12/09/03 02:54 - ID#29122
dead week is upon us...
'Tis the last week before exams (not last rose of summer...) and it's just so ridiculous how much work there is and how much I just don't do it all until I have to. Like what am I thinking typing this journal when I could be typing the zillions of lesson journals I have to do??
It will be so great when it's over though. Just have to finish *ahem start* a Latin American paper, my Methods portfolio, my voice portfolio, 3 conducting observations, a CD-Rom project, the *FINAL* lesson plan, an opera scenes audition, a jury and a practice job interview! YAY!!!! Doesn't all look like so much fun?!
I can't wait to go home!!! Ahh, Harry Connick Jr, a Christmas party hosted by the fabulous 40 soccer mom Michael, hanging out with some awesome people, singing at church, New Years (don't know what we're doing yet but it will be fantastic no matter what), making money, CHRISTMAS!!!! and SEATTLE WITH MY CHAMBER SCREAMERS!!! =0) Oh I just can't wait.
This weekend I played racquetball (more like, kicked AAAAAASSSSSS!!!!) AND I drove down an entire street in a standard transmission car WHILE driving it AND I didn't stall!!! well until I dropped off my sister and had to turn the car around. Forget that, hehehehe. But it was so great, and I got to hear some great jazz at Barker. And Brian rocked my world on Sunday =0D All in all a good weekend.
time for sleeeepin.

Permalink: dead_week_is_upon_us_.html
Words: 254
Location: Kenmore, NY
12/06/03 12:59 - ID#29121
i got a new way to walk (walk walk)
So tonight was a geeky night but it was cool, I haven't hung out with my big cutie or pat or lindsay in awhile, so yay. Willy is the best speedreader I've ever heard.
It's like barely midnight on a Friday and I think I'm gonna go to bed or get some work done...HAHAHA ahh this is awful.

Brian and Pat...yes, in my shower.
the night of the SMELLY FEEEEEET!!!

Permalink: i_got_a_new_way_to_walk_walk_walk_.html
Words: 88
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/26/03 02:24 - ID#29120
sloppy joe sloppy sloppy joe
Tonight we had to wait at Pano's, who does that?? Ahh I enjoyed my hummus and pita, and Di is back, YAY!!!!!!!! Awesome to have everyone back together and I'm glad I got to see everyone at least once before the family heads on down to PA for Turkey Day.
My arm still itches from the allergist office, isn't that a little ridiculous? I mean we established that I'm allergic to grass and stuff, NOW STOP ITCHING!
My break has been generally uneventful...I've been writing a lot. Always a good thing, I haven't done it for awhile. I went to sing with my mom last night at Canisius, and then watched a cinematic masterpiece at Jill's...The Real Cancun. Definitely didn't pick that one out, but it was entertaining enough, hahaha. What else? I sing and dance around my house whenever possible. I've done laundry. I had a random really really bad mood yesterday, and a random emotional outburst today. It's not even that time of the month!!! hahaha T.M.I. I'm such a silly goose. I miss my Fredonians mucho. Lindsay's beautiful Jeep is parked in my driveway.
I never really write about anything of value in here I just realized but frankly I don't believe that's what these journals are for! ENTERTAINMENT ONLY! I wish I could be here tomorrow for the biggest party night of the year. It's the first year my friends are actually gonna party...or at least try to get in somewhere that usually doesn't ID. I won't reveal the name ; ) I will most likely be asleep in a car when everyone is drinking it up. Maybe I'll drink it up in PA a little?? Only really cool people get drunk with their family members.
What do you think of having Lifetime text-message your cell phone everytime a major TV event occurs? Just wondering...
Aww my Brian just imed me. Ok I'm really dragging this entry out, I'm gonna hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more

Permalink: sloppy_joe_sloppy_sloppy_joe.html
Words: 382
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/24/03 12:22 - ID#29119
the bills make me wanna SHOUT
Went to the Bills game today...it was good, even though we lost. Yes, THE BUFFALO BILLS LOST!!
So it's 11:15 but I'm extremely tired so I'm calling it a night, thanks for reading, I'm gonna have some nice pictures up here soon from the evening with my Fredonia Chambies + Cucc. Stay tuned...

Permalink: the_bills_make_me_wanna_SHOUT.html
Words: 82
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/23/03 01:23 - ID#29118
Today I had birds eat bird seed out of my hand while going on a little nature walk and it was soooo cool. I felt like I was in a fairy tale...it was awesome.
I'm glad break is here, I've been needing it I think. We all have. Even though I can't keep my mind off of things, it's nice to have a change of scenery and be able to hang out with my family and kenmore crew. We had Baskin Robbins tonight...so great.
Anyone remember back in the day before TRL? When Carson just interviewed people and there was no annoying screaming audience? It was actually acceptable, and I didn't hate Carson. Now I think the world has just had its fill, no offense.
What else to say? I got to see Jen for the first time in so long! YAY! Um I can't wait to live with Mike next year. My dogs are so cute. I miss my Fredonians. So many people spell ridiculous with an E. The whole family is going to the Bills game tomorrow and we're gonna tailgate and everything, YEAH!!!! I sang in Area and I sort of sucked and can't wait to do it again so I can redeem myself. = P
ok, bedtime... nighty night.

Permalink: hoooooooooooooooooooooooooome.html
Words: 358
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/19/03 03:50 - ID#29117

Permalink: _quot_high_five_quot_.html
Words: 4
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/18/03 03:12 - ID#29116
getting to knowwwww youuuuuu!!!!
1. Nickname/name: Mary Kate, MK, Mickey, Mary Kath, Air Strike Jimmy, Most Beautiful Woman on Earth.
2. Birth-date: 3.28.38.
3. Age: 20
4. Sex: female
6. Where do you live?: near the elmwood strip, of course.
7. What school do you attend? suny fredonia
8. Siblings?: the great anne brigid.
9. Pets: two cute little puppies
10. Zodiac Sign: aaaaaries
11. Righty or Lefty: righty
~~~~~~YOUR LOOKS~~~~~~~~~~~~
12. Hair color: dark blonde brownish
13. Eye color: brown
14. Height: 5'5
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: contacts
16. Do you have any piercings?: none
17. Where do you want more if you do?:
18. Do you have a tattoo?: no
19. If so what and where, if not, do you want any?: nope
20. Do you wear any rings?: nope
21. What shoes do you wear?: ones that come in pairs
22. Do you have a certain fashion you follow?: i call it, "MK is gorgeous."
~~~~~~~~JUST LATELY~~~~~~~~~~~~~
23. How are you today?: tired, but i sang a lot and that makes me happy.
24. What pants are you wearing right now?: brown corduroy pants that are just too big.
25. What shirt are you wearing right now?: a grey fredonia state shirt
26. What underwear are you wearing right now?: pink with a snowflake, awwww
27. What does your hair look like at the moment?: like a monster
28. What song are u listening to right now?: "diamonds on the soles of her shoes" - p.s.
29. What was the last thing you ate?: late night
30. How is the weather right now?: cold
31. Last person u talked to on the phone: my dad
32. Last Dream you can remember: i think i dreamed about pete and jake the other day, hahaha how random?
33. Who are you talking to right now?: no one
34. What time is it?: too late, i should be asleep
- MORE ABOUT YOU!*****************
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 2536, 2661
36. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: teal
37. Have you ever almost died?: one car accident, it wasn't too serious....no real close brushes with death
39. Favorite cookie: depends...fredonia has some great cookies...cranston PB + chocolate chip cookies are amazing
41. What's the next CD you are going to buy?: some Harry cd
42. What religion/denomination are you?: kathuhlick.
43. What's the best advice ever given to you?: don't know, give me some.
44. Have u ever won any special awards?: yeah, a couple scholarships and academic shizzzz.
45.What are your future goals?: be the most amazing music teacher on earth, fall completely in love, go to london again, become a stripper
46. Do u like to dance?: love it
47. Worst sickness u ever had?: i don't really get that sick ever
49. What's your favorite memory?: sitting with pat, katie, and willy in the formule one on our first free night of UK tour, and screaming Renaissance madrigals on "ZAH". that might not be my favorite memory but it was sooooo much fun and the first thing i thought of.
50. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be: just be more bold i think...
51.Where do you shop the most?: your mom.
52. How many kids do you want to have?: 2 or 3
55. Do you do drugs?: nope
56. Do you drink? i have sipped some drinks in my day.
57. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: vo-5
58. What sport do you hate the most?: i like sports
60. How many TV's do you have in your house?: 2
61. Do you have your own phone line?: no
62. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: i love my fredster
63. Place for a dream home: don't know...
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone: finger and wrist
65. Who do you dream about: my friends, or sometimes completely random people that i have not talked to in a really long
66. Who do you tell your dreams to?: anyone really, depending on the dream i guess
67. Who's the loudest friend you have: theyre all loud in their own ways
68. Who's the quietest friend: no one really
69. Is cheerleading a sport? cheerleaders are dancers, who have gone retarded.
70. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: i've tried figuring that out...never did
71. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?: your mom
- YOU ~AND~ LOVE************************
72. Do you believe in Love?: uh huh
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: no siree
74. Do you have a crush?: do you breathe?
75. Who is your crush?: du meine seele, du meine herz.
76. Did you send this to your crush?: i am not sending this to anyone you terd.
77. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: europe. no questionnnnnnnnnn
78. What song do you want played at your wedding?: the way you look tonight the way you look tonight the way you look tonight the way you look tonight the way you look tonight.
79.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?: eyes
80. Longest crush: hmmm, not sure
82.Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with?: someone i am absolutely crazy about
83. Do you find yourself attractive?: sometimes
84. Do you find yourself ugly?: not as much as i used to
85. Do others find you attractive?: possibly, but usually they have guide dogs
86. Are you a virgin?: HEY LETS NOT GET PERSONAL UP IN HERE!
87. Do you believe in Love at first sight?: no
- ^~*^~*WHICH IS WORSE:*~^*~^***************
87. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie?: rob zombie
88. Having your tonsils or appendix removed?: appendix probably
- ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)********
94. cologne: i like curve, but i don't really know a lot of colognes...i enjoy it though.
95. Hat or no hat: not a big fan of hats
96. Ears pierced or not: ehhh, don't care
97. Tan or Pale: hopefully not paler than me, because then i would be dating an albino and that is a little freaky.
98. Dimples: they're cute but i wouldn't want huge dimples...they freak me out a little.
99. Stubble?: it can be itchy but i don't mind it, some guys look nice with it
100. Rugged or sporty: whatev
101. Studly or cutie: cutie i guess, haha..........A BIG CUTIE!!!!!!!!!!
102. Accent or not: ummm, as long as i can understand them, who cares
103. Glasses?: doesn't matter
104. Smart or dumb?: i just love spending time with morons!
105. What sport should he play?: whatever, it would be nice if he played stuff i could play too, tennis por ejemplo
106. Dependent(whipped) or independent: more independent...i don't think i'm the type of girl to have a whipped guy
- ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)***********
107. Regular underwear or thong:
108. Painted nails or not:
106. Dependent(whipped) or independent:
109. Bra or sports bra:
110. Bra straps showing or not:
111. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy:
112. Dressy or casual:
113. Dark or blonde hair:
114. Long or short hair:
115. Curly or straight hair:
116. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes:
117. Long or short nails:
118. Hat or no hat:
119. Good or bad girl:
120. Hair up or down:
121. Jewelry or none:
122. Tall or short:
124. Accent or no accent?:
125.Pants or dress:
126. Tan or fair:
127. Glasses?:
128. Pretty indoor chick or party chick:
129. Freckles or none:
130. Shy or outgoing:
131. funny or always cool:
132. talkative or shy:
- Pick One: THIS OR THAT**********************
133. Lights on/off?: depends on the situation
134. Do u like snow, sun or rain?: all
135. Mickey D's(McDonalds) or BK(Burger King): bk
136. Do u like scary or happy movies better?: happy
137. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?: n sync
. On t
he pho
ne o
r in p
erson?: in person
139. Paper or plastic?: oh god, cashiering
140. Pepperoni or sausage?: pepperoni i guess
141. Summer or winter?: summmmmmmmmmmer...i have some great things planned already for this next one, haha
142. Hugs or kisses?: i love hugs...however i would say kiss right now because it has been forever long
143. Chocolate or white milk: white
144. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: ew
145. Glass half full or half empty?: poop
146. CD or Tape: cd
147. Tape or DVD: uhhhhh who cares
148. Cats or Dogs: doggies
149. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: hmm, jello would make you stickier
150. Vanilla or Chocolate: depends, generally chocolate
151. Skiing or Boarding: skiing
152. Day or night: YOU ARE THE ONEEEEE...........................random cole porter.....DAY!
153. Cake or pie: how about you EAT ME EAT ME
154. Silver or gold: silver
155. Diamond or pearl: diamondo
156. sunset or sunrise: sunrise, it is beautiful
- YOUR FAVS*******************
157. Color: uhhhhh BLUE
159. Fast Food: mmm mighty
160. Candy: we have the skittles hook up on campus
161. Beverage(non alchoholic): wah wah
163. Animal: omg if you don't know this....
164. Favorite type of music?: anything except b-rock and the biz
165. Radio Station: i just don't listen to those
166. Song: i think the way you look tonight...what a great tune....this nightingale song that chris sent me is playing right now, and its so good too
167. Band: jimmy eat (me) world, dashy dashboard
168. Number(s): 7
169. Favorite Actor or actress: kevin rodgers and anne maloy
170. Favorite day of the year?: christmas or new years eve
171. Favorite month?: july
172. Favorite Store?: VIX OMG VIX I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
174. Scent: poop
175. Teacher: dr donald lang
176. Quote: oh god i just don't care!
- Ever?***************
179. Smoked?: nope
180. Drank?: uh huh
181. Gotten dumped?: yes sir
182. Broken the law?: probably
183. Ran from the cops?: nope
185. Tried to kill yourself?: no
186. Been in love?: i sure have
187. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no i doubt it...i just don't get in trouble!
- ON A FINAL NOTE**************
188. Do you like filling these out?: i secretly do
189. Do u want your friends to write back?: yo this is a journal and i'll be shocked if anyone even got this far, but they can feel free to respond to anything i've said here
190. Who is least likely to respond?: everyone
191. Who is most likely to respond?: no one!!! YEAH I LOVE MY FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Permalink: getting_to_knowwwww_youuuuuu_.html
Words: 1658
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/16/03 10:40 - ID#29115
last christmas I gave you my heart
Saturday Jill Mike and I went shopping for awhile, then went to see Kevin Rodgers dazzle us all in 'Romeo and Juliet'. Then I had the most amazing ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins. Seriously...it provided some amazing satisfaction.
Oh and I bought the most AWESOME thing for my room but I'm not gonna say what it is so people come over and see what it is. My room has never been better.
Thanks for a nice weekend guys. I missed my Fredonians too though...
So tired, gonna go relax. My room is so awesome.

Permalink: last_christmas_I_gave_you_my_heart.html
Words: 234
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/14/03 02:43 - ID#29114
youuu are soooo beautiful to me!

Some highlights of one of my favorite evenings of this semester. =0)

Permalink: youuu_are_soooo_beautiful_to_me_.html
Words: 24
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/13/03 06:39 - ID#29113
I hate conducting
My voice is almost entirely back, hooray! I sort of sang today and I kinda sounded like a man. Well, a girly man.
I just don't know what else to say, haha, what a pointless entry. sorry.

Permalink: I_hate_conducting.html
Words: 51
Location: Kenmore, NY
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