Category: good times
01/27/08 04:09 - 32ºF - ID#43048

why yes you are right, it DOES seem to be german for 'unibrow!'. or something like that.
The breakdance battle was... AWESOME. as per usual. the dancers were exceptional this time and it makes me want to take monday night classes which involve actual breaking than toprocking on wednesday.
anyway.... i need to finish this jigsaw puzzle.

Permalink: unibroue.html
Words: 98
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: randomo
01/26/08 01:08 - 24ºF - ID#43042
mongolian shoe barbeque
Then my sore throat developed into the "s" word. Cough, Tight lungs, general weakness of body. I would have gone and they would have said "you have been feeling under the weather lately" and then charge me $50.
So I stayed home and (e:lauren) and I started putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Its kind of like one of those cheesy blacklight posters with dolphins and whatnot. We didn't finish, but at least I have something to look forward to for Sunday.
Tonight after work we are going to the Hardware Cafe around 6ish to see the art of Joey Buczek. He is a coworker of mine. We like to commiserate about the end of the world and ancient prophecies.
Then off to the breakdancing battle! Battle at Buffalo!
If anybody is interested in showing up it is $5 bucks and the door money goes right to the winner of the battle. It is on Main street right next to/above the Hyatt's art store. Very good times and great dancing!
Also - I designed a puma shoe that I want. But I can't show it to you because the computer that I am on sucks. But you can go to and check out the mongolian shoe barbeque and design your own kicks!

Permalink: mongolian_shoe_barbeque.html
Words: 235
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: good times
01/21/08 02:11 - 17ºF - ID#42974
Marcellas for birthdays!
hey all - just wanted to post a general invite...
Friday February 9th we will be heading out to Club Marcellas for (e:lauren)'s birthday. Its our first visit to the club, and we are very excited. My aunt and cousin are also going to going as well.
party party party party hoorah!

Permalink: Marcellas_for_birthdays_.html
Words: 54
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: good times
01/21/08 09:43 - 12ºF - ID#42969
bandits: a review
(E:lauren) had a damn good time too - though i'm sure that the free beer might have had something to do with it.
It was a really great time for all though. We got one of the game rooms absolutely chocked full of food We had everything from pizza and salads to pulled pork, chicken, and roast beef carved right by our own special beef carving wench. I think we were also allowed to whip her if she carved our beef too thin, but i was too drunk to try.
we also had seats in the stadium - so we could run in for beer/cheesecake and run back out for the game. it was damn good!
i have to say that the first half of the game i was just cheering when everybody else cheered, and laughing at the crazy people in general - and then i really started getting into it and i loved it! it kind of makes me really wish that (e:lauren) enjoyed sports so we could go to games more often.
We also hit the pearl street grille afterwards. Chocked full of... well... guys... but it was good times i guess.
oh and we didn't in fact take the subway - spent ten bucks on a parkin spot. it took four extra dollars than it would have for the subway i guess. ah well..
oh and yesterday at work with a hangover sucked.

Permalink: bandits_a_review.html
Words: 261
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: good times
01/19/08 07:55 - 25ºF - ID#42949
aye bandito!
okay i should be getting ready for work - which means... perfect time to update estrip!
I'll be working down in springville tonight - and closing up shop with just enough time to tear the hell out of there and get home to hit the rail to HSBC to the bandits game.
speaking of the rail... haven't taken it before - from the summer street station to HSBC arena - what is it a buck fifty? is it any different then NYC subways? i feel like such a noob.
i guess we have both seats in the 202 section as well as the game room that we have full access to. and the game rooms have one way glass in case there is a raunchy party going on inside. considering my co-workers..... yeah...
anyways... i guess i should go make my delightful breakfast shake and get my ass in the shower. this was an eventful post wasn't it?

Permalink: aye_bandito_.html
Words: 161
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: good eats
01/16/08 06:50 - 28ºF - ID#42908
Alive Whole food Energizer
Here is the link to the site from
check out the reviews also... good stuff that i have stumbled upon apparently!
Alive! Ultra-Shake is the ultimate nutritional energy source. Its' also a comprehensive, whole food multivitamin with the added benefit of Solae soy protein. Each serving contains more invigorating nutrients from more natural sources than any other supplement

Permalink: Alive_Whole_food_Energizer.html
Words: 83
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: good eats
01/15/08 09:54 - 29ºF - ID#42890
its practically crawling with nutrients
So this shake powder is... well.. green.. full of all those vitamins and kale and seaweed stuff that is supposed to be good for you but you never really get because... its disgusting...(?)
(e:lauren) thinks that the shake is absolutely disgusting, and I would have heartily agreed on day one when i wanted to vomit. But with a bit of tampering and time for my tastebuds to learn to look the other way.... i think its going to be just fine...
so this, mixed with a delightfully healthy diet of as much greens as possible and as little sugar as possible - just might have me fitting into those old clothes that i love.
we will see... i have horrible willpower you know...

Permalink: its_practically_crawling_with_nutrients.html
Words: 187
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: randomo
01/12/08 06:53 - 36ºF - ID#42860
children of the corn
We are going to go meet my aunt and cousing for a few drinks.

i think i'm scared. No wait... i KNOW i'm scared.
"West of the Mark" - WesternNY's premier country western band is playing.
if i don't make it then be sure to auction off my belongings and donate the proceeds to (E:strip)!

Permalink: children_of_the_corn.html
Words: 77
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: randomo
01/12/08 08:06 - 36ºF - ID#42851
shopping for dummies
Started out with a trip to the DMV - which was on 77 Broadway. So I (being the noob of buffalo streets that I am) decided to punch the address into my VZ navigator. It popped up with two address possibilities and i selected the first one - but i realized that one was probably wrong as we started heading south on 190 PAST downtown. turns out that the first address was actually a rural road in Clinton(?). Interesting town. We decided to go with the address even though our gut feelings said NOOO! Eh its only gas right?
So when we got back to buffalo and hit up the DMV - got my registration lickity split (suprise suprise). Then off to an Oil change at sonics.
Then we decided to head up to see what the outlets in the falls were all about. WOW they sucked. They REAAAAALLLY sucked.
Then we hit the summit mall that i remembered going to in my youth. Now here is the funny thing - i sorta remembered that mall sucking when i was a kid - and now it REALLY sucked. And it sucked even more in the fitting room of the bonton when i started crying. but that is another story altogether.
We then hit the boulevard mall and got an eye toy groove game and some underwear. Giving up alltogether we asked the VZ Navigator to kindly direct us to an olive garden. There we waited 65 to 75 minutes (which turned into 50 minutes thankfully) for a table.
A quick stop at Wegmans and we came home. Now tell me how we went shopping all day and only bought a couple underwears and a video game?

Permalink: shopping_for_dummies.html
Words: 288
Location: New Paltz, NY
Category: randomo
01/10/08 10:04 - 33ºF - ID#42817
exercise? what is that?
ok so from now on we need to fully practice every Monday and Friday, in addition to classes on Wednesday.
Also I have pulled out the camera for the Eye Toy for playstation 2. I don't care what you say - that sucker is a workout! Also I am getting some protein shake powder stuff and so i can begin having a deliciouis shake for my breakfast everyday. Well I say it is a delicious shake but really i am not looking as forward to it as you may say. I like food. not shakes. whatever.
anyway - i need to get myself moving and off to work...

Permalink: exercise_what_is_that_.html
Words: 147
Location: New Paltz, NY
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(e:lauren) says: Do you have blue moon?
bartender: no but blue moon is an imitation wheat beer, may i recommend the real thing that you will like better?
us: sure!
thus hogarden. which i knew of before i actually started enjoying beer.
but (e:vincent) - i would imaging PBR would be much cheaper than the fancy smancy beers that they have there...