10/16/04 11:21 - ID#29208
i am baffled
Um...Jesse...is there another MK in your life...??? Or is that actually my mouth and I don't remember that situation at all...?
I am deeply saddened. I better go look at a picture of Al and Tipper smooching to really cheer myself up...

Permalink: i_am_baffled.html
Words: 45
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/02/04 07:03 - ID#29207
Today is a lazy day. Well I just went running. I guess I should say lazy night. I could go to another party at Brian's but I dunno...I have a midterm Monday. And on Friday I'm supposed to be singing in a Masterclass by this guy who I just looked up online. He's a famous baritone who has sang lots of places and went to Yale and he looks really good and I know I will be scared shitless to sing for him. But anyway I think it will be really cool. SOOOO therefore I probably shouldn't be all drinkey drinkey tonight.
Who uses Schick Intuition Razors? Because they are amazing in my opinion! They're the kind where you don't need soap or shaving gel or anything! I recommend highly. Even guys. I actually know lots of girls who use men's razors. What's the difference really?

Don't know how to end this, sooooooo bye

Permalink: Saturday.html
Words: 198
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/23/04 12:38 - ID#29206
fall break
Happy early birthday to my roomie and to Chris and to my grandma and to brad.
p.s. I was a Kenmore Middle gal, along with (e:beast) and (e:maureen) and (e:anne). :)

Permalink: fall_break.html
Words: 132
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/19/04 11:59 - ID#29205
craziness of all kinds
What is also crazy in a less violent, I-live-in-the-ghetto way is that one of my friends got married yesterday. I mean we aren't really very close anymore but I've known Andrea since I was like, 7 years old and now she is married. It seems like only yesterday we were playing softball and singing about chocolala sticks and yelling into fans waking up my mom two stories up and waving taboo buzzers at them and using hand sanitizer while listening to innappropriate stories. Anyway, it was a nice time. Congratulations to the new husband and wife!
October 19...new Jimmy Eat World...

Permalink: craziness_of_all_kinds.html
Words: 150
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/05/04 10:30 - ID#29204
still here
Last night was my first naked party...my first time skinny dipping![size=m] yay! [/size] It was quite invigorating and liberating, although I still think my nude body definitely contributed to Mike's sickness, and he's just too nice to say so.
So I guess Labor Day = summer over. Well, here's to a new year...the last year for many people I know. Of school that is. Well undergrad I guess. How crazy. It may not be my last year, since I am going crazy and switching around my life, but more on that later. Everyone's lives are changing before our eyes I guess. Weird.
And I'm at work and should not be doing this entry, but I guess it never stopped me before. But now I'm actually being watched. Well ok I'll write more soon. Happy Labor Day everybody (do you say that?) and thanks to the nudies for a good time. haaaaaaaaa

Permalink: still_here.html
Words: 188
Location: Kenmore, NY
08/12/04 04:18 - ID#29203
i'm a little being forced to go to Mr. Goodbar tonight to hang with the cast of the Taming Of The Shrew...some of the cast members have a band so there will be music and stuff...
...so anywho...if anyone wants to join me down at Goodbar...it would be appreciated...we can dance on chairs and get yelled at by bouncers and all that fun stuff...:)
p.s. i like that everyone has the word type written all over their journals, haha
for example type[size=m]type[/size]type[size=l]type[/size]type[size=s]type[/size][size=xxl]type[/size]type

Permalink: voting.html
Words: 116
Location: Kenmore, NY
08/09/04 12:10 - ID#29202
Everyone liked the dress we made. Except they kept saying, "this is the dress MK made", and I kept correcting everyone, because I hated to take credit for it. Really it was my mom and my sister that did most of the work. They have both made lots of things before and if it had been left up to me, well, the end results most likely would have resembled a burlap sack rather than a dress. Anyway I love weddings. And Chris's family. So the combo was great.
Summer is winding down. One week of work, Cape Cod, Fredonia. This summer has been very different from the last two or three...since high school at least. I've worked more than I have any other summer, which is okay I guess. Money is all right but I hate it anyway. I don't know. I don't mean to say that this different summer was good or bad. I guess it was kinda both. I know looking back won't be nearly as filled with the memories that summers used to bring with my friends. But I know that is my fault. And I guess I just don't know what else to say about that considering I just stared at the computer for a solid five minutes without typing.
What effect does being really tired have on most people? I'm realizing that it makes me sort of crazy and very emotional. Everything seems to bother me much more and I start crying very easily. I've had some random outbursts on the phone with Chris and later I realize they have no relevance at all, and it's just because it's very late and I'm so exhuasted. And I feel bad taking it out on him, or anyone for that matter. On Wednesday the same thing happened, only I did it in front of my family and that was weird. But they insisted I take the day off and everything, and I'm glad I did. I got to hang out with (e:mike) and hang out with my sister and stuff. What am I even so stressed about? It's freakin summer and it's not like my jobs are so demanding. Well they are boring so that doesn't help. Wow this is a really long entry. I'm sorry. I think I'm just gonna cut it off.
Ohhhhh wait, if anyone wants to go to Shakespeare in the Park one night this week, let me know!!!! I need to go at least once more before Friday, and I want everyone else to come too. So let me know cuz it would be fun.

Permalink: summmmmertime.html
Words: 469
Location: Kenmore, NY
07/28/04 01:55 - ID#29200
sex vs. shoe shopping
I decided to make my dress for Chris’s sister’s wedding. I know, who makes their own clothes…at least, nice dresses. But after trying just about every mall in the area and trying on like 30 dresses…my mom suggested looking for a pattern and doing the damn thing myself. So, here goes. Well, she will help a lot. I feel like Chris is worried that I’m not going to look as nice or something because it’s like homemade or whatever. Well, he may not be. Frankly as long as the dress fits me, that’s all I care about. I tend to have issues with that like…constantly. I guess I have a weird body. Anyway stop bitching. I picked out a cool pattern and I also can’t wait to pick out shoes. That may just be the key to dragging myself out of this crap rut. I have a friend at school who said she would rather go shoe shopping than have sex.
Anyone agree with that?

Permalink: sex_vs_shoe_shopping.html
Words: 299
Location: Kenmore, NY
07/28/04 01:21 - ID#29199
Taming of The Shrew

Starting tomorrow night, there's still time to get in your summer fill of Shakespeare. This one is pretty different from Henry IV...it's shorter and much lighter. It's supposed to be very funny and I'm sure it will be a great time. So, head out to the park!

Permalink: Taming_of_The_Shrew.html
Words: 52
Location: Kenmore, NY
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