her friends - thats like a sheep wandering into a pack of wolves. The girl my buddy is sort of dealing with now is very nice, but her choice in bars is absolutely terrible. Last week, I wingmanned for my same buddy at JP Bullfeathers. I'm going to start insisting on going to bars that are actually cool if I wingman again soon.
I came home to a card last night, which I thought was very nice (thank you Timika!), but what I didn't know was that there were cookies next to the card, which I was too drunk to notice. Thanks again!
People that say V-Day is like any other day are liars. It has enormous economic impact for certain segments in our economy, and the beauty of the whole thing is that its completely made up! V-Day is like a spectator sport for me nowadays - you get to see all the dopes with their arm candy spending a lot of money to atone for their, shall we say, "transgressions" during the rest of the year. V-Day is absolute rubbish. Getting engaged or married on V-Day is fromage du jour. I don't need an excuse to have a good meal, get my drink on and my fuck on. Still, however, you have to admit that a restaurant on V-Day looks like a house filled with zombies!

Permalink: I_survived_.html
Words: 367
02/10/06 12:35 - 27ºF - ID#24602
I got what is probably the shortest cut I've ever gotten. I wanted to retain some length so that I could style it, and I can pretty much style it the way it is now, but its very short. When its cold out, short is the enemy!
Anyway, between the cut, the tip, and this new styling putty it was a $35 endeavor. Dude put something that smelled like pineapple in my hair, but this other stuff that I bought smells better. At least that is what the girl at the register told me! Haha.
P.S. I changed my usersound to "Alex Chilton" by The Replacements. While I very much want a cool political usersound I'm kind of unsatisfied with the one I have (except for the part with Janet Reno sounding like Chewbacca). Until then we'll go with the rock and the roll.

Permalink: Haircut.html
Words: 207
02/07/06 10:35 - 26ºF - ID#24601
V-Day, and News
In all honesty I can't think of a bad V-Day, because during the times I had a significant other it was always great, and when I wasn't with somebody at the time it was always great. Theres never a good reason to have a bad V-Day, because at the very least you can always go out that night, drink and chase booty. That = a good night for me every time.
I'm not a terribly sentimental person, so I usually end up buying gifts that they'll enjoy - chocolates are a must, expensive lotions, etc. - you get the idea. I want to get things that she'll actually enjoy. Believe it or not, I know a guy that gave his girlfriend a framed picture of himself for a V-Day gift! That to me is hilarious, but I'd never get caught screwing up that badly. Also, and this might upset a few ladies out there - a major, major faux pas is purchasing a girl that isn't your wife or fiancee some jewelry. Gents, don't waste that resource on a girl that isn't a keeper.
I'll be blunt - V-Day for me usually involves three things - 1) a nice dinner, 2) drinks, and 3) screwing. These three simple ingredients yield an excellent V-Day every time. Its like making pasta - seasoned water, pasta, and sauce. Its VERY hard to mess it up.
Now I'm sure you're thinking, "Damn Josh, you're right about that - but isn't that kind of cold and the diametric opposite of sentimental for a day as special as V-Day?" Yeah, you're right, but like I said, I'm not a sentimental person. Plus, I'm not one of those fellas that needs to make up for being a jerk the rest of the year. Despite my prickly demeanor when it comes to politics (with emphasis on the "prick" part) I'm actually a sweetheart year round.
Now, onto some news!
1) Envirofascists - here is another reason for us to stifle and progress with actual, feasible energy sources. New, rare birds! -

2) Ut Oh! NBC anchor perpetuates the stereotype that white people think all black people look alike -

3) Less money for CPB - oh suuuure, its not a liberal bastion. BAHAHAHAHAH *cough* HAHAHAHHAHAHAH -

4) First, video games are supposedly making kids more violent. Now CSI, according to law enforcement, are making criminals better at what they do! -

5) "Global warming" advocates still can't figure out whether they think "global warming" is actually cooling or warming the planet... which is a source of much laughter for me. Anyhow, you'll be curious to see why it is that this scientist thinks an ice age is coming along - I'll give you a hint. Its not because of anything humans are doing! -

Permalink: V_Day_and_News.html
Words: 565
02/06/06 03:07 - 27ºF - ID#24600
Why Republican Talk Radio Rules

I usually thoroughly enjoy being right, but this is one of the times that I am not particularly enjoying being right.

Permalink: Why_Republican_Talk_Radio_Rules.html
Words: 55
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Try this experiment: toss a coin 10 times. Count how many times you get heads and tails. See how often you get exactly 5 of each.
"Sampling" is a very complicated subject. The poll you originally griped about had a sampling error of 3.3%; this means that the results were "probably" within plus/minus 3.3% of the "actual".
There are so many variables in sampling, which is why there are business built around it (Gallup and Zogby, for instance). I can go on and on about how difficult it is to get a right sample, but it'll just (a) bore the others, and (b) never convince you otherwise anyways... ;-) :-D