Category: to
05/19/06 12:18 - 50ºF - ID#29411
Don't forget this weekend two of the best dj's in the world will be in Toronto. Rave on..
Love, MrDT

Permalink: TIESTO_DEEP_DISH_.html
Words: 53
Location: Grand Island, NY
05/18/06 02:06 - 54ºF - ID#29410
Top Movies
I saw this shitty ass action movie tonight. It was a corporate flick and had all the predictable outcomes.... I don't know what I was thinking but my brother liked it so I guess it has some value watered down or not.
And this got me thinking about my favorite movies and why they aren't the best but still my favorite:
1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2. Raging Bull
3. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
4. Pumping Iron
5. Fight Club
Alternates: Moulin Rouge, or possible Woody Allen flick.
Holy fuck I'm ripped....
DT Tip #4 don't rely on someone else for getting dates of major industry shows correct, always check and re-check....
fuck it, love, MrDT

Permalink: Top_Movies.html
Words: 117
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: vacation
05/13/06 02:40 - 68ºF - ID#29409
See You Monday!!!
Got a new suit too, a taupe window pain with light orangish lines. It was kinda cheap but I keep on growing out of these things so I opted for something that fits me now. Both the suits I purchased in September are too small now. I'm up to like 205#'s plus, which is kinda making me a little sad to be this heavy. Even though 5 of those pounds are extra muscle glycogen/fluid and water retention from the creatine it still has a small effect on my self esteem. But summers comin and after the BFL challenge I'll let out my old suits and take in the new one.
I've got reservations at Charlie Trotter's, who touts the world's best wine list, tonight and tomorrow dinner with Mike Andrzejewski, owner/chef of Tsunami, for a special chefs only night at Moto, Chicago's best asian restaurant. Should be some interseting culinary adventures here. Not-to-mention Jen's gonna pick up the Trotter's tab and the meal at Moto is comped!!! I'll be staying at the Hard Rock Hotel so I think I'm in for a rockin weekend.
Well, my plain leaves in an hour so I'd better go.
Love you, MrDT

Permalink: See_You_Monday_.html
Words: 266
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: quote
05/12/06 12:41 - 58ºF - ID#29408
It's Time for a Celebration
Just a quick post today my mind is fuckin fried. I don't know if you'll can tell but I'm having big time difficulties gettin my points across. Props to (e:jenks) for being able to work those kinds of hours and stay coherent, still scares the crap out of me.
I'm on my way to pick up some sticky-icky-icky. As promised I'll throw it down for the hookah to celebrate the end of the semester for the grad/post grad students. but I have this feeling that my likeability percentage is way down right now. Oh well, can't win 'um all.
Let me say, though, you're all invited to come over, kickback, relax and give bubbles a test run. You deserve it!!! You work hard!!!
So I'm going to leave you with a quote from Pablo Picasso to ponder:
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
And a quote from my new user sound:
"Stay far from timid, only make moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase - The Sky's the Limit. MothaFucka."
Love from da clouds, MrDT

Permalink: It_s_Time_for_a_Celebration.html
Words: 196
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: damnit
05/10/06 11:43 - 68ºF - ID#29407
Last Final Tomorrow...
But anyway, I'm injured. I think I pulled a groin muscle this morning moving gravel around my driveway and then i went to the gym for a leg workout making things even worse. It's not superbad but I hope it heals quick cause my rollerblades and bicycles have been calling my name. I just won't be able to hit my lowerbody next week. Come to think of it, abs might be out too and I just started working them three times a week again. Not sure how cut I'll be by the time summer comes but I'm gettin my act together for another $100,000 Body for Life challenge and possibly the Men's Health Abs diet thing. I love the fact that by making body transformations I can enter contests and win stuff. But i'm gonna start in a couple of weeks so if anyone wants to get with me on it privately or publicly, let me know. Soon I'll post some goals for the twelve weeks along with unhealthy habits I need to modify and replace with healthy patterns.
But anyway pray for me that I'll ace my finance final so I can take home 4 A's this semester.
Love you, MrDT

Permalink: Last_Final_Tomorrow_.html
Words: 474
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: thinking
05/10/06 01:40 - 60ºF - ID#29406
The Power is Inside of You
But anyway the movie, which was The Assassination of Nixon with Sean Penn, got me thinking about some of the books I have on my reference shelf. It's funny some people have dictionaries and thesauruses on their reference shelf but I have books that have helped me to become a better individual in my personal and professional life. I'm looking at books like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Persig, Norman Peale's Power of positive thinking, Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living and the Guide to Vitality and Wellness, among others. Even though all the books are completely different they have one common theme in mind. They all come down to the fact that life begins in your mind and through the power of thought you have the ability to control your outlook on yourself and life. "I think therefore I am," the old saying may offer a different metaphysical meaning but for me it means that if I believe in myself I will achieve. It all comes down to the way I look at something. If I'm feeling negative then I participate in negative behavior that will bring upon negative consequences and vice versa with the positive. The other day I kinda felt like shit but I told myself I was gonna crush the weight at the gym and wouldn't ya know it, I had one of the best leg workouts ever. (I still can't walk after a week!!!) But it goes to show you that you have to unlock your true potential by having faith in your abilities to do well. Otherwise your mind will hold you back and prevent you from succeeding.
Believe in yourself and anything is possible. Things you aren't so good at become easier. You'll find solutions to problems that have been bugging you for years. The answers you seek are all inside of you and no one can help you find them better than yourself. Just start chipping away at it a little at a time. And when all else fails try to reframe. I've been told that I'm a natural at this but really it's not so hard. You just need to step back for a sec and look at the problem in a different way with a more positive mind set. The answers there but you won't find it all pissed off and frustrated, you just have to let it flow and let yourself go...low and slow that is the tempo
I love you all dearly and I'm here if you need me, MrDT
oh yeah, and now I'm gonna watch tonights episode of the Simpsons and go to bed.

Permalink: The_Power_is_Inside_of_You.html
Words: 513
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: school
05/09/06 03:53 - 54ºF - ID#29405
3 Down, One to GO
I think I have a kinda date this Friday for the masters of business alumni association cocktail party and awards ceremony, which is so cool. at first I was trying to get the whole non-date thing going but I'm picking her up before the reception then going to dinner afterwards so I guess it's a non-date date. I haven't done this since last year when I got all dressed up for the nutcracker with Jen who is now in DC.
I was wondering though, given that it is spring should I give her a gardenia pendent/corsage thingy to wear on her dress?? What do you think??? This is the kind of thing I do... one of my best moves. I don't know.
Love ya, MrDT
And enjoy the gangsta rap all week..I'm in one fo those moods.

Permalink: 3_Down_One_to_GO.html
Words: 223
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: information
05/08/06 01:03 - ID#29404
8 Surefire Fat-Burning Tips
By Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro
Need some help with your nutrition plan? Check out the Bill Phillips Body for Life/Eating for Life plan.
Sometimes certain moments in our lives leave an unforgettable impression. About 4 years ago, I was up late on a weekend night and watching TV. An infomercial was promoting an exercise machine that could help you achieve your weight-loss goals in 6 minutes a day.
Six minutes a day -- yeah, right! That infomercial got me thinking about how many people buy into fat loss myths. On the part of the consumer, this has to do with a lack of knowledge and hope for the magical workout and the magical diet. Neither of which exist.
If you ever see a quick fix promise, always go back to the fundamentals. Fundamentals will never let you down, and they will never lie to you or mislead you.
Today we return to the fundamentals of fat loss. These are the points that always work and never try to sell you a false hope or a false expectation.
There are eight points to consider when attempting to burn body fat.
1. Control Blood Sugar -- There is an old saying that fat loss success is 80-percent nutrition. Frankly, I'm not sure what
the percentage actually is (no one does). However, based on my experience it's clear to me that it all begins with nutrition.
If you don't have your nutrition program dialed in you will not achieve success. It doesn't matter how hard or how long
you workout. This applies to everyone who starts a diet and fitness program.
Your goal should be to control blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar levels helps to shed fat. This is accomplished by taking
in some protein, carbohydrates and good fats spread evenly through the day every two to three hours and by not over
A sample meal schedule might look something like this:
6:30 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
12:30 Lunch
3:30 Snack
6:00 Dinner
9:00 Small Snack
This method will have a profound impact on fat loss. However, don't forget that calories must still be slightly below
2. Calories count -- Your goal is to eat as much as possible while still losing fat. For example, if I can get you to lose 1 to
2 pounds of fat per week on 1,400 calories per day, I'm on track. If I try to accelerate the process and lower your calories
to 1,200, I sabotage your efforts. Anything more than a 2-pound loss per week will strip muscle tissue and give one a soft
A good example is the person who goes on a crash diet and ends up thin but still soft and flabby when they get to their
goal weight. This takes place because they lost not only fat, but also valuable muscle. They lowered calories too much,
lost at too fast of a rate and did not try to eat the optimal amount of calories for fat loss.
Still, don't think the correct amount of calories matter? I receive many emails from people who have been on low-calorie
diets. Many complain that after four to five weeks of weight loss, they hit a sticking point.
Why does this happen? The T3 (thyroid hormone) and body temperature are reduced. It's subtle and you may not realize
that body temperature is reduced, but that will slow down the speed of the metabolism. To avoid this slow down, a slight
increase in calories is essential. This helps to increase and optimize thyroid levels.
I'm not suggesting everyone should increase calories if they hit a sticking point. In many cases, some people aren't being
consistent, or their diet isn't as low calorie as they think. Again, eat the optimal amount of food to lose fat.
3. Eat Breakfast -- A balanced breakfast comprised of carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat is a critical start to the day.
The point of consuming breakfast is that it breaks the fast from an overnight sleep. In addition, breakfast will rev the
metabolism for the rest of the day. This is your first opportunity of the day to get blood sugar back to a balanced state after
the all night fast and is critical for sustaining fat loss.
4. Ratios count! A calorie is not a calorie -- Do you know those people who tell you to simply lower your calories to lose fat?
The people who never mention protein, carbohydrates or fats? They're wrong.
Protein, carb and fat ratios are important. The correct ratios (which can vary depending on an individual's response to
food) help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps to increase energy and fat loss. Generally, 40 percent to 50 percent
of carbohydrates, 25 percent to 30 percent protein and 20 percent to 30 percent of healthy fats is the best starting place.
Carbs are necessary for energy and not the enemy everyone makes them out to be. The key is how much you consume.
Protein is also critical to build and retain muscle tissue, which in turn helps to burn more fat.
Finally, good dietary fats are extremely important. They help to balance hormonal levels, increase strength and create
satiety (fullness).
5. Weight Training -- To affect muscle versus fat ratios you have to train with weights or perform some type of resistance
training. An intense weight workout lasting no more than 60 minutes is the most efficient route to go. You don't have to
workout with a bodybuilding routine, but you do need to work the entire body approximately three alternate days per week.
6. Cardio -- Cardio should be approached as a tool to lose fat. It should not be used as a never ending event in the hope
that all body fat will magically burn off. Excessive cardio is counter productive and will burn not only fat but also valuable
muscle tissue.
If fat loss is not taking place, increase the intensity of your session, not the time. The key is to perform all that is necessary
-- and no more than that. This is accomplished by incorporating interval cardio training (integrating slower levels of
intensity for several minutes with very high levels for several minutes). Intervals are great for boosting the metabolism and
creating more of a post caloric burn (calories burned 24 hours after the workout.
Many people think they need to perform two hours of cardio per day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Start with a
realistic amount of cardio per day and then add to it by five minutes or switch to intervals if you haven't lost body fat in two
weeks. This is assuming that you're eating enough calories.
7. Water Intake -- From the standpoint of water intake and fat loss, you want to be in a position where the liver is
converting stored fat to energy. The liver has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs. Unfortunately, another of the
liver's duties is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which need plenty of water to work properly (more than most people
If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do the work of the kidneys along with its own (lowering its total
productivity in the process). The liver then can't metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently. If you allow this to happen, you're
setting yourself up to store fat because you've made the liver less efficient at turning stored body fat to energy.
Usually if you multiply .55 times your weight, that should be enough in ounces of water to suffice. Water is the underrated
fat-loss tool.
8. Discipline -- This is the seldom used word in the fitness industry. As I mentioned earlier, you'll read a lot about the new
magic workout, the new magic diet, the machine that's sure to burn fat off your butt, etc. It's all a bunch of nonsense.
It's about doing the right thing and the hard thing at times. One day of discipline leading to another day of discipline. You
build your body and your mind simultaneously. Without this, every point I've made above is fruitless. The good thing is
anyone can do it -- if they choose to.
Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
A drug-free competitive bodybuilder and 2005 winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation)
Pro Card, Raphael Calzadilla is a veteran of the health-and-fitness industry. He specializes in a holistic approach to body
transformation, nutrition programs and personal training. He earned his B.A. in communications from Southern Connecticut
State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX.
---Any questions feel free to contact me, if I don't know the answer I'll do my best to find it for you.
Love, MrDT

Permalink: from_e_diets_com.html
Words: 1514
Location: Grand Island, NY
05/06/06 03:48 - 49ºF - ID#29403
It's Times Like These You Learn to Love
It's times like these that I think about that scene in Scarface where Tony Montana bitches out his girl for being so fucked up all the time then stands up and starts yelling at the clientele going into this unforgetable monlogue (here I go again):
What you lookin at?
You all a bunch of fucking assholes.
You know why?
You ain't got the guts to bo what you want to be.
You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy."
So...what that make you? Good?
No, you're not good.
You just know how to hide and how to lie.
Me, I don't have that problem.
Me, I always tell the truth.
Even when I lie.
So say goodnight to the bad guy!
Come on. Make way for the bad guy.
There's a bad guy comin through!!
Betta get out of his way!
Oh and one more thing, I used to get picked on in junior high untill the day I got sick of it and pounded the fuck out of the biggest bully in the school (someone who was half a foot taller plus 25 pounds). Since then I don't take shit from anyone.
What a load of shit that is. it seems everytime my manhood is attacked I have the need to squash it by any means necessary. but what I really need to learn is how to turn the other the cheek and seek the higher moral ground.
I guess we just need more love and understanding in the world from everyone starting with me. I'm done, I'm through, here's the other cheek. I've read your journals and responses, think what you will.
I still love you, MrDT
and i'm truely sorry for the negativity that this has brought to the individual members of this community.

Permalink: It_s_Times_Like_These_You_Learn_to_Love.html
Words: 415
Location: Grand Island, NY
05/05/06 10:27 - 57ºF - ID#29402
TIESTO Ignites THE DOCKS May 21, 2006

Toronto, May 3, 2006 - The DJ Tiesto concert scheduled for Sunday, May 21 at CiRCA has been moved to The Docks Nightclub at 11 Polson Street. The much anticipated long weekend show is the second stop on the world renowned DJs North American Tour to launch his latest album: In Search of Sunrise vol. 5.
All existing tickets will be honoured and a new block of 2000 tickets will go on sale today for the sold-out show through Ticketbreak.
The Worlds #1 DJ returns to the city he loves...Toronto!!! On Sunday, May 21st, 2006 Tiesto will shake the roof off of The Docks Nightclub in downtown Toronto!!
Doors open @ 9pm and this is a 19+ event!
A block of another 2,000 tickets has just been released for this event!!!
Tickets are also available at the following retail outlets:
Play De Record - 416.586.0380
StyleExchange - 416.214.0111
2 The Beat - 416.598.8120
Unicuts - 905.897.6900
---The new user sound is by's a song called Just Be and if you listen to it long enough it may offer some good advice. It's an eight minute song so I had to convert it to a lame mp3 at 64 kbps. The quality might not be there but if you want I'll put it on the share application.
---There is also a show the night before in Colombus, OH at the Skye Bar. I don't understand how TO gets two of the best djs (Deep Dish is the same night) in the world and all we get is Freq Nasty at the Opium.
Whatever, I told you I love you guys/girls, right, MrDT

Permalink: TIESTO_Ignites_THE_DOCKS_May_21_2006.html
Words: 260
Location: Grand Island, NY
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How was your trip? NRA, hahaha.. :)