04/16/06 03:50 - 44ºF - ID#25723
Happy Easter!

Clarice Starling: I heard a strange noise.
Hannibal Lecter: What was it?
Clarice Starling: It was... screaming. Some kind of screaming, like a child's voice.
Hannibal Lecter: What did you do?
Clarice Starling: I went downstairs, outside. I crept up into the barn. I was so scared to look inside, but I had to.
Hannibal Lecter: And what did you see, Clarice? What did you see?
Clarice Starling: Lambs. The lambs were screaming.
Hannibal Lecter: They were slaughtering the spring lambs?
Clarice Starling: And they were screaming.
Hannibal Lecter: And you ran away?
Clarice Starling: No. First I tried to free them. I... I opened the gate to their pen, but they wouldn't run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn't run.
Hannibal Lecter: But you could and you did, didn't you?
Clarice Starling: Yes. I took one lamb, and I ran away as fast as I could.
Hannibal Lecter: Where were you going, Clarice?
Clarice Starling: I don't know. I didn't have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought, I thought if I could save just one, but... he was so heavy. So heavy. I didn't get more than a few miles when the sheriff's car picked me up. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again.
Hannibal Lecter: What became of your lamb, Clarice?
Clarice Starling: They killed him.

Happy Easter! Enjoy your lambs

Check up on the History of the Lamb on Easter

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Words: 274
04/14/06 12:18 - 47ºF - ID#25722
Coco Conejo

This photo says animal testing is wrong. Animals feel love too.

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Words: 14
04/13/06 12:13 - 51ºF - ID#25721
Italian Stallions

Permalink: Italian_Stallions.html
Words: 11
04/09/06 10:27 - 34ºF - ID#25720
Bush receives a lashing
"While I listen to you talk about freedom, I see you assert your right to tap my telephone, to arrest me and hold me without charges, to try to preclude me from breathing clean air and drinking clean water," real estate broker Harry Taylor told Bush at a town hall meeting. "I have never felt more ashamed of nor more frightened by my leadership in Washington."

"I feel like, despite your rhetoric, that compassion and common sense have been left far behind during your administration," he told Bush. "And I would hope, from time to time, that you have the humility and the grace to be ashamed of yourself."

"I'm not going to apologize for what I did on the terrorist surveillance program. ... Would I apologize for that? The answer is, absolutely not," he said to applause.

Permalink: Bush_receives_a_lashing.html
Words: 156
04/03/06 11:58 - 38ºF - ID#25719
Will we lose Mondo?

Permalink: Will_we_lose_Mondo_.html
Words: 86
04/03/06 11:36 - 38ºF - ID#25718
Yahoo in english
Today focus exclusively on the people and things in your life that will endure.
Your loved ones know they can count on you for just about anything -- you've always remembered the necessities and niceties that everyone else lets slide. If they ask, let them in on your secret.
Yahoo en español
Por fin, las cosas empiezan a mejorar y hay un nuevo romance en tu vida. De todas maneras no te debes dejar por el encanto de alguien, porque te puedes desilusionar cuando ese brillo termine.
Basically, it says things are improving starting to improve in my life and there is a new romance in my life. I shouldn't, however, be swept up by their charm becauses I will be dissapointed when it ends.
I looked at other peoples signs and realized the spanish ones are all much more specific about what they say. ¡Que interesante!

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Words: 182
03/23/06 12:49 - 34ºF - ID#25715
For you tortoise lovers

Permalink: For_you_tortoise_lovers.html
Words: 28
03/21/06 08:27 - 30ºF - ID#25714
Steve and Dave's Toxic Waste Adventures

I was born here in Lewiston NY at Mount St. Mary's Hospital.
5300 Military Rd.
Lewiston NY 14902

We found Jesus along the way.

We fed our addiction to oil here.
I didn't know where we were going. Luckily I didn't need to know, because we had spotted a large caravan of Modern Waste trucks....."Quick Steve follow that trash!"

Hi Ho Hi Ho off to work I go!

1,2,3,4,5.....6 (Number of trucks we are following)

Modern Corporation
4746 Model City Road
PO Box 209
Model City, NY 14107-0209
Toll Free: 800.662.0012
Local: (716) 754.8226
In case any of you have some toxic waste in need of disposing....give these guys a call.

What is inside those containers?

Right turn onto Swann Dr. Sign for KOA Campgrounds pointing us in this direction.

"Steve, I'm scared!"

Pletcher Rd. Isn't it beautiful?

Modern Landfill Dr. A dead end.

Entrance to landfill. Notice the American and Canadian flags.

Look for your H2Gro sticker at your local supermarket. Modern Corp. the owners of the Modern Landfill grow tomatoes in a greenhouse accross the street from the dump. Sun Valley Farms distributes them to our local markets.
Check out the link. They look delicious!

The Lewiston-Porter School campus was built on a portion of the 7,500 acre LOOW site. Many are concerned of toxins on the campus. I went to the campus to search for health reports and the woman gave me this link:

However, she hasn't read any of the reports even though she posted them herself to the schools website. She said she didn't have time, and the fact is I don't either.

Where have all the people gone? Faded for sale signs hang in the windows. As I took pictures, I began to feel ill.

These mobile homes filled with teenagers live accross the street from the abandoned homes.

Old government mailbox seen inside the LOOW. The government originally acquired the land from local farmers. Originally LOOW was a site for the production of TNT during WWII.

If i wanted to get in I could, but I don't want to

Unfortunately, the wildlife can't read the signs.

US. Govt. Property

Niagara Falls Storage Site. This is where the radioactive waste from the atomic bombs is kept. While I was taking pictures, all of my senses went numb. I had the urge to vomit. Everypart of my being told me to get out of there. Something was making me very ill.

Please enter your security code.

Beautiful home for sale. Any takers?

Let the children play! A nearby resident told me that she had moved in a few months ago. She said her child plays in the woods all the time. When I asked her if she knew of the radioactive waste from the atom bombs she said that I was wrong. The bombs were made in Tennessee. How right she is. They just took the waste and disposed of it here.

We ate at a local restaurant in Youngstown zip code 14174. The waitress informed us that this area has the highest rate of multiple sclerosis in the country. As she is not from the area, she tells us that many people in the area have rotted teeth. As she turned away to turn in our order, a man with the classic M.S. crutches walks by the window.

After lunch, we had enough of Niagara County for one day.

Permalink: Steve_and_Dave_s_Toxic_Waste_Adventures.html
Words: 691
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