09/09/09 01:38 - ID#49731
Lon Coldiron's Sentence
How pathetic that he still professes his innocence and is going to waste even more taxpayer dollars on his appeal. I think 4-12 years is a fair sentence along with being ordered to pay restitution. Hopefully they will keep him for the full 12 years if he does go through with an appeal. Interestingly, I have learned that this is not Lon's first time with fire. Back when he lived in Ohio a garage was burned down intentionally that just happened to have Lon's car in it. I like what the judge said about it being a completely selfish act because that is exactly what it was. His life would have been so much better if he just admitted defeat, claimed bankruptcy and started over again learning from his mistakes.
Here it is again....
Coffee shop owner gets 4 to 12 years for insurance arson
ByMatt Gryta
News Staff Reporter
Updated: September 08, 2009, 5:04 PM
Former Buffalo coffee shop owner Lon Coldiron, still proclaiming his innocence, today was ordered to spend the next four to 12 years in state prison for setting fire to the building in a bid to collect insurance money.
Coldiron also was ordered to pay $250,000 in restitution to the insurance company for what Erie County Judge Thomas P. Franczyk called his "terribly selfish" crime.
Coldiron, 43, was convicted by a jury July 27 of third-degree arson and attempted grand larceny for the Oct. 21, 2004, fire that destroyed his "Coffee &" shop and the three-story building it was in at 718 Elmwood Ave.
The judge denounced him for the "orchestrated" fire he falsely thought could generate insurance payments on his money-losing business.
It was Coldiron's second trial in connection with the fire. He was spared a jail term when an Erie County Court jury three years ago convicted him only of attempted grand larceny. However, an appellate court set aside that conviction and ordered a second trial because of juror misconduct in the first trial.
After Coldiron today insisted that "I'm still innocent and someday it will come out," Franczyk denounced him for the insurance ploy that prosecutors showed took place while his coffee shop was losing money and he was still gambling at nearby casinos "like a drunken sailor."
The judge also faulted him for causing damage to adjoining structures and putting Buffalo firefighters at risk in dealing with the early-morning arson five years ago. Franczyk also ordered him to repay Travelers Insurance Co. the $250,000 it paid the owner of the building destroyed in the arson.
John K. Jordan, Coldiron's attorney, said the conviction will be appealed.

Permalink: Lon_Coldiron_s_Sentence.html
Words: 481
08/31/09 09:22 - 54ºF - ID#49664
Birthday Boy!

Does anyone know why my pictures are uploading sideways now? As saved files they are upright.

Permalink: Birthday_Boy_.html
Words: 26
08/26/09 01:50 - 64ºF - ID#49634
Deep satisfaction
I wish all situations with stupid jerks would result in this type of deep and immediate satisfaction.

Permalink: Deep_satisfaction.html
Words: 155
08/21/09 09:05 - 73ºF - ID#49584
I smell a rat
@ 08/19/09 01:02@ Guest wrote:
How can you find someone guilty of something without sufficient evidence from what I've heard and read he did not collect any insurance money, the only one that benefited from the fire was the landlord why not check him out. And they did not find any gasoline on the clothes they took from him at the hostital. What about the threating phone calls he was getting? One of his employees answered and got one of the threating calls. I think you should not be so hard on the guy.
Lon is this you? Probably not considering bail is set at $50k. Whoever you are you must be delusional. $300k insurance policy a month before the fire?! He got angry with a worker who called 911 to have a fire put out in his Niagara Falls location saying to me "She should have just let it burn down." Yes Lon is a fine guy indeed.
Anyways this is the original reason I signed on. I think it is fitting....

I think it is a huge rat. Do you agree? It seems water logged from the river.

Permalink: I_smell_a_rat.html
Words: 200
07/28/09 10:42 - 74ºF - ID#49406
Guilty of arson!

Coffee shop owner convicted of arson
By Matt Gryta
July 28, 2009, 7:02 AM / 3 comments
Buffalo coffee shop owner Lon Coldiron was convicted Monday night of third-degree arson and second-degree attempted grand larceny in the October 2004 fire that destroyed his business and killed one of his three pet dogs.
The jury found Coldiron, 43, not guilty of attempted third-degree grand larceny. Erie County Judge Thomas P. Franczyk set bail at $50,000 and scheduled sentencing for Sept. 4.
Coldiron, 43, did not testify or present any alibi witnesses during the two-week trial, his second in connection with the fire that destroyed Coffee &, his shop at 718 Elmwood Ave.
Three years ago, Coldiron was convicted only of attempted grand larceny and placed on probation. He was granted a new trial 12 months ago by the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court because of jury misconduct during deliberations before then-County Judge Timothy J. Drury.
The appellate court stressed that while it found "legally sufficient" evidence to support the arson and attempted insurance fraud charges, a new trial was warranted because of misconduct by unidentified jurors who sneaked legal documents into the deliberation room.
"The jury's possession of that written material" warranted a trial reversal, the Rochester court ruled, upholding arguments by Buffalo Legal Aid Bureau appeals attorney Nicholas T. Texido.
Prosecutors Mark A. Sacha and Amy B. Benedict proved Coldiron had applied for about $290,000 in business insurance on the shop about a month before the fire and that he had been awaiting an insurance company inspection of his business at the time of the arson.
The prosecutors also cited evidence of Coldiron had gambling casino debts at the time.
John K. Jordan, Coldiron's attorney, contended his client, who lived in a third-floor flat above the shop and had to leap to the roof of an adjoining business to escape the flames, had "cooperated fully with the investigation" of the arson.
Days after the fire, neighbors staged a benefit for Coldiron.

Permalink: Guilty_of_arson_.html
Words: 459
07/11/09 11:41 - ID#49269
When I die...
I hope that it doesn't take long before anyone notices. Last night (e:mike) and I were at Cathode Ray and witnessed the removal of a body that had gone unnoticed for ~8days. It was in the apartment across the street from the bar right above the grocery store. I always noticed the stained glass window hangings in the windows so I think the person had lived there for a long time. I hope that someone will come and claim their things and remember who this person was.
I also hope that when I die I get buried wrapped in a white sheet without being embalmed. No formaldehyde! I want a quick burial with no autopsy. If I am dead I am dead and it really shouldn't matter why unless of course it was because somebody killed me or it was something suspicious or unknown. I really don't want a coffin unless it is papermaché. I really believe in being returned to the earth naturally. I want to decompose and become become soil so that I can continue to be a part of the cycle.
Also it would be preferable if my body were somewhere beautiful and clean. My memorial would be done at the SGI Buffalo Community Center. I want pictures of me and pictures that I have taken to be displayed. I really don't care for a public viewing of my body but if anybody wanted to view me for whatever reason I think it should be permitted. My parents would decide what is done with my things but would be advised by those closest in my life as to who gets what.
If an organ or two could be used to save somebody's life I wouldn't mind but I don't want a free for all. This isn't a buffet.

Permalink: When_I_die_.html
Words: 305
06/24/09 06:25 - 80ºF - ID#49067
Just when I thought I was getting ahead
I just got two new pairs of kicks from zappos.com. I love that site because they never really seem to f it up and their service is so easy and fast. Maybe bad for my carbon footprint, but if the malls would sell what I want, than maybe I wouldn't have to order online. I have looked for jeans for quite a long time but can't find any at the malls that I am really happy with. I am prepared to spend up to $100 but preferably cheaper than that. Does anyone know of a good place online I can find quality, good fit, non ripped, no faded horizontal striped jeans?
So now things that I need/want for my bike:
Rack- Want
U lock-Want
Camera bag for handle bars-Want
I could probably list other stuff but that is all good for now. I really want the rack and tires first for an upcoming bike trip. They are expensive and now I have to go and buy jeans...

Permalink: Just_when_I_thought_I_was_getting_ahead.html
Words: 310
06/22/09 10:52 - 71ºF - ID#49033
First hypnosis
She also can teach me to do self-hypnosis. I did try hypnosis tapes (I think I was a teen) a while back and I did like doing them. It was weird because a lot of it was the same but I definitely liked it a lot better with Kathy. The next time is supposed to be a deeper hypnosis and generally work better.
I made dinner. Organic chicken thighs with homemade honey mustard dipping sauce. Also served tortellini salad, grilled veggies and salad. Finished with Stony Field Farms after dark chocolate ice cream (thanks S) along with vegan cookie.

Permalink: First_hypnosis.html
Words: 248
06/21/09 11:48 - 65ºF - ID#49020
I hate Pottery Barn
F U POTTERY BARN. If I ever have money I certainly would not want my house to look like one of your wretched catalogs.

Permalink: I_hate_Pottery_Barn.html
Words: 89
06/16/09 12:22 - 64ºF - ID#48986
Hypnotize me!~ To become reality

Because hypnotism for smoking cessation is not evidence based, I can't really advocate it at work even if it does end up helping me. I'm really hoping it works because even now a good two years after that post I still struggle with not smoking. It still isn't an option for me to have a puff and so far that strategy has worked but I still have this basic tension from not smoking.
Today I talked to a woman who was completely addicted to the nicotine gum. It was kind of sad because she seemed a little desperate to get off of it. Of course that was touchy ground for me to give advice to get off of nicotine replacement. I think I did good. She wanted to know if she could use the patch to wean herself off. I told her it made sense logically but that she would have to consult a MD as it was off label use of the medicine. Anyways, I went off on this tangent about her because she really seemed OK off of the cigarettes but just couldn't really deal with not having nicotine in her blood. Actually she had a lot more nicotine in her blood using the gum than if she were still smoking what she had been when she quit. It seems that it really does have an effect on your body physiologically long after the physical addiction has stopped. I sometimes wonder what Chantix could do for me but quickly put that out of my mind each and every time I hear of it causing awful side effects. It seems to me that I would rather smoke than use that drug.
I'll let you guys know how the hypnotism works out. At this point I think I might need an exorcism. The woman who is going to do it does know what she is doing and also says that she doesn't want to smoke anymore. She hasn't said that was from the hypnotism or not. I have heard her tell people that it was hard to quit smoking so I would assume that hypnotism doesn't make it easy. Nothing makes it easy.

Permalink: Hypnotize_me_To_become_reality.html
Words: 487
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