Category: blahblah
05/02/06 04:24 - 51ºF - ID#29398
blah, blah blah, blah: blah blah
Ok now that I have that out of the way. man I can hardly hear myself in my head. I'm nearly finished on my research project for my transportation and logistics class. It's gonna be over 30 pages long by the time I'm through. if you were wondering, it is a business proposal for a thingy I've been thinking about doing for a while. if my sales projections are accurate, I should be a millionaire by the 3rd quarter and a multi-millionaire by the 2nd quarter of the second year.
So nah nah nah nah. Sucka's. That'll teach you sorry asses to laugh at me. Not only will I have the body, the brains and, whatelse, well I'll also have the money. And everybody knows: 1st you get the money; then you get the power; then, then you get the women.
My mind is fucking mush right now. my stuff is spread out pretty good to finish up so I don't have to cram my way to the end of the semester. I'm so glad I had the discipline to stay in the house yesterday and Saturady. I guess that makes me a loser, but I'm rich bioch. Not only that but I never miss deadlines. I think it's pretty pathetic to miss a grad school deadline because you were out hangin with friends all weekend.
I quote Anthony Bourdain, "I spent two years on the Food Netwrok and if that didn't turn my brain to mush, nothin will."
Peace out for tonight peeps, Love Mr Millionaire, MrDT

Permalink: blah_blah_blah_blah_blah_blah.html
Words: 275
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: freebase
04/30/06 06:40 - 73ºF - ID#29397
You're all invited over, even you wierd ones!
Actually I prefer wierd because it will give us plenty of character and things to talk about.
Okay 0.3 minuites left. Got to go... enjoy the tune I threw up there. Its indicative of the albums I'm playing while I work on this mega project. I'm not sure who it is but it's off of Armin Van Buuren's live Album at Ibiza's Universal Religion superclub.
I think after the next two weeks ud grad students should get together and make a good use out of (e:ladycroft) 's hooka.
Love it, Mrdt

Permalink: Quickie.html
Words: 177
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: foodie2
04/29/06 01:19 - 42ºF - ID#29396
Friday's Recovery Meal
I went to thew store today and treated myself for a fabulous 1# USDA CAB porterhouse steak:

I bought it at Tops and normally I don't go to TOps but Wegmans has really been pissing me off. I shop there atleast twice a week and I have so many problems. Last week they were out of Papetti egg whites so I waited in line for a rain check. Well, when I completely ran out of eggs and egg whites I went to Wegmans but forgot the rain check. They fucking completely refused to save me a dollar on two. How's that for customer oriented customer service.??? I could go on and on but anyway here's the staek with some of the fat cap trimmed off on my natural gas grill:

This was my recovery meal ( 2 hours after my post workout shake):

That's the steak, a baked potato with one tbl. os fat free sour cream and an enormous head of lightly steamed broccoli. Thank God it's the offseason. Oh yeah and I can't forget my quart of water:


Eating alone on a Friday night I flip on the TV. Good thing I don't get depressed by it anymore like this guy:

Gotta eat more, gotta be more:

My arms are getting deisel...This is like picture 10 and my arms are tired from the workout plus the fact that I was flexing them for 20 minutes to get a good picture. Looked better in person, I'm real happy that I'm starting to get vascular.
I love my personal development, MrDT

Permalink: Friday_s_Recovery_Meal.html
Words: 288
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: ramblin
04/27/06 04:14 - 45ºF - ID#29395
How does it get so late?
I had a pretty good day over all, I guess. I told a whole bunch of jokes in my org behaviour(canadian text book) class. Told myself before class that if I walk Melissa to her car again, I better get her number. Let me say I got her number but only after she asked me out. Maybe some of that magic is still there. I always prefer handwritten numbers, though, cause I just wound up typing it in my cell. When I was young I used to have a penny jar that I would fill with numbers and show off to friends when they came over. At one time my sexual prowess demanded quite a bit of respect from the neighborhood boys.
Now that I'm on the subject of the past, I saw this great movie tonight that totally brought back so many memories from the eighties. It was done so well, even the grain on the film reminded me of watching some funky movie from the seventies or eighties. One memory that comes to mind was the time I tried on a condom I found in my parents secret drawer or the memory of there eventual devource (canadian spelling again), which was completely different but I still wound up talking to a therapist about it. This was the only time I ever talked to a therapist about how I feel about anything. But yeah, my brother and I would talk to this guy for an hour then we would leave and he had my Dad come in so he could rat on us. never told him I was experimenting with some heavy duty drugs, never told him I took a tab before mr murphy's religion class, hallucinated and giggled the entire day. I guess divorce does that to kids - tears the family apart, puts them in a funky surreal funk not knowing who to trust. come to think of it I'm glad they sent us to therapy, it shows they cared, we could have wound up even more fucked up. well, that's the only time I've ever needed it so it must have done something for me. not sure if I can say the same for bro. He hasn't talked to my mom in three or so years. I try to talk to him about it but he has his reasons. hopefully he gets passed them soon cause I think it's damaged his view and ability to trust women or something.
Let's see what else....Ahhhh I noticed that there has been quite a bit of foodie stuff going on. I'm surprised I haven't jumped on it. I was thinking though that I should post a recipe or something like that. I guess I would start at the beginning for you amateurs with basic white chicken stock. but that would just be silly. and who cares if you can see a dime at the bottom of five gallons of gelatinous chicken stock anyway. I've seen a lot of people make stock and it pisses me off that even established chefs treat it as dish water - cloudy, bitter, greasy, green from too many leek tops that should have wound up in the trash due to the excessive amount of dirt in them. thats not the way I make stock!!! I always prefer a clean, pure and careful approach. I usually don't have to clarify my stocks with a raft and if you saw them you would probably ask me if we were having lemon jello for dessert. cause that's what happens when you do it right.... lazy bubble fuckers. oh well, we can't all be aspiring Thomas Keller's.
Did somebody say Thomas Keller, I better take that beautiful white cookbook down off the shelf

This is The French Laundry Cookbook

The french laundry you ask?? what does that mean. well my dear readers it means I'm about to peruse a recipe from arguably the best chef in the country. For those of you who don't know who Thomas Keller is I must say that words can not explain the talent and vision of the dining experience that this man will give you. Whether your at Per Se in NYC or at Bouchon in Napa or Vegas I will guarantee you the best meal of your entire life. unless your some picky ass eater who doesn't like onions or something. (and if you don't that's not something you want to tell me). But anyway when the French Laundry opens again, after a remodel, I'm sure it will seize the best in country title again. This is what food is all about. I wish I had the audacity to go into it here but I've already said enough. A real discussion of Keller would deserve a post of its own. He deserves it being the best and all.
SO maybe I should go now, it's fucking 4:10 and I got fresh red-420 count sheets on the cadillac of mattresses, not my softest but they'll do.
Enjoy the Pink Floyd inspired by the Squid and the Whale. and if you want to get a little serious about your food buy The French Laundry cookbook. I would say out of the 40 or 50 I own its my favorite and you would believe me right??
Love it, MrDT

Permalink: How_does_it_get_so_late_.html
Words: 917
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: quotes
04/26/06 02:41 - 48ºF - ID#29394
More Words for Thought
At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas.
- Aldous Huxley
OUT, Love Mrdt

Permalink: More_Words_for_Thought.html
Words: 47
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: ramblin
04/26/06 01:40 - 37ºF - ID#29393
One Down One to GO
Yeah I was thinking about how hard I had it. I sold my google stock early Monday morning and figured I would have enough money to live off all summer (stock sky rocketed before the close of Friday). Then I realized that it was really fuckin early and my decimal place wasn't in the right place. Fuck me and the mundane details. Then I'm reading the NY Times today and I realize that this kid has it harder than most and he's achieving better than most.
Poor Kid - check it out if you think you got it tough
I presented my first case study today on Barilla Pasta's JITD development. I tried to make it interesting and built in a few jokes but these things suck. Nothing worse then a ten minute presentation on topics not fully explained bu the teacher and having to BS your ass off when he asks a question. Then with 20 minutes left in the class he gives us our last open book quiz. Which was 40+ true or false questions. I was on question 23 when he was like 2 more minutes. I decided at that moment it would be better to get a few more right and when he said time was up I would just start circling "true" for the rest. I hope that strategy worked...I haven't had time to evaluate it yet and I don't think I'll bother.
Hopefully some of you got to enjoy the Doors track I had up cause I'm changin it again. It's a tune from the swordfish soundtrack. I've been feelin really full of myself lately. I don't know...there's a lot to be said for the way I achieve on a daily basis. Everythings comin' together finally, a little slow but its comin' togehter. (e:paul) you should have seen me pushin up 65# dumb bells like a fuckin maniac. (not bad for a fat kid who a year ago was struggling with the 30's)
Love ya, MrDT

Permalink: One_Down_One_to_GO.html
Words: 414
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: movie quotes
04/25/06 02:54 - 45ºF - ID#29392
[after putting dog poop in a paper bag and lighting it on fire on Old Man Clemens' porch]
Billy Madison: Oh my God, Old Man Clemens hates shit.
[Billy Rings the doorbell]
Frank: Shh, here he comes.
Old Man Clemens: Who the hell is it? What do you want? Judas Priest, Barbara, it's one of those flaming bags again.
Barbara: Don't put it out with your boots, Ted.
Old Man Clemens: Stop tellin me what to do, Devil Woman. Call the fire department, this one's outta control.
[Old Man Clemens steps on the bag, then lifts up his boot and smells]
Old Man Clemens: Eck, poop again.
Billy Madison: He called the shit "poop".
[Billy, Jack, and Frank laugh hysterically]
Frank: This is the best night of my life.
[They continue laughing]
Old Man Clemens: I'll get you damn kids for this. You're all gonna die.
I love a good poop joke, MrDT
Oh yeah,, and enjoy my new user sound it's the Doors. I wanted to put "Peace Frog" up there but unfortunately its not on any of the six albums I own. SO enjoy this six minute live version of "Gloria." Six minutes, how does he do it you may ask??? It's cause MrDT is the man, the myth and the legend with the Arthur Fonzarelli juke box touch.

Words: 299
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: supernatural
04/24/06 03:16 - 47ºF - ID#29391
Ground Control to John Lennon
Personally, being an Elvis man I've always wanted to contact him in a seance to find out if Ann Margaret's bush is really as red as her hair.
I want to thank all of you who contributed your thoughts and comments to my post yesterday. It's made me the person with the the most comments on a post. and I'm happy to hold the record. I guess I pissed some people off but in the process but I've learned quite a bit about myself (if you thought some of the comments were harsh you should see my inbox).
So I leave you quick today ( I have so much work to do) with a quote from Nietzsche that I have written on a dry erase board in my bedroom:
A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions - as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.
Live it, love it, learn it, Mr Obnoxious - MrDT
PS I've changed my user sound to a Rolling Stones cover tune "I'm Free" done by the Soup Dragon.

Permalink: Ground_Control_to_John_Lennon.html
Words: 205
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: nutrition
04/23/06 01:10 - 50ºF - ID#29390
the whole acid alkaline thing
The quality of your life is based on the quality of your cells. To survive and prosper, cells have to have oxygen, water, nutrients - potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc among others - and the ability to eliminate their own wastes. Without these four things, which are dramatically affected by the quality of your blood, which I call your "River of Life," your cells can't survive. When any one of these four things are compromised, your cells can't thrive.
When you break down your body's cells to the smallest particles; atoms, protons, and neutrons, you find that each particle has a measurable electrical energy that keeps the particles in motion. When your atoms have high electrical energy, your energy is high, your cells can functiom optimally and your red blood cells don't stick together. When your atom's energy is very low, your cells can't function optimally and your red blood cells stick together and move more slowly, and so do you. When your atoms have no electrical energy, neither do you, and you're dead.
To give your cells the best chance of being completely healthy, your blood must have a precise chemical balance. Alkalinity and acidity is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 1 being pure acid, 7 being neutral and 14 pure alkaline. Your blood must maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365. When there's a disturbance to this balance, the red blood cells begin to clump together. When that happens, they can't travel efficiently through the capillaries and feed the cells throughout the body. The pH stands for potential for hydrogen. The pH of your blood is along the same lines as the pH of your pool or your hot tub. When the balance is out of whack the water gets polluted. Same thing with your blood.
Everyone's bodies are being pushed to their limits and are usually, to some extent, toxic and acidic. The fast paced modern "lifestyle" has brought so many things to the table that our bodies were not designed for. Our fight or flight stress hormones like cortisol are at an all time high. People are not slowing down to rest like they used to. With all the technology and the to-do lists, we're stressed out more than ever. Put on top of that the highly possessed convenient foods for the masses with all the chemicals and preservatives and you have a severe problem.
When given the correct internal environment, the human body is an incredible self healing machine. The more acidic that our blood becomes, the less ability our body has to fight of infection, disease, and premature aging. It's not difficult to lower acidity of the blood. I offer a three point checklist of areas to focus on if you find your blood ph is below 7.36.
(1) Emotions - Anger, fear, overwhelm, frustration, inadequacy, and low self-esteem are all acidic emotions. These emotions induce more negative hormones like cortisol. We've all heard it before, but believe me, the mind is much stronger than we ever know. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You absolutely will get what you focus on.
(2) Nutrition- Eliminate highly processed convenience foods that are full of chemicals and preservative, and replace them with foods that are fresh and organic. If it doesn't spoil, don't eat it. All food has an electrical energy. If you're constantly eating foods that don't give energy back, you become toxic and acidic. Some foods that have electrical energy include: most vegetable, cucumbers, most grasses (wheat), and almonds.
(3) Healthy life-style choices- Get plenty of rest, the right amount of exercise, and don't use acidic addictions such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol.
Another related issue is Candida albicans, which is quickly being found by holistic medical practitioners to be "the disease behind the other diseases." Candida is a microbe known as yeast, and it's a normal inhabitant of the body. For a variety of reasons, it can become a pathogen, a disease causing fungus that feeds on the body and weakens the immune system, which the medical community often views as the source of allergies, AIDS, chronic fatigue (Epstein-Barr), herpes, and many other illnesses.
The naturally occurring yeast resides in the gastrointestinal tract. The primary diet of the yeast and fungi that live in our bodies is sugar for energy and protein for development and growth. These yeast and fungi and their mycotoxins greatly contribute to the over-acidification of our systems, and that produces all kids of symptoms and diseases.
I believe that body-builders, even ones who are eating clean, need to learn this concept even more that the average American who is eating highly processed garbage. As body-builders, we are pushing our systems to the limits. We are tearing our bodies, our muscles, as well as our nervous, hormonal, endocrine, elimination, and recovery systems down, daily. We are releasing incredible amounts of lactic acid into our systems, adding to the already acidic system.
I knew that from day one I was not going to take short cuts, drug-free for life body-building has turned me into a man that I am proud of. Little did I know that as I was sculpting my physical body, I was also sculpting traits like perseverance, fortitude, honesty, persistence, passion, that would allow me to take on any challenge: To start a new business, to end a relationship, to start a new one, to be incredibly happy and fulfilled.
Obviously to some extent having good genetics for bodybuilding at is important, but it pales in comparison to how important nutrition, training, and working smarter, not harder are. I have poor genetics for body-building, a thick waist, thick joints, and a higher body-fat % set point. This is where the mind plays a crucial role in our training.
After an intense work-out, our nervous systems are jacked up. We immediately dive head first into that to-do list that is ever-growing. We have families, businesses, clients, cell phones, e-mails, etc., that never go away. WE ARE STRESSED! In order to grow we need to rest and recover. The more we relax and decompress, the more we will grow from the intense work-out.
Lastly, as vain as it may sound, your waistline determines your attitude, your attitude determines your altitude. CHANGE YOUR WAISTLINE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
1. THE FOODS THAT YOU EAT - 10% of your time and focus
2. THE EXERCISE THAT YOU GET - 10 % of your time and focus
3. THE THOUGHTS THAT YOU THINK - 80% of your time and focus
To reach your true potential in bodybuilding, focus on these three areas with the right amount of time and focus, and 80% of your time should be focused on the mind.
Trust me when I tell you that "exercise is the drug of choice."
Sorry to bother you all with that. It is extremely relevent to living healthy non-body building lives. Try to take good care of your body, it's the greatest tool you'll ever own.
Love, MrDT

Permalink: the_whole_acid_alkaline_thing.html
Words: 1249
Location: Grand Island, NY
Category: depressed
04/22/06 01:24 - 56ºF - ID#29389
It's Gonna Be a Sad Day
UPDATE::: Actually I'm going to change it. This is a Deep Dish remix of an old Fleetwood Mac tune called "Dream." Don't forget Deep Dish will be at the Guverment on May 21st. We missed Oakenfold who was at Kool Haus on April 13th. Damn it.
Okay here we go:
Alot of my ol' friends from Hard Rock are getting together today to celebrate the marriage of one of the girls I used to work with and hang out with. at one point we were all pretty good friends spending lots of time together working, drinking after work, going on vacations together and making day trips to the park and stuff. Its been brought to my attention that a lot of thought went into inviting me but it was decided by the wedding party that i would only bring the moment down. I guess a lot of people thought I would make everyone uncomfortable because my "ex" and her friends are the wedding party and why ruin a good time? Not to mention the next to last time I saw my ex her new ogar boyfriend that she left me for started pushing me around telling me it wasn't to cool for me to do burnouts on front of his house in the middle of the night. WHat can I say I was extremely emotional and irrational?? My feelings overwhelmed me and I participated in behavior that was reckless and out of character. It was good expirience and I can say that I will never go down that road again.
But anyway as I was saying, this big guy starts pushing me around so I quickly brought one of my elbows up and hit him in the chin. I saw his head snap back and his arms go up but before had achance to recover I slammed him with a spinning elbow, putting all my body weight and momentum into the hardest part of my body. I knocked the son of a bithch out right in front of about 20 friends or so. I guess that's what he gets for fucking with a trained fighter and pssing on my lawn. The guy left his pregnante girlfirend to steal away mine when we were on the rocks. Brilliant strategy like this belongs on Jerry Springer but unfortunately they consider themselves middle class.
BUt anyway, again, I'm sittin here emotionally fucked up for the time being wishing my friends would call me so we could get together again like the good ol' days. before me and the ex broke up we were a tight group but she had to go and ruin that for me too. (I guess its my fault too). I miss working at the Hard Rock and I miss the friendships I developed there. I'm glad the two best friendships I made their weren't damaged and I can call my buddy Scotty in NYC anytime along with Greg at the CIA in Hyde Park.
I guess I feel like shit cause of the dream I woke up to. It resembles this situation to a T. only the wedding party was stationed at my cousin Mark's house and I was free to stop by for a bottle of water and see everybody.
Life sucks but I'm compelled to keep on livin it cause you never know what tomorrow will bring. I think that's so exciting about life, wondering where will the tide take you.
Love all, Serve all, MrDT

Permalink: It_s_Gonna_Be_a_Sad_Day.html
Words: 594
Location: Grand Island, NY
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