Category: archaic
06/14/07 10:44 - ID#39664
360 days in a year
Anyway, I would go on forever about it, but instead I'll present you with my most recent findings.
This is from a book I'm presently reading.
The Aryabhatiya, an ancient Indian mathematical/astronomical work states:'A year consists of 12 months. A month consists of 30 days'
The ancient Babylonian year consisted of a 12 months and 30 days in a month.
The old Egyptian year consisted of 12 months of 30 days.
Plutarch wrote that ancient Rome (during the time of Romulus) the year was made of twelve 30 day months.
The Mayan year consisted of 360 days.
The Incan year was divided into 12 quilla of 30 days.
The Ancient Chinese Calendar consisted of 12 months each of 30 days.
In all the previous cultures, the addition of 5 extra days to the yearly calendar (and in some cases even the addition of a day every fourth) is indicated to have occurred around the same time.
This is the basis of the theory that at some point in the archaic past the earths orbital position underwent a change. Which leads to many other theories that I won't even get into. Because they involve everything from pole shifting, the changing height of human beings, floods, Atlantis, dual moons and the like.
Okay I've bored you all enough.

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and yes mr stick in the mudpants, height and nutrition go hand and hand, but i think this theory was moreso suggesting that
a) long long long long long ago humans were much taller (in the 7 foot range)
b) at some point the gravitational pull of the earth increased and people started getting shorter..
theeeennnn all of us slowly started getting taller due to the sudden desire to eat our leafy greens...
but again, this is all a fun little theory, and even the notion that at one point we were 7 foot tall is viewed as highly ridonkulous by most...
Not to be a stick in the mud, but the change in human height is most often explained by nutrition.
We gargantuan whities of the west are a head taller than we were a century ago because more people have access to better nutrition (agrarian France was covered with fast food chains until the 30 years war 1784-1787),
During the US occupation of Japan and the following economic boom the height of the average Japanese person has grown like it did in europe over a few hundred years.
I have records in my villa in Hyperboria Thule
the whole idea of height being related to gravity is a new one to me and only briefly touched upon in the book. It seems as though the idea is that the less the pull of gravity downward, the less resistance there is for humans to grow taller. There is speculation that there was some type of celestial happening that involved the moon, gravity and resulting in a pole reversal, axis tilt and a sling shot action of the earth moving further away from the sun in its orbit.
Anyway, the book that I'm reading is actually about Atlantis, but once you skip through the 'channelling of the ancient high priests of atlantis' parts then you get to the good info about ancient myths, stories and some scientific stuff that is all quite fascinating.
And James - i'll keep an eye out for those authors. And I don't know if you MEANT to say that we are NOT history buddies, but if you did i'm crying on the inside right now. It is a flood of tears enough to sink atlantis. And Mu.
Danial Borstein doesn't write hard academic history, which is good as that allows him to write fascinating stuff. You might enjoy The Discoverers. It deals with ancient knowledge, how we have come to know what we know, and the people who made those changes.
Loren Eisely. Anything by Loren Eisely. He was a paleontologist who would write about the human condition in the context of his field. Knowledge of the world is a central issue. You can get his work, which is some of my favorite writing, for pennies on Amazon. Phelestines.
These various civilizations each based their models on the universe on ones they imported from other places. Indian astronomers knowledge of the solar system spread into China, Babylon, to Egypt and finally into Europe.
By the Mayan's and Incans? They didn't even have metal tools and they built pyramids larger than in Egypt? But they totally received knowledge from aliens or astral beings or something. That is like having the combustion engine before fire.
and yeh, i am always fascinated by streams of information that were left out along the way. Like, if history as we know it is a mathematical formula, and all of the variables of the formula are things that we know and accept (ie, textbooks, controlled lab experiments, and anything else generally accepted as truth), which add up and form a tidy equation.
Then explorers, seekers of information, "unlearners" and others, bring forth new/forgotten/hidden information, this blows the former equation to bits (ah, paradigm shift)!!
Those new variables change everything- excites some people, scares the hell out of other people.
ie; what do you mean the earth isnt flat?!
panty bunching doozies off the top of my head--creation of antibiotics and hygiene standards, Dead Sea Scrolls, Mayan mysticism, cave drawings, unearthed vessels, The Arybhatiya, quantum physics, Barney, space exploration, stem cell research, --etc etc etc-- variables that keep having to be added to this giant "life formula".
and yeh, like you said, new info gets a whole bunch of "this is the way it is" peoples panties in a major knot. And thats ok!
The book you are reading sounds cool. As a science nut (while believing that everything is related on some level), its neat to read about different theories. Would llike to hear more about your take on the changing height of human beings.